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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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1 hour ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

I cannot agree with you more. This is my issue too. Kahl should be optional story quests. Locking end game items behind content like this is mid boggling and with the incarnon adapters, it looks like duviri will do this too.

I agree with the overall sentiment here (Kahl is the worst), but I'm still going to keep an open mind about Duviri.  DE is apparently giving us an endless Warframe mode.  Playing that mode on Steel Path difficulty is how we'll unlock the new Incarnon adapters.  At least, that's what I've been reading in the various devstream overview/teaser threads.

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17 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

I agree with the overall sentiment here (Kahl is the worst), but I'm still going to keep an open mind about Duviri.  DE is apparently giving us an endless Warframe mode.  Playing that mode on Steel Path difficulty is how we'll unlock the new Incarnon adapters.  At least, that's what I've been reading in the various devstream overview/teaser threads.

I might be wrong but I assumed you got the incarnon things as a reward for a rogue like run.

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17 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

I agree with the overall sentiment here (Kahl is the worst), but I'm still going to keep an open mind about Duviri.  DE is apparently giving us an endless Warframe mode.  Playing that mode on Steel Path difficulty is how we'll unlock the new Incarnon adapters.  At least, that's what I've been reading in the various devstream overview/teaser threads.

It's maybe the brightest part of the update after seeing the Duviri gameplay but I wanted to know things like is each mission still growing in level and it's like a daily ladder with random modifiers? It could be really fun if it just keeps climbing with each mission and locks in for your "run" for that day :3

It could be a nice evergreen game mode if they put it together well so it's the biggest part of the update i'm looking forward to now.

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38 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

I might be wrong but I assumed you got the incarnon things as a reward for a rogue like run.

I don't mind playing Elden Ring lite if there are three ways to play letting the warframe be in  there. :3 

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Felsagger really, really want's you to know (across multiple threads) that he is a smart person, his vocabulary clearly indicates how right he is, he likes to EMPHASIZE IN CAPS in his long-winded posts, and all in all his objectivity is clearly on display to anyone who is not growling fanboy. Oh, and he like soul's games and Duviri is bad - and he can prove it with fact and logic. Probably even owning some libs in process.

That's about all I can gather from this thread.

Seriously tho, animations looks clunky and weightless, enemies reaction to being hit is kinda meh and AI is typical WF dummy. Hope DE will polish it more before shipping. I like that the damage numbers are low, that's good. Aside from that - looks ok, I'd like to see more about rogue-lite features than just some combat snippets. That's about all I can gather from this video.

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22 minutes ago, Furgrim said:

Felsagger really, really want's you to know (across multiple threads) that he is a smart person, his vocabulary clearly indicates how right he is, he likes to EMPHASIZE IN CAPS in his long-winded posts, and all in all his objectivity is clearly on display to anyone who is not growling fanboy. Oh, and he like soul's games and Duviri is bad - and he can prove it with fact and logic. Probably even owning some libs in process.

Smart, I am not. I'm simply a fish that found a fountain and float whenever he has time to do so. 

Being correct is pointless. Being Incorrect is pointless too. How about I am just someone who likes to use caps to EMPHASISE things like this. 

Well, how about if you use your own way of working things out with the tools you have. You have the resources, the pencil and the paper. The rest is up to you, right? 


If a random person tells you what is bad or not and you believe him, you are the one with the issue. :3

Oops I love using bolds too. You may use them too. 

22 minutes ago, Furgrim said:

That's about all I can gather from this thread.

How about if you gather from this thread what you want to do instead of other people suggesting what you should do. 

22 minutes ago, Furgrim said:

Seriously tho, animations looks clunky and weightless, enemies reaction to being hit is kinda meh and AI is typical WF dummy. Hope DE will polish it more before shipping. I like that the damage numbers are low, that's good. Aside from that - looks ok, I'd like to see more about rogue-lite features than just some combat snippets. That's about all I can gather from this video.

This is why FromSoftware are good at their science. If DE wants to up their game they should leave behind their old engine and ride the bandwagon of Unreal 5.1. FromSoftware spend a lot of time perfecting their crafts. Is it good to get experience from older developers? Why not DE talk to FromSoftware and make something together. :D


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My fav combat systems are Batman(earlier the better of the Rocksteady ones), Assassin's creed (earlier the better),  Middle-Earth: ___ of War.

Soulframe and Duviri/DE cant compete with that...  

Dark Souls is garbage I would not wipe my butt with.   If thats where they are drawing inspiration from... 

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I think Pablito should put more emphasis on the physics of collisions, the artificial intelligence of the enemy and the heaviness of the weapons. 

Soul frame

Elden Ring. 

Elden Ring parryable enemies. 

The resemblance of the games is obvious. But there is a notable difference, between Elden Ring and Soulframe. The Enemy A.I. is far superior, the reaction time is uncanny and the awareness of the enemy is even scary. 

In here I'll leave you with one of the most notorious bosses of the gaming industry: Malenia. 

It's quite a feat to arrive at this level of proficiency. 

While Soulframe proposes a GAAS model that can end up being a good experience let us remind ourselves that the competition DE faces from now on is FromSoftware. 

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On 2023-03-29 at 7:41 PM, RichardKam said:

Which is equivalent to making a new game using Warframe skins. 

Actually I don't mind the current mechanics. It is at the far end of chaotic good. As long as DE keep adding fun game mode like void cascade and volatile and maybe conj. survival, I can live with this mechanics.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing. I enjoy Railjack, and maybe Kahl sometimes. Even without the "slow and clunky Duviri game play", sometimes I still go into a mission with Dread and try to stealth my way through it, simply because it sounds fun. I don't care if it took me 20 minutes for 1 mission.

As long as the new sandboxes are fun, even if they are a bit disconnected with core game play, I am fine with it. 

I also like to play differently as well by trying out interesting ways of playing/killing things. :thumbup:

On 2023-03-29 at 7:58 PM, bad4youLT said:

Me - I want more of Warframe

DE - Here's an update that looks like Warframe but isn't Warframe 

Duviri is just so we get used to the slower mechanics and prep us Tenno, for Soulframe. 🤣

12 hours ago, Corvid said:

And at what point in Duviri's gameplay has the Drifter done either of these?

That's what the Horses are for to get us there faster. :tongue:

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10 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

Duviri is just so we get used to the slower mechanics and prep us Tenno, for Soulframe. 🤣


I don't know how Warframe players will receive this. I played Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark  souls 3, Daemon souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne and now I'm trying Elden Ring. The game from Sucker Punch Ghosts of Tsushima too but I don't think that one counts as a soulburne game. :3

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3 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

My fav combat systems are Batman(earlier the better of the Rocksteady ones), Assassin's creed (earlier the better),  Middle-Earth: ___ of War.

Soulframe and Duviri/DE cant compete with that...  

Dark Souls is garbage I would not wipe my butt with.   If thats where they are drawing inspiration from... 

I find DS and the "DS like" games to be overly hyped. Action combat games especially involving melee, are my favorite games; but most of the "DS like" games have mind numbingly bland combat. In my opinion the Koreans and some Chinese studios have done better than the Japanese and Western variants; it's just unfortunately they either never make it to the West or are completely ruined thanks to bad monetization. I couldn't get into games like Monster Hunter or Dauntless either because I can't enjoy spending what feels like 1 hour to swing a sword once. A lot of these action combat games to me are lacking in the action department, and unfortunately a lot of the other releases for this year and next year are more of the same.


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Damn, is this thing still going? It's been what, 4 days already you guys can't decide (from a single 40 seconds long clip) whether or not Duviri is a souls-like.

Hey, FromSoft fans, for someone who so much enjoys their games, which have plots all about "breaking the cycle", you really do like going in circles, don't you? Careful, you can go Hollow from all that pointless repetition.

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18 hours ago, Corvid said:
19 hours ago, DebrisFlow said:

I think we all created an account because of warframe gameplay.

And what about players like me, who created our accounts before Warframe's current gameplay was put in? Because what people now try to claim is "Warframe gameplay" was only added in after multiple sweeping changes to what came before.

If anything, the Drifter's more moderate pace is a return to form.

To me, the core appeal of Warframe, even back then, was always that DE were willing to experiment, to add in new stuff, to be different and unexpected. Acting as if the game can only be one narrow thing with no room for deviation feels like missing the point to me.

I understand your point because i'm in the same boat as you. Despite starting late (2016) the gameplay back then was quite different from the actual powercreepfest. A little bit slower and methodical. And from watching old YT videos it was even slower in the previous years. That's the gameplay i refer to when i stated my motivations for creating an account. In my previous post i also aknowledged actual gameplay as problematic: 

19 hours ago, DebrisFlow said:

I agree that the base warframe became too bloated in powercreep,

Nevertheless you can't deny that what's shown in Duviri trailer is not a "return to form" because, for how much slower Warframe gameplay may have been, it never lacked its founding-feature which is its crazy parkour/mobility. I think experimentation is fundamental but straying too far from this core feature is a betrayal of player expectations, if your aim is to make it a new sensible gameplay component.

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4 hours ago, Felsagger said:


I don't know how Warframe players will receive this. I played Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Dark  souls 3, Daemon souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne and now I'm trying Elden Ring. The game from Sucker Punch Ghosts of Tsushima too but I don't think that one counts as a soulburne game. :3

Haven't played any of those, I have played the Assassins Creed franchise, and some of the swordplay and other weapons were fun.
Well, the game does seem to be slowing down by the looks of it, time will tell, and I'll reserve my opinion of it when it hits. Either way, I don't mind.

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22 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Smart developers discloses work that is ready and satisfactory to the public. This way developers evades misconceptions, unfair critique, misinterpretation and confusion.

You already stated it, GAAS games evolves. Nothing is definitive. However I am not thrilled at all of starting another GAAS game that feels like a DEJA VU of a previous game that I already played. I think Warframe was more than enough. People likes experience that starts and have an end instead of a grinder like Warframe or Soulframe. This is why many people enjoy Elden Ring. It is a finite product, it is far from perfect, but it is more than satisfactory and enjoying. YOU DON'T have to excessively farm and waste time playing the game for the items you want repeating the same action again and again. Yes, everything requires some grind, there's fun in it but somehow moderation helps a lot designing the grind for these games. 


Which is practically no developer or game these days because they tend to all come riddled with either bugs, poor optimization or generally lacking/bad content.

I still cant figure out why you even play WF when you seem to utterly hate the concept so much, to the point where you actually think you waste time when playing. And what "people" are you talking about? The millions that still play Warframe, WoW, FFXI, FFXIV, Diablo, PoE and so on years and years and years after the initial release? Just that you refer to it as a grind means you probably should play other types of games and stick to that. Because you really do not seem to like this genre at all. Oddly you arent thrilled to start another GAAS game that feels like deja vu, but you are fine picking up the uhm 6th or is it 7th installment in a "frenchise" where you practically play the same, only in a bigger area/different setting for each release? Atleast the next FromSoftware release will hopefully be in the Armored Core frenchise.

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6 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

I find DS and the "DS like" games to be overly hyped. Action combat games especially involving melee, are my favorite games; but most of the "DS like" games have mind numbingly bland combat. In my opinion the Koreans and some Chinese studios have done better than the Japanese and Western variants; it's just unfortunately they either never make it to the West or are completely ruined thanks to bad monetization. I couldn't get into games like Monster Hunter or Dauntless either because I can't enjoy spending what feels like 1 hour to swing a sword once. A lot of these action combat games to me are lacking in the action department, and unfortunately a lot of the other releases for this year and next year are more of the same.


By contrast I really don't like those 'Character action games' that you love, I MUCH prefer the slower, weightier feel of combat in the Souls games and especially in Monster hunter but I could never get into ones like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta etc.

So horses for courses as they say.

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5 hours ago, ant99999 said:

Hey, FromSoft fans, for someone who so much enjoys their games, which have plots all about "breaking the cycle", you really do like going in circles, don't you? Careful, you can go Hollow from all that pointless repetition.

Minor nerdy nitpick but pointless repetition actually keeps you from hollowing, as long as you have 'something to focus your mind on' it delays the effect. It's why a lot of the NPCs go hollow once you complete their sidequests because....well they have nothing left to live for, no guiding principle, no 'pointless repetion' to keep them sane.

The games aren't actually about 'Breaking the cycle' when looked at as a whole trilogy (namely Darksouls 1, 2 and 3), the only game where breaking the cycle is even an option is DS3 and for the PC only in DS2. DS1 establishes the start of the cycle, DS2 confirms the cycle and sits in the middle and DS3 ends the cycle. Essentially through the lens of the third game, the first two games are seen as futile, whether you pick the option to light the flame or embrace darkness didn't matter, in fact your PCs quest in DS1 and 2 didn't change anything, no matter what you picked, someone else would come along and pick the opposite after you (in fact DS2 ends with your character continuing the cycle with no option to break it unless you have the DLC in which case only THEN does your character walk away from it all, which just means some other joe schmo is going to take your place).

What the games are about is Stagnation and a clinging on to nostalgia, an actually common occurance in Fromsoft games since both the Souls games and Sekiro deal with 'why you wouldn't want to be immortal and how terrible it actually is when nothing changes'. Dark Souls 3 was a send off to the series, there's a whole plotline about a rotting painted world that is only rotting because the occupants of said painted world refused to 'accept the flame' and let the painting burn so a new one could be painted on the canvas (which many have taken to be hints from Miyazaki to 'let the Souls series go' and that he didn't want to be stuck making direct sequels in the Dark Souls title, instead wanting to branch out to newer things, hence Elden Ring and his personal baby, the new Armored Core game).

Anyway, enough nerdy Soulsborne ranting. My apologises

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5小时前 , ant99999 说:

Damn, is this thing still going? It's been what, 4 days already you guys can't decide (from a single 40 seconds long clip) whether or not Duviri is a souls-like.

Hey, FromSoft fans, for someone who so much enjoys their games, which have plots all about "breaking the cycle", you really do like going in circles, don't you? Careful, you can go Hollow from all that pointless repetition.

We will be fighting a dragon and riding a horse, together with the poor hit response, it is going to be hilarious and embarrassing if this is actually a Skyrim-like.

Jokes on you, all the tarnished out there!!

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9 hours ago, Felsagger said:

While Soulframe proposes a GAAS model that can end up being a good experience let us remind ourselves that the competition DE faces from now on is FromSoftware. 

That is true,

Warframe stands by itself within its genre which is how the developers get away with junk releases like Empyrean and Veilbreaker - there is a lack of natural predators in this environment and the game has no direct competition, if you want Warframe's movement and freedom you have to go play Warframe. They have kind of have it easy for a long time ^^;

Soulframe is going to effectively have a lot of competition though.

They will need to work hard to set themselves aside and provide a much more polished experience. I hope they are thinking about how to do that as they work on Soulframe. Maybe having some competition will be good for them though? 

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1 hour ago, RichardKam said:

We will be fighting a dragon and riding a horse, together with the poor hit response, it is going to be hilarious and embarrassing if this is actually a Skyrim-like.

All things considered, that is a lot more plausible outcome. I mean, it'll require some effort to achieve Skyrim levels of unresponsiveness. There a sword, a magic fireball and a wet noodle would feel exactly the same. And Warframe at least has some baseline...

But who knows what DE are capable of.

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