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How do you all feel about Invigorations? Do you use them?


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Some of y'all are calling it a bad or pointless system while also only using 2-3 frames in the first place. Sometimes it's good to broaden your horizons and find new things you like.

On 2023-08-15 at 1:24 AM, Vaml77 said:

the buffs are almost irrelevant .... and most of the time they are from warframes that we don't like to use. I've only been using it to place tau forged stones in warframes.

I don't at all understand how things like 200% strength, 200% crit chance, 100% range etc are irrelevant. sure they won't always apply to the frame selection, but that's why the 10th roll bonus exists. Not being on a frame you like =/= irellevant.

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Still a fan of sprint, parkour, and jump bonuses, but other than that I barely use the system now.   Regardless of how much or how little I use a frame, I don't particularly want to use them with really strong bonuses they don't normally have.  I will sometimes make use the Archon Hunt and Arbitration bonuses, but these are only for 1-3 missions.  (Using them also doesn't cost me anything, though I don't find Invigoration cost very relevant.)

* * *

One thing I'm curious about:  anybody have the impression DE changed the probabilities of frames being rolled for Invigoration since the system was first implemented?  There was evidence that frames were more or less likely to come up, basically corresponding with popularity.  And for a long time I did find frames like Banshee and Harrow--supposedly with double the standard chance of being rolled--were showing up more often.

But I don't feel that's markedly the case any longer.  Although I'm not keeping actual records of what comes up, and random is random, so I don't know.  Just curious what anyone else thinks.


Edited by Tiltskillet
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They're fun. I use them because they're fun.


I just got +75% parkour velocity and +200% strength on Voruna. I immediately made a loadout with infested mobility on her to see how far I could yeet the dog across the plains. I was pleased.

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Heh I thought about this thread again today when I visited Helminth with Kullervo and realized I couldnt be bothered to hit the Invigoration button even for him, the frame I play most right now. And this was with a massive bonus to secondary damage and heaps of extra armor.

So I guess that means I still really dislike and see zero point with the system. :clem:

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I use them every once in a while, when I see something I like.

Suggestion I have to improve them:

       • Re-roll stats on selected 3 frames for helmith resources.

You would still be locked into that week's three frames but spending resources would allow us to re-roll them if they sucked for those frames.

Edited by (XBOX)DragonMan 2700
*Spacing (lul)
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flat point i dont use them

its not that it isnt helpful to play "strong" but it is a fleeting thing or a clickbait yt video in some cases showing "strong build" 

for me . its a thing to help  newer players be able to have a helping hand at harder activities , which is fine, or those that need /want it

its an option like anything else in the game, i just dont need it to be successful and have fun 

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On 2023-08-14 at 1:12 PM, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I don't use them at all. I don't like temporary buffs like this even if they are powerful...sometimes. I would get used to the power and miss it the week afterwards. Now, if I could buff the same Warframe the same way every week then I would happily use it.

This is my sentiment exactly! Never bothered with the system purely because of this.

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On 2024-02-05 at 3:25 PM, CephalonOlphus said:

Some of y'all are calling it a bad or pointless system while also only using 2-3 frames in the first place. Sometimes it's good to broaden your horizons and find new things you like.

I don't at all understand how things like 200% strength, 200% crit chance, 100% range etc are irrelevant. sure they won't always apply to the frame selection, but that's why the 10th roll bonus exists. Not being on a frame you like =/= irellevant.

I wouldn't say it's a worthless or irrelevant system, but I would say a constant weekly resource sink with buffs I may not want on Warframes I can dislike that gives me a limited amount of control over it in general is really annoying. Like, supremely annoying.

I really shouldn't need to go through ten invigorations just to get something I want in any capacity, and a temporary system in Warframe is just never going to be actively used and ignored by 90% of players. The 10% who will actively use it totally will if there's no real cost involved or it's super easy, like the Relay buffs Legendary Rank players can give out.

Maybe if the system made me want to engage with it, like making it swapping abilities in the chair also gave me Invigoration points to reduce the kind of dumb grind to ten. If I could just feed Helminth a specific resource automatically to keep the Invigoration up per week so I didn't have to waste my time navigating the menu, like something he can only give you by feeding him or changing Archon shards. I'm not necessarily against a resource cost in and of itself, but I am against an annoying resource sink I can't automate in some fashion. If automation is too much, why not just make the buff last longer, you can still have them rotate weekly to put more buffs on others but keep your own buffs for at least two weeks.

Other folks have pointed this out, but Invigorations kind of feel like a tacked-on system that is really clunky and feels poorly thought out. I don't really care for the system since it's more obtuse than helpful and feels more like a chore than anything else. I never actively use the system, I mostly just use it on the rare occasion that Atlas or another Warframe I actually want to waste resources on shows up.



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8 hours ago, Greysmog said:

I wouldn't say it's a worthless or irrelevant system, but I would say a constant weekly resource sink with buffs I may not want on Warframes I can dislike that gives me a limited amount of control over it in general is really annoying. Like, supremely annoying.

I really shouldn't need to go through ten invigorations just to get something I want in any capacity, and a temporary system in Warframe is just never going to be actively used and ignored by 90% of players. The 10% who will actively use it totally will if there's no real cost involved or it's super easy, like the Relay buffs Legendary Rank players can give out.

Maybe if the system made me want to engage with it, like making it swapping abilities in the chair also gave me Invigoration points to reduce the kind of dumb grind to ten. If I could just feed Helminth a specific resource automatically to keep the Invigoration up per week so I didn't have to waste my time navigating the menu, like something he can only give you by feeding him or changing Archon shards. I'm not necessarily against a resource cost in and of itself, but I am against an annoying resource sink I can't automate in some fashion. If automation is too much, why not just make the buff last longer, you can still have them rotate weekly to put more buffs on others but keep your own buffs for at least two weeks.

Other folks have pointed this out, but Invigorations kind of feel like a tacked-on system that is really clunky and feels poorly thought out. I don't really care for the system since it's more obtuse than helpful and feels more like a chore than anything else. I never actively use the system, I mostly just use it on the rare occasion that Atlas or another Warframe I actually want to waste resources on shows up.



Strong disagreement here.

It's an icing on top of icing on top of icing on the cake type of system. With so many ways and such a wide range of ways to gain semi-permanent, fully customizable, conditional and, with Invigoration, random buffs and abilities, I find it rather odd that players feel so inclined to want all of the methods to work in such a boring way. 

Yes, we should have different and sometimes temporary ways to gain buffs. It adds yet another element of experimentation and power fantasy to the game. I especially like that we have an extra extra batch of super buffs that we have to put SOME work into in order to unlock them for exactly the frame we want them for. It sounds crazy to me to have this made easier and more readily, or permanently, available.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Strong disagreement here.

It's an icing on top of icing on top of icing on the cake type of system. With so many ways and such a wide range of ways to gain semi-permanent, fully customizable, conditional and, with Invigoration, random buffs and abilities, I find it rather odd that players feel so inclined to want all of the methods to work in such a boring way. 

Yes, we should have different and sometimes temporary ways to gain buffs. It adds yet another element of experimentation and power fantasy to the game. I especially like that we have an extra extra batch of super buffs that we have to put SOME work into in order to unlock them for exactly the frame we want them for. It sounds crazy to me to have this made easier and more readily, or permanently, available.

If we're going with the cake analogy, you kind of explained why I'm just never going to be interested in it. If you just keep adding more icing for really no other purpose than just to ... add more icing, I have to wonder why I'd even bother once I reach a certain point. Especially when almost everything else in the game doesn't make it so I have to keep reapplying the icing, and just lets me do it once. 

As for making it easier in general, not all of those suggestions have to be applied. I don't really see the point of going through a menu all the time when you can just automate the process and still take the resources I was going to put into it anyway, which was moreso the core point of my suggestions.

Unlike the Invigoration system, pretty much everything you mentioned is a one and done sort of deal. Pretty much everything else in the game is permanent, and anything that isn't is disliked by most players. No one really wants to run Conclave challenges every week just to have their Syandana glow, it's seen as pointless or generally unnecessary since I have everything I need, right here, and it doesn't force me to keep redoing it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I don't know when invigorations came out but I finally got to use an Override on February 18-25th lol.   I thought range on my Wisp would be awesome but it wasn't LMAO...(I don't even use her shock mote,  I just wanted bigger mote area and Nourish range)

Overrides are awesome but OMG they take way to long way to much work to reach.   I'm not gonna burn resources just to get to them.   

I think regardless of whatever system they have in place for the free invigs everyone should get 1 free override per month.  That's not so bad.  

Anyways I will see you guys in another year+ when I get my second override lol.  

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We just had a week of stabilized thermia fractures which effectively meant a double credit event for profit taker farmers.

Used my wildcard invigoration for chroma to get extra damage and strength so I could run through more shield phases and leg breaks before having to reload.

The invig helped shave seconds off my lap times, which resulted in being able to fit in more runs.  Was able to rake in around 450M credits over the 5 days or so of the event. 

TY helminth invigorations.  :)

Edited by sly_squash
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On 2024-02-05 at 11:25 PM, CephalonOlphus said:

I don't at all understand how things like 200% strength, 200% crit chance, 100% range etc are irrelevant. sure they won't always apply to the frame selection, but that's why the 10th roll bonus exists. Not being on a frame you like =/= irellevant.

The biggest drawback to the system is that the buffs are temporary. It's not a permanent upgrade like subsumes and Archon Shards. Plus the buffs you want are usually never available when you want them. Even if you manage to use your override, you'll have to wait another 3 to 4 weeks before that's usable again.

It's just an unnecessary drain on resources and not worth the effort.

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