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Primed Sure footed is so good, it should be easier to acquire, 400 days is a long time.


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So, there's other ways of ignoring or reducing the pain of knockdowns as others have mentiond

  • Normal sure footed+Fortitude
  • Handspring
  • Unairu
  • Overguard (if you can get it)
  • Gauss Kinetic Plating
  • Nezha Warding Halo
  • Anything that ignores status like Spellbind and Pillage
  • Atlas Passive
  • Ancient healer specter
  • etc.

400 days isn't complicated to do. Literally just open the game, log in, turn game off. That's all. It's not hard to get, it just takes time. In the meantime, there are plenty of other sources that do similar things.

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I'm currently building most of my warframe with bigger shield with Sure footed+Fortitude. My first test Hyldrin and Chroma (electric element) absolutely became a shield tank right now. Those 2.5 s shield gating combine with rolling guard make you near invulnerable. 

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20 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

TBH there should be NO MOD at all locked behind login, all 4 of them should be sold like regular primed mods and i know veterans don't like to hear that but it's true

It's not just veterans, and not all veterans feel the same way.  I've had all the mods for a long timem, and yet I agree that ideally no mods would be log-in locked.  (Basically.  Like peculiar type mods would be ok, for instance.)  But every time DE adds another way  for people to duplicate PSF's functionality, it becomes less of a big deal to me, and I think it shows that DE has a different strategy.

Although one funny thing about AoD is that Primed Vigor is way better than it used to be.  I don't think it'll be popular exactly, but I bet there will be some more people unhappy it's not available through other means.

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10 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Veterans throw a fit when their coveted mod is threatened. It's ridiculous to expect players to login 400 days to get the best exilus mod and best source of knockdown resistance in game.



But really, if it were made available earlier, it would be a net gain for me.  The only time I die in this game is due to chained CC.  I can only imagine that other players' survivability would increase if they had access to PSF.  This would then result in me reviving fewer teammates.  I'm just unspeakably tired of reviving people, so if it means I revive people less, I'm all for it.


Who knows?  Maybe DE will include it in their story pack.   ; )

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I remember those first few months having just returned to the game, basically being a new player (hadn't played since 2015) and thought "Damn, I really need Primed Sure Footed for all my builds. That mod is insanely strong!" Cut to now, and I have like... two builds? Maybe? That actually want it.

EDIT: Yea, just checked. My current Gara build (Splinter Storm cheese/gimmick) wants it, and my outdated Hildryn build wants it (I still need to figure out a functional build for Hildryn...). My only guess about why people feel it's such a needed mod is one (or both) of the following:

  • They are new.
    • This was me, once upon a time.
  • They have little/no capacity to think for themselves, and since their favorite YouTuber said it's the best thing ever, it's clearly a mandatory mod.
    • I have a feeling this is the majority of people who complain about the 400 day login requirement.

EDIT 2: To be clear, I am in agreement with the camp that wants the login mods (all four of them) put into Baro's inventory. It's still quite stupid that these mods are locked behind 6 month spreads of logins (at least it's not requiring streaks, so "it could be worse").

Edited by Hexerin
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Counter point:
Remove knockdowns from any enemy more common than a nox or a bursa (including eximus units). And go back to having self damage instead of self knockdown, but actually balance it this time like they should have done to begin with. So PSF goes back to being as useless as it was 5 years ago, and all of us that hate knockdowns so much that the extra work to slot PSF on literally everything is worth it can have our exilus slots back.

Edited by PollexMessier
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6 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Counter point:
Remove knockdowns from any enemy more common than a nox or a bursa (including eximus units). And go back to having self damage instead of self knockdown

"Gee, Chroma's gotten really popular lately...."

Personally, I never found knockbacks to be that critical of an issue in the earlier content I was doing before getting PSF, and if I did, I had my Atlas for resolving that problem.

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So... A little insight for you, OP.

Primed Sure Footed is primarily used to avoid self-inflicted knock downs and staggers, as there are only a few cases where you can't just roll through, or jump over, any other form of knock down.

And DE not only knows this, they're going to be changing it. We've seen from them that they actually want to revert the self-inflicted staggers and return to the ways of self-damage. So this means that the actual desire for everyone to have Primed Sure Footed will be massively reduced, at least for the most common usage that the player-base puts it to.

Basically... I wouldn't worry.

By the time any new player actually gets Primed Sure Footed, it's likely that it will be fairly niche compared to just... moving.

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8 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

And DE not only knows this, they're going to be changing it. We've seen from them that they actually want to revert the self-inflicted staggers and return to the ways of self-damage.

Bleh I hope DE don't choose the lazy option. Really would like them to finish polishing off the self tech with an indicator, bigger window, ability to act within 1-2 frames of tech, and with 10-20 seconds of knockdown immunity upon performing the tech action. Which due to not being polished most players don't know about being able to tech it or those that do don't want to do it because you anchor yourself in recovery animation to just get killed anyways. Instead of fixing that section of WF to be as fluid as an action game which would add more depth to combat, reverting it would be a shame and completely wasted oppurtunity. Cause I've wanted it fixed then anti-knockdown mods reworked for a while now.

Edited by otakuotaku
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7 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

So... A little insight for you, OP.

Primed Sure Footed is primarily used to avoid self-inflicted knock downs and staggers, as there are only a few cases where you can't just roll through, or jump over, any other form of knock down.

And DE not only knows this, they're going to be changing it. We've seen from them that they actually want to revert the self-inflicted staggers and return to the ways of self-damage. So this means that the actual desire for everyone to have Primed Sure Footed will be massively reduced, at least for the most common usage that the player-base puts it to.

Basically... I wouldn't worry.

By the time any new player actually gets Primed Sure Footed, it's likely that it will be fairly niche compared to just... moving.

They completely shelved self damage. 

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Just now, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

They completely shelved self damage. 

Have they actually said so?

AFAIK they haven't mentioned it at all since the last Devstream of 2022, when they said it would be postponed until after Duviri.  And it's easy to draw conclusions 6 months after Duviri and nearly a year of silence--I certainly am.   But I'm still curious if they ever said, "lol, screw that" and I missed it.

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24 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Have they actually said so?

AFAIK they haven't mentioned it at all since the last Devstream of 2022, when they said it would be postponed until after Duviri.  And it's easy to draw conclusions 6 months after Duviri and nearly a year of silence--I certainly am.   But I'm still curious if they ever said, "lol, screw that" and I missed it.

The 1st or second devstream after duviri they said it was shelved for now as they decided they didn't want to go ahead with it. I personally wouldn't expect a major change anytime soon.

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
Pretty sure it was the 1st
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11 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

So... A little insight for you, OP.

Primed Sure Footed is primarily used to avoid self-inflicted knock downs and staggers, as there are only a few cases where you can't just roll through, or jump over, any other form of knock down.

And DE not only knows this, they're going to be changing it. We've seen from them that they actually want to revert the self-inflicted staggers and return to the ways of self-damage. So this means that the actual desire for everyone to have Primed Sure Footed will be massively reduced, at least for the most common usage that the player-base puts it to.

Basically... I wouldn't worry.

By the time any new player actually gets Primed Sure Footed, it's likely that it will be fairly niche compared to just... moving.

Can't wait for them to finally commit to it 3 years from now.

But also enemy staggers are obscenely annoying. Especially in public matches were getting knocked down once can set you a hundred meters behind the rest of your team. Or in high levels were getting knocked down means you just die, or your defense objective does.

If just a handfull of rare units had it, it would be a threat, but one not worth slotting PSF to deal with. But when they're so common that no less than 3 enemies with a knockdown exist within a 50m radius of you at any given moment, and will absolutely chain-stun you to death if you slip up one time, it's a problem.

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