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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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I mean... what DE has done with this package is absurd and hilarious at the same time. Right now people should be talking about warframe 1999 and not about this, but here we are,  because of this poorly balanced pack I've barely seen a couple of videos about WF 1999, not to mention that the video of the package on YouTube quintuples the number of dislikes compared to the likes.


I'm almost sure that most of the likes were made before knowing the price.

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21 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

Maybe the right to brag at the latecomers, IDK.

No, it's exactly that.
They thinly veil it from themselves, but it really boils down to petty vanity.

I mean really, who in their right mind would defend this kinda marketing tactic?
... unless they have something to gain from it. Something probably rooted in an equally petty ordeal.

Thus, being able to flex their abnormally large wallet takes priority over honest pricing.

A lot of us against the marketing practice have said "We don't really care that there's a price tag, so long as it's fair."
Which is a perfectly normal thing to ask for. Not that I should even HAVE to be asked.

16 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Mykk lacks any actual arguments to make

Honestly? The dude plays Conclave in the way that stomps newbies from ever joining it.
Is there any surprise that the kinda players to gatekeep basic upgrades in Conclave are ALSO the ones to defend this kinda FOMO?

Source: I had to deal with him and the Conclave Cult.
Their group went out of their way to hunt me down for DARING to get standing.
What should've been a brief moment turned into a grueling slog for one weapon skin.
If they ever say "you did nothing but complain"-- well no doy, people would have a problem if they were chased down like that.

EDIT: For anybody wondering why I would even do Conclave?
Man, I just wanted a cool skin for Ack & Brunt. I thought it'd take like... collectively 10 hours and no more.
Instead, thanks to folks like that? It took FAR more. Wanna say around the ballpark of 100 hours or more.

15 hours ago, Vortex said:

I paid the full price for the exclusivity, if they want to change something so the founder pack should return too. End.

No, you paid "full price" for a way to belittle and mock others for not existing during a small period of time.
All because you- for some inexplicable reason- feel an immense spite towards the Founders who (for the most part) threw money at a game on the verge of bankruptcy for:

  1. A deal FAR better off than this crude display of raw greed.
  2. To keep a game that they enjoy on it's feet.

All with the risk that the game might just flop anyway.

But sure, because you want your own way to passively laugh at others like a sick and twisted thing-- this is justfied.
Look, I don't like Revenant players because most of them are idiots. Usually the "justification" for that is because they'll prove it themselves.
So help me god, if I have to load up my game real quick JUST TO SEE if you're one of THOSE players... I'll point it out, rest assured.

15 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

it remains a fact that most players have no chance to get GAMEPLAY INFLUENCING ITEMS that they also need to progress.

While I'm not really fond of Excal Prime giving MR beyond the limit?
We're at a point now where half the MR can be done with relative ease.
Ignoring that? It's not that huge of a deal.

The biggest solution to any OTHER problems is introducing the ability to toggle Umbra's passive that holds him back.
Do that? You got what is effectively just Excal Prime without having to outright give Excal Prime.

"Oh, but you're taking away his free will?"
I may hear someone (not the person I'm replying to specifically though) say to bring the lore up...
To which I respond with: "Think of it like you're telling him to sit tight for a sec."
Tah dah!

9 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

What is it, besides the cash only nature and the manufactured exclusivity, that makes the Heirloom skins any different from any other Deluxe skin?

Sadly, I know EXACTLY the answer the shills will give before even reading further in this thread:
"It's the 10th anniversary!!"

Which is about as solid as a building support made of soap suds.

7 hours ago, prodi1600 said:

DEX its usually better quality and free than prime accessories, for example:

I'll be real here, I still use the Wisp one.
... but that's because it's really the one I can reasonably use without Tennogen.

7 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

because they make more money by charging cash. its simple. 

If your goal is to make as much as money as possible no matter what, do you:

  1. Pick an extremely selective someone who will buy literally anything for 100$?
  2. Pick a much broader crowd to buy said bundle for 20$?

The answer is the latter, obviously.
Yes, it's less money PER purchase... but it's also more customers outright.

A LOT more people can justify dropping 20$ on a skin versus the very select few whales who can drop 100$ on a skin. 
(Bonus points, those whales are probably buying the bigger packages WHICH CAN BE ADDED IN TANDEM. Therefore the option for a 20$ bundle just nets more customers anyway.)
... unless you're EA, who deprives themselves of everything that makes them human in an effort to raise an endless amount of capital for any reason but a rational one.
If you're going the EA route? You may as just disembowel every thought of goodwill that you think DE might have.
Because- contrary to popular belief- the gaming community as a WHOLE is tired of these tactics.



On another note? The only reason I'm still even HERE in this game is because it's slightly better than most games I have interest in by the economy alone.
That's it. That's the only reason. I would probably have more enjoyment out of some other games if they weren't parasitically latched to these marketing tactics.

If you drop that very same virtue for a tiny profit? Eventually spiraling into a deranged power trip for money? (Which we all know you WOULD if you don't wake up now!)
I can certainly say that Phantasy Star Online 2 would seem a lot more enticing. Even WITH all of it's massive glaring flaws.
I mean, I haven't exactly been subtle on it. Game is looking like a good change of pace, even with the market being locked behind a paywall.

... and to be frank? That's not something I say with a smug grin and a little bit of delighted mockery.
It's something I say knowing full well how utterly garbage PSO2 has become with it's "New Genesis" update.
Variety in weapons is nice to keep a player going, but you're not doing that well in that department either.
So if I have to keep picking the lesser of two evils, it's not in your favor.

Edited by Binket_
Do people even read these edits? Whatever, addendum is listed as it should.
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6 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

No, it's exactly that.
They thinly veil it from themselves, but it really boils down to petty vanity.

I mean really, who in their right mind would defend this kinda marketing tactic?
... unless they have something to gain from it. Something probably rooted in an equally petty ordeal.

Thus, being able to flex their abnormally large wallet takes priority over honest pricing.

A lot of us against the marketing practice have said "We don't really care that there's a price tag, so long as it's fair."
Which is a perfectly normal thing to ask for. Not that I should even HAVE to be asked.

I believe so. I simply consider those defending FOMOs to probably be some mfs who brag their exclusive BS to the latecomers and new players. As a consumer, FOMO items bring literally ZERO benefits. We have a limited purchase window instead of the item being always available, the price tag only goes up if they have a limited supply, and they are not necessarily better designed than non-FOMO items (because some of their value comes from FOMO - which is quite literally nothing but time pressure). Paying for them is one thing but defending them is something else.

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On 2023-08-28 at 2:58 AM, Xsoskeleton said:

but i have no value for regal aya since i already paid all that S#&$ following all the older prime releases.

DE have zero idea what kind of audience they are targeting thats for sure.

But the point in buying the pack isnt the aya, plat or anything else they might have added ontop of the collector items. They are in the end bonuses even though people try to scew it so those items hold their full worth in the pack, when the focus of the pack are the very exclusive skins that they "re-hired" an old designed to make in order to do something special during year 10 of WF. It just isnt fair the way people look at it, where they place plat/aya at max value in the pack while treating the skins and other things like regular deluxe skins that we get "constantly".

On 2023-08-28 at 3:15 AM, NecroPed said:

If you literally compare tier 2 prime access to this you get far more for less cost though.  

A prime warframe, two weapons, some glyphs, 2.6k platinum (able to get far more than the items available in heirloom pack, disregarding the fact we dont know plat value of new item types).

Compared to a pack that needlessly gives you 6 regal aya to arbitrarily inflate the value of the pack. And in order to get both prime sets you need to purchase more regal aya than you actually have use for on top of an inflated $100 pack. You get 6 regal aya and need 4 more to get both primes bundled, requiring two purchases of 3 or one purchase of 7 leaving you with leftover. 

And that value is being arbitrarily inflated with the regal aya. The pack can be perfectly calculated to include the value of everything in the pack but it can still be considered terrible value because of whats included in the pack and whats not available elsewhere. This goes beyond just a dollar amount. And I'm looking at close to half the value of the pack being disregarded or to permanently sacrifice parts of the unique bundle, thats terrible just to justify a few cosmetics with permanent FOMO. 

I'm sorry but thats not how people are going to value it. If they don't want or need the regal aya they aren't going to want to consider that in the value of the pack, because the inclusion of regal aya is completely unnecessary to a lot of people (and more likely those who have supported DE the most) and should have been an entirely optional pack on top of one that doesn't force you into buying 'not enough regal aya', let alone the layers of other problems with these packs. And in disregarding the regal aya and platinum I am disregarding like $40+ of the pack (plat and regal aya combined,  leaving a $60~ pack that gives me far less than if I spend like $20 more and got prime access. That does not feel like good value at all when I feel like I have consistently gotten more value out of their purchases. It doesn't matter how I try and look at this, the value is arbitrarily inflated to me and brings down the value of the pack. 

And thats just part of the problem, disregarding the regal aya and considering the unique cosmetics at any particular value is terrible because theyre being arbitrarily inflated by the regal aya, the pack is nowhere near worth the $100 aud if you take out the regal aya and platinum, no amount of good deal in the pack is going to make me disregard a considerable chunk of its cost unless its actually free and the rest of whats available in the pack is clearly consistently valued with previous purchases. And to avoid paying for those two things if you don't want them you have to sacrifice unique items because the cheaper packs are separated in terrible ways that deincentivises buying them over the biggest pack or buy things you don't want that aren't even needed alongside the cosmetics for most.

But why on earth would you compare it to PA? We also dont know the plat value of the new items since they are new and also what would be considered collector items. It is like buying art from two different artist and complaing that one costs more than the other or that his art is physically bigger but costs the same as the smaller piece from the other artist.

And the "inflated value" has already been covered and proven to be minimal even when using the full value of said aya/plat pack and using minimum values for the collector items. Like I said, when we use the full aya/play value, it still only ends up at a €15 value, which shrinks when we actually look at it in a fair way and add proper value to the collector items within the pack, and add an actual price to the halos.

You also claim you get far less. You dont if you actually want the skins, since again they are collectables, not regular run of the mill deluxe skins.

It is also disingenuous to place full pack value on the plat/aya while using minimum values for everything else. Clearly you dont actually want the skins because you dont see the extra value in them regarding how they came to be in the first place if you just place them among regular deluxe skins already in the game.


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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

While I'm not really fond of Excal Prime giving MR beyond the limit?
We're at a point now where half the MR can be done with relative ease.
Ignoring that? It's not that huge of a deal.

The biggest solution to any OTHER problems is introducing the ability to toggle Umbra's passive that holds him back.
Do that? You got what is effectively just Excal Prime without having to outright give Excal Prime.

"Oh, but you're taking away his free will?"
I may hear someone (not the person I'm replying to specifically though) say to bring the lore up...
To which I respond with: "Think of it like you're telling him to sit tight for a sec."
Tah dah!

Your solution is so crappy its beyond belief. Umbra is a totally different warframe with its own MR. The only real solution would be to not give any MR progress from Excal prime if the devs wanna keep this VIP status of selected few, or make excal prime grindable for everyone if they want to behave like decent human beings. Same thing applies to the weapons excalibur prime came with.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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11 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

As a consumer, FOMO items bring literally ZERO benefits.

Not just Zero benefits But I'd say actively a detriment to the game.

A new player seeing something in the game they want only to learn that it's no longer possible to get and will never be possible to get again has a pretty high likelyhood of just dropping the game out of frustration on the spot. Hell I've nearly done it with games I bought because afterwards I learn of some pre-order bonus that absolutely pissed me off.

Timed exclusives are another thing in the long line of mental hurdles new players need to get over to decide that the game is worth their time at all. And the more of these DE puts out, the more likely one of them is going to be some new player's breaking point.

And with Heirloom specifically that's gone up tenfold as the only example of this for frames. On top of them being for a starter frame, and one of the best beginner utility frames in the game. Frost is to this day among my favorite frames because of just how Instrumental he was in my beginning days for getting through defensive missions. And Volt is on that list largely because he was my starter frame. If I would've learned a skin for them as good as the Heirloom skins were permanently out of my reach early on I would not have handled it well.

Edited by PollexMessier
Removed misinformation
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2 hours ago, Binket_ said:


If your goal is to make as much as money as possible no matter what, do you:

  1. Pick an extremely selective someone who will buy literally anything for 100$?
  2. Pick a much broader crowd to buy said bundle for 20$?

The answer is the latter, obviously.
Yes, it's less money PER purchase... but it's also more customers outright.


Why do people always repeat this?  I'm sure that these companies have it more figured out than the average armchair economist.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

But the point in buying the pack isnt the aya, plat or anything else they might have added ontop of the collector items. They are in the end bonuses even though people try to scew it so those items hold their full worth in the pack, when the focus of the pack are the very exclusive skins that they "re-hired" an old designed to make in order to do something special during year 10 of WF. It just isnt fair the way people look at it, where they place plat/aya at max value in the pack while treating the skins and other things like regular deluxe skins that we get "constantly".

But why on earth would you compare it to PA? We also dont know the plat value of the new items since they are new and also what would be considered collector items. It is like buying art from two different artist and complaing that one costs more than the other or that his art is physically bigger but costs the same as the smaller piece from the other artist.

And the "inflated value" has already been covered and proven to be minimal even when using the full value of said aya/plat pack and using minimum values for the collector items. Like I said, when we use the full aya/play value, it still only ends up at a €15 value, which shrinks when we actually look at it in a fair way and add proper value to the collector items within the pack, and add an actual price to the halos.

You also claim you get far less. You dont if you actually want the skins, since again they are collectables, not regular run of the mill deluxe skins.

It is also disingenuous to place full pack value on the plat/aya while using minimum values for everything else. Clearly you dont actually want the skins because you dont see the extra value in them regarding how they came to be in the first place if you just place them among regular deluxe skins already in the game.


Thats the problem, the point is people want to buy the skins and new goodies but we can't just get those things, we have to get things which are clearly taken into the value of the pack, one of which offers limited uses and we can otherwise get whenever we want. I'm comparing it to prime access because theres not much else to really compare it to, yeah sure we don't know how much these new items would cost, but would you really expect them to cost much more than other cosmetics? We can get at least a rough idea of if the value of a purchase fits our preference because of their prior purchase systems, and when you can get so much from prime access that is similarly priced I feel it's a fair comparison when you don't really have anything else. At this point I'd rather get prime access because by tier 2 I feel I'm getting more value out of it than this pack, and a big part is the regal aya. 

I don't see how rehiring an old developer is good justification to have a pack inflated with stuff that people aren't going to want that can be purchased at any time. Hell if the regal aya is simply a bonus I don't really see it any better, because regardless of the justification I think skins being priced that high is to put it simply a bit ridiculous, taking out most of the unique goodies and the plat the pack only reduces from 100 aud to 77 aud, I guess if people think thats a fair price for supporting someone I can agree to an extent, but I don't think it's a great price to pay for two skins and 2 attachments. Especially when I can spend around that amount of money and get more than 2 skins and 2 similar attachments (lets say syandanas) with just some of the plat from a bundle that comes with a prime warframe and weapons.

No it would be more like trying to buy art from an artist you already buy from but you have to get a bunch of firewood in the middle of summer that's accounted into the bundled price even if you don't want the firewood.

I don't believe that more than a third of the packs value is minimal. From my calculations, the pack is $100 aud, 6 regal aya and 600 platinum using the value of the biggest pack ($89 for 15 regal aya and 1200 platinum) the regal aya and platinum would account for over a third of the packs value with 200 platinum left out of the equation. So even at best value for platinum without a coupon thats getting to close to half the packs value. So even if $60± is leftover for the pack, I think its still not great value.

When most of the smaller unique goodies with plat are about a third of the price of the pack, I can't imagine similar skins and new attachments are going to be priced even remotely close to the value of 60 aud, and while I can understand some extra cost because of collectors or whatever, I feel like that opens another can of worms when you get into the whole FOMO sitiation and the fact that these are apparently never coming back again. 

(And I'm going to be disregarding the trap with resurgence bundle for frost and mag requiring less than the amount of purchasable regal aya that is needed to complete the purchase because thats another issue) 

What an absolutely ridiculous statement. I want the skins, and the other unique goodies too. Just without having to buy it with regal aya, its pretty damn simple. Theres no reason I should have to be buying regal aya which clearly accounts for a considerable amount of the pack to get time limited unique items that are never returning. Just because I'm against that does not mean I don't want the skins. In the end if I have to buy the pack with regal aya thats probably what I'm going to do, but I'm not going to be remotely happy with DE about it. 

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I think this is simply the coherent continuation of a trend that has been going on for a couple of years now. I see that many in the gaming industry when something goes wrong they blame the publisher, ugly and bad, and never wonder if the fault is not in principle the developer himself. In this case it's Tencent's fault, isn't it? I think no. Tencent will probably want to see more revenue but how it comes is up to DE to decide. Obligating 60 euros for 2 deluxes for me is simply the coherent and new way of generating monetary income since the management has changed within DE itself (not the publisher).

But in the same way I see many who buy because they justify the temporal exclusivity of something that would cost 165pl. That's fine so if it sells the developer is right, I wouldn't see much to discuss.

It's simply not the last time this kind of situation will be seen.

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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

If your goal is to make as much as money as possible no matter what, do you:

  1. Pick an extremely selective someone who will buy literally anything for 100$?
  2. Pick a much broader crowd to buy said bundle for 20$?

The answer is the latter, obviously.
Yes, it's less money PER purchase... but it's also more customers outright.

A LOT more people can justify dropping 20$ on a skin versus the very select few whales who can drop 100$ on a skin. 
(Bonus points, those whales are probably buying the bigger packages WHICH CAN BE ADDED IN TANDEM. Therefore the option for a 20$ bundle just nets more customers anyway.)
... unless you're EA, who deprives themselves of everything that makes them human in an effort to raise an endless amount of capital for any reason but a rational one.
If you're going the EA route? You may as just disembowel every thought of goodwill that you think DE might have.
Because- contrary to popular belief- the gaming community as a WHOLE is tired of these tactics.

I honestly do not believe this is true. While we see Youtube videos shaming big companies for greedy low-quality games, it is still extremely profitable to go the route of predatory microtransactions and whaling, especially if your goal is consistency, because making those type of games is far easier. There are always going to be people who are just really dumb with money wasting it on garbage, and they're more common than you'd think, especially in Asian countries where greedy tactics are more common. You definitely can succeed by doing what your Fromsofts and Larians do, but you can also succeed by doing the scummy stuff that all the other big studios are doing.

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51 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

And with Heirloom specifically that's gone up tenfold as the only example of this for frames. Besides the Lunar renewal skins, which no new player will learn about for a long time due to the frames they're for being fairly deep into the game.

I feel like I should point out that the Lunar Renewal skins for Saryn and Grendel are also just available to buy on the market. They're anti examples of FOMO.

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26 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

I feel like I should point out that the Lunar Renewal skins for Saryn and Grendel are also just available to buy on the market. They're anti examples of FOMO.

And they also priced at 165 platinum each which is not...$90 dollars obviously. Don't even start on the Ayas and Plats in the pack because you can't get the skins without them even if you don't want them.

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I have to contribute with my grain of sand.

I've been playing since the release in 2013 and i have spend a lot of money in the game since it was the only game in which i didn't feel bad for spending money in. It was probably the only game withouth bs monetization. Until the release of aya, everything was fine. And now you decide that going after whales is better than caring about the people that supported the game for 10 years. I feel betrayed, and everyone should feel that way.

You should have sold the bundle for 30 bucks without the aya and platinum bs. They are only there to inflate the price of two deluxe skins that doesn't even have special effects on their abilities. And you even create fomo to confuse the player? I've already seen npcs saying this is a "founders pack" and "just don't buy it" excuses.

We have probably the best, and only left, gaming community, and you are destroying it and bringing whale npcs with the bs monetization they are used to. And they are basically saying "don't complain". I am not going to "JuSt DoN't BuY". I'm complaining and i'm not going to spend in this game ever again unless you fix this sh...

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hace 3 horas, CosoMalvadoNG dijo:

I mean... what DE has done with this package is absurd and hilarious at the same time. Right now people should be talking about warframe 1999 and not about this, but here we are,  because of this poorly balanced pack I've barely seen a couple of videos about WF 1999, not to mention that the video of the package on YouTube quintuples the number of dislikes compared to the likes.


I'm almost sure that most of the likes were made before knowing the price.

Thank's for pointing this out. I'm going to the video to downvote and complain.

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Why do people always repeat this? It's nonsense and I'm sure that these companies have it more figured out than the average armchair economist.

It's not necessarily nonsense. Walmart, for example, is a gazillion dollars entity because of selling more for less.

A lot of factors come into play, such as knowing your customer base, your history of pricing, your competitors, all the way to profit margins for stocks and shareholders -- that last part is actually better when a company can show they've sold items that are more expensive even if it's less of them.

Warframe has several things working against it in this particular case, especially given that their customers can make a comparison to multiple things, such as other games, prior skins available, their in-game currency, et cetera. Plus DE overestimated the appeal of "exclusive" as evidenced by the vast amount of player discussion around the value not being worth it.

I think inching prices up over time would've prevented players balking at sticker shock but that's irrelevant to the bigger picture. My guess is DE has already sold enough Heirloom bundles to look good on paper -- and they still have a lot of time left to sell more.

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If you consider the 6 Regal Aya as being given a choice of the Prime Warframe of your choice. In the current Wisp Prime Access there is the Sol Gate Tier which is more or less $100 USD

In that Bundle you get:

  1. Wisp Prime (6 Regal Aya)
  2. Fulmin Prime
  3. Gunsen Prime
  4. 2 Glyphs
  5. Prime Access "Tier" added to your Account (This increases your deployable Extractors by +1)
  6. 3990 Platinum

Zenith Heirloom Collection is $90 USD Combine with Assumed Plat Values:

  1. Ten Year Accolade (Appears on your Profile as a Badge of Honor kind of thing)
  2. Frost Heirloom Skin (250p)
  3. Frost Heirloom Signa (35p)
  4. Mag Heirloom Skin (250p)
  5. Mag Heirloom Signa (35p)
  6. Regal Aya x 6
  7. Deca Heirloom Sigil (20)
  8. Deca Heirloom Glyph (20)
  9. Deca Heirloom Emote (20)
  10. Deca Heirloom Color Palette (90)
  11. 600 Platinum

Considering these though if anything its more so it lacks the amount of platinum (unless the Accolade is worth in value to 1000-1.5k Platinum)


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I think the deluxe skins cost 165 and the color palettes 75. The skins that cost 250 or so, are bundles that come with a syandana, a weapon skin and maybe a sigil, but you can just buy the skin only for 165 instead of the whole bundle.

Edited by ViperMax
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Personally, I'm not just going to stop spending money on WF. I'm going to stop playing entirely. I'm giving them 2 weeks (would be 1 but I know they have a week vacation after tennocon usually) and if they haven't announced a set in stone fix for, at the very least the timed exclusivity, I'm uninstalling. And while I'm definitely in the minority I doubt I'm the only one. They aren't just losing sales, They're losing players entirely. It's still so hard to believe that the thing that might make me leave this game after 4 years is supposed to be part of the "Tenth Anniversary Celebration". Such a kick in the teeth.

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On 2023-08-27 at 9:51 AM, Binket_ said:

.. yeah, no. They're not unlocking Excalibur Prime-- a promise they have held with admirable respect for 10 years... because "10 Year Anniversary Skin need to be RAAAAAARE!!1!"

You do realize that there would be nothing lost on DE's side from rereleasing it another time, right?
Especially because the part of the community that doesn't drop 70$ or 90$ on a instant whim might consider it another time when it looks more appealing.

Than again, what does people actively enjoying a purchase enough to recommend it to others do for the game?
Let's instead lord over the "peasants" who DARED not to mail their money in random directions if told to.


"Q: Will these Heirloom Collections return after 2023?
A: The Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections are only available now until December 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m ET. This is your only chance to get these exclusive new Customizations!"


Yeah, yes.

Exclusivity is promised, this is the only chance to get these exclusive new Customizations.

People will get upset, if it gets re-released again.

i was considering getting the pack too, looks nice, pricing is horrible, but something exclusive.


"You do realize that there would be nothing lost on DE's side from rereleasing it another time, right?"
But then you go off rambling about how Excalibur Prime is different.

Seems like there would be nothing lost on DE's side from re-releasing Excalibur Prime another time right?

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Just now, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Oh hell yeah, thanks for this!


oooh yeah, I saw that tagline on one of their YT adds a day or 2 ago. meant to post it here but got distracted. It pretty clearly shows what their intent for the bundle was. Breed elitism and encourage the people who bought it to shove it in everyone's face. nothing to do with celebrating anything

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8 minutes ago, MaleniaBladeofMiquella said:

oooh yeah, I saw that tagline on one of their YT adds a day or 2 ago. meant to post it here but got distracted. It pretty clearly shows what their intent for the bundle was. Breed elitism and encourage the people who bought it to shove it in everyone's face. nothing to do with celebrating anything

I can't even imagine what the marketers were thinking when they made this, what exactly were they expecting with that kind of tagline?

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