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Warframe that need to be rework and what kind of ability should they have?


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1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

Oberon is good, I don't see why some want a complete rework for him

3 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

Oberon is S tier, don't touch him.

Oberon is one of my most played frames, and I don't think he needs a complete rework.
If anything maybe change Renewal to be more energy friendly and buff the numbers on it a bit. Wisp's heal mote outclasses it nearly completely since that one has no energy drain for keeping it up and it heals more. Not sure if it gives more EHP though. Maybe for frames which have a lower base armor.
Personally I'd change it so that the healing overtime on Renewal stays on with the armor buff after the ability is deactivated, and maybe make the values on it more relevant.
Keeping to channel it could still do something like generating Overguard if Oberon or one of his squadmates are already full HP.

(Though healing is a bit strange mechanic because after certain levels mobs oneshot most frames instead of being able to tank few hits on HP. One of the reasons I think DE should rework how damage is handled with level scaling. It'd make CC frames relevant too again, if it wasn't for eximi. It'd make playing as a team more rewarding and better designed.)

1 hour ago, Bountyboy312 said:

Okay I think some more Warframes should be reworked. List the Warframes that need to be rework 




I dont anything else maybe you guys could could think of any other Warframes that to be rework. 

Inaros could use a rework to be more team oriented for sure. Shedding scarabs could help the team if it wasn't designed so inconveniently.
Hydroid definitely needs a rework, and I think it's one of the frames DE actually wants to rework once they've done more work on Duviri.
I think Nyx could use some changes but people typically disagree with me on that because of her 4th's augment which I personally don't like using.
Frost could also use some changes. Level scaling damage, a bit higher base energy, and either a DR ability or Icy Avalanche becoming baseline to the ability and the Overguard it generates stacking and not capped would improve him without a complete rework.

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Oberon is definitely not s tier, but he is still a very capable frame. He has:


Armor buffs

Status immunity

Crowd control

Armor stripping

Damage buff via 1st augmente

Infinite free revives via 3rd augment


I play him time to time and he never has a problem in any mission I put him in. While he's fallen behind a bit in the meta he still works just fine at what he does.

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9 minutes ago, toyetic said:

also frost

imo with all the recent buffs on overguard, cold status etc, Frost is pretty strong and interesting now. The only real issue he has honestly is his energy efficiency, I only play with both with arcane energize and steadfast, with that I enjoy him a lot now, but without I admit it's a little complicated.

And Frost icy avalanche just got buffed again this last patch, allowing it to stack up to 15k multiplied by your power strength instead of the old outdated mechanic.

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There are 2 that are miles above others on a "needs a rework" list: Hydroid and Caliban.

Both need powers brought right back to the drawing board. I don't think I'd need to explain Hydroid, he's needed a rework for so long now everyone should know why.

Caliban is a strange one. It's almost like the ideas behind him weren't given a few more days of deliberation. As if the powers he has are Version 1 but we needed Version 5.

A) Razor Gyre just needs to go. It doesn't work and barely looks like a "Sentient" attack. Keep the spinning animation and the ability to move around, have him hold an Orb over his head that shoots laser beams in all directions, and rename it to Battalyst Scan.

B) Sentient Wrath probably looked good on paper but performs really badly. You hit an enemy once and they lose their Lifted Status and just get up. Keep the animation, the sound effects, all of that, but now it's a pulse that weakens/strips Shields and Armour in a 360° area with reduced range.

C) Lethal Progeny....... (Sigh). Just turn the Sentients into Firing Sentients instead of Melee Sentients. This power can then interact with Sentient Wrath whereby the Firing Sentients have their levels adjusted to match any enemies hit by Sentient Wrath. I'd even settle for Vomulysts at this stage instead if Conculysts....

D) Now that Sentient Wrath is doing Armour/Shield stripping, it's no longer needed on Fusion Strike. Keeps the same animation and sounds,  but now it creates an enemy pull vortex when the beams meet in the middle. Any enemies hit a second time while being pulled by the vortex take extra damage.

Most of Calibans fixes don't require visual changes. Sentient Wrath stays as is. Fusion Strike stays as is. Razor Gyre keeps 85% of its original aesthetics, just adding the Battalyst Orb (ingame asset), the Lasers (pull from multiple sources) and having Calibans arms up. Lethal Progeny would be the most work out of it all as a new version of Ally AI would need to be implemented and the Conculysts asset replaced with (Sentient who shoots) asset. But it's all very doable. And it'd make Caliban usable but not OP.

But... considering Hydroid still hasn't been fixed this whole time, I'm not holding out hope.

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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Just in case people need a reference for Hydroid:

As for the topic, I hope his old kit would still be playable somewhere even after a rework. I regularly play Warframe to experience his gameplay specifically.

It would be nice if he had his augment for Tempest Barrage use the old corrosive effect, it would really smooth out his damage but ultimately it isn’t needed nowadays.


Edited by Turritopsis_Dohrnii
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The only thing I would touch on Oberon is toning down the energy drain of Renewal.

The one positive for Hydroid fans is that he's so f***ing bad and in such a need of a complete rework that the odds that DE actually do it are near zero. So people that enjoy this POS can continue to enjoy him for the foreseeable future.

Inaros' Sandstorm should be a sphere not a hemisphere. It's so dumb that a mob standing just below me on a stairway is immune to the CC. Also, as with basically any of these abilities where enemies are flung around and ragdolled in a way that makes them hard to shoot, friendlies should just be able to shoot Inaros or something to spread their damage. Also IDK you could tweak his passive so that his abilities give him Overguard so people can have their precious shield-ish gate effect. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I believe adding level scaling to the ability damage and increase base stats of some abilities would go a long way. No need for full reworks or replacing abilities in most cases.

Man having level scaling on abilities is such a good idea they'll never do it. 

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I'd love a Loki rework-lite. He's barely changed over the years and while his kit is still functional it's also pretty dated. It wouldn't take much, either, so it'd be a pretty quick one. Combine Decoy and Teleport into one ability (or Invisibility and Teleport), give him a new 3 that can be whatever, and that's kinda it. Maybe let Decoy run around and let you have multiples, little stuff like that.

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2 hours ago, Bountyboy312 said:

Okay I think some more Warframes should be reworked. List the Warframes that need to be rework 




I dont anything else maybe you guys could could think of any other Warframes that to be rework. 

You didn't say why though. No details, no reasons, no nothin'. Staaaaaaart talking bro! 😆

Ok, jokes aside, I'm not so sure about these frames needing reworks. 

Hydroid - Actually a really good CO and CC frame. He has one of the best 1 abilities that does a smaller CC but is great at opening up heavy units for finishers. A wide blade like War compliments this ability perfectly, taking advantage of staggered enemies. His 2 secures a choke point and is fun to use when your friend has aoe weapons. His wave opens up free hits and, thus, increases your survivability. And we all know about his 4. 😂

Inaros - FANTASTIC crowd controller, team healer and aggro influencer. He can use his 1 to take advantage of finisher arcanes and parazon finisher mods, of which the latter supports ammo, health and energy replenishment. His 4 heals and delivers a spreading CC while his 3 can disrupt and spread enemies around. His 2 can stop a strong enemy unit, perfect for squad support, although I subsumed it for fire blast.

Oberon - ....... I'll leave this fight to the great many Obewon fans. 😂

All in all, I think minor touch ups would make a world of difference for Inaros and Hydroid.

For Hydroid, maybe a true damage placed on any enemy that hits a wall after tidal surge, similar to Frost's bubble crash. 

For Inaros, I would shorten his life siphoning during death, reduce devour time and add a higher damaging or high impact proc upon enemies slammed to the ground after his sand storm. Might also be cool to have it synergize a bit with his 4, allowing the beetles to attack enemies during sand storm at the cost of 25% of his scarab armor. This would support an even wider CC/heal.


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49 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

imo with all the recent buffs on overguard, cold status etc, Frost is pretty strong and interesting now. The only real issue he has honestly is his energy efficiency, I only play with both with arcane energize and steadfast, with that I enjoy him a lot now, but without I admit it's a little complicated.

And Frost icy avalanche just got buffed again this last patch, allowing it to stack up to 15k multiplied by your power strength instead of the old outdated mechanic.

Frost is one of those frames that can fit into any role type and responds very well to any setup type. He's also indestructible outside of very high endurance runs and the Nourish, Parasitic Armor and Pull subsumes should be freakin illegal with him. 

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Limbo would be my first pick. All his skills have to do with defense and the Rift and it used to be a safe haven for him. With the addition of heavy units who can damage inside and outside of the rift, and even help other npcs free roam into your catacylsm. Limbo is pretty useless now , past 5min in any mission.

Inaros is pretty bad also. They should change his devour so a sand clone does it, allow only one, and maybe just lower the healing. Sandstorm skill could use a complete rework, one of the worst skills in the game imo. Scarab swarm also feels weak.

Loki could use some love also. He feels kinda bland.

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хочу начать про баланс и что некоторым удается дойти до 9999, а некоторые особи слетают уже на 100-130 уровне.
прорези невидимки.
Я бы, конечно, предложил, чтобы быть более конкретным, из последнего вдохновения.

Титания - у нее ужасное оружие ближнего боя при включении 4 способностей.
самое интересное оружие больше не убивает 100 уровней. и бьет как дубина, а не меч. Можно ли сделать характеристики похожие на меч Миры, например с токсическим уроном, а так же добавить статус светлячков от оружия. как я могу убить 9999 уровней с ее оружием. должен быть шанс.

Заку - после игры с ним, когда он установлен на полную силу, а радиус все еще слаб. вторая способность, которая крадет пушки с ее 8-метрового диапазона. 8 метров - это дальность оружия ближнего боя. и он также не может убить с включенными 3 способностями и даже с 400% силы. У меня максимальная дальность 20 метров. 20 метров для стрелкового оружия это смешно. можно уравнять радиус захвата и радиус поражения. возможно добавить %5 эффектов от основного оружия или немного мультивыстрела и пробивания этих орудий.
сильный моб на 130 уровне заку не может убить его со 124 способностью в течение минуты. забавно, можно ли на эти 2 его способности поставить какие-то дополнительные прогрессивные эффекты.

Локи - его способности 1 и 2 не понятно как использовать, это должна быть пассивная способность.

Оберон — его земля уничтожается нуллификаторами, когда на них наступают. Они могут перестать это делать, урон от этой способности и так небольшой.
охранники - они же роботы, почему-то умирают от газовых облаков. они совсем не долговечны.

caliban — его 3-я способность исчезает в куполе монстра.
у некоторых монстров щиты и способности сильнее, чем у варфрейма. Интересно, зачем ставить 8 модов из 10 на силу способностей, если она выключена или не хватает энергии. Предлагаю убрать новые земли и улучшить варфреймов в % и прогрессии. чтобы все были в курсе и чтобы у каждого была возможность пройти 9999 уровней и не только в скрытом режиме. Как это сделать понятия не имею. можно ли добавить сборные модули как в примере с указами?

Edited by Vhqrty
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I absolutely despise that I have to say it, but it's the truth and thus needs to be said. Trinity, while not needing a total rework, definitely needs some adjustments. A concept I saw someone mention once, is merging her four abilities into two abilities. Merge Well of Life into Energy Vampire, and merge Link into Blessing. As things stand, Well of Life is pretty much universally considered a worthless ability (and for good reason), and there's a lot of duplicate effects across her abilities.

She's eternally my canonical frame from when I first obtained her normal form a decade ago, and it's just so saddening and painful to see how she's realistically irrelevant nowadays. She sees some niche use in specific content (like Eidolon hunting), but overall she's been completely obsoleted by more modern support frames (especially Oberon, and to a lesser extent Wisp). I would love to see her being modernized, and would be willing to accept some sacrifices for it.

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Honestly before any frame gets any changes I want DE to have a Devstream, blog post, Prime Time or something where they explicitly explain their design philosophy of Warframes. I don't understand it at all. I've been trying to rack my brain about it for months but all I'm coming to is that there has to be at least 3 - 4 (of course Pablo is include in this) people who design Warframes effectively semi doing what they want. They're so inconsistent. Not to mention the disparate standards, if they actually have it, that each player has. You can even see it here on the thread. This warframe is bland, this one is worthless, this one sucks cause it's not comparable to "insert insane, broken DPS god" warframe. For me at least if I'm going to say something works or doesn't work/fail I need some more info! Design bibles, the design intent, is there a control variable warframe we can do a compare/contrast that's a logical/fair comparison? 

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12 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

I'd love a Loki rework-lite. He's barely changed over the years and while his kit is still functional it's also pretty dated. It wouldn't take much, either, so it'd be a pretty quick one. Combine Decoy and Teleport into one ability (or Invisibility and Teleport), give him a new 3 that can be whatever, and that's kinda it. Maybe let Decoy run around and let you have multiples, little stuff like that.

I know you are not the only one with this sentiment but I think his kit is great except for decoy thats why I subsume it off. His 2,3(especially with augment), and 4 and incredibly useful are cycled through all of my Loki builds.

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Nyx is harder to argue nowadays. Assimilate is an annoying augment, but the parkour speed shards have made it so much more tolerable. And she has an easy 100% defense strip and CC if she's suffering too much drain from incoming damage. She's pretty good, if still somewhat clunk, imo.

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