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Stop throwing hate at DE because they're doing something new.


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23 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

So do you think throwing away all of our builds that we spent time and forma on SPECIFICALLY to make them SP viable is fun or good ? I'm fine with randomization when it comes to the duviri experience but when we talk about endless sp circuit it CAN'T and SHOULDN'T be randomized and before you say "if you don't like it don't play it" I'd have done that if they didn't lock incarnon adapters behind it

You can't throw something away if you still use it for the other 99% of game. 

No one said you're playing this game mode only and the rest of the game is deleted for the next 10 years, either. 

If you want the items then do the content and move on back to SP Mot.

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

You can't throw something away if you still use it for the other 99% of game. 

No one said you're playing this game mode only and the rest of the game is deleted for the next 10 years, either. 

If you want the items then do the content and move on back to SP Mot.


1. The problem with how DE tests this update is the RNG selection of warframes where players spent 10 years collecting. Yes, Duviri was designed to be played in a certain way but this game is always based on the power creeping and the revisit of these areas with a capable set of tools. 

2. You are correct. The content on this island requires a certain way of playing for the item acquisition. May be this a free tutorial for Soulframe? Yes, but it doesn't matter. However if this is the beginning of restricting the use of Warframes, people are going to vociferate WITH REASON. 

3. For the last part, well that's one of the reason why many people expressed their discontent. DE spent almost four years in throw away content when all those labor forces could have been used refining all the systems in Warframe. 

If DE dedicates more time to this door between Warframe and Soulframe throughout Duviri. There will be no objection of any kind if and only if the integrity of both products are respected and the time of the player is respected as well during the process. 

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2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

this is exactly the problem though: they spend so much time trying new things, they totally neglect what they already have. I'm all for trying new things, I wouldn't still be here 8 years later if I wasn't but by GOD they need to give the core of this game - the actual warframe content - some more love, and improve the myriad of things we already have. I'm hoping that once Duviri is out the way we might finally get this.

A valid concern... that does not justify hating on Duviri.

2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

yes it is, it really is, please take off the copium mask. it's janky, the targeting is whack, and it's a very poor imitation of others at best. if you think this system is good, you must not have played Ghost of Tsushima, God of War 2018 etc, because they have this style of combat done WAY better; fluid, streamlined and rewarding: drifter melee is currently none of these things, which is why I mainly practice the art of "pew pew jutsu"(using sirocco only).

I've played GoW4 to completion. Its strength lies in its cinematics; the combat has a bit more depth than Duviri but at the end of the day it's really not that different.

It is difficult but not very rewarding. Kratos' melee is as sluggish as the Drifter's, and the gear crafting/skill tree system is very much not streamlined... which is why I usually sat 20 metres away from the enemies and just repeatedly threw the axe at their heads. Both combat systems are just hovering around the "okay" mark, but Duviri at the least has the opportunity for improvement. 

2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

then it fails in it's intended purpose

Steel Path's intended purpose is to be hard. Not easy.

2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you can only distract someone so many times before they remember what they were originally trying to do, and DE have brought our attention away from the frames themselves for a long time now: and given the state some of them are in (Hydroid, Inaros etc.), it's really starting to show.

Another valid concern... that does not justify hating on Duviri. DE interleaves new content with updates to existing content. Should they have more of the latter? Sure, that's always welcome.

But we don't know what their dev resources are, or the amount of work required on new items. We don't know if the business team is pressuring the tech team to focus on new content for player retention or not. We don't have any meaningful insights on DE's internal development process, so there's nothing we can do besides ask them nicely.

2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

if you want to defend this update so vehemently, be my guest; just know that you're HEAVILY outnumbered

A baseless claim. I hope you'll understand if I ignore it.

2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

by those who can see the glaringly obvious flaws in this new content.

Did I say Duviri was perfect? Did I not point out several issues with its implementation? 

Everything has obvious flaws. Doesn't mean people get to say the whole thing is bad.

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No, STOP YOU for trying to defend this lazy update, they deserve the hate for doing such a dissapointing job.

This wouldn't have so many complains if was done right without terrible game design and other decisions.

We need more players telling the sad reality to give a feedback than people like you that don't help at all.


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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

DE spent almost four years in throw away content when all those labor forces could have been used refining all the systems in Warframe.

Throw away content? 

Seriously, get a grip. 

Fortuna, Deimos, liches, railjack, zarimon, damage 2.0, new war saga, mechs, and more. Most of it working from home in extremely sub optimal conditions. 

You might not like some of what's been released and nothing wrong with that. But to say everything DE has done over the last 4 years is throwaway content is patently ridiculous. 

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The warframe community is............well let's say have learning disability sometimes to new mechanics. It's my one big criticism of the community that they lack adaptability to new stuff as people get ludicrously stuck on some min max garabage and never venture outside that comfort zone that something like duvuri I'm seeing people struggle on learning new stuff (like waverider all over agian). But they don't want admit it so blame game all around.


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22 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

Throw away content? Seriously, get a grip. 

Would you return to it once you get the pertinent items? NO.

Hence, throw away content. It's a content island. 

22 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

Fortuna, Deimos, liches, railjack, zarimon, damage 2.0, new war saga, mechs, and more. Most of it working from home in extremely sub optimal conditions. 

Covid is a valid excuse. 


Now they DO NOT HAVE EXCUSES. They must fix the systems they have and make the best out of them. 


22 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

But to say everything DE has done over the last 4 years is throwaway content is patently ridiculous. 

Let us test that theory of yours. 

In what condition of maintenance is PoE? 

In what condition of maintenance is Deimos? 

In what condition of maintenance is Fortuna? 

They become content island and a THROW AWAY once the content is done. 

Case closed. 


15 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

It's not really hate, it's chronic disappointment with how low the bar for "ready for delivery" is. It feels like being taken for granted with the assumption that I am content to just consume a slow trickle of unpolished, buggy content. I kind of just have standards.


I will repeat this over and over again. 


YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE COMMON SENSE ON THESE FORUMS. How many times I have to repeat this to YOU. ':P

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33 minutes ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

The warframe community is............well let's say have learning disability sometimes to new mechanics. It's my one big criticism of the community that they lack adaptability to new stuff as people get ludicrously stuck on some min max garabage and never venture outside that comfort zone that something like duvuri I'm seeing people struggle on learning new stuff (like waverider all over agian). But they don't want admit it so blame game all around.


"I will repeat this over and over again. 


YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE COMMON SENSE ON THESE FORUMS. How many times I have to repeat this to YOU. ':P"

27 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Would you return to it once you get the pertinent items? NO.

Hence, throw away content. It's a content island. 

Covid is a valid excuse. 


Now they DO NOT HAVE EXCUSES. They must fix the systems they have and make the best out of them. 


Let us test that theory of yours. 

In what condition of maintenance is PoE? 

In what condition of maintenance is Deimos? 

In what condition of maintenance is Fortuna? 

They become content island and a THROW AWAY once the content is done. 

Case closed. 



I will repeat this over and over again. 


YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE COMMON SENSE ON THESE FORUMS. How many times I have to repeat this to YOU. ':P


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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

"The warframe community is............well let's say have learning disability sometimes to new mechanics. It's my one big criticism of the community that they lack adaptability to new stuff as people get ludicrously stuck on some min max garabage and never venture outside that comfort zone that something like duvuri I'm seeing people struggle on learning new stuff (like waverider all over agian). But they don't want admit it so blame game all around."


Madurai prime, if you want to make insightful posts and, I know you do, you have to USE your common sense. 


The lack of adaptability DOES NOT JUSTIFIES A DICTATORIAL RANDOMIZER imposition on the player. 


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39 minutes ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

The warframe community is............well let's say have learning disability sometimes to new mechanics. It's my one big criticism of the community that they lack adaptability to new stuff as people get ludicrously stuck on some min max garabage and never venture outside that comfort zone that something like duvuri I'm seeing people struggle on learning new stuff (like waverider all over agian). But they don't want admit it so blame game all around.


"If you disagree it's because you're stupid" isn't a good argument.

The content is easy, and failures have been due to bugs, which there are plenty.

No amount of 'adapting' will change the long list of bugs that completely prevent progress, issues with gameplay, or whether or not they even enjoy the content in the first place as not everyone is going to like something. Even if they like it, the bugs alone ruin the experience and amounts to time lost.

I've been able to do both the Worm and Circuits SP easily, but this doesn't change the fact I find Drifter melee disappointing and that the hotfix completely ruined it for me, or that the game is determined to give me mostly weapons I do not like. Emphasis on weapons I do not like, as I actually frequently get weapons and Warframes people claim are overpowered [aoe dps].

If you enjoy the experience as is, the fact others do not shouldn't bother you to the point you need to tell them they're disabled.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)xFelipeRage said:

No, STOP YOU for trying to defend this lazy update, they deserve the hate for doing such a dissapointing job.

This wouldn't have so many complains if was done right without terrible game design and other decisions.

We need more players telling the sad reality to give a feedback than people like you that don't help at all.



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8 hours ago, PKBeam said:

The Drifter combat isn't bad. It just feels like it because we're used to the extreme mobility and power of a Warframe.

I beg to differ, how is it not bad? It is, to my understanding, an imitation of a certain popular PC game's combat, except worse. Made in china, if you will. That qualifies as bad, doesn't it? Let's be real here, if this update wasn't in any form associated with Warframe, would you play it? I wouldn't. I also have zero interest in Soulframe.

Guess what, the people who like Warframe would like to have some more Warframe. At some point. They've been waiting for years. And all DE releases seem to be knock offs of other games. Not particularly good knock offs either, even discounting the severe bugs that people just have come to take for granted with WF.

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Here are my two cents (adjusted for inflation), for what they're worth to anyone.

I do not, at all, have any issues with DE trying new things for Warframe.  That it is continually expanding and being interesting after more than ten years is actually an impressive achievement.

My issue is that the updates oftentimes feel like the dev staff follows a "let's make it up as we go along" type of approach, rather than having a definitive plan that's being fleshed out.  From my view, it doesn't seem like DE really made any kind of lore bible for the game, and all new things feel vague and disconnected as a result. 

The ideas implemented aren't bad, but because of how they're implemented they oftentimes feel like shallow puddles that force grind for extra replay value, rather than making the player feel that they are in an expanding ocean.  Each of these puddles are nice, but because they do not feed actively into one another in more than a vague fashion, the player is oftentimes left feeling like... well, like they're jumping from puddle to puddle instead of swimming.

Here's the thing though - all the ideas added thus far can indeed be used as components to create the "ocean" I'm referencing.  It's one of the reasons I'm still here.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

The warframe community is

I've heard that strawman many times. The WF community is this way or that way, they are stubborn or mentally challenged, or entiteled.

But guess what, it's the same people that play other games. And there's always new people coming in (and old ones leaving). Just a thought... maybe "the Warframe community" doesn't exists. I mean I don't consider myself part of it if it were to be a thing.

Have you ever considered that it could all be DE's fault? I sure have.

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11 minutes ago, Yamazuki said:

If you enjoy the experience as is, the fact others do not shouldn't bother you to the point you need to tell them they're disabled.


37 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Madurai prime, if you want to make insightful posts and, I know you do, you have to USE your common sense. 


The lack of adaptability DOES NOT JUSTIFIES A DICTATORIAL RANDOMIZER imposition on the player. 


Wait, what? 

It's a game mode that has rules and instructions to it. Those rules differ from the standard game but falls in line with the other special game modes: Arbi's no self revives, ESO's ability cool downs and gear wheel restrictions, SP's cooldowns. So why shouldn't this game mode be allowed to have it's own set of rules?

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Playing this game for like, almost 10 year, never complained in a "serious" way about an update(like "omg, it's the end of warframe, the devs are becoming lazy etc etc)..

Mm i going to complain now? ....mhe, nha, the update is fine (i say fine because i sitll didn't ended or explored the rest of it), i'm quite enjoying it, the only thing that bothers me is that....it...c'mon guys, it's blatant we are playing the beta of soulframe and we are the test subj-em, test-players, i find that to be kinda..."""dirty"""!?

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35 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

Guess what, the people who like Warframe would like to have some more Warframe. At some point. They've been waiting for years. 

The last 2 updates were 100% WF, lua's prey and mirror defense. The one before that was 50% WF, archon hunts vs kahl. And before that, Zariman was 100% WF. I mean, c'mon. Let's not exaggerate with "years waiting". 

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2 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

I beg to differ, how is it not bad? It is, to my understanding, an imitation of a certain popular PC game's combat, except worse. Made in china, if you will. That qualifies as bad, doesn't it? Let's be real here, if this update wasn't in any form associated with Warframe, would you play it? I wouldn't. I also have zero interest in Soulframe.

Guess what, the people who like Warframe would like to have some more Warframe. At some point. They've been waiting for years. And all DE releases seem to be knock offs of other games. Not particularly good knock offs either, even discounting the severe bugs that people just have come to take for granted with WF.

The fact that they made a whole new warframe aka the stalker and kept him exclusive to the joke of a gamemode that is the circuit is a slap on the face 

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