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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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On 2021-09-25 at 12:09 AM, xcrimsonlegendx said:

They explained on the stream that cross-save is complicated. There are a lot of technical and legal loopholes to jump though to get it working, which is why its going to take longer than cross-play will to implement. How to handle the merging of accounts, what to do with duplicate purchases, how do they deal with your platinum balance, platform exclusive cosmetics, tennogen, in-game purchases between platform holders... Its not as easy as just flipping a switch and turning it on. Obviously they did "think to add it" but clearly its not going to be ready in time.

My only suggestion is to be patient, like the rest of us and let the devs finish their work at their own pace.

So at least give ppl opportunity to transfer they account to different platform. Like they did before with xbox, ps4 and switch. Its posibble for DE and probably less complicated that cross save. Ill do it even if that option is paid. On my ps account im nearly mr31, on pc only mr12. I dont have so much time to farm everything againg.

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4 minutes ago, VieniSu said:

I'll just wait for account merges to be a thing as I have the same email across my accounts and I have no idea if that complicates things or not.

I think this will have issues in the future since cross-play will come first than cross-save, maybe changing the emails preemptively could solve possible issues with your accounts... Take this comment very lightly tho, maybe crossplay won't have any issues reated to that

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So I've heard and read that cross progression and cross play was released with The New War. Is this true, and if not, could someone clarify for me?

I started the game on xbox, and have roughly 800 hours in the game that I don't really want to give up with a new account, so I tried logging into my xbox warframe account on PC, but it doesn't seem to recognize it. I went to the Warframe website and it turns out I have some XXXXXXXX.fakexboxlive.com placeholder email (since my account was created on xbox) and I am unable to change it (the edit buttons on the account page, referenced by most guides regarding this issue, simply don't do anything).

If anyone else has figured out how to get around this I would really love the help. Support has yet to get back to me :)

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Megathread is already here.

I wish the admins would pin it, then maybe people would stop making more topics about it. 

Bottomline though just be patient. 

They are working on it and they are getting in realistic striking range but there is no timeline. Just wait for it, and don't bother support about it they can't do anything. You have to wait for crossplay/crossave to be implemented. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this has already been addressed, but with cross-play and cross-save officially in development it would be nice if DE could also allow players to consolidate clans/alliances across all platforms for a seamless player experience. Many of our friends and peers not only play in different consoles, but consequently in different clans/alliances.

Also, many of us clan members (especially founders who have mostly solo'd in building their dojos) have put in countless hours and resources to get it up to where they are now. It would not be a pleasant experience if we had lost that progress throughout the cross-play and cross-save launch.

That said, I'm excited that cross-play and cross-save is finally and officially in development. I'm just hoping that the end result will be a relatively seamless experience with minimal data/progress loss.

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37 минут назад, RazerXPrime сказал:

Никто не идеален.

Мы не будем держать на вас зла.

It is worth saying that my PC was old enough, but there is no money to buy a new one (the PC is about 10 years old). This is for all the answers in the style of "Moron traded pc for xbox"

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44 minutes ago, _Goleaf_2001 said:

It is worth saying that my PC was old enough, but there is no money to buy a new one (the PC is about 10 years old). This is for all the answers in the style of "Moron traded pc for xbox"

We're just messing with you. That said a 10 year old PC does need replacing. Mine is from 2015 and it's starting to show. Although it can keep up with most things. For Warframe I definitely do not need a new one, but some games are a bit more taxing.

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56 minutes ago, _Goleaf_2001 said:

It is worth saying that my PC was old enough, but there is no money to buy a new one (the PC is about 10 years old). This is for all the answers in the style of "Moron traded pc for xbox"

Relax mate , i dont think anyone is actually trying to get at you or calling you a moron.

But i have to be honest , i am not sure if buying a console rather than trying to get another PC ( a hand me down or made using slightly older components) would not have been the better play if that option was open.

I am not sure where you reside so it may not have been an option , but if you can get an xbox series x ... it does feel like an odd thing to do.

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1 hour ago, _Goleaf_2001 said:

It is worth saying that my PC was old enough, but there is no money to buy a new one (the PC is about 10 years old). This is for all the answers in the style of "Moron traded pc for xbox"


I'm just messing with you. Not calling you a moron. 

I'd just get more use out of a PC than a console and would rather spend the money upgrading PC over time instead of buying a console. 

You do you though. Maybe DE will offer some account transfer when cross save/play or whatever they have planned gets implemented. 

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Berzerkules:

Maybe DE will offer some account transfer when cross save/play or whatever they have planned gets implemented. 

What they want to implement is 100% free choice to switch platforms on a whim.

For example, play on PC, then you notice that the weather is nice, you log out, grab your Switch and resume playing while you sit in the garden.

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On 2021-10-13 at 11:11 AM, Soulivium said:

I don't know if this has already been addressed, but with cross-play and cross-save officially in development it would be nice if DE could also allow players to consolidate clans/alliances across all platforms for a seamless player experience. Many of our friends and peers not only play in different consoles, but consequently in different clans/alliances.

Also, many of us clan members (especially founders who have mostly solo'd in building their dojos) have put in countless hours and resources to get it up to where they are now. It would not be a pleasant experience if we had lost that progress throughout the cross-play and cross-save launch.

That said, I'm excited that cross-play and cross-save is finally and officially in development. I'm just hoping that the end result will be a relatively seamless experience with minimal data/progress loss.

I agree as someone trying to run 3 clans on 3 platforms and one large alliance on Xbox. 

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Other people have pointed it out, but here's a break-down of what DE are planning sometime in the Christmas to Spring area of time:

Cross Play is the first step, they want to enable this and see if their game engine and their servers can handle the basics of Cross Play, allowing the consoles and PCs to talk to each other and play nice together.

If this is successful, the next step is simply Cross Save, where you can basically access your account from anywhere, and progress you make on that account is saved independently of the platform. So you can start playing on the Switch on holiday, then come home and sign into the same account on PC and progress there.

Then, something that was mentioned in passing, might be a plan for much, much, much later, is Account Merging, where you can take a Console account you've created and a PC account you've created, and merge them together so that you now have the unique parts of both in one single account.

Based on how DE talked about it, Cross Play is this year, and Cross Save will follow on after that if it works.

So you've got a couple of months to wait at least, maybe after Christmas, but yes DE wants to make sure that you can play your Warframe account from PC on an Xbox.

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I suppose fan concepts?


It really depends on what problems you're talking about. Bear in mind, this is something that is in progress for Warframe, and they've gotten both permission and the baseline tech working, so it's likely some kind of architecture, polish and stablisation thing.

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