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Chipper tauforged


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I'm being accused of lying because I've been doing the call mission for a month and I'm sure that in the second week of the game a yellow tau forged came to my chipper store, but no one believes it, has anyone else seen a tauforged in the store? from him? I didn't take a print because at the time it happened I didn't know how rare it was and I also didn't buy it because I didn't have the maximum livel to buy.

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I've seen a yellow shard in his store before, but I don't remember if it was a tauforged.

And even if it was, yellow shards are arguably the worst anyway. I got like 3 on them on my Garuda alone because I don't get anything better lol

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I know this pain all too well friend. In high school, I dated three famous super models. Like, all three were in the top ten official ranking of best and top super models Internationally, but none of the other kids or teachers believed me. Even my own parents told me to stop lying, but it was totally true! I was totally going out with three different hot models, and we did more than date too, we went to various bases on the baseball diamond, if you know what I mean! I couldn't really prove it though, because at the time, they were vampires, and as everyone knows, vampires can't show up in photos, and they do not have a mirror reflection. Also, as everyone knows, vampires have super speed, and move really fast, so if you try to film them, its logically impossible, and you will never see them in a movie or film, they are too fast. 

I did draw us together as hard evidential proof though (it was a very detailed, and realistic drawing), but still, people accuse me of lying. Even to this day, still hurts. The only thing I was guilty of, was having a heart large enough to love three hot attractive, globally famous and recognised top supermodels who happened to also be powerful sexy vampires, while I was only a teenage at high school (I was really popular and smart too. I won at maths and sports several times. At school assembly everyone stood up and clapped). 

Most other people may doubt you, but I believe that Chopper gave you Yellow California and that you Tauforged his store. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I dated three famous super models. Like, all three were in the top ten official ranking of best and top super models Internationally

Can confirm, I was one of the super models 

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Giving you benefit of the doubt...

Maybe a graphical glitch. 

DE explicitly stated that Chipper and Kahl content is intended to be a more accessible route for Regular Archon Shards.

Tau is locked behind Endgame/level  Content.

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It's possible that it was a bug.  It's also possible that you misunderstood or are misremembering.  There's no way to tell for certain.

But regardless of what you experienced, Tau-forged Shards are not a ware that Chipper is supposed to provide, and I've never seen it.

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7 hours ago, Nira said:

Chipper has never sold stone that was tau,

Certainly not then, and deffo not now.

That robotic Aussie stocks only plain shards,

A ballad befitting the finest of bards.

There came along Nira the poet
Who made rhymes but couldn't quite flow it
What they need is a limerick
Not a dirge
But an epic
Or the bards would never review it

^^ On topic, yeah OP, whatever that was, it wasn't a Tauforged. They can't pop up in Chipper's store. DE are really good about locking down ways to get the higher-tier stuff.

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9 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

Still seems useless to me.


There's like 3 frames that could use more casting speed

Different playstyles I guess. 

I've always like playing casters in hack and slash arpg type games so I can kind of bring a comfortably familiar playstyle to WF. Up until archon shards natural talent was a "mandatory" mod on at least 90% of my builds. 

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