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Solo players, Which tier of the plague star mission are you running?


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 With maximized damage build the advanced run takes about 20 minutes, 30 if I bring slow guns, and 40 if I don't strip armor...I get 3200 standing.

with my Made in Heaven Nova build (it's a speeva/wormhole speed build) I finish the regular or low level one in 9 minutes tops. but I get 1050 standing.


so it seems that I get MORE standing per minute with the normal run. right? 
what do you guys think? also what are you frame/gun choices to shred the boss faster?

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I get around 11-12 minutes on advanced solo.

Unairu school to armor strip the boss. You could also use shattering impact sarpa theoretically.

Pyrana prime for the Hemocites, You really don't need to proc it's special effect to one-cycle each head with this if your build is good. I don't use Galvanised Diffusion cus it's not needed and it's more of a hassle than it's worth for me to charge it off other enemies before attacking Hemocite with it, but you could. Primed expel infested is mandatory.

An AoE primary to deal with the normal enemies. I prefer Tenet Envoy personally.

High range Loki to switch teleport the drone. I can get nearly 200 meters provided I have a line of sight that long. Tho in the past if you warped it too far the drone would immediately return back to where it started. Not sure if that's still an issue cus I haven't seen it happen this go around yet.
A good amount of duration for both invisibility and subsumed Resonator to keep enemies off me and the defense objective. Tho resonator feels a bit redundant since enemies rarely manage to be a problem, I like being a little over prepared, and it gives the Hemocites something to target while I'm invisible so it'll actually open it's faces.
And Arcane Velocity for extra fire rate on pyrana. I have energize in my other arcane slot just to be safe on energy but I don't think it's needed, you could probably just slot whatever you want there.

Edited by PollexMessier
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I'm doing Advanced in 9-11 min depending on the cave RNG. My loadout is Volt, Pyrana Prime modded for crit and Corrosive and Vastilok modded for attack speed and Shattering Impact. Volt has subsumed Energized Munitions on Shock slot and has Capacitance augment. Here is the full procedure:

Phase one - I use Blinkpads to get to the cave faster. Finding the canister is the rng depending on the cave, the worst is the one with 2 floors on the east side of the map.
Phase two - mixer should be near the cave, I never had it kilometers away like in the old event. Use Speed before hopping on Archwing for extra flying speed.
Phase three - surround yourself with volt's shields and go brew some tea
Phase four - grab canister, use Speed then fly to the spot 200m in front of Cetus gate to manipulate drone spawn. You have just few seconds to do this over Lotus talking.
Phase five -  drone should appear around 400-500m from the Boil. Use Speed so it will fly faster and just follow it.
Phase six - use Electric Shield and pick it up. Keep up Speed all the time. Use Vastilok to strip armor of the Hemo while its coming out of the boil. Use Energized Munitions, shoot heads when open. You should be able to kill a head in a single opening. Cast Overload when your shields are down to charge them back up. Repeat x4. Use Speed, jump on your AW and fly into the gate. Keeping Speed cuts Pyrana's reload time, it doesn't have much rounds in the clip. Heads can die faster if you manage to activate Pyrana's passive before head opens but its optional.
Phase seven - Grofit.

I believe there are a lot of tutorials on YT for this but I can record one run if you want.

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1 hour ago, PollexMessier said:

It might be better to run Radiation instead of Corrosive since you're 100% wiping it's armor

Hemocyte is weak to corrosive unarmored.

1 hour ago, PazuulLoveMe said:

KnightmareFrame made a 7min guide for Plague Star. I'm not into meta crap, so to each there own. 

I solo T2 , and take my time. I just don't see the reason to rush anything in warframe.

I don't really want to stay an hour in a mission like this, and I need to stockpile a duck ton of forma.

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27 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

nice to see I'm on the right path, because I also use Pyrana prime for this...it's dps is just right.

Someone else mentioned Kuva brakk. Also probably really solid tho I havnet tried it myself. The idea is maximise the ammount individual damage instances you can cram into it's face with high pellet count and fast fire rate, because it has a per-hit damage cap. So beyond a certain amount of damage, more hits in a shorter amount of time becomes better than more damage per hit.

So generally, fast-firing shotguns is what you want. Bubonico, Kuva Kohm, and Cedo might also work well, tho that's just speculation based on them being full-auto shotguns. Secondaries have much higher multishot potential tho, with a higher value on their multishot mods and having lethal torrent. So a Primary would have to have a much higher default pellet count to compete. I just don't have the numbers or the time to look into it rn.

Edited by PollexMessier
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22 minutes ago, jesusdh said:

Running Steel Path solo, it takes around 9-11min depending on the Drone spawn. 



I have a fairly juiced up wisp (even if she's missing shards), subsumed eclipse and running pyrana prime / vastilok like probably everyone else is. Optionally I also have my kuva ogris for crowd clear in the 4th stage.

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SP, no reason to run anything else since the Hemo goes poof as quick in SP as in advanced, and everything else is based on timers, so a lower difficulty wont change anything.

Personally I use Revenant with Roar and enough strength modding/arcanes to reach around +100% damage from it. My companion is a Panzer with +crit damage bond and +fire rate bond, both always up since he never gets downed due to turning larva state instead. Weapon is Corrosive Boar Prime Incarnon as of today thanks to @(PSN)slightconfuzzledreminding me of it in another thread. Big thanks on that since it was a weapon I had planned to test but completely stared myself blind and missed it when I did my test runs yesterday. It performs better than Pyrana Prime. Operator is used for armor strip. Eltryon used to bounce the drone if needed.

I could speed it up if I could be arsed to use Nova or Loki, but I get 10-11 min runs if the melee head doesnt go full retard and refuse to attack for prolonged periods.

Also a few tips people might forget (since I did so myself). Dont use Galvanized Aptitude or the other Gundition Overload mods, they dont work on Hemo, so better off using Serration or its equals, also skip 60/60 mods if you have the capacity to do so, since again, no statuses on Hemo so might aswell go ham on pure damage. I'd also suggest using Dexterity instead of Merciless as the gun arcane due to the longer duration per stack and not needing ammo if you need to recap it during the boss fight, just slap an infested instead.

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im running advanced on public, but im running a build that allows me to solo it if needed:

volt, maxed out strength, shock strooper, arcane steadfast and molt augmented. running archon stretch because easy energy (especially if you happen to get a wisp in your squad). im running a maxed out primed surefooted and pistol amp. xata's whisper subsumed. little bit of duration.

pyrana prime for dealing with the hemocyte, im running a crit + corrosive build alongside my riven for it, with steady hands in the exilus.

vastilok with shattering impact

stradavar prime with corrosive/heat and another riven, but this is just my adclear weapons tbh.

im running a taxon with the verglas for my sentinel, with duplex bond, guardian, molecular conversion, shield charger, momentous bond, vacuum, primed animal instinct, sacrifice and primed regen. verglas is set up for viral/heat with high status. 

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8 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Unairu school to armor strip the boss. You could also use shattering impact sarpa theoretically.

Pyrana prime for the Hemocites

Thank you, I was wondering what the heck I was going to do against what's basically a Steel Path lephantis (whose damage reduction/weakpoint mechanic is spotty even at the best of times), time to dust off my favorite pistol

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6 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

max speed volt/zephyr high duration + some range with prisma gorgon works for me. unairu to make green lephantis naked. tier 2 and sp only

Rare footage of Skoomaseller admitting to using any speed frame that isn’t Yareli? Or are these suggestions?

Jk we all know who the fastest frame is 

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4 hours ago, Malikili said:

Rare footage of Skoomaseller admitting to using any speed frame that isn’t Yareli? Or are these suggestions?

yareli works as well xd I just wanted to blow the dust off a fun frame I haven't used in a while

4 hours ago, Malikili said:

Jk we all know who the fastest frame is 

my beautiful girl yareli duh

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Volt. I've settled on advanced. Usually around 11mins. 

Volt prime. Strength is high with four shards. Eclipse is over his 1.

Synapse with riven. 200% CC and x10.1 CD multiplier. HM with corrosive and gas. Shreds hemos.

Kitgun secondary with AoE and riven. With eclipse it one shots grineer ships.

Vastilok w shattering impact.

Madurai school maybe will use unairu. Might try wisp with speed motes.

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