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Upcoming Market Bundle Retirements


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9 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

It would be cool if we could buy Stock for plat, just like every other minigame grind can be skipped by paying plat.

Did you know how many people complain about Regal Aya? This will definitely made DE at the same level as Blizzard. 

"I just spend 1000$ for this crystal thingy", Asmongold probably.

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8 minutes ago, Bedull said:

Did you know how many people complain about Regal Aya? This will definitely made DE at the same level as Blizzard. 

"I just spend 1000$ for this crystal thingy", Asmongold probably.

regal aya is the same business model as the prime vault but you get to choose what to buy instead

DE has to make money somehow

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4 minutes ago, EdinaMonsoon said:

regal aya is the same business model as the prime vault but you get to choose what to buy instead

DE has to make money somehow

Yes I know this. I don't have problem with Regal Aya, every f2p made money from bundle or cosmetics.

I just respond to the previous poster. Selling stocks for plat would definitely turn them into those company I said before.

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34 minutes ago, Bedull said:

Yes I know this. I don't have problem with Regal Aya, every f2p made money from bundle or cosmetics.

I just respond to the previous poster. Selling stocks for plat would definitely turn them into those company I said before.

well you can already buy orokin cells for 10 plat for 1 so it wouldn't be unusual for DE to sell resources for plat

besides, you can grind plat for free anyways. blizzard would make sure you have to pay for it

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53 minutes ago, Bedull said:

Selling stocks for plat would definitely turn them into those company I said before.

If skipping busywork with plat would make "DE turn into Blizzard" I guess we've all been playing WoW for the past 8 years.

I don't know how some players expect games to make money, or hold the attention of players with jobs and families.

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10 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

I've already wished this when they originally hard locked Helminth behind 6+ hours of pokemon minigame. Many players wished, DE wisely granted, adding tags for plat to the Son NPC vendor, enabling us to skip the busywork and get to the fun part. Everyone was happy, the drama went away. Why didn't DE do that this time?

Or they could have just not made the intended method annoying in the first place. If we're at a point where you would rather spend platinum than interact with the game, the game probably needs improvement.

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2 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

If skipping busywork with plat would make "DE turn into Blizzard" I guess we've all been playing WoW for the past 8 years.

I don't know how some players expect games to make money, or hold the attention of players with jobs and families.

By busywork I assume you mean content?

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Would be cool if I bought a Warframe skin that is part of a bundle it would give me a discount by taking out what I paid for the skin.

It is a complete rip off that I can buy the skin by itself but if I later decide to buy the rest of the stuff from the bundle it was in I have to still pay full price even though I already the main skin from it.

At that point why even buy the bundle when I already have the main skin from it just to get the rest of the stuff from the bundle if I am going to still have to pay full price for it and most of that price comes from the warframe skin in there.

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From the looks of this post, a lot of you don't understand how Live Service games make money to, you know, keep growing. There is nothing predatory about DE's micro-transactions. Everything is clearly labeled. All the info is there for people that choose to to make informed decisions about what they are spending their plat on. Plat is also not JUST rl money. I grind my plat, run relics and sell stuff to get plat. At least this game allows that, most live services do not so that they can keep getting your cash. If anything DE as the least predatory micro-transactions in the live service market. You do NOT have to spend ANY rl money to play this entire game. The only reason to spend money is to use rl money to bypass actually playing the game. I'm glad people do that, since it keeps the game going, but its not required of anyone.

Also, if you are ticked off about grind in a looter shooter, you are playing the wrong game. Its literally a purposeful game mechanic in all live services looter shooters...smh.

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17 hours ago, Quest said:

Or they could have just not made the intended method annoying in the first place. If we're at a point where you would rather spend platinum than interact with the game, the game probably needs improvement.

Perhaps its not the games fault. Sometimes people just burn out on a game, it happens. Is everyone really THIS into blaming everything on DE and not taking a lick of personal responsibility?

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1 hour ago, (PSN)BlightDragon89 said:

Perhaps its not the games fault. Sometimes people just burn out on a game, it happens. Is everyone really THIS into blaming everything on DE and not taking a lick of personal responsibility?

Personal responsibility? For a game, that us the players had ZERO input into development of the Kahl missions? It's not the players fault the mode is a unfun slog, of playing Dora the Explorer, trying to find items that are strung about, backtracking into oblivion if you miss some, and even if you didn't, there's a chance that not enough spawned to get the challenges done, or the challenges are broken and never complete like they have been 2 weeks in a row, which is something they could have caught playing the mode themselves at least ONCE!!! You know... Testing the game... Instead they're trying to pad out, and stretch playtime of the new "content" of 3 missions that is filled with recycled animations, enemies, maps (that also don't randomize like all others do in the game, making it stale even faster), weapons, and poorly designed boss fights like archons that are boring damage sponges since damage attenuation has and will always be bad.


These feeling are shared with many people here, and other places. The player shouldn't need to take responsibility for something they had zero control over how it was designed. By this logic, when there are recall issues on cars, and it kills a person, I guess they should have taken personal responsibility for the design flaws of that vehicle, and not died from it...

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On 2022-11-16 at 1:47 PM, XHADgaming said:

How popular is the massive kuva lich bundle? That would be my first thought as one of the least bought bundles since it is so gosh darn expensive compared to everything else in the market.

Is there a chance that bundle could be broken up into a bunch of smaller bundles so that people don't have to fork that hefty amount of plat for select items in it like the color palette for example?

I imagine fairly much so, especially on consoles where you can get coupons to get the bundles cheaper. It's 7 color packs and 9 pieces of armor. Plus a "mod collection" and a Radiant Relic Pack. If DE split every little thing up, down to individual colors from color packs, then they'd not make nearly as much money. I'd agree wholeheartedly that the relics and mods feel like a scam in that pack, considering how many Kuva Floods I'm sure a lot of us do (I think I have over 50 of each relic and that's despite doing Kuva Survivals), but the colors and the Armor are a thematic set.

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On 2022-11-17 at 3:34 PM, (PSN)BlightDragon89 said:

Is everyone really THIS into blaming everything on DE and not taking a lick of personal responsibility?

Given that DE is responsible for developing the game and the players aren't, yes. I'm not sure what "personal responsibility" is supposed to mean in this context. I have no responsibilities towards a video game other than, in this case, not breaking the EULA I agreed to when I downloaded WF.

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On 2022-11-16 at 4:42 PM, Scholar_Andrew said:

Cool, now remove predatory and platinum wasting items, such as credits, mods, and most (if not all) resources. 

I mean, as long as forma doesnt get removed im cool with it. Though I do think a pre-ce rebalance is required more than a compleate removal.

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16 hours ago, (PSN)BlightDragon89 said:

From the looks of this post, a lot of you don't understand how Live Service games make money... if you are ticked off about grind in a looter shooter

Yea there's also a weird bias from some players (i.e. socially unattached with lots and lots of free time) that "everyone" is either already full F2P or should aspire to be, that spending any plat at all to skip the boring parts means you're a no-skill whale not "earning" your progress. Like, where do they think plat comes from? Do they really think this game, would still exist after 8+ years if you couldn't pay plat to skip the boring parts?

"But what if there were no boring parts and the whole game was perfect" lol...

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14 hours ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

I imagine fairly much so, especially on consoles where you can get coupons to get the bundles cheaper. It's 7 color packs and 9 pieces of armor. Plus a "mod collection" and a Radiant Relic Pack. If DE split every little thing up, down to individual colors from color packs, then they'd not make nearly as much money. I'd agree wholeheartedly that the relics and mods feel like a scam in that pack, considering how many Kuva Floods I'm sure a lot of us do (I think I have over 50 of each relic and that's despite doing Kuva Survivals), but the colors and the Armor are a thematic set.

Even if you got the bundles on discount wouldn't it still be better to get two or three deluxe skin bundles on separate discounts than splurging that same amount on one massive pack?

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On 2022-11-17 at 4:01 AM, Bedull said:

It's just plain poster for 35 plat each. You could buy warframe and weapon slot for 32. They should just move this to Ticker in Fortuna. 

...yes, but it doesn't look like they're removing individual posters, just the bundle (which comes at a discount). So, while I agree that they should be sold by Ticker, I don't understand the point of removing just the bundle.

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8 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

So, scamming players by going 'Hey you can spend ten plat for ONE orokin cell, or ONE morphic, or the orokin cell blueprint for a hundred plat' is fine. 


That's why I suggested something more akin to 5 plat for 40 morphics (40 is how much you need to feed Helminth for around 20% bile). I'm sure longer term players could figure a better price ratio. But, for someone like me, who's still fairly new to the game and has spent almost all morphics picked up for bile and crafting, to the point of constantly needing to farm them for either, an at least 40 morphics bundle would be worth some plat. I'm certainly not going to be spending 400 plat to gain roughly 20% bile. That's just insane pricing. And yeah, not everyone is running around always having resource boosters and other mechanics to game the system, as those tend to also cost plat, and some of us are not hardcore players. We play in our free time, and rely on daily logins for any resource boosters, unless someone it a clan we might belong to is offering to do missions with us to help share their wealth.

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