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No independence day gear?


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2 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Half the colonies were Dutch before your imperial butts swaggered in, imposed literally illegal taxes on them, wasted all that money on a war with France and a self-inflicted ponzi scheme. You wanna talk treason? How about you stop your treason against basic history and human decency first, redcoat

well im not british :) and i agree with some of what you say but is still treason also :))) but im happy i turned some colonists on :)) 

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2 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Half the colonies were Dutch before your imperial butts swaggered in, imposed literally illegal taxes on them, wasted all that money on a war with France and a self-inflicted ponzi scheme. You wanna talk treason? How about you stop your treason against basic history and human decency first, redcoat

man I guess this topic is too soon for you, huh? How were the taxes illegal if the reigning monarch implemented them? Their word is literal law.

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Rainbow is clearly more important than the single most influential country in the world.

this but unironically. we've been in a constant fight for our rights all over the world for decades, and it's backsliding in a lot of purposed "civilized" countries. what do you have to be proud as an american? corn syrup? losing proxy wars trying to fight the red scare? more mass shootings than the rest of the world put together? a government run by pansy neolibs and a nazi apocalypse death cult? make like the stonewall pigs and eat this brick


Edited by Ryuujou.
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55 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

How were the taxes illegal if the reigning monarch implemented them? Their word is literal law.

Not only is that not how it happened (the kings specifically paid little mind to the colonies), but that's also not how a CONSTITUTIONAL monarchy works. The king's/queen's word hasn't been law since 1688


And since I didn't see this right away:

50 minutes ago, Ryuujou. said:

losing wars against impoverished farmers?

Phrasing it this way is so disingenuous and inaccurate as to be disrespectful to both sides

Edited by TARINunit9
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21 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Not only is that not how it happened (the kings specifically paid little mind to the colonies), but that's also not how a CONSTITUTIONAL monarchy works. The king's/queen's word hasn't been law since 1688


And since I didn't see this right away:

Phrasing it this way is so disingenuous and inaccurate as to be disrespectful to both sides

Well, I guess you could ask for reparations from the British, since the taxes were clearly illegalz, or you could just let it go, since you were not even alive until hundreds of years later. The person you were responded to was making a joke. Here's another one. It's a visual gag, really.




As for your second comment, as an example of what you say is disrespectful to both sides, (which sides? I'm covering the one I am most knowledgeable about,) the Viet Cong were very much mostly composed of poor farmers who oftentimes weren't even aware they were fighting Americans and thought they were rising up against French colonial rule. Not that there was much of a difference. Either way they weren't in charge of their own destiny.


My dad served in Vietnam, actually. He wasn't even drafted, he signed up for it. (Which is just nuts.)


I was going to cover more ground and give more examples, but I don't think it is worth the trouble. Suffice to say, the US picks fights or engages in proxy wars regularly without proper justification. We went from a severely isolationist, (the "America First" time period, with all the awful things that conjures up for many people,) to overthrowing governments that are either communist/socialist or that in any way challenge what we want the world to look like. There's probably some good times to go to war, but we do not decide whether or not to go to war based on anything "good" or "just."

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16 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Thank you TARINunit9. 

I think we should have a 4 of July color palette or at least something along the lines of the Lunar Year (Chinese celebration) where one of the frames, Grendel, got a new skin. 

There's a Chinese version of the game, though. And I am betting the stuff we get for Chinese New Year is the same for the Chinese version. (Feel free to fact check me, I could be totally wrong!) Also, not every country is going to get their special day included in DE's list of things to give celebratory items for. (Not that I am opposed to getting 4th of July stuff, because free stuff is great. However, the color palette for the 4th was 3 colors and that was it.)


Actually, Easter gets a palette, and this irks me if we are going to start demanding equal treatment for color palettes. As a Satanist, I really want something like a "Baphomet Palette" with lots of neat colors.

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29 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

The person you were responded to was making a joke. Here's another one. It's a visual gag, really.

I have seen British people use that exact image file with absolutely NO irony or humor, genuinely treating modern day Americans as treasonous. *If* SovietSilviu was trying to be joking about it, I'll apologize for overreacting

23 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

As for your second comment, as an example of what you say is disrespectful to both sides, (which sides? I'm covering the one I am most knowledgeable about,) the Viet Cong were very much mostly composed of poor farmers who oftentimes weren't even aware they were fighting Americans and thought they were rising up against French colonial rule. Not that there was much of a difference. Either way they weren't in charge of their own destiny.

I was going to go into how the wars were actually fought. There's a famous pseudoquote (as in "we think he said this but no one can find the source") from General William Westmoreland that goes "I was never defeated on the battlefield in Vietnam, but we still lost the war." Because the way the war was fought, to say "the United States got pwnt by farmers with sharp sticks" makes a good punchline but doesn't reflect reality of how either side deployed their respective strengths

But I think we can head this off at the pass because:

27 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Suffice to say, the US picks fights or engages in proxy wars regularly without proper justification. 

I do agree there was basically no reason to be in Vietnam, and the reasons to be in Afghanistan were extremely shaky

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I don't wanna go deeper on this, but this thread have only one common denominator and it's not the US, UK or China and it seems that all of you posting here are clueless about it. Kinda sad, but you are all figthing on heavily fabricated lies, made upon the death of innocent people.

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3 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

Great idea, but wouldn't the palette be like 2 colors then? I guess that's one way to get white for free since they aren't releasing a 4th of July one. TBH I've been playing since late 2015, and I either missed it as a newbie or it hasn't been around for 8 years. I'm not sure why there is so much fuss now.

They can make a void shell with Canadian flag texture... or maple leaf texture.

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2 hours ago, nslay said:

As an American, I ask, where's the Canada Day event in Warframe? I would at least expect that from a Canadian company.

Given what I've seen come out of the developer as of late, there's more than a bit of self-loathing, which would certainly account for the lack of anything remotely deemed "patriotic".

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4 minutes ago, ReddyDisco said:

Murica isn't the center of the world, why would anyone outside of USA care about your special day?

For the free stuff? We have St. Patrick's Day and Chinese New Year stuff too, and I don't remember seeing people whine about The Troubles or Tienanmen Square during any of those events. 🧻

Edited by PublikDomain
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People are the biggest cry babies these days.  Imagine wanting other people to not have stuff because you're not from there or relate to it (funny that doesn't work with everything though huh).  I literally wish we could get free stuff for EVERY holiday from everywhere, it's free.  The way some of your fashion frame is you need all the free colors you can get.  I won't respond to anyone on this because it's literally people being aholes or "childlike" for no reason other than "I can" and defending said behavior.  Can't tell you what I really want to so have a good holiday for whatever the hell you celebrate.

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15 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Rainbow is clearly more important than the single most influential country in the world.

Yes the rainbow is more important than America, especially since those whose symbol is the rainbow in that country are currently fighting to maintain their human rights in the face of religious fanaticism that has managed infiltrate the highest government positions. 

Also, you vastly overestimate the influence of the US. Historically and culturally, other countries have influenced the world far more than you have, such as Mesopotamia, Greece, the Roman Empire, the British Empire etc etc.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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