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The "On Call Crew Should Be Nerfed


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The only thing that needs to change about oncall crew is that they need better voice lines for when they're summoned.
"Oh!  I, killed someone!"  Yes, that's literally what I hired you for.
"One less boarder!"  Lady, we're on a planet, inside the enemy base.  I thought Cephalon Suda people were supposed to be smart.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

The only thing that needs to change about oncall crew is that they need better voice lines for when they're summoned.
"Oh!  I, killed someone!"  Yes, that's literally what I hired you for.
"One less boarder!"  Lady, we're on a planet, inside the enemy base.  I thought Cephalon Suda people were supposed to be smart.

I see other people's talk all the time (kind of hard to miss, considering they send you full on transmissions). My own on-call never talks though...

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1 hour ago, Voltage said:
3 hours ago, quxier said:

Does crewman realy do anything good?!

It gives Affinity to clients.

So does the teammates, your weapon to your frame, your frame to exalted stuff (SEvagoth's shadow/claws). Is this the reason it's so good?

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Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

WTF are you on about? Lol. I'll admit mine has surprised me with how effective she is, but bearing in mind, she's an elite, with rank 5 combat, AND i gave her a powerful weapon with formas, arcanes etc invested in it, so she would be doing SOME damage.

The idea that an AI will play the game for you though is ludicrous in a post wuclone world. OP is either trolling or has been fed a pack of lies.

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The lengths that people will go to to not play this game have always perplexed me. The game is fun, and the grinds aren't hard. 

At this point, after Wukong and Azima and other stuff, my first question now is 'okay, so is this the new Chinese slavefarming meta and that's why this is happening?', and it's usually right. 

Edited by ShogunGunshow
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Any time anyone encounters players demanding you play a certain way just leave or ignore them. Nobody can instruct you on what do so so long as you're not obstructing the mission (specifically meaning doing things to try and fail it).


As for the On Call system itself it honestly is a system that could be argued for a nerf. Though the problem with Specters and friendly AIs in general is that they either scale (too) well as is the On Call's case or they scale too poorly and just contribute utility as is with everything else. So there's no real middle ground here.

But since the issue seems to be specifically bouncing off your squads cooldowns the easiest nerf would be limiting the uses per mission like each player only being able to use their on call 2-3 times per mission. Or even scaling it with squad size like 1 use in a full squad up to 4+ when solo. Might even be wise to restrict their usage to being unusable in the first 5-10 minutes of an endless that way players don't toss theirs out to automate a few waves then leave to reset their use counts.

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The OP is on crack, the on call crewmate actually kinda sucks because of it's tremendous cooldown and limited duration, unless you have a very good RNG roll with the proper weapon build and the right elite perk for a million credits.
I figured we'd get something a little more useful than a 3 minute gimmick spectre for maxing our intrinsics, i actually like my wisp one better.

Edited by Kaiga
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This is literal fearmongering. The specter is balanced by its long cooldown. It has high investment cost and is only out for a limited period. Enough of crying nerf to anything that's good or could be used for specific niche strategies. Just ignore and move on instead of calling for a nerf to anything you don't like other people using.

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18 hours ago, DavidKurt said:

My dear DE,


I left for about half year and just have returned for about one month.

I've been told recently that the "On Call Crew" and AFK during survival missions is the mainstream gameplay nowadays. 

The more ridiculous thing is, I've even being "educated" that throwing the crew in turn and then AFK is the ONLY RIGHT way to play the game, and people have rights to BLAME others who do not call the crew but manually pull their own triggers to kill enemies instead.

And yes, I've noticed that someone really got blamed by that in a Chinese community. I feel very bad for him.

It is really sad and frustrated for me to JUST AFK by using the "On Call Crew" and I really want you, DE, to nerf or somehow limit such kinda boring gameplay, like to increase the On Call Crew to a longer CD like 30mins or just once in a mission.

Thank you very much for reading.

Sounds like an April Fool's joke but is not, what a stupid idea of the Century by your other players in the squad.  CJ1Iq.gif

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15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

You gain 1 intrinsic per 10,000 general affinity gained. To reach 511 intrinsic, you only need 5,110,000 general affinity. Dunno when last you played Railjack was, but that's not a lot of affinity to gain in there. You get a constant stream of it from the endless swarms of enemy ships, taking out crewships grants a ton each, and you also have a ton of it coming in from any of the numerous objectives and dynamic events that happen.

Last time I played railjack was yesterday. I even forgot to turn off public after running an arbitration, so by accident went with public (usually I go solo I'd prefer my void storms not ruined by some hotshot rando thanyouverymuch). Took my lovely time doing it, and nobody got joined at all. Sunday, prime time, void storm around earth so not even that high intrinsic barrier to queue for it. Shows how very popular mode it is. Hence any time I get into public MM (which seems to be how OP has run into his lecturers) I expect everyone else to have exactly no rj intrinsics, because that is way more likely in public mode than everyone having that one particular (rank 9) intrinsic.

Now for the numbers bit - going of from fresh player start, none of the nodes that you will be able to immediatelly que to, will have those "endless swarms of enemy ships" granting tons of affinity to get, And by no means you'd have a railjack capable of clearing those missions all that easilly by yourself. Hence, you'd need to get carried. And considering we are talking about that one intrinsic line that provides near-zero benefit to group play - focused all around npc crewmates that only serve function of making things easier for solo play, (and going solo means less enemies and less affinity to get mind you), for the whole process you are going to be of little use to the rest of the crew, unless you have a competitive warframe build so at least you can handle the boarding of objectives on your own, by which point you would not need to try to use on-call crew mate for afkign survivals in the first place.

I still stand by my assertion that expecting random people in public MM to have that particular intrinsic is flat out extremely silly. Trying to coerce them that this is the "right way" and threatening reports goes into the land of flat out ridiculous detachment from reality.

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