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The price of Heirloom skins is incredibly disappointing.


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1 hour ago, Sahansral said:

Well, if they continue to devalue their own premium currency, they will loose trust of quite a big part of the community...
Warframe's monetization had a good reputation. If DE really goes down this path, word will spread quickly.

Let's see what the big reveal is. Personally I hope DE goes back and concentrate on the main game loop instead adding another island.

If you look at Wayfinder, I don't think it really matters. People (myself included) tend to act like they're the majority for actually respecting themselves and what they're getting, but most people just simply don't care, are going to buy anyways, or the pros far outweigh the cons.

I will be honest, I'm probably buying these skins. It goes against how I feel about them, but missing out would just walk me down the path of dropping the game even though I greatly appreciate it and still have fun. TennoCon is also a blast every time I attend, which I have for 3 separate years now.

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The prices for skins usually a hot topic in everywhere in the game industry but you pay only once for them normally still not makes it legit. On the other hand watching videos on youtube how the game industry kept the prices when everything else is raised a lot and inflation is also raised but a lot of studios not raised price tags. I am sure they could get more profit and better reputation if they lowering the price tags but that means to them they will not be able to keep the shareholders and parental company happy.

I think skins should not be on the same price level as a full priced game where you have normally a good character creator and customization options built in the game already.

I personally would not pay for these things but at least they look acceptable. 

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2 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I will be honest, I'm probably buying these skins. It goes against how I feel about them, but missing out would just walk me down the path of dropping the game even though I greatly appreciate it and still have fun. TennoCon is also a blast every time I attend, which I have for 3 separate years now.

Hey as long as you're aware you're promoting this behaviour and they will probably start locking all cool new skins behind this monetization model you do you. Why would they ever make any new deluxe skin if they can just sell you packs of $90? Keep that in mind. At the end of the day you vote with your wallet. If this is acceptable for you go for it. If not then not.

For me personally the introduction of these is probably going to be the reason to drop the game completely. But I'll wait it out a bit and see what happens. If people will vote this stuff in I know this is no longer the game for me and I'll just move on, if the community stays strong on this however it might bring a change.

Important to note is that these 'Heirloom skins' are literally just deluxe skins being propped up and locked behind a paywall.

This is just testing the waters if it will be accepted. Putting it with 10 year anniversary is literally an excuse to soften the introduction of this system.

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45 minutes ago, Wawus said:

No need to be hostile, but we need to be firm with what we will tolerate.

I mean, you'd think with 10 years would be enough to teach 'em more on that.

40 minutes ago, BloodKitten said:

prime accessories are 40$ and include platinum and boosters, if you have every prime stuff and all prime accessories, regal aya is 100% WORTHLESS, both skins, color pallet, and extras outside of platinum and regal aya are 30, maybe 40$, there is absolutly no reason to force the aya in.

I believe their "reason" was so players can buy Mag/Frost prime out the gate.

To which I say: "Uh huh DE. So when are we fixing that?"

43 minutes ago, MaleniaBladeofMiquella said:

At the end of the day they're just human. But this is an absolutely atrocious misstep and we need to make it clear that we won't tolerate it.

I expect humans to learn from their mistakes too.

This isn't the first time. Not even close.
If they're gonna keep doing it, we're going throw the caustic bile back at them.

Burn or learn. God, it's taxing to keep seeing this from companies and players alike.

29 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

make your complaint and stop playing for an undetermined amount of time.

I mean, I still want to PLAY the game.
We're not trying to kill it, we're trying to correct a mistake.

Unfortunately, the only ones with the power to do that are stubborn until you make such a massive fuss.
It's the only reason Revenant and Wukong remain unnerfed.

How about putting that power to a GOOD use?

17 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

This attitude is why the gaming industry is in the disgusting state it is right now. DE does not care you bought this pack and making excuses for gaming companies to pull stuff like this is shameful.

As someone who's been around Video Games for over 20 years?
The current state of them is incredibly taxing on my head.

I love a good game, helps keep me happy, cheery and capable of tackling another day.
Now I wonder why I even bother looking at Steam, knowing that I'll be bored either way.

While I'd rather be annoyed than bored, I'd rather b e optimistic WORLDS more than either.

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51 minutes ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

they literally could of sold tons if they just priced it like this:

Risen Heirloom Collection: 29.99 > 9.99
Celestial Heirloom Collection: 69.99 >29.99

Zenith Heirloom Collection: 89.99 > 39.99

Frost Heirloom Collection: 14.99

Mag Heirloom Collection: 14.99

This entire situation put a damper on my Tennocon experience. The issue is i want to buy it. I want to give them money. I have given them money. I just want it to be fair like most of the other things they sell. But this is way too scummy. £25 for just the 2 skins instead of £60 (including Aya which for a vet like me means literally nothing). although still a high price its a lot more justifiable in my mind. Especially with the praise i hold for DE.

If they keep giving me amazing content and fair micro transactions ill keep paying because its a fair deal. I will even buy things that i don't really need just because its justified in my mind. I want to support something that treats me right,

If i start getting treated like they treat people in china ill just stop playing. Just like i did with Destiny 2.

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1 minute ago, ZabaYaga said:

Hey as long as you're aware you're promoting this behaviour and they will probably start locking all cool new skins behind this monetization model you do you. Why would they ever make any new deluxe skin if they can just sell you packs of $90? Keep that in mind. At the end of the day you vote with your wallet. If this is acceptable for you go for it. If not then not.

Nah, it's more like the realization that I know I don't make a difference. The whole "voting with your wallet" statement is cliche and not really how things are affected because those who actually do are in a small minority of vocal people who think they're stance will shift the tides of reality. 

I'm fully aware I am supporting something that goes against the grain of what I say, but not being a collector in Warframe kinda just ruins what has me enjoying the game so much. FOMO drives a game of this age, and if Soulframe gets a solid foundation, I'll just move to that instead of this game, since it seems more focused from the people that earned Warframe its reputation.

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1 hour ago, FlyingDice said:

I guess the warm ten-year thank you to all of us registered losers is an extra-scummy attempt to pry our wallets open one more time.

(Most people would have bought this pack for $30.)

Why does DE need to do this? Is prime access sales hurting? Couldn’t imagine why that would be…

Edited by (XBOX)YoungGunn82
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9 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I will be honest, I'm probably buying these skins. It goes against how I feel about them, but missing out would just walk me down the path of dropping the game even though I greatly appreciate it and still have fun. TennoCon is also a blast every time I attend, which I have for 3 separate years now.

I guess you could wait, there's still plenty of time for them to do some changes like maybe selling the 2 skins separately or just not make them time limited.

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1 hour ago, FlyingDice said:

I guess the warm ten-year thank you to all of us registered losers is an extra-scummy attempt to pry our wallets open one more time.

(Most people would have bought this pack for $30.)

Funny enough the bundle would actually be $30 if you didn't have to buy the $40 worth of regal aya (6) just to get the skins.
Then you have the roughly $35 worth of plat (600) forced into the higher tier bundle to further inflate the price with padding.


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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

I guess you could wait, there's still plenty of time for them to do some changes like maybe selling the 2 skins separately or just not make them time limited.

Best thing anybody can say.

Don't buy it right away. Buy it at the near-end if you absolutely must.
... but DE must address the issues and not buying it helps.

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2 minutes ago, wizardeiges said:

Funny enough the bundle would actually be $30 if you didn't have to buy the $40 worth of regal aya (6) just to get the skins.
Then you have the roughly $35 worth of plat (600) forced into the higher tier bundle to further inflate the price with padding.


Imagine you have been playing for ages. you have all primes and accessories you want. That;s me. Regal Aya will literally just sit there. The fact that they give you Aya instead of plat is such a kick in the balls.

Tencent does what Tencent does i guess.

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Yes, the skins are expensive, but like all things, you're not forced to aquire them, i already have skins for both  warframes so an extra skin would be pointless, i can't use all skins at the same time anyway.

As for the accolade, i guess it's good for bragging rights, but ultimately it's just an image on the profile, being here for 10 years is also important, but i understand that DE can't survive just on players being around for that long, someone must support them, so i find these things litle gimmics that i'm sure someone will care.

But let's be clear, the image saying it's a 10 year supporter is not the same thing as a user who has been here actually supporting for 10 years.
If you have that on your profile, it means you made a purchase available for 4 months, that's it.

Reddit users however do like to express themselves


I don't really care about the skins, nor what the accolade seems to imply. There is plenty to choose from already and being someone will always be better than pretending to be someone.
Bundles are expensive yes.



Edited by KIREEK
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34 minutes ago, xGryphus said:

I do agree that inclusion of Aya/Platinum in the bundle artificially bloats it's price, however people fail to notice that this is a luxury item, aimed at those who want to show they support for the game rather then everyone.

The 6 regal aya is priced by DE themselves at $40 on this website. So the two skins would be $30 if they didn't make you buy regal aya. So by that, it's a regal aya bundle first and foremost since it takes up more of the cost.
Shouldn't have to buy $40 worth of stuff I can't use just to get 2 skins. 

The plat in the higher tier bundle is worth around $35 by DE's price standards. Again, more you have to pay out just to get the Heirloom items. The majority of cost in all of the bundles comes from the padding thrown into them, not the heirloom items based on DE's pricepoints around plat and regal aya which is sad.

I can buy regal aya and plat elsewhere from DE as they offer both at the same price as they are in these bundles elsewhere on DE's website and in game. If I wanted plat or regal aya i'd buy it from the already available bundles they offer outside of the heirloom bundle.

Edited by wizardeiges
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I do think that they should have sold them separately from the bundles too, even if it was also for a limited time. That would have been an easier pill to swallow. And it would have gotten them a bit more cash. Part of me is tempted to buy the bundle as is, but I'm having a hard time justifying it. Normally, DE doesn't have to twist my arm too much to give them my money. I love this game. But this...yeah...

Edited by Lionsheart89
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Dear DE,

Please reconsider the heirloom skins being exclusive to real world money purchase. Most of us players would appreciate if these skins were available for plat, even at a later date. Given there are no separate tiers for this bundle with different prices, making them available for plat would allow greater accessibility to these cosmetic items.

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The last part of the tennolive left me frozen. I'd be lying if I say that I'll stop playing today just because of the price of Heirloom skins, but I don't think I'll buy it at the current price, I feel like I'd regret it, that is, if it were just the skins with a logical price and not all of that stuffing, I'd buy it definitely.

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