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Please be careful with Gloom in Netracell runs.

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Okay so I get it, gloom is a great subsume. It does CC, life steal the whole package.

but PLEASE remember to turn it off occasionally in netracells so that enemies can actually run into the red area to be killed. Killing them only counts in that area and if you're stopping them from entering via a high strength gloom cast it can really slow things down. Literally. With high strength gloom more enemies will be practically frozen in place. 

Also gloom goes through walls, so can prevent mobs in adjacent rooms from entering the red area/room with the red area too. 

Just be mindful of it is all I'm saying. 

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I agree it's good to be mindful, but turning Gloom off is probably overkill in many situations.  For starters, in my experience a good 50%+ of the enemies in Netracell missions are Eximus that are unaffected by Gloom, so as long as you're not prematurely removing their Overguard they won't be an issue.

As for the rest of them, as long as you're not running a ton of range, Gloom probably isn't having that much of an effect...as long as you're not simply standing at the edge of the circle waiting for the enemies to step a single foot inside (anyone who's doing this has bigger problems than Gloom).

The far better solution in my estimation is for everyone to simply gather at the center of the circle and wait there.  Warframe generally tries to spawn enemies a certain distance away from players, and the more spread out players are, the more enemies will be spawning further distances from the circle.  Gathering in the center thus means that enemies are more likely to spawn inside the circle or closer to its boundaries, thus expediting the process.

Now, will everyone be doing this?  Absolutely not, it's the wild west out there.  But if we're really talking about what each of us can do as an individual player to make things go smoother, I think that's the better advice to give.

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The area is large enough that Gloom can't encompass it. Even if you do use Gloom the enemies should be within range from at least one of the entrances. The times that I do use gloom I am at the obelisk so it can't slow down enemies before it reaches the kill zone.

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forcing a host migration is no solution cause this also means that the whole squad suffers. people shouldn't be so quick on their trigger finger when it comes to forcing host migrations onto others for small stuff. as someone who came from console originally I especially know how painful it is to literally wait 2-3 minutes sometimes because of this. I found out that on PC this doesn't seem to be the case, at least it's not that severe, but it does happen on console. so at least have some decency when you notice a cross-player in your squad.

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13 minutes ago, DarkSkysz said:

(yea you that know what to do but are too stupid to follow the mission rules)

And then there are the people who turn off the hint messages because they get annoyed after a while, and sometimes those players forget to turn it on for new content and miss a few things.

I've seen players that were killing outside the zone because they thought it was like the open world bounties that you have to kill X targets where the circle just marked high spawn areas but you could kill them anywhere and it would still count.
They honestly didn't know better because they have turned off the hint messages and therefore never got the message that they had to do the killing inside the circle.


Sometimes its better to just actually message the person and check on them before taking the nuclear option of forcing a host migration on the entire party because one person is doing something.

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35 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I agree it's good to be mindful, but turning Gloom off is probably overkill in many situations.  For starters, in my experience a good 50%+ of the enemies in Netracell missions are Eximus that are unaffected by Gloom, so as long as you're not prematurely removing their Overguard they won't be an issue.

As for the rest of them, as long as you're not running a ton of range, Gloom probably isn't having that much of an effect...as long as you're not simply standing at the edge of the circle waiting for the enemies to step a single foot inside (anyone who's doing this has bigger problems than Gloom).

The far better solution in my estimation is for everyone to simply gather at the center of the circle and wait there.  Warframe generally tries to spawn enemies a certain distance away from players, and the more spread out players are, the more enemies will be spawning further distances from the circle.  Gathering in the center thus means that enemies are more likely to spawn inside the circle or closer to its boundaries, thus expediting the process.

Now, will everyone be doing this?  Absolutely not, it's the wild west out there.  But if we're really talking about what each of us can do as an individual player to make things go smoother, I think that's the better advice to give.

Unfortunately the player I had in my run earlier that prompted me to post this was standing at the very edge of the area. Killing stuff that was outside the zone while stopping most enemies from that side from even getting close. 

The fragmented enemies aren't as bad since they can just spawn from the floor. But the others kinda struggle. Wisp electric mote can also hold things up but people seem to rarely turn off gloom since it's such an impactful ability outside of netracells. 

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This has been an issue for years, just replace netracells with defense and gloom with Slowva. but yes, on more than one occasion i've had people who dont get that enemies must be IN the circle. Usually a friendly reminder in Squad chat does the trick on the genuinely ignorant, but if you get a troll, may as well restart and solo.

2 minutes ago, Steeldragonz said:

I don't understand how so many don't get that you need to kill in the area for it to count...

Some people are just breathtakingly ignorant, it's incredible.. until you're the one on the receiving end of it. Then it's infuriating.

" Only two things are Infinite: the Universe, and human stupidity.. And i'm unsure about the former" - Albert Einstein

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1 hour ago, IggySnow said:

I run speedva in netracells specifically to speed up the enemies. The amount of people who still don't understand you need to kill things in the red circle is kind of mind blowing to me.


Out of my 5 runs this week, three had Saryn in them. Saryn! One had Saryn and Mirage...

She was always killing enemies so far away we didn't even see them, getting into the circle was out of the question for them. Neither of them realized they are the reason why the mission takes so long and when I told them they got toxic and accused me I don't know how to play the game.

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1 hour ago, DarkSkysz said:

Solution > Be the host and turn off your connection when you find those suckers slowing the mission.



It's not that simple, that'll disconnect you from DE's tracker as well, which will invalidate your mission session.

To do this properly, you need to Only Disconnect the other Player IPs.

It can be done, but it'll take work, not just the usual power cord jiggle lag-switch.


Really, best thing to do is just set your matchmaking to Solo in the first place; much less work than having to IP filter mid-mission. (and doesn't get banned for network manipulation ToS violations)

yeah, actually, just play solo if that's how you feel, don't do sketchy connection stuff at all.



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in all fairness

the Red Circle radius is pretty small and the game would play better if it was widened so you could at least run back and fourth between two tiles to juggle the spawns.


Camping in one spot is just boring gameplay; ironically the kind of thing DE has tried to discourage in the past....



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the game shares some contribution here - it's not unfeasible (it really isn't) to be dealing with Enemies as you normally would and end up "walking the Enemies out of the Objective".
you don't even have to be actively trying to do it for it to happen.


27 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

Really, best thing to do is just set your matchmaking to Solo in the first place

yes, please do this instead. don't create a problem in Public as a "solution" to something you don't like. that's just rude and immature.

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3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

the game shares some contribution here - it's not unfeasible (it really isn't) to be dealing with Enemies as you normally would and end up "walking the Enemies out of the Objective".
you don't even have to be actively trying to do it for it to happen.


You kill a group of spawns, the game decides to spawn another wave Farther Out.  Gradually drawing away from that Circle.

I say the game mode needs a redesign.

IF DE really wants us to camp one spot, then make it an Interception or Defense mission, where enemies attack the netracell terminal and we're incentivized to Stay Near it and Defend, rather than get drawn away as we do now.



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5 hours ago, IggySnow said:

I run speedva in netracells specifically to speed up the enemies. The amount of people who still don't understand you need to kill things in the red circle is kind of mind blowing to me.

I still see people insta-shooting the vents during alchemy runs. Kids these days are just dumb.


20 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Of course that may also be a waste of time if you can't do it politely.  Which seems like could be a bit of a challenge

Absolutely this. You got a problem with someone, tell them what they are doing wrong. Chances are they didn't even notice until someone gives them a easy heads-up, might have accidentally hit the wrong key and are too engrossed to notice the aura (opr cant; see it with all the particle effects there is nowadays).

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2 minutes ago, CephalonCarnage said:
25 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Of course that may also be a waste of time if you can't do it politely.  Which seems like could be a bit of a challenge

Absolutely this. You got a problem with someone, tell them what they are doing wrong. Chances are they didn't even notice until someone gives them a easy heads-up, might have accidentally hit the wrong key and are too engrossed to notice the aura (opr cant; see it with all the particle effects there is nowadays).

It's amazing what simply talking to people as if they're human beings worthy of respect will do.  The other day I was in a low-level Void Fissure and a Limbo had made a gigantic Cataclysm.  I said something like:

"If you wouldn't mind, would you be willing to not use Cataclysm?  I don't think the defense target is at risk and it prevents the enemies from coming to us so the mission goes slower."

I didn't see any reply, but they turned off Cataclysm and didn't use it for the rest of the match.  All because I asked nicely and explained why I thought the change I was asking for would make things better for us.  If you're kind and treat other players like respected equals — instead of treating them like subordinates who should follow your orders — I've found that most of the time they're cool.  A ton of players just don't know what they're doing wrong, and that's something you can permanently change if you take 30 seconds to share your thoughts with them in a compassionate way.

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2 hours ago, NineChameleon said:

but PLEASE remember to turn it off occasionally in netracells so that enemies can actually run into the red area to be killed. Killing them only counts in that area and if you're stopping them from entering via a high strength gloom cast it can really slow things down.

I've found new appreciation for Vauban's Bastille in vortex mode thanks to that mode. Enemies outside the red circle? Slurp! Enemies inside the red circle!

(I mean, I already appreciated it -- Vauban with Spectrorage infused over his 3 and the Spectrosiphon augment installed is hilarious in Steel Circuit, as he just slurps in the map and they turn into a fountain of energy orbs -- but I've found a new and different reason to appreciate it.)

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Since this has basically become a Netracell horror stories thread, here's mine:

I recently had a Netracell mission where the Host decided to run all over the map.  Barely any enemies were spawning around the red circle and the 3 of us were just sitting around twiddling our thumbs until I finally decided to ask what they were doing.  The response?  "Can't find book".  And that was when I decided to abort the mission.

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2 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

Enemies outside the red circle? Slurp! Enemies inside the red circle!

Mag and Birdlady are also really good for that. Super yoinks!


2 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

Vauban with Spectrorage infused over his 3 and the Spectrosiphon augment installed is hilarious in Steel Circuit, as he just slurps in the map and they turn into a fountain of energy orbs

Try building him with power str and place 5 spike balls bellow the vortex. Meatgrinder with blue orb sauce.

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9 hours ago, IggySnow said:

The amount of people who still don't understand you need to kill things in the red circle is kind of mind blowing to me.

This ↑

I hate having to call people's attention to it and even still some players continue to not move towards the red area causing enemies to spawn away and delaying the mission even further.

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Why? My gloom Yareli always surfs around the map comfortably killing stuff in red circle without any issue.

Oh, I forgot I was playing solo. Why aren't you playing solo netracell?

38分钟前 , BiancaRoughfin 说:

This ↑

I hate having to call people's attention to it and even still some players continue to not move towards the red area causing enemies to spawn away and delaying the mission even further.

I once joined an exterminate bounty mid mission and it failed spectacularly because, surprise, we managed to miss 32 culverin weak points. Well I guess it was difficult when people just nuke the room while flying at mach 3 and were too busy to read instruction.

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7 hours ago, RichardKam said:

Why? My gloom Yareli always surfs around the map comfortably killing stuff in red circle without any issue.

Oh, I forgot I was playing solo. Why aren't you playing solo netracell?

I once joined an exterminate bounty mid mission and it failed spectacularly because, surprise, we managed to miss 32 culverin weak points. Well I guess it was difficult when people just nuke the room while flying at mach 3 and were too busy to read instruction.

Simply put? I'd just got off of two long work shifts over new year and didn't want to have to be 100% to make sure I didn't do something stupid and die. 

Plus I was under the assumption that 4 people would be faster than 1. 

I dont really run meta frames/weapons. That and the absence of full rank arcanes on most of my loadouts means I can't turn my brain off in content with limited respawns. Which is honestly the way I prefer it but it does mean that if I can't focus because im exhausted it can go badly. eg: Letting my overguard fall off on kullervo, forgetting to reapply desolate hands on baruuk or warding halo on nezha, not being on the ball with a shadow swap on sevagoth, not cycling abilities properly on lavos etc etc <insert any number of more action heavy frames here> 

In other words, I'm sensing a tone of elitism/condescension in your post. It is not appreciated. I ran my first netracell solo and when I am awake and 100% I will run them solo again. But there is nothing wrong with running public. It is not some kind of "failure" to do so. 

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14小时前 , NineChameleon 说:

Simply put? I'd just got off of two long work shifts over new year and didn't want to have to be 100% to make sure I didn't do something stupid and die. 

Plus I was under the assumption that 4 people would be faster than 1. 

I dont really run meta frames/weapons. That and the absence of full rank arcanes on most of my loadouts means I can't turn my brain off in content with limited respawns. Which is honestly the way I prefer it but it does mean that if I can't focus because im exhausted it can go badly. eg: Letting my overguard fall off on kullervo, forgetting to reapply desolate hands on baruuk or warding halo on nezha, not being on the ball with a shadow swap on sevagoth, not cycling abilities properly on lavos etc etc <insert any number of more action heavy frames here> 

In other words, I'm sensing a tone of elitism/condescension in your post. It is not appreciated. I ran my first netracell solo and when I am awake and 100% I will run them solo again. But there is nothing wrong with running public. It is not some kind of "failure" to do so. 

My apology if my post gives you hard feeling because when I said I used Yareli, "elitism" is my least expected response from the forum. 

/hush/ also some glyphs do not work on Merulina. Don't tell others.

I understand the pros and cons of pub, and I also pub with random sometimes, but trust me, the only thing more frustrating than failing a mission due to your own mistake is failing a mission due to other people mistake. Apart from host migration, it will turn your netracell run into random number generator because random people do things randomly. They go look for the book. They go for the voca. They go into killing frenzy and turn your 15 mins run into 30 mins. When you enter bleed out they will keep killing stuff right next to you rather than, you know, reviving you. Something like that.

Just like the good old days of Eidolon era when people still bring Harrow to the fight, for mission like netracell where some coordination and communication is needed for efficiency, recruitment chat would be more useful than random pub. 

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