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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.4


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3 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Overguard does not benefit from the damage reduction effect of the [Adaptation] mod, this is by design. Nor should it benefit from any other type of Damage Reduction. Or your Armor value. Hits taken to Overguard can *build up* Adaptation stacks, which means that your Health will be much more durable if you start taking hits to Health.

Kullervo at current requires 3 mod slots dedicated to just... keeping him alive. Especially in Steel Path. And its not even that amazing.
Umbral Vitality, Umbral Fiber, and Adaptation. You also need to use Umbral Intensify though to boost the other Umbral mods, so technically, its 4 mod slots.

When using all 3 Umbrals, and Adaptation, Kullervo has an EHP of roughly 25000. His overguard ability, because of its cap, adds an additional EHP of 5000.
In total, he has 30000 EHP. The Overguard makes barely a difference, its a +20% EHP ability, which is abysmal.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Overguard does not benefit from the damage reduction effect of the [Adaptation] mod, this is by design. Nor should it benefit from any other type of Damage Reduction. Or your Armor value. Hits taken to Overguard can *build up* Adaptation stacks, which means that your Health will be much more durable if you start taking hits to Health.

not if overguard disappears in 3 or 4 shots lol

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7 hours ago, p_silveira said:

No changes at all to Kullervo's survivability? He gets shredded in high lvl SP missions where other frames are still breezing through.

I spent an hour with him on the steel path in void alone, I'm an average player, nothing extraordinary, and I killed more than 2000 enemies alone, just with a zaw, I didn't even shoot. For me it is one of the most impressive warframes both in terms of fun and gameplay that I have ever used in this game.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Overguard does not benefit from the damage reduction effect of the [Adaptation] mod, this is by design. Nor should it benefit from any other type of Damage Reduction. Or your Armor value. Hits taken to Overguard can *build up* Adaptation stacks, which means that your Health will be much more durable if you start taking hits to Health.

Go play Kullervo in the Steel Path Star chart 140-150 and get back to me on his survivability, Kullervo needs something else to stay alive while playing in the Steel Path, you get smashed straight away and by the time you add overguard back it's gone in a millisecond then you're dead unless a health arcane kicks in to save your butt while crazily jumping around to try and dodge bullets.



While I'm on it, why in Steel Path Circuit am I still getting all the MR5 type weapons when I own their Prime versions where they are a prime, for example, Bolto, Akbolto, Aklex, Akzani, Castanas, Fusilai, Hikou, Magnus, Destresa, Dual Ether, Dual Zoren, Endura and the list goes on, oh how could I nearly forgot the one that nearly appears every time the Kestrel. :facepalm: I'm LR3 and own a huge amount of the weapons it's really hard to help the team out if I don't get a weapon or Warframe that can contribute to the team, the RNG in Teshins cave is bad, yes I do get a great weapon now and then and it helps the team if the Warframe is a bit weak, getting MR0 weapons that I discarded years ago or have the Prime versions now with a build on them, when I keep getting bad RNG in Teshins Cave sometimes I just want to Alt-F4 at times but don't.

I own all these weapons and a few more since the last count but continually keep getting weapons that just don't work in Steel Path Circuit or I don't own anymore because they're crap or I have the Prime.

144 Primary weapons.
98  Secondary weapons.
161 Melee weapons.

The RNG is good and fine in the non steel path circuit to allow newer players to test out weapons they may not have yet but why force them on older players in the Steel Path Circuit version?

I just can't get my 58-year-old brain around this decision.

I do love the New Durviri content, it's refreshing but some aspects of it are lacking.

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8 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

That was a bug??? That took a really long time to fix something as obvious as that.

because no one reports too? how many people will create a step or procedure to show that bug?

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8 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed extremely high damage numbers caused by the Fortifying Will Decree interacting with Armor buffing abilities (e.g. Rhino’s Iron Skin and Chroma’s Elemental Ward/Vex Armor). 

  • Fortifying Will grants 15% (at max) Ability Strength for every 50 Armor, which was creating an endless feedback loop with Armor buffing abilities and causing extreme numbers to be reached (at times reaching the billions). In order to fix the above and prevent any further issues, Fortifying Will now has a 500% Ability Strength cap. We want players to continue to enjoy the power that Decrees grant without exceeding levels that are game breaking. With the change above, we have also fixed the following issues: 

500%? That's the cap? That's less than many frames could get EVEN WITHOUT INFINITE SCALING BETWEEN ABILITIES or other decrees. If you're capping the ability strength at just 500%, there's just about no reason to bother getting the "armor on finisher" and "armor on corrosive" decrees anymore.

Circuit isn't challenging content and this won't change that. I'll continue to easily crush level cap enemies on any random trash load-out. Infinite ability strength was no more game breaking than the decrees we already had.

The only good reason for this cap I can see would be if the game was actually bugging out from overflow values or something, but that could be addressed without ruining the fun by adding a cap of 5000% or so. 500% is just pathetic.

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52 minutes ago, ToKeSia said:

because no one reports too? how many people will create a step or procedure to show that bug?

There was a thread about how someone attempted to make New War as difficult as possible. So it was reported. Even if it did get reported, who knows if it would have actually led to a fix? According to my experiences getting bugs squashed that would be a no.

What is there to report? Equip key, see key debuffs in New War, claim bug? Most players if they encountered this would upon first glance think design feature since that is how they think the keys work.


New War was worked on for YEARS, even if it wasn't reported by a player, not having that scenario for testing before shipping seems like an oversight.

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Please add an option to discard weapons in Duviri. Or at least to disable the appearance of weapons I don't own.
I mean. I have weapons that I don't use at all and only keep for collection, like the carmine penta or the cadus.
I want to be able to use my securapenta  which has a better build or to be able to have a better weapon than the cadus.
The default settings do not suit the steel path.

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13 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Optimized memory used by DirectX 12 for multi-threaded rendering, particularly for PCs with many cores. 

    • Also fixed potential performance issues with playing on DirectX 12 with PCs not using a 8-core/16-thread processor. 

  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to rendering performance. 

  • Made general systemic micro-optimizations. 

  • Made micro-optimizations to engine startup and level loading. 

  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to level loading.  

  • Made optimizations to sound pathing

The engine Warframe uses is falling apart at the seams as evident by all the shader cache issues that it's currently suffering from. For example, with the rising shader cache issues, it is making zero sense for the engine to rely on the GPU Vendor Shader Cache and should in fact generate and handle the shader cache locally where config files are stored. On nVidia at least, the default shader cache storage is set to 100MiB which clearly isn't enough. You have to go out of your way to set the shader cache storage to unlimited or off. Having a GPU Vendor Shader Cache these days has the opposite effect on this engine.


So many of these problems can be traced back to the Ensmallening updates that were pushed years ago and have persisted since then. There have been attempts since then to smooth things out, but more often than not... things have gotten far worse.


Is there any possibility that we could get more transparency on the engine development side of things? It's clear that compared to other engines out there, the engine that Warframe uses is really starting to suffer.

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One more update and still no fix for this gameplay bug while it has been here since duviri release :

It is just one more time DE neglects those who use these controls. A friendly reminder that you cannot access Transference in Necramech either with previous/next abilities controls, and this has been here for ages...

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They saw my bug report! Yay!!! c:

5 hours ago, Hodor_Roe said:

500%? That's the cap? That's less than many frames could get EVEN WITHOUT INFINITE SCALING BETWEEN ABILITIES or other decrees. If you're capping the ability strength at just 500%, there's just about no reason to bother getting the "armor on finisher" and "armor on corrosive" decrees anymore.

Circuit isn't challenging content and this won't change that. I'll continue to easily crush level cap enemies on any random trash load-out. Infinite ability strength was no more game breaking than the decrees we already had.

The only good reason for this cap I can see would be if the game was actually bugging out from overflow values or something, but that could be addressed without ruining the fun by adding a cap of 5000% or so. 500% is just pathetic.


That isn't a 500% AS cap on all of the Decrees, but just for Fortifying Will.

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17 hours ago, Voltage said:

You're a Founder of Warframe complaining about RNG. Where've you been mate. :crylaugh:. This is literally how drops work in this game for most content. If you never want to deal with RNG, you can farm Platinum instead.

Considering there are others in this thread saying the same thing, I am not alone.
Yes, I am a founder, yes, I know how RNG works and how this game works.
No, I do not like how vastly unreliable this particular farm is now.
Yes, I do farm plat, cause I can make 5k plat in a day without much effort if I really want.

Edited by Stormandreas
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15 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Overguard does not benefit from the damage reduction effect of the [Adaptation] mod, this is by design. Nor should it benefit from any other type of Damage Reduction. Or your Armor value. Hits taken to Overguard can *build up* Adaptation stacks, which means that your Health will be much more durable if you start taking hits to Health.

If you consider this from the angle of Overguard in terms of skills like Rhino's Iron Skin, this makes some sense. Armor already adds to the maximum absorption amount, it has a potentially unlimited amount of additional health it can provide, and having any form of DR over it like Adaptation could mean multiplying that EHP by a factor of 10.

Except that Kullervo's Overguard isn't like Iron Skin. It doesn't provide an unlimited amount of additional health -- he has a hard cap of 5000. It doesn't absorb damage for a period beforehand that guarantees a certain amount of time active. 

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Il y a 19 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :


  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to rendering performance. 

  • Made general systemic micro-optimizations. 

  • Made micro-optimizations to engine startup and level loading. 

  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to level loading.  

Thanks but this should be done every update.

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19 hours ago, Do_High_Go said:

I guess DLSS looking terrible is gonna need a Cert huh. DE Have you looked at your own game with the TAA Sharpen On, next to the DLSS on Quality?

Credit where credit is due, the TAA Sharpen is actually carrying the visual FIDELITY of the game on it's back, everywhere the game is shown is with it On and set to at least 70% or more. It is not the ideal way to increase Fidelity, but it does the job god damn well for what it is! And then there is.... the DLSS Smudgefest.

I am aware of how the game looks with TAA Sharpen off, it looks like how DLSS looks, so I am sitting here scratching my head, pondering why the hell did you train the DLSS on the game with TAA Sharpen Off?

FSR, albeit having real hard time with moving objects like Ayatan Sculptures, at least has some Sharpen option(Which your game sadly needs), but DLSS, which is technically more complex, does not have it, so on Quality, because of the way it was trained, it looks like hot kuaka droppings.

The point you put those (I approve of adding the upscalers) was per the original update notes "To help people with under-performing machines", but if i have to choose to gain 20 fps with DLSS, and it to look like that, or to turn down some unnoticeable settings but keep the FIDELITY, I would choose the latter...... as would any sane person.

It is a shame that the Devs put time to implement DLSS, when majority of people are not going to use it because it just simply does not match up in Fidelity. It is amazing how other games that use DLSS, with it On, look practically indistinguishable from the game using TAA or SMAA, sometimes resulting in even better visual fidelity 😮

P.S. What version of DLSS is that even? We can see the exact version of FSR, so why is DLSS version obscured? Don't tell me its DLSS 1 😨

DE has and will never have control over DLSS behavior. Those are plugins, given by NVIDIA in an agreement NOT TO MANIPULATE the files they offer. Those ain't open source.

The "smudgefest" you are talking about is the overall bad quality of Warframe itself. They are to blame how they implement DLSS to their engine, and they did the worst job ever to achieve this.

I am a developer myself and DLSS isn't rocket science to implement properly. DE clearly did not handle the process well, and that is kinda confusing. It took them literally more than 4 years to implement the library at all ... yet there was no reason for the delay, and there cannot be any reason to it, yet they somehow messed it up. Same goes for Dx12, it is still an unusable lag and stutterfest (even before Duviri) ever since its "proper" implementation.


Here is an example how a properly implemented DLSS engine and calculation will look like (first image DLSS OFF, second image DLSS 58% Pixel Density (also called "Balanced Mode")):




You may want to, if not seeing the details properly, rightclick the images and open them in a new tab, so you can fully see the dimensions on them and how they differ.


Those pictures, content, assets, and whatever you see in those images, are my intellectual property.


11 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Go play Kullervo in the Steel Path Star chart 140-150 and get back to me on his survivability, Kullervo needs something else to stay alive while playing in the Steel Path, you get smashed straight away and by the time you add overguard back it's gone in a millisecond then you're dead unless a health arcane kicks in to save your butt while crazily jumping around to try and dodge bullets.



While I'm on it, why in Steel Path Circuit am I still getting all the MR5 type weapons when I own their Prime versions where they are a prime, for example, Bolto, Akbolto, Aklex, Akzani, Castanas, Fusilai, Hikou, Magnus, Destresa, Dual Ether, Dual Zoren, Endura and the list goes on, oh how could I nearly forgot the one that nearly appears every time the Kestrel. :facepalm: I'm LR3 and own a huge amount of the weapons it's really hard to help the team out if I don't get a weapon or Warframe that can contribute to the team, the RNG in Teshins cave is bad, yes I do get a great weapon now and then and it helps the team if the Warframe is a bit weak, getting MR0 weapons that I discarded years ago or have the Prime versions now with a build on them, when I keep getting bad RNG in Teshins Cave sometimes I just want to Alt-F4 at times but don't.

I own all these weapons and a few more since the last count but continually keep getting weapons that just don't work in Steel Path Circuit or I don't own anymore because they're crap or I have the Prime.

144 Primary weapons.
98  Secondary weapons.
161 Melee weapons.

The RNG is good and fine in the non steel path circuit to allow newer players to test out weapons they may not have yet but why force them on older players in the Steel Path Circuit version?

I just can't get my 58-year-old brain around this decision.

I do love the New Durviri content, it's refreshing but some aspects of it are lacking.

Then you are doing something wrong. He can survive, if you are not dull and lazy to move around and properly do stuff.

Footage taken from a bug report of the engine stuttering like hell ever since Duviri got added, so ignore that. Other than that, he is pretty viable for surviving SP easily.


Edited by iHeuksal
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6 hours ago, JargenBakt said:

default shader cache storage is set to 100MiB

AFAIK the default shader cache size for NVIDIA drivers (for probably the past few years) is 4GB.

I would like more transparency on some engine mechanics too, but that's moreover just my curiosity to see how it works and what solutions could be implemented for some short-comings.

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11 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

While I'm on it, why in Steel Path Circuit am I still getting all the MR5 type weapons when I own their Prime versions where they are a prime, for example, Bolto, Akbolto, Aklex, Akzani, Castanas, Fusilai, Hikou, Magnus, Destresa, Dual Ether, Dual Zoren, Endura and the list goes on, oh how could I nearly forgot the one that nearly appears every time the Kestrel. 

ZOMG I didn't even know Endura Prime, Kestrel Prime, and Dual Zoren Prime existed!  Must farm immediately!  (Akzani, Fusilai, Dual Ether,  Bolto meh.)

More seriously, I've never seen any base weapon that actually has a direct advanced variant in my selections.  (With the exception of Hek, which was bugged early on and fixed.)  So that's some weird stuff.

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17 hours ago, Halo said:

Chroma has a blaring issue at the moment. 

Lets just say his Emissive isn't changing his elements anymore.

Not seeing the same thing on this end. I made a copy of your account just to make sure everything was the same, and as far as I can tell, the damage type on Elemental Ward behaves exactly as it should (attached video).  I also tried activating the power with a controller since I see you use controller, but that didn't seem to make a difference. Need more clues, like have you done anything weird with control bindings? Does this problem persist even if you use a different appearance slot? Does it only break if you use other powers?

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4 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Need more clues, like have you done anything weird with control bindings? Does this problem persist even if you use a different appearance slot? Does it only break if you use other powers?

Just logged in for the day and these are current findings: 

1. Ran to arsenal and swapped loadouts to Chroma (Still Untouched and set to Cold)
2. Ran to Sim immediately
3. His abilities are working as intended (Gaining Armor and such)
4. Decided to chance colors while still in the same Simulacrum Instance (Changed to Heat [red coloration] in Emissive Look A)
5. Retained only the cold Buffs
6. Left Sim in that state back to my orbiter (Still now set to heat, but gained cold buffs) 
7. Ran to E-Prime to see if anything mission-wise does anything
8. His abilities now are providing the Heat percs of Elemental and Vex
9. Aborted the mission back to orbiter
10. Straight back to the arsenal and changed the color of my emissive back to white (for the cold percs)
11. Went back into E-Prime
12. I am now receiving the cold percs. 

As per your questions above in accordance to my playstyle: 
1. I change no controller or key-binds, as I stick to default usage on my Xbox Elite II Controller / keyboard if required. 
2. While within the SAME instance of Simulacrum and swapping between looks, it persists. if I leave and go back in, it fixes itself, but then reverts to staying on the one last when entering
Example: Enter with Cold, Cold Works, Swap look with different element, still only Cold, swap to another look with different element, still cold
3. It breaks the second I decide to change my emissive or look (with a different element) to a different element, staying as the element I entered with. 

Semi-Current Conclusion
- Steps 4-6 should not be occurring. 
- The Simulacrum is causing problems for those who are testing Chroma and want to swap between elements while still in there. 

Personal Opinion: This should be fixed because having to leave and re-enter the Sim for Chroma testing purposes would be tedious

Overall Issue: This does not aid that people are not getting Cold, Tox, or Elec when selecting Chroma within the Cave for Duviri, which is a major issue. 

As I have not had Chroma appear in my own personally within the past day or so, I have not been able to document such. However, players have told me that they are not getting Cold or Toxin for Chroma, but a forced Heat when entering the cave, with their emissive colors correctly set, as well as having their 1 subsumed off. This is what we need being tested more-so. 

Overall Conclusion: 
1. Chroma's Emissive Should Not be breaking within the Same Instance of Simulacrum Play (Swapping looks or changing Emissive Coloration)
2. Chroma is not Changing to his According Emissive when being Selected in the Cave (Forced heat from what people have documented) 

The second conclusion needs to be looked into WAY MORE than the first, but none of these should be occurring in the first place. 

Edited by Halo
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4 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

Considering there are others in this thread saying the same thing, I am not alone.
Yes, I am a founder, yes, I know how RNG works and how this game works.
No, I do not like how vastly unreliable this particular farm is now.
Yes, I do farm plat, cause I can make 5k plat in a day without much effort if I really want.

Voltage will brigade against DE when its an issue HE has a problem with, but will not take arguments seriously if its a topic that he doesn't personally feel is an issue. That's the trend I've noticed, and why I tend to ignore his posts. The complaint isn't toward RNG as a concept but how the RNG is being handled when it comes to the Duviri Arcane grind specifically due to being required to obtain 21 copies of the same Arcane in order to complete that Arcane. Saying otherwise is an intentional act of ignorance towards the argument being made.

Reminder that Arcanes were changed to require 21 copies in order to compensate for Arcanes that ALREADY EXISTED when DE made it no longer possible to use two copies of an Arcane on a single Warframe loadout. This more than doubled the amount of grind necessary to max out an Arcane, but for those Arcanes it made some semblance of sense. Ever since then though, DE have gone out of their way to make every new Arcane require 21 copies despite the fact that there is no need for this. Duviri Arcanes didn't exist when people could double up. What therefore is the reason for making these new Arcanes require 21 copies, other than the obvious intent of increasing grind requirement and engagement? It is an easy task to stat squish Arcanes to only require 10 copies as they used to, but DE go out of their way to make the grind worse for the player base. They have done so since the Arcane rework. The only reason people haven't complained as much is because outside of Eidolon Arcanes, every instance of new Arcanes added other than Duviri Arcanes have had a shop system in addition to the Arcane RNG grind and did NOT have limits on purchases besides price. Duviri Arcanes can only be bought ONCE per day and require a level 9 Intrinsic to even do so.

Edited by DawnoftheWhiteFury
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On 2023-06-29 at 3:41 PM, iHeuksal said:


Then you are doing something wrong. He can survive, if you are not dull and lazy to move around and properly do stuff.

Footage taken from a bug report of the engine stuttering like hell ever since Duviri got added, so ignore that. Other than that, he is pretty viable for surviving SP easily.


Go reread my post again, I'm not being dull or lazy or standing still, you have Ensare which works great in Steel Path for the mobs, I haven't got around to a Helminth ability yet, I'm playing a default build with no Helminth CC.

I'll look at the video later when I've got time. :)

I'm still testing it but at the moment I'm on the fence, what's your build for comparison?


On 2023-06-29 at 4:45 PM, Tiltskillet said:

ZOMG I didn't even know Endura Prime, Kestrel Prime, and Dual Zoren Prime existed!  Must farm immediately!  (Akzani, Fusilai, Dual Ether,  Bolto meh.)

More seriously, I've never seen any base weapon that actually has a direct advanced variant in my selections.  (With the exception of Hek, which was bugged early on and fixed.)  So that's some weird stuff.

Would be nice to see some in a prime maybe, but the point is of all the weapons I own I constantly keep getting that trash as an example with DE's basic new player configs. :laugh:

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2 hours ago, DawnoftheWhiteFury said:

Voltage will brigade against DE when its an issue HE has a problem with, but will not take arguments seriously if its a topic that he doesn't personally feel is an issue. That's the trend I've noticed, and why I tend to ignore his posts. The complaint isn't toward RNG as a concept but how the RNG is being handled when it comes to the Duviri Arcane grind specifically due to being required to obtain 21 copies of the same Arcane in order to complete that Arcane. Saying otherwise is an intentional act of ignorance towards the argument being made.

You're right, I only make feedback relevant to myself and what I experience. That's how everyone here writes feedback. It's in the context of their experiences. That's assumed when reading someone's post.

The way it's being handled in Duviri was terrible at launch, and now much better than hunting Eidolons (which is still even easier than how Trials used to work). Eidolons are a chance of 3 Arcanes out of a pool of 30 every ~8 minutes for 50 minutes every ~2 hours while these are a chance of 3 Arcanes out of a pool of 12 every ~25 minutes that you can do any time you please. These are Steel Path Arcanes, and just like Eidolons and Trials before them, you're expected to have to grind a while to complete sets. It's not even a huge deal with how many weeks it takes to get through Incarnons. I know it's popular in this game to just want anything that degrades how much time rewards take to earn. A large amount of players would probably cheer for an alternate game where you get all the loot in Warframe faster than playing the game itself by just sitting in a clicker game. Asking DE to revert such an obvious bug with the rewards is laughable. I apologize for the reactionary "revert this" suggestion coming from someone with an account atleast 8-9 years old being funny to me. DE isn't throwing a curveball, it's structured like most things in the game.

My suggestion to farm Platinum to not deal with RNG was a serious suggestion. If you do some research on it, you'll realize you can trade and buy your way through any content you dislike and actually save time overall. It's a skill like anything else, but if you're concerned about saving your time and bypassing things you don't enjoy, it's always there and rewards you for being good at it. If you dislike both trading and the way drops work, then you either have to miss out on the rewards or open up your wallet. That's just reality. Things like Lua's Prey are damage control from poor reception of previous updates, just like Scarlet Spear dumped cheap Energizes into the game, and just like Primed Chamber came to Baro. Archon Shards are a perfect showcase on how "late-game" item progression goes these days. I'm surprised the Arcanes aren't any worse. They are actually more mild than both Archon Shards and Incarnon Adapters by a factor of months.

2 hours ago, DawnoftheWhiteFury said:

Reminder that Arcanes were changed to require 21 copies in order to compensate for Arcanes that ALREADY EXISTED when DE made it no longer possible to use two copies of an Arcane on a single Warframe loadout. This more than doubled the amount of grind necessary to max out an Arcane, but for those Arcanes it made some semblance of sense. Ever since then though, DE have gone out of their way to make every new Arcane require 21 copies despite the fact that there is no need for this. Duviri Arcanes didn't exist when people could double up. What therefore is the reason for making these new Arcanes require 21 copies, other than the obvious intent of increasing grind requirement and engagement? It is an easy task to stat squish Arcanes to only require 10 copies as they used to, but DE go out of their way to make the grind worse for the player base. They have done so since the Arcane rework. The only reason people haven't complained as much is because outside of Eidolon Arcanes, every instance of new Arcanes added other than Duviri Arcanes have had a shop system in addition to the Arcane RNG grind and did NOT have limits on purchases besides price. Duviri Arcanes can only be bought ONCE per day and require a level 9 Intrinsic to even do so.

I've made several posts on this in the past, and I 100% agree. Weapon Arcanes should be 3 ranks like Exodia and Pax Arcanes, not 5. They never stacked beforehand. DE has gone for an egregious content padding approach where instead of any new mods releasing, it's just a bloated roster of Arcanes because they require 21 drops each to max instead of 1 with some Endo and Credits. As I mentioned earlier, look no further than Archon Shards and Incarnon Adapters with how they approach farming in updates now.

21 hours ago, DawnoftheWhiteFury said:

Ever since this change was implemented when Arcanes were reworked, Arcane grinding became a primary source of burn out for me as someone who doesn't get burnt out easily in this game. Lol @ "If you wanted to benefit from this you should have finished farming faster it was obviously a bug from the get go."

Don't farm them if you don't enjoy it and play what you do enjoy to translate into Platinum and buy the Arcanes you want. That's what I do with Riven Mods and what I also did with the entire Citrine update. Not every aspect of the game can be appealing to everyone.

Edited by Voltage
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1 hour ago, Voltage said:


The way it's being handled in Duviri was terrible at launch, and now much closer in line to hunting Eidolons (in terms of the time cost, which is still even easier than how Trials used to work).  

It's rare but I haven't heard about a good satisfactory launch made by DE. I remember how bad Rail Jack launch was. I do remember many of these launches passing throughout a lot of traumatic transitions. Is there a great launch that happened in DE's history? I'm curious about this. I notice the increase of bugs between launches. This one has already a big package of bugs. 

What makes this game be so buggy? I never found the reason to understand this. Is it the programmers? Is it the 3D engine? Is it the management of human resources and priorities? Why this project seems so enigmatic when we speak about the amount of bugs in every launch? It makes me think on the question "What is going on with all of these hiccups?" "is the problem that profound or is intended to be this way on purpose?". 

I ask you and of course few others who can answer me these questions. We see this rite over and over and over and over again. Why is this? 

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3 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

It's rare but I haven't heard about a good satisfactory launch made by DE. I remember how bad Rail Jack launch was. I do remember many of these launches passing throughout a lot of traumatic transitions. Is there a great launch that happened in DE's history? I'm curious about this. I notice the increase of bugs between launches. This one has already a big package of bugs. 

Plenty actually. Every update has its bugs, but many updates in the past are well received overall. Plains of Eidolon, Fortuna, Jovian Concord, Lua's Prey, Operation: Plague Star (the first run of it), The Second Dream, The Sacrifice, The War Within, and probably others I cannot remember. People just tend to cling to and comment on the bad ones because negativity is often more likely to be shared.

I'm ignoring the rest of your post because internal management of how DE works isn't for me to comment on. Their business model is profitable, no matter how bad it feels on our end.

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