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Energy siphon is kinda useless

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The energy it generates (0.6 per second, ) is simply to small to be worth dedicating your aura slot to  it especially since every  other energy generation method (zenurik well spring, arcane energys, equilibrium...)  by far out shines it.

If it gave 2 energy per second like archon stretch or (even better increased the energy provided by energy sources like grendel's nourish [matching the name energy siphon even better]) the mod might finally be effective enough to be worth using over other aura's


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Oh man I remember the days when Energy Siphon was THE THING. Everyone ran it and 2.4 e/s was HOT if you weren't running a Trinity as an energy battery.

Nowadays you just have access to so much energy you wonder if there's really a point to it being a resource anymore.

Yeah I guess you could buff Siphon. I don't think anyone would really use it tho.

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It is rather ... Outdated at this point true, 

But it is acquired pretty early in the game and you can only have one aura at a time but you can stack it in a group.

I wouldn't say no to an upgrade , but it's an ok mod. I also don't see it replacing other auras unless the buff is significant.

Edited by 0_The_F00l
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I think there's value in considering a buff for it.

Increasing energy return significantly and altering it's stacking ability would make it a much more viable option compared to where it is right now.

Back then, I doubt DE was ever worried about how impactful that Aura mod was for one player but for a squad full of members using Energy Siphon as limiting energy seemed to be a goal back then.
Those days have passed on now. The goals seem to have shifted and the chances that a squad full of players would all have that mod equipped aren't as high as they were years ago imo.
The biggest concern would be that it might de-value Zenurik and the only way to do that would be to buff Energy Siphon to insane degrees.

I think both Energy Siphon and Rejuvenation could stand to be tuned up tbh.


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56 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Oh man I remember the days when Energy Siphon was THE THING. Everyone ran it and 2.4 e/s was HOT if you weren't running a Trinity as an energy battery.

Nowadays you just have access to so much energy you wonder if there's really a point to it being a resource anymore.

Yeah I guess you could buff Siphon. I don't think anyone would really use it tho.

Yeah between Energy Siphon and getting a Trinity on the team, you knew life was great.

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1 hour ago, sunderthefirmament said:

I trust you know that Energy Siphon will not provide energy while you have Ivara's Prowl active (or most other channeled abilities).

Yes, which is why I find a hole and hide for a bit.

If I can't be doing with that I just do spy missions the "correct" way.  I use quotes as technically you're using a tool provided by the game to get through the bullhockey.

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It would be nice if it was a strong enough alternative so that you woul consider using it instead of equilibrium giving a nice alternative and freeing a mod slot for even more build varaity

4 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Oh man I remember the days when Energy Siphon was THE THING. Everyone ran it and 2.4 e/s was HOT if you weren't running a Trinity as an energy battery.

Nowadays you just have access to so much energy you wonder if there's really a point to it being a resource anymore.

Yeah I guess you could buff Siphon. I don't think anyone would really use it tho.


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4 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

It is rather ... Outdated at this point true, 

But it is acquired pretty early in the game and you can only have one aura at a time but you can stack it in a group.

I wouldn't say no to an upgrade , but it's an ok mod. I also don't see it replacing other auras unless the buff is significant.

I havent used or seen somone use energy siphon in the Last  4 years i think the mod could use some love

Edited by (PSN)LoneRatatouille
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I like Quick Thinking as a tank layer, but you kinda have to build around it with some form of passive or active healing (Arcane Grace, Vazarin's Squad Regen, etc.), Quick Thinking (prevents death by taking energy when you're at 2 health at 240% efficiency (1 energy = 2.4 health), affected by any DR you have), Rage or Hunter Adrenaline (to convert health damage to energy), and ideally some form of increase to your max health and/or energy. In short, it can be pretty mod/arcane/helminth intensive.

It's gotten a little bit easier to get certain points active with the advent of archon shards, and the energy gain from Rage is multiplied by things like Nourish, but it still needs to be a little less mod-tax demanding to become commonplace.

... What were we talking about? Oh right.

5 hours ago, chaotea said:

True that its from a time when energy restore sources were limited to energy vampire and orbs. Though 2 might be too much with 4 players (8 per second). Maybe 1per second = 4per second with full squad.

Considering that you'd probably have to coordinate to get to 8 e/s, and considering that that amount is laughably overshadowed by a Harrow, or Nourish Styanax, or Voracious Metastasis Hildryn, or Trinity, or any other frame that can regen squad energy, not to mention energy pizzas, I'm going to say that the squad giving up something like +100% power strength on status (basically up 99.99% of the time) for 8 e/s is a big fat nothingburger.

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7 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:


I like Quick Thinking as a tank layer, but you kinda have to build around it with some form of passive or active healing (Arcane Grace, Vazarin's Squad Regen, etc.), Quick Thinking (prevents death by taking energy when you're at 2 health at 240% efficiency (1 energy = 2.4 health), affected by any DR you have), Rage or Hunter Adrenaline (to convert health damage to energy), and ideally some form of increase to your max health and/or energy. In short, it can be pretty mod/arcane/helminth intensive.


Heheh! Yup! It evolves into something more later on just like this.

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53 minutes ago, (PSN)LoneRatatouille said:

I havent used or seen somone use energy siphon in the Last  4 years i think the mod could use some love

It's in circuit if you take the default loadout.

But yeah , as I said , it is outdated in today's game and I wouldn't mind an upgrade.

But the upgrade needs to be good enough to replace my other aura mods too else the upgrade will be pointless. 

The most common aura mods I have are growing power , steel charge and corrosive projection.

With very specific use cases for Swift momentum and rejuvenation , 

I understand brief respite is also popular amongst those that prefer shieldgating playstyles but I dont use it that often.

So the buff needs to be good enough to replace the above at least and also be competitive enough with other energy mods/arcanes/focus for me to modify my playstyle around it.

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It's worth considering what the original intent of the whole system was. That being a stacking team-wide buff.

It's not just 0.6 energy it's 2.4 across a full team when one player has it and 2.4 per player when a full squad runs it. And being that it's entirely passive it does still function as a stand alone method of energy generation but only when still used as intended.

But given DE's usual issue of leaving one/a few overpowered options available it got thrown aside for stronger options plus co-op is a dead concept. At this point the whole Aura system could do with a rework to better fit the current game.

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as others have said, Energy Siphon isn't weak, just outdated: before Zenurik Focus and easier access to Arcane Energize, it was the only viable means of getting energy besides dropping pizzas or taking Trinity. plus it stacks.

it'd be nice if it were buffed, but given how long it took to get weapon auras and core status chance mods up to par, I'm not holding my breath for DE to bother changing anything.

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We really don’t need endless energy. It can be good to have a constant trickle of energy combined with considered ability usage, and Energy Siphon still finds a place on my Warframe when I want to go a little more ability-oriented and am using something other than energy generators elsewhere

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Energy siphon is already more appealing than other auras, dunno why you said that since we have many underwhelming picks when it comes to aura mods.

It's something useful early on then gets less use when you progress through the game more, that's not really a bad thing and it's still a nice mod to have.

Edited by (XBOX)C11H22O11
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🤔 If I was feeling particularly vindictive about a bunch of players joining my missions and specifically built to take the game away as they rampage through the mission in what I would think was trolling if I didn’t know any better, I’d actually like an Energy Drain Aura. Until DE either take away their ability to join those missions with builds better suited for something higher-level or take away the ability to be so overpowered in the first place or segregates players who want to play from players who want to grind, there are sometimes where I’m like “They know what they’re doing, and they do it anyway, like a bully eating some kid’s lunch; would it be so bad to forcibly knock them down a peg or two with a little Aura mod?”.

Though that said I’d most likely just stick to solo when I want to play, akin to staying solo when I want to destroy everything and the only ones who would have grounds to complain about it would be the AI; a sudden energy drain coming from a teammate is probably a little too cruel and would undoubtedly lead to many many deaths

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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