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Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.1


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so done a bunch of missions this morning and the bugged/can`t finish rate was 50%.not good......  even in railjack at the beginnig you could finish most misions .

Void Sling vs Dash what was the intension of this ?? who thought this was a good exchange ? or was it needed for the zariman missions? dont know but the new zariman update is underwelming for now sorry .

new missontypes are ok and welcome but not that they bugged out 50% of the time  .for now  i see a region that is a grindfest more than before .(can be wrong when the missionsytem working )



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1 hour ago, Yannik said:

In past updates things were broken too but at least they could actually be completed.

Nope.... They were just as Broken....

I hate to say it but this is a Typical Content Release.... Nothing we haven't Seen Before....

LoL even the Client Side Transference isn't Working Correctly.... I'm still getting The "Moonwalking" Transference Bug... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 hour ago, Yannik said:

The changes to focus most of all void sling, and the overguard addition are appaling. It is a trend in the past few years to make the gameplay slower, clunky and sometimes easier.

Welp.... I got 3000 Platinum..... I'm going to Buy my Way through this Update.... It clearly was not designed for me so il stick with the part of Warframe I can actually Tolerate.

1 hour ago, Currilicious said:
  • Activating the post Dash effect feels clunky. The old Dash activates an effect at the end of a Dash. For Zenurik, it's a energy well. The old method supports rapid movement well. You Dash, then switch into Frame, and then move along and regen while you travel. Now, you need to hit #1 being static for a few seconds and thus hampering the movement fluidity. I feel it would be better if these skills can be queued. You Dash, hit #1 and after some delay (arbitrary) have the animation trigger mid-Dash and the effects on land

In all honesty it would be easier to just bring back Energizing Dash than to implement this Change....

1 hour ago, Currilicious said:

Disabling of Focus skills is no longer a thing. I understand we don't have path pools anymore. But I may not want to deal with the "drawbacks" of some skills but want to max the tree. For example, the Zenurik Inner Might lets your Frame do a free cast at the expense of a 60 seconds cooldown. In the heat of things, I may accidentally put a skill on cooldown without knowing. I would like the ability to turn Focus skills on/off for this reason.

Another thing to note is Energy To Shield Conversion Mods like Brief Respite will get Borked by Reworked Inner Might....

Every 60 Seconds your Next Ability Cast Will NOT replenish your Shield Gate....

I'm Not upgrading  anything other than Waybounds until we have the Option to turn off and DeRank these Focus Nodes.... Or at the very Least have each Node Reviewed so that it doesn't interfere with Warframe Builds.

For Example.... Smeeta Kavat's Charm has a Buff called "Energy".... This Ability does not give your Free Ability Casts for 8 Seconds exactly.... What it does is it Refunds any Energy you Spend on Abilities.... Thus you get your Free Cast and still get to Benefit from Brief Respite/Augur Set....

27 minutes ago, Silent said:

Void Sling is temperamental af, at least with void dash you knew exactly how far you were going to jump. A toggle is a great idea, give us options to play how we like.  We already have the precedent of swapping tap/hold cast for warframe abilities

One thing I noticed about the New Void Sling is it actually can get Interrupted.... If a Solid Object Gets in between you and the Sling then you will NOT wind up where The Sling Stopped. 

It's not even a Rare Occurrence either thanks to the new Physics on Void Sling causing your Operator to Retainn any Forward momentum.... Basically if you want to chain to Far Slings together around a 90 Degree Corner.... Then you also need to Factor in the Residual Momentum that can cause objects to Come inbetween you and the Sling as you are Charging it.

It Happened to me Multiple Times during the Kira Boss Fight.... I tried to use Sling to Recover from Falling and even though my Sling did end up above the Platform.... My Operator bumped into the Underside of it because charging the Sling caused an Offset that allowed a Solid Object to block my path.

I'm unclear if I just need to Practice with it or if the Mechanic is just Bad....

I'm going to lean on the Latter because I have yet to see this so called "Interdirectionality" that Void Sling was suppose to give us.... It travels in a Straight Line just like Void Dash.... The only improvement was the Ability to control Distance and even then the Perspective from which you charge the Sling doesn't even make that clear how far it Travels

My Final Verdict....

I don't like Void Dash or Void Sling...

Nethier one is Controller Friendly....

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Cannot equip one of the new arcanes (Cascadia Overcharge), I have 2 of them but they do not appear anywhere but my inventory screen, which means I cannot put them onto my frames.

Oh, and btw, Mobile Defense softlocks (the key used to hack stations won't drop after the timer runs out, forcing me to abort). It happened to me under these circumstances: Nezha, warding halo on the defense point, playing on PC (windows os), solo.

One more thing - I'm getting mad stuttering even though the game isn't putting a strain on my hardware (1660Ti + R5 3600 + 16GB DDR4 + installed on an SSD). I've never had stuttering this bad in this game, nor do I have issues in any other games I play at the moment.

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3 hours ago, Currilicious said:

For example, the Zenurik Inner Might lets your Frame do a free cast at the expense of a 60 seconds cooldown.



It changes the cost of an ability to 0 once every 60 seconds, you misunderstand. One of the nice things about this rework is they removed a lot of the negative effects that made most of the trees feel useless.

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 Yaaa  I read more topics

but for what  I'm  MR Legendary 2  - I up before 1 month for what for Nerf for all 

Legendary 1,2 now is under zero rank.and mоre players now will  have problem with Up Master Rank  

Everything on DE is ......No comment,and i have 8 run  x 40 min solo Zariman Bounty 1 no give  Gyre Neuroptic pls fix this reward


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17 hours ago, Wiz3rd said:

Please revert Void Sling back to Void Dash.
The new movement is terrible, and the transference cooldown is tragic.

They were able to make the Warframe to operator flow less playable, I'm using the operator and void sling less than before. Also why gyre don't drop for lord sake.

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16 hours ago, technozorro said:

 Now that the new war is out, are you going to fix nyx, khora, titania, banshee and   nova deluxe skins? you change the textures after purchase witch is a scam

the valkyr deluxe has some problems 

Her breast deforms in a weird way              Crappy metallic material can´t be colored if you use darker colors                                  the goofy arms clip like hell 

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1. now that you "improve" the metallic textures of the game you also mess up some warframe  textures DE. I´m gonna look to other frames and let you know to see if you feel like fixing it 

here is another texture that you ruin DE 

before                                                                                                                                                after

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and is even worst depending of the light the material changes

looks normal                                               looks opaque an glows?                                       even worst                                                             glows

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and limbo deluxe no longer looks metallic

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before the shapes look more define and with nice reflections                                             now it loos plain and opaque like cheap plastic

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before                                                                                                                                       after

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nyx nemesis skin also looks bad now

before well define shapes and metallic look                                                                                  now the shape look plain and opaque like plastic

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  before                                                                                                                                              after

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before nyx look like bronze material now looks like cheap ass metallic plastic                            also khora material is no longer metallic but this crap opaque                                                                                                                                                              material by the way armor is still clipping trough her chest

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here is another example nidus prime arm no longer look like metal, no reflection. before it look like silver no is this opaque garbage

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2. when casting mirage clones the screen flickers randomly  this was report months a go can you fix it a can´t see your animations

3. give us the option to remove auto exposure and vignette 

4. give us the option to keep xaku body on, the skeleton and the running animation look weird

5. gauss feet are bug

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6. nikana zaw holster style is bug

7. armors clipping through khora chest

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8. khora urushu animation breaks her feet

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9. you haven´t fix any of this textures, when I purchase this skins didn't look like that you change it months after.


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here are some photos of nyx before (small pic) and after, can´t be more clear that the textures were changed to look worst

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10. metallic materials look bad if you use darker color, whats the point of selling color palettes if changing color mess the materials

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 and a lot of metallic textures have the same problem

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nova atomic now has the same material that xaku has, come on DE make up your mind, those white stripes look bad

before                                                                                                                                           after

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before                                                                                                                                       after

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I don´t know why a bough this skin

11. your promo material show textures that are no the same in game

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and here are some caps from devstream and zephyr rework 

devstream                                                                               zephyr rework                                                                           final

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 in the promotional photo the texture look like some kind of iridescence material but in game looks like plastic

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 Bro, just a small addition to the list. Use Nova atomica skin and any animation set which makes her legs move around, like Atlas agile, and see skin around her hips break EVEN further. I have posted about this even before, but alas, to no avail.

Only in poses where there is not much movement in leg area do you not see the said bug. if her legs are even a bit off, you see self clipping and what not.feoQYeY.png


See the self clipping?


Here are even more abnormalities:


^ See the broken crotch area?

Even more on other animation sets:


^ self clipping of material here




The sad part is, this is the finest deluxe skin a frame ever got, and it had to be broken like this.


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The biggest problem I'm having though is being unable to do bounties (let alone farm them for Gyre parts) as it soft locks on the load screen about 4 or 5 times for every one that it works for. This nessesitates a return to the orbiter, reloading the Zaramin Hub, reclaiming the missions (which also don't reset on time out unless you leave or do a mission), then trying again and hoping it works. It's really really frustrating and I imagine more so for those with much less time to play as you lose about 3 minutes doing the loop plus the time you spend waiting to be sure that it's soft locked and not just lagging which is another minute or so. Also probably isn't doing anything for my failed mission count  : /

Have to echo that void sling feels incredibly laggy when used too.

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What a mess. 

Sometimes I think you look for and actively do things players hate on purpose. 

  • Worst riven challenge? Hunting medallions. So you make it into a mission. 
  • Want to be a space ninja with magical powers? remove the ability to use them every way you can and call it challenge. These missions have anti-frame zones, magnetic procs that aren't stopped from arcane nullifier, nullifiers, comba or whatever units that dispel, and the general over abundance of new eximus that completely negate all CC. So I guess we're playing COD-frame now because we can only use guns, and since everything is so spongy even that is a pain
  • Want to finish missions fast? See first bullet point, but also, remove the one thing we could do when not using fast frames like gauss.
  • Enemies now shoot you from literally across the map. You are constantly taking damage, and even if there are still a few enemies that can be affected by gloom they're now hiding 60m away and hitting every single shot with hitscan slash weapons on the frames now left unprotected in so many ways. Primed Animal Instinct used to be where they shot from, you wouldn't be shot without seeing an enemy on the map.
  • Not just the void sling is horrificly slow... everything about the operators and their abilities is 10x slower. It was muscle memory to just throw down a bubble and scoot off to the objective before. Now, you have insane lag getting out of frame, casting, getting into frame, and finally starting to move. The entire system feels so lethargic. I'd love to see what Rebecca and Pablo actually feel about it, truthfully. Because I bet my life they told you from the beginning it was a bad idea as they're the only 2 in that entire company that can understand how to play. 
  • Forcing us to use amps, when they're so very weak even if they had every single focus node available, is such a boring and tedious way to do things. Just why? Seriously. You added magnetic procs that can't be avoided (much like the 500 Ancient Disruptors in every steel path mission making it so you never have any energy) and at the same time want to entice us to use other focus schools? Via force, apparently, because without damage buffing even the best amps are laughable at level 50 let alone 100.
  • Why wouldn't you just make "wellspring" waybound? Seriously. Wondered that for years. I would bet 75% of players care nothing about other schools, even if they have great abilities, because none will ever conquer the convenience of energy regen. 

I hate being negative, and seeing all the negativity. But just like all the healing nerfs you did when Scarlet Spear came out... and many other changes you make - there's no logical reason for it. If it's isn't broken, don't fix it. Nobody, ever, wanted void dash to change. Nobody, ever, wanted slower melee. Nobody, ever, wanted to do anything slower in a video game designed with one thing in mind: to take up your time forcing you to farm things and thus encouraging as-fast-as-possible methods of doing so. If you want people to slow down and enjoy the things you make like melee animations... stop making time gates, bad drops rates, bad rewards, P2P networking, no raids, etc. Couldn't be more simple. 

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23 minutes ago, CephalonSamara said:

 Bro, just a small addition to the list. Use Nova atomica skin and any animation set which makes her legs move around, like Atlas agile, and see skin around her hips break EVEN further. I have posted about this even before, but alas, to no avail.

Only in poses where there is not much movement in leg area do you not see the said bug. if her legs are even a bit off, you see self clipping and what not.feoQYeY.png


See the self clipping?


Here are even more abnormalities:


^ See the broken crotch area?

Even more on other animation sets:


^ self clipping of material here




The sad part is, this is the finest deluxe skin a frame ever got, and it had to be broken like this.


thanks mate, I totally forgot about this problem

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The bounty drop tables feel pretty crappy given you only roll from them once per run. The nice thing about Plains/Vallis/Drift bounties is that you can roll from the drop tables several times within a 10-20min time frame. Here you can only roll once per 5-10min. Given how much stuff is diluting it (endo, credits, lanthorns, etc.), they don't really feel worth doing. Oddly enough though, rare rewards seem to pop up more often than single common or uncommon rewards, so maybe I'm just really lucky or there is something funky going on.


Also, in most bounties, half the squad just runs around looking for plumes and ignores the objective. It is very frustrating because it slows things down. Not sure what to do about that, but hey it's definitely issue.

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About Void Sling... i like some ideas around it: first, adding the ability into the double jump seems like a good idea and when i get used to it surely it will feels easier that way. I also like that visual light dot that helps to lead your slind. And its also another good idea being able to choose the sling distance pressing more or less time the button... but sadly this just doesnt work and leads into all that hate about Void Sling.

Before, we couldnt choose the distance to jump, it was always max range, but at the same time, u could learn to point into the floor or just learn which was the expected distance, and play around that.

Now, you have a total 0.5 seconds (maybe less) to being able to choose that distance... and... u cant. You are in mid battle with a lot (and i mean, a LOT) of things happening around you. Then the new mechanic demands you calculate in just half second the distance that you want to jump... my congratulations if someone is able to achieve it consistently, but im not. Now i cannot predict where i will jump, since right now my experience with Void Sling is: a) i wait half second to make a full charge and being consistent... and slow and boring and unresponsive. b) i release before the full charge, and the distance is random since idk how many milliseconds i pressed the key (im just a human, sorry).

My proposal: remove that mechanic and make Void Sling go always to the full distance. No charge time needed. If you want to add some lead help, then preserve the charge function NOT for distance purposes but for showing the energy dot towards the destiny, remove the max timer so you can remain as much as u need to lead the Sling (only if you want) and, since its a double jump, add a float effect into the kid, so you can levitate for a moment when you are leading the Sling.

TLTR: Modify Void Sling like: If you already know where are you going when you want to use Sling, then u make a double tap into the space, and you jump into max range. No delay. No variable distance. And if you are unsure or you need to correct the lead a little, then you can hold down the spacebar the second time, leaving the kid floating into the air and using that dot light to point into the destiny before you release and jump there, again, at full distance.


About Zenurik... its slow, it feels bad, its slow, it stops the action, its slow and, even when i like the idea, it just doesnt work. Its slow.


About Eximus... just remove that CC immunity from Overshields :( Its making some warframe obsolete. Why would you use khora now into a high level excavation when all the enemies are immune because that ancient is sharing overshields? Its not like the amount of eximus is lower now that before, so at some higher level missions there are too many for some frames to be useful at all.

Into another hand... that energy drain from energy leeches is just overkill. It drains ALL the energy. It would be okay if you would be able to see or listen the energy drain attack mid battle when you are having like 300 FXs and sounds effects at the same time, but you cannot. And you have like... 0.3 seconds to avoid it? And sometimes the AoE its bigger that the FX would lead to think, and just jumping isnt enough... hell, i get hit by it consistently while im flying with titania in razorwing mode while im moving non-stop! D: That + slow Zenurik = very bad experience...


Btw, now it feels also slower just going from the warframe into the operator and back... did you slowed down that animation?

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So the new controls for the whole void sling thing is an improvement, Using Void mode to Void dash was terrible and a waste of energy, However movement with Void Sling kinda sucks and feels clumsy.

Mass Effect 1 elevators are not funny and it's kinda annoying to get stuck in the infinite elevator.

Extraction is broken too and I've been in a squad where extraction is the new objective and then we all started taking damage for no reason plus extraction didn't work plus my healing canceled out when trying to get onto the lift and the only way we got out is when Warframe decided we took too long to leave, Probably wasted a good 12-20 energy pads trying to keep my energy up so I could have Renewal up as much as possible so we didn't all die.

Oberons abilities stop working properly when you are forced into Operator/Drifter mode and when you transfer back you still lose energy and you have to deactivate and reactivate the ability and hope you don't get killed, Same thing happens when you go to fight the angel in the void, Ability breaks and wasted energy trying to get it to work again taking time away from killing the angel. I'm sure other warframes can have the same issue however I haven't tested any others with toggle abilities.

The angel void orb thing sometimes doesn't take you to the void but that is minor.

Vituvian Ordis still isn't something I can buy with plat which is the worst thing about this update and every update since he was introduced, Seriously I cannot be the only one that wants him instead of default Ordis, A lot of players that I know of just mute him after he says he counted the stars for the billionth time within the first 10 hours of the game.

Someone mentioned this but Nikana skins have been broken for like 3 years now.

Transference cooldown was also mentioned and I agree, It kinda does suck but it is nice that it doesn't rely on the host anymore so no more waiting when the host lives on the opposite side of the planet, Same with doors, No more waiting for a door to open because host lives far away.

Also this:

First Operator death - 20% Warframe Health reduction

Second Operator death - 50% Warframe Health reduction

Third Operator death - 80% Warframe Health reduction

Now see this is my issue, I am using oberon for my Zariman missions because reasons, He has like 325 health or something like that, My operator has 600 I think, If my operator with all her void magic gets beat up within 8 seconds of transferring out to go fight the angels, How is my Oberon with his broken healing magic going to survive? Transference breaks the ability because it stays on when you use transference and when you re-enter the Warframe then the ability no longer works which means you are unprotected with less health after you die as operator each time and in the time it takes for you to get killed, every enemy on the map converges on your Warframe so when you do get killed as operator then you get insta killed as your warframe.

I understand why you did it but I felt punished for trying to complete the objective, Also insta downed on the 4th operator death, Seriously? And this issue might be limited to me but I don't think it is and I think it would be better if it was done with either 20% increments or 25/50/75/ Insta down which still isn't much better but you will have a slightly higher chance of surviving.

On the bright side I do like the focus schools more and I won't unlock all of it because I cannot turn nodes on or off anymore, But it is an improvement because I ignored it to begin with because of the pointless drains which make everything worse.

Also drop tables apparently suck (not like I'd know because almost every Zariman bounty I launched broke and I gave up even trying after it broke something like 5 times in a row) and credits for a bounty is a just sad and insulting, The index exists for credit farming.

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3 hours ago, sapphicReprobate said:

It changes the cost of an ability to 0 once every 60 seconds, you misunderstand. One of the nice things about this rework is they removed a lot of the negative effects that made most of the trees feel useless.

Yeah I ran some missions and found this to be the case. I can't really say for the other skills though. So if the negative effects of all focus skills were removed, then there is really no point in the the on/off switch.

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Not a fan of void sling. Have both sling and dash toggleable in some setting. You said you added void sling to improve fluidity, but it did the opposite. Also that transference delay... why, just WHY? Your statements about movement fluidity are nonsensical. How about you test things before... imagine just having a test server... couldnt be Warframe. Literally avoiding to use operator and moving to the faster frames.

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8 minutes ago, Danny99s said:

Not a fan of void sling. Have both sling and dash toggleable in some setting. You said you added void sling to improve fluidity, but it did the opposite. Also that transference delay... why, just WHY? Your statements about movement fluidity are nonsensical. How about you test things before... imagine just having a test server... couldnt be Warframe. Literally avoiding to use operator and moving to the faster frames.

what if their goal was to kill the interest of using operator for movements? cause they succeeded :D overkill victory! i'm almost never using the operator currently except when forced thx to dash nerf. cause yes, calling the void dash update a "REWORK" is an insult to the term of rework. it was a nerf. pure and complete nerf on usability, fluidity, responsiveness, and speed traversal

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