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Don't do a survival if your just going to leave at the 5 minute mark for fissures.


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Makes zero sense for a fissure when you get a free relic for going 25 minutes.

It's also extremely irritating for everyone else when people are trying to farm say Sevagoth whos parts are rare so it's better to do long survivals or defense then just bail out 5 minutes in.

if you want to do one and done just do exterminates!

Edited by GrimAtrament
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If theres no quick fissures like capture or exterminate, people will usually gravitate toward whatever they think is the next fastest mode, or a mode they enjoy. 

If this is a frequent problem for you, maybe you should use recruit chat. I've seen people hosting sevagoth farms there several times, so you absolutely can find like minded people. Otherwise, public's gonna public, and there's nothing anyone can do about that.

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It's okay for people to play the game mode they want and to stop playing when they want.  That goes for yourself, and that goes for other players as well.

It would be great if DE made it easier to match with like-minded players, but until they do that, you've got two options:

  • setup pre-made squads where everyone agrees to play the way you want
  • accept that matchmaking will pair you with players who may have different preferences than you, and roll with it
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4 hours ago, GrimAtrament said:

if you want to do one and done just do exterminates!

Here's the thing: we don't get to choose which missions get fissures. Pretty much everyone WOULD be in the exterminate mission if they had the choice. If they're bailing on you after 5 minutes of survival, it's because there were literally no other mission types in that relic tier to choose from

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4 hours ago, GrimAtrament said:

Makes zero sense for a fissure when you get a free relic for going 25 minutes.

It's also extremely irritating for everyone else when people are trying to farm say Sevagoth whos parts are rare so it's better to do long survivals or defense then just bail out 5 minutes in.

if you want to do one and done just do exterminates!

Dont tell me what to do, if i ever get in a squad with you im gonna leave at 4 minutes

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My philosophy here is the same as with SP Duviri Circuit, Railjack, Arbitrations, etc.  i.e. I'll stay until I need to leave to address a trade request.

If that's one round, so be it.  I'm not turning off market for a void fissure.

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6 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Here's the thing: we don't get to choose which missions get fissures. Pretty much everyone WOULD be in the exterminate mission if they had the choice. If they're bailing on you after 5 minutes of survival, it's because there were literally no other mission types in that relic tier to choose from

I've seen plenty of people who seem to still go 5 min survival despite faster missions like Capture, Mobile Defense and Exterminate being available for the same tier.

The most confusing is when people pick something like Defense or Interception over Capture/Exterminate/Mobile Defense for whatever reason when both of the same fissure are present.

Edited by Aldain
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7 hours ago, Drophys said:

Dont tell me what to do, if i ever get in a squad with you im gonna leave at 4 minutes

This ^

If you can't handle people in a PUG and try to make a topic about demanding others to do what YOU want them to do, then don't bother, Go Solo or Find a team in recruit chat.

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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1 hour ago, Aldain said:

I've seen plenty of people who seem to still go 5 min survival despite faster missions like Capture, Mobile Defense and Exterminate being available for the same tier.

The most confusing is when people pick something like Defense or Interception over Capture/Exterminate/Mobile Defense for whatever reason when both of the same fissure are present.

There are definitely times when the fast missions can be problematic for successful matchmaking - spending 3 minutes trying to connect to a squad for a 2 minute mission versus doing a 5 minute run isn't a significant win, in addition to the risks of loading in late if you have a slow machine. The less popular slower missions can be a lot more reliable. (Also, Mobile Defense with it's  waiting around at terminals in addition to other running around isn't a significantly faster alternative anyway).

Then there all the reason a player might join an endless mission and then bail early - "I thought I'd have time for a few rotations, but something came up", "Man, my connection to the host is incredibly laggy", "Yay, I finally got the part I needed to build X", etc.

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12 hours ago, GrimAtrament said:

It's also extremely irritating for everyone else when people are trying to farm say Sevagoth whos parts are rare so it's better to do long survivals or defense then just bail out 5 minutes in.

I just want to note that Seavgoth's drops don't work that way. His parts drop as a possible extra "Void Storm" reward, which is awarded only at the end of the mission.  Doing more endless rotations in a single Void Storm doesn't give you extra drops from the table.

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I really do sympathise. As someone who likes to play less missions for longer, and really enjoys at least 20 minutes of Survival and upwards, until around 45 to 70 mins, as someone who thinks that the stacking boosters in Relic missions, and how they affect resource gains, really enjoys the fun of the Reactant buffs on builds, the nature of rewards in say Arbitrations as far as Rotations etc etc I really understand and have that preference to... 

That being said... I just have to understand and acknowledge not everyone is like me, and people have their own things going on. Maybe they are just testing the waters for a node or Relic. Maybe they just really want a Forma or the first item they get. Maybe they planned on staying longer but need to suddenly use the bathroom. Maybe they don't know the advantages of staying longer. Maybe someone else the in group has a fashion sense, they find offensive and they need to leave, could be all manner of various reasons. Depending on who you are, they might be good, bad, silly or dumb reasons, but valid in the sense, the game allows for that. 

Generally we sort of have to let our experience and knowledge guide us. What I mean by that, is, well personally? Most of the time, the types of Survival missions I like to enter into PUB, will go a decent bit. That being said, I will usually pick Steel Path Survivals, on certain tile sets or against certain enemies. Steel Path Void Survivals seem to attract people who generally stay a bit longer, as far as my anecdotal experiences. My assumption is that its a good farm for Relics, Steel Essence, Argon, Reactant, plus Corrupted are pretty easy and those Void Tilesets have good farming spots. As well as the other general advantages (accruing boosters etc). 

If I were to do a normal Lith Survival against Corpus? I'd probably guess that people might be more likely to leave sooner, even after 5 mins. Now, again, I could be way off, but thats just my experiences, and thus I make decisions around that. Plus like if I see a Fissure has 50 mins left? I might PUG, since if they leave early I can still do another. If there is 5 minutes left and i really really want to go for an hour, because its a good fissure? I'd go solo or use Recruiting. Trying to enforce certain expectations on others just... won't really be effective, even if a lot of people also share that preference, and some may be fine about that even if they do, because they value the choices others can make. 

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There's just no real incentive to go multiple rounds. Especially on one of the longer endless mission types.

I tend to avoid survival even if I want to go multiple rounds cus it's just extremely time inefficient.

Most of the people that do that probably only joined that fissure cus it was the only one available for the era of relic they wanted to run. Or the alternatives were even worse.

And if they were going for a particular part and got what they wanted. you better believe they're leaving.

Don't join an endless fissure expecting anyone to stay past round 1. Most people don't even stay past round 1 on missions that have literally nothing worth doing the mission for until round 4. Those are when it's really frustrating.

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We get enough relics from everywhere else that staying for 25 minutes just for one doesn't really seem like a meaningful incentive.  Especially when you consider that it may not even be a relic they care about.  If I want relics, it's probably going to be from disruption since we can bang those out super fast and repeatedly get rotation B or C round after round.

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On 2024-01-24 at 4:24 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

If theres no quick fissures like capture or exterminate, people will usually gravitate toward whatever they think is the next fastest mode, or a mode they enjoy. 

If this is a frequent problem for you, maybe you should use recruit chat. I've seen people hosting sevagoth farms there several times, so you absolutely can find like minded people. Otherwise, public's gonna public, and there's nothing anyone can do about that.

Yup, about my only issue is when the host leaves and it screws up the mission, but that's DEs fault not the hosts. 

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"Some kids showed up at the playground and they're not playing like I want to play! Make them stop mommy! *stamps feet and cries*"

But yeah, as people are saying, a pub is a pub. People have different goals when you join a random squad. Use recruiting if you want to try and run with people that have the same idea as you for the run. I dislike it when I've got a good combo of equipment (but ended up as support) for a SP Circuit run and the host or everyone leaves after 1 or 2 rounds, but I joined a pub so it is what it is.

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