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How Do You Choose to Support Your Team?


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I'm curious cause today, I was struggling to stay alive with a Warframe I wasn't too familiar with and after getting downed a couple times, the Citrine that revived me started following me around and kept me from dying, which was quite nice cause they didn't have to but they chose to. So now I'm wondering if people who play support or provide it, actually pay attention to their fellow Tenno as much as that Citrine did.

Do you keep an eye on your teammates? Are you aware of who's struggling? Are you conscious of keeping your buffs active? I know there's people who play Support frames because of the self-sustain and not to actually support but if you do actually go out of your way, how and why?

(Mind you DPS frames can still support players by making sure the threat doesn't exist in the first place too)

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I've been playing Dante a lot, so I generally try to make sure my team has at least some Overguard, even in missions that are easy.  If I see that someone no longer has Overguard, I try to give them more and keep a bit of an eye on them to make sure I can keep them protected.  As long as it's easy to do, I really like to make sure my team doesn't have to care about survival and can just focus on going wild.

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hace 20 minutos, YOURteacher100 dijo:

By playing Dante, cant die so long they hit stuff


hace 15 minutos, (PSN)Unstar dijo:

I've been playing Dante a lot, so I generally try to make sure my team has at least some Overguard, even in missions that are easy.  If I see that someone no longer has Overguard, I try to give them more and keep a bit of an eye on them to make sure I can keep them protected.  As long as it's easy to do, I really like to make sure my team doesn't have to care about survival and can just focus on going wild.

The funny thing is that according to the majority, Dante is not stupidly strong. I know that overguard is not of much use against high level enemies (1000+), but in normal missions and in sp it is technically playing on easy difficulty if there is a dante in the squad.  In my 11 years of playing this is the first warframe that I feel like the game is too simple for him.

Obviously I'm not demanding nerf or anything but things have to be told as they are.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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I usually support them by scraping them off the ground with a spatula.... unless it is I who is being scraped off of the ground. Since I generally do not play what I would consider to be a support frame. Unless of course they are clearly AFK in which case they can stay downed...

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To support other Tenno I mainly play solo, so they  have to deal with my foolishness as little as possible. :P

More seriously I don't tend to actively look after other players unless they're clearly trying to contribute but getting downed a lot.    Then I'll try to stick close, whether I'm playing a support frame or not.

6 minutes ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

I often play as Nezha with Safeguard augment and whenever I can I buff my teammates with the Warding Halo. Not to mention it's quite effective to keep various defense targets safe.

That augment lives on my Nezha builds pretty much permanently for those reasons.    Although since some people don't want the help or dislike the visual or whatever, I don't use it on squadmates unless they're struggling or they ask. 

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12 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

The funny thing is that according to the majority, Dante is not stupidly strong. I know that overguard is not of much use against high level enemies (1000+), but in normal missions and in sp it is technically playing on easy difficulty if there is a dante in the squad.  In my 11 years of playing this is the first warframe that I feel like the game is too simple its dante.

I won't disagree that Dante is a top tier Warframe, but I also don't think he's significantly moving the bar.  There are already numerous frames that can heal their parties and give them large amounts of DR, such as Trinity and Citrine.  My guess is that people simply notice Dante's impact more often because Overguard is highly visible it appears on your health bar, rather than as one of 20 esoteric buff icons on your HUD — and the numbers look really big, which can make Overguard look more effective than it is — since it isn't affected by DR.  Also I wouldn't be surprised if more people are playing Dante, further bolstering this effect.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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3 минуты назад, Tiltskillet сказал:

Although since some people don't want the help or dislike the visual or whatever, I don't use it on squadmates unless they're struggling or they ask. 

Odd. Never heard anyone complaining about having Warding Halo on before.

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Recently, In the Ascension gamemode I'm playing Ivara. Invis Arrow near the target. Stay near it like me and you'll be safe from lasers. Also leads to a nice walk to extraction afterwards with an arrow lodged in the pod's backside.

The range isn't that large and I could probably move towards Ash and Smoke Shadow but its duration is laughable for my personal use though.

I don't keep that close of an eye on my teammates. I usually follow the implication that allies=yourself and if you have enough range others also receive that benefit but I don't usually play support oriented frames.

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In any case, if we talk about true supports.
I would say the strongest are wisp and citrine, don't misunderstand trinity mains (I used trinity to), triny can be very tanky with niche builds but having 2 healing abilities and no real offensive ability is ridiculous.

If you compare them:

  • Wisp: Heals you, increases your hp, gives you a cc aura, increases your damage, and deals damage.
  • Citrine: Heals you, gives you E and H resources, increases your resistance, increases the damage you do to enemies with those red criticals, and not counting that turret that has good damage and its a status enemies destroyer.
  • Trinity on the other hand has 2 abilities with stupidly short durations  and other 2 that require more than one step to be useful.

There is no comparison.

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3 minutes ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

Odd. Never heard anyone complaining about having Warding Halo on before.

The most common complaint is the visual, since fashion is all.  Sometimes people don't like that lowers the effectiveness of Hunter Adrenaline or alerts/staggers enemies, or just don't feel like they need the assist.

I can't say I've heard any of these a lot, but that's perhaps sufficiently explained by the fact that I stopped using it habitually.

9 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

There are already numerous frames that can heal their parties and give them large amounts of DR, such as Trinity and Citrine.  My guess is that people simply notice Dante's impact more often because Overguard is highly visible it appears on your health bar, rather than as one of 20 esoteric buff icons on your HUD — and the numbers look really big, which can make Overguard look more effective than it is — since it isn't affected by DR.  Also I wouldn't be surprised if more people are playing Dante, further bolstering this effect.

There are definitely more people playing Dante in squads than Citrine.  (Which is a  shame.  She's a really good frame.)  Trinity is one of those frames I might see once or twice a year. 

I also see him more than Harrow or Oberon.  Less than Wisp though.

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If I have energy generation abilities, I'll usually smash those keys. If it's a perma-death gamemode or it has a lot of magnetic eximus, I sometimes consider running Oberon.

Other than that, bullet-jump strength and just hopping over if people get downed. Pubs usually aren't serious enough or run long enough for any major support planning and most people seem to have figured out how to be self-sufficient. Problem is those people also have lost the patience to actually be revived...

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Its funny how many "support" abilities can actually be detrimental...

-Wisp haste motes can run people out of ammo faster, say goodbye to most AoE weapons.
-Dante's overguard stops frames with shields from using rage mods.
-Limbo is Limbo.
-Mesa's shooting gallery is the bane of Chroma's existance.
-And anything that heals or keeps someone from dying is nice... until they get that 1 bug that shuts down any ability to fight or use powers until they die.


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Playing as Chroma with range so I can provide some Armor and Damage, with Guardian Armor I can take some of their damage too, and then using Heat Elemental Ward I can up their health.

Then I can chose if I want to help some more with Nourish, Dispensary, or Gloom.

If I'm going into a really hard mission I'll use Vazarin to make teammates invincible for a couple of seconds.

11 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

Mesa's shooting gallery is the bane of Chroma's existance.

Does this still hold true with his most recent buff? He doesn't need to just take damage to up his Vex Armor Bonuses now.

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I make others invisible with Ash (10 secs) or Wukong (14 secs). Ash also gives them an extra 150% CC. Can’t get killed if they don’t see you. I love Ash invisibility on myself so I don’t have to put up with visual buffs from others that I can’t see through.

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There are certain frames that excel in support but survival isn't the only way to do it.
Being that player who picks Banshee knowing they'll have to work 10x harder is one that comes to mind.

I still smirk when I see Trinity's Blessing Augment since if you're playing her correctly you shouldn't be healing. Blessing is always up and if I see a shield based frame go into shield gate I pop it again. Citrine is like the easier Trinity for me. I enjoy her. Volt has always been a classic. I wish their was an indicator to tell allies you have the augment that lets them pick up shields.

Sadly some support methods died with Overguard Eximus and the disco inferno enemy AoE we now play in.

Zephyr used to be able to just stand by players or Excavation targets and they were immortal.
Loki had various uses also when using more than just 4.
Titania had some good stuff in her kit that also got diminished.


Edited by Xzorn
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2 hours ago, _4shes said:

I'm curious cause today, I was struggling to stay alive with a Warframe I wasn't too familiar with and after getting downed a couple times, the Citrine that revived me started following me around and kept me from dying, which was quite nice cause they didn't have to but they chose to. So now I'm wondering if people who play support or provide it, actually pay attention to their fellow Tenno as much as that Citrine did.

Do you keep an eye on your teammates? Are you aware of who's struggling? Are you conscious of keeping your buffs active? I know there's people who play Support frames because of the self-sustain and not to actually support but if you do actually go out of your way, how and why?

(Mind you DPS frames can still support players by making sure the threat doesn't exist in the first place too)

I love the support frame world and usually run Frost for this. I run with a really high eHP so he can build up adaptation better than most frames, allowing me to take some hits if I need to cover for allies.

In survival style missions, I would normally throw up a bubble in a corner area to establish a choke point, along with maybe an energy, health and ammo pizza to try keeping stragglers from leaving the ideal spot. I'll run with the Trauma, charge up alt fire grenades, freeze enemies, strip armor, add some overguard, and launch the alt fire to wipe the next wave and provide a safe and clear path for the squad to grab loot. Nourish keeps squad energy going and I'll rush to downed or dying allies and use Vazarin to instantly revive or heal them. 

Gara is my second go-to. I run really high duration and chase down allies in order to buff them with DR. Similar to Frost, I'll mark a spot for the squad, throw up a glass wall to refresh the squad's DR, drop some pizzas and do a quick walk shatter and launch another to damage enemies and refresh the DR timer. 


Squad support is hella fun to me, and Warframe just happens to do it better than any game out there.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I've been playing Dante a lot, so I generally try to make sure my team has at least some Overguard, even in missions that are easy.  If I see that someone no longer has Overguard, I try to give them more and keep a bit of an eye on them to make sure I can keep them protected.  As long as it's easy to do, I really like to make sure my team doesn't have to care about survival and can just focus on going wild.

Especially on squishy frames that don't have strong survivability. That Overguard really helps take the stress off of dying and puts more emphasis on exploring the frame. I've especially appreciated it on Gyre and Dagath. Even though there are ways to survive, with a Dante I don't have to press as many buttons.

2 hours ago, Oreades said:

I usually support them by scraping them off the ground with a spatula.... unless it is I who is being scraped off of the ground. Since I generally do not play what I would consider to be a support frame. Unless of course they are clearly AFK in which case they can stay downed...

I've personally seen a few AFKs in recent lobbies actually. I used to think it was just them having a bad time but nah, they werent even there.

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2 hours ago, Joezone619 said:

Its funny how many "support" abilities can actually be detrimental...

-Wisp haste motes can run people out of ammo faster, say goodbye to most AoE weapons.
-Dante's overguard stops frames with shields from using rage mods.
-Limbo is Limbo.
-Mesa's shooting gallery is the bane of Chroma's existance.
-And anything that heals or keeps someone from dying is nice... until they get that 1 bug that shuts down any ability to fight or use powers until they die.


I agree with WISP haste actually. Weapons with strong recoil also suffer from this

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Usually if I feel like playing support, I’ll gravitate to Trinity for keeping my teammate (typically my partner) alive and status effect free; stuff like DoTs are so easily the silent killer and even if you know they’re there, there’s not a lot you can do aside from roll each tick, so one of my main focuses is on cleansing DoTs so that she can keep fighting fit, especially if she gets blasted by things like an Arson eximus (when playing multiplayer I’ll typically consider the Silence I’ve subsumed over Trinity’s three to stop Eximi from casting abilities)

I wish our health and status was a little more front and center so I don’t have to keep glancing away from the action to know whether she needs a heal or not. I love playing support, and this game has an excellent combination of being a healer while also contributing to the fight, and I’d appreciate a bit of an easier time keeping an eye on teammates while fighting

edit: Also, I’ll often opt for gigantic range so as to not have to worry about being so precise about my ability casts; particularly when playing on Switch instead of PC, it’s a lot harder to keep up with situational awareness of where she is and what she’s doing due to the nature of console controls making it harder to track things in general, so instead of customising my own frame’s movement or systems, I’ll opt for large range and then just throw abilities out knowing they’re going to have a much higher chance of connecting regardless of where she is in the area

Edited by Merkranire
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I often play Warframe solo, especially when I am tired or value efficiency. So usually when I do actually play public, I am much more conscious, aware and alert to others. I'll quickly assess team composition, different players, identify if we have some newer players, or older players, players using meta or off meta, a fast paced team, or a slower paced team, a friendly communicative team, or a friendly quieter team, potential conflicts in play styles, etc. 

I generally like to help players that may be struggling for whatever reasons. Unfamiliarity with a Warframe or weapon, or maybe they are just tired or having a bad day. I tend to be accomodating. So if my team is going fast or hard, I can go fast and hard, or if they are slower and more explorative, chill, etc, I am as well. 

Depends on the mission type as well, I'll be much more observant of others in Arbitrations, Elite Deep Archimedea, places where death has certain consequences. I generally like team work as an idea, helping others etc I am quick to revive others. Beauty of playing with other players right? As opposed to playing solo which as mentioned, I also often do. 

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