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Fan Concepts Index


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@noblekent: Added to the index under mods. I put it as "Shaped Charge" because that's more grammatically correct than "Shape Charge," and more of a standard term.

@Clayton: I'm not sure I understand your first comment... but thanks ^-^ Added Saltuarius to the index in the appropriate section, with theme "Nature."

@Nick-ka-ka: Indexed. I put it as a "Hydraulic Ram" instead of a "Battering Ram" because it's more specific, and that appears to be the nature of the weapon based on your drawings. Correct me if I'm wrong. Plus, "hydraulic" just sounds awesome.

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soo for the past few moths ive been pondering on a insect themed female frame either going for wasp or hive was her name been think about abilities as well thinking of making her suited for agility and evasion ill get back to this when I have a better grasp of what will make her useful in a batle

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Thanks for the heads up. I'm not sure how that happens... every time I make a change I check if it went in correctly, and those weren't broken before. The forum messes things up by auto-linking some things at later dates, it seems... Y was a simple fix, I'm still trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with the last section. Will edit this post once I've fixed it.

EDIT: Oh, and all the other posters, your stuff has been indexed.


EDIT: Can a post only have so many links? That is the only thing I can think of that could be ruining the last few links. I've reviewed and rewritten the syntax like ten times--it is correct, it simply isn't processing the link. I took out the link where it stopped working, wondering if it just decided it didn't like that one for some reason. That made the index work one entry further. One entry removed... one entry gained... leads me to believe this is the case. In which case, it's about time to make that second post for the Index... sooner than expected. So to reiterate my question from earlier:


Also, any mods who see this, something I've been wondering: I know posts can only contain so much, so when that first post fills up I'll have to continue it in another. I didn't think to reserve the next few posts for future expansions, unfortunately... so what I'm wondering is what is the best way to cross that bridge when I come to it? Can moderators insert posts, giving me the second slot in the thread to continue it? Or will I have to add the post at whatever point the thread is at, with a link to the continuation from the first post? Just curious--not even sure how close the post is to full. Thanks.

Edited by Siubijeni
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This post is, at least temporarily, a secondary part of the Index. I have moved the Skins, Mods, Art, Resources, and Collections here. A link has been added to the end of the initial index post. I seem to have been correct in my theory that the initial post simply could not contain any additional links.


Also, I am going to be going through and resorting the index in a (hopefully) more intuitive fashion. It has gotten big enough, for example, that simple division of the entities into Grineer, Corpus, Infested, and Other probably isn't specific enough. I will be doing this, however, in my local copy of the index and copy-paste it from Word to overwrite this when I'm done. In the meantime, fire away.




Better Dueling Rooms, by kippyster - Tile

Capturing and Converting Enemies/Jail, by Gryphticon - Tile and Mechanic

Clantech Expansion, by MetroFallout – Research

Clan Vaults, by bmulligan – Tile

Firing Range, by Dhuradhan - Tile

Orokin Research Lab, by Tritanya – Tile

Proxy Lab, by RazulDarkwood – Tile

Syndicate Clantech, by Lightsmith - Tech

Syndicate-Dojo Flagships, by Trailgamer5 - Tileset/Tech


Closing Measure, by emaralez87 - Darvo Siege

Dark Guardian’s Return, by Cptcuddlybuns/DarknightK – Low Guardians

Infested Intrusions, by Anaesthetic – Mission Events

Red Vendetta, by DarknightK - Stalker

Relentless Onslaught, by janks123 - Melee Arena
Rise of Baphomet, by Cptcuddlybuns – Infestation

Slipstream, by NeverEatTheLemonsAlone - Spy

Spy & Deception 2.0 Event, by Renegade343 - Introduction


AI Assistant Frames in Boss Fights, by Aden - Cinematics

Alternate Mission Intros, by Amistyrja – Cinematics

Boss Killcams, by Kintsurugi – Cinematics

Corpus Frozen Tileset Expansion, by MetroFallout - Tileset

Corpus Subfaction Tattoos, by Renegade 343 - Faction
Corpus Teleporters, by That1Guy – Environment

Interactive Liset, by Kelkha - Environment
Liset Behaviors, by Elestor – Cinematics
More Environmental Effects, by DarknightK – Environment

Realistic Planetary Environments, by Joenorthrup - Environment

Reasonable Environmental Traps, by TargetDummy – Environment

Return of the Shipboard Announcers, by Institute-Marksman - Tileset

Syndicate Mission Voiceovers, by Kaiczar - Liaison
Thoughts on Lore, by Huitzilopoltchi – Lore

Underwater Tileset, by Rcat – Environment

Unique Planetary Tilesets, by Cloud13 - Environment


HUD Mock-up, by Tangerine – HUD

Starmap, byHuitzilopoltchi – Menus

Weapon Retrieval Waypoint, by Kaiczar - Waypoint


Alternate Specter Use, by Joenorthrup - Specters

Corrupted Equipment, by some_random_guy_1 – Equipment

Dynamic Ability Upgrades, by NeverEatTheLemonsAlone – Abilities

Dynamic Syndicate Squads, by Kaiczar - Spawn Behavior

Faction-based Upgrades, by WondahBoah – Endgame Equipment

Key Revamp, by WondahBoah – Key Elimination

New Void Mechanics, by Lightsmith - Void Elimination

Trade Overhaul, by DrazeA - Trading

Unique Innate Warframe Traits, by Creamie - Warframes

Weapon Drop-pods, by Elestor - Loadout Swap


Bridge Defense, by Joenorthrup - Aggressive Defense

Chase/Destroy, by Veridantus – Sabotage

Combination Missions, by Altrunchen - Endgame

Deception 2.0, by Trailgamer5 - Infiltration

Difficulty Sliders for Endless/Limited Modes, by Kaiczar - Variety

Endgame Content, by Seyenas - Additional Mechanics

Escape and Endure, by Elestor – Escape

Falcon Raid, by Elestor - Multistage

Free the Slaves, by MortalSage - Infiltration

G-Glitch, by Elestor - Mastery Rank

Grineer Flagship Assassination, by GestaltZero – Assassination

Hive Assassination, by Quatrez – Assassination

Mobile Clan Dojos, by Lightsmith - Mission Type

Parkour Looting, by nubnubbud - Raiding

Ship’s Computer Malfunction, by DeadScream – Sabotage

Shipyard & Laboratory Defense, by DarkTails - Defense

Silent Night, by Elestor - Stealth

Stalking, by Quatrez – Spy

Syndicate Assassinations, by Joenorthrup - Assassination

Syndicate Expansion, by MangoSmoothieXL - Syndicate

Syndicate Hitlist NPC, by Joenorthrup - Syndicate

Taking Care of Business, by Joenorthrup - Endgame

Transition, by Elestor - Exterminate

Void Assassination, by MetroFallout – Assassination

Warp Missions, by Elestor - Assassination


Azhokull, by EDeN153 – Faction

Earth Tribals, by WondahBoah – Faction

Enemy AI, by DarknightK – Behavior

Enemy Distribution Logic, by Stigma_Deathshatter - Behavior

Faction Syndicates, by Oates_ - Subfactions

Meznites, by Drunken_Child - Faction

Suppression and Morale, by PsychedelicSnake – Behavior
Space Pirates, by Vard – Faction


Black Market, by Mogamu - Endgame

Capture the Flag, by Joenorthrup - Sidegame

Clan Battle Royale, by Galactix – PvP

Gunkata PvP Duels, by nubnubbud - PvP

Indirect PvP, by Hameln – PvP

Minigames, by WondahBoah – Sidegame

MOBA-Style, by RougeHemlock – Sidegame

Obstacle Endgame, by SweetAnubis – Sidegame

Player-based Stalkers, by Freelancer27 – Sidegame

Relay Gladiators, by Joenorthrup - Minigame

Rostrum Mechs, by TwevOWNED - HEV-Mechs

Tenno Testing Grounds, by DjaAkh - Pseudo-Pvp


Hunter126's Quests, by Hunter126 - Collection

Renegades Rising, by Stigma_Deathshatter - Arbiters/Suda

That Part, by BrazilianJoe - Items

Valkyr's New Home, by Arkinvas - Warframe

Warframe Story Missions, by ShiningArmor - Lore



Alternate Armors, by ShiningArmor - Warframes

Chroma Wings Syandana, by nubnubbud - Cosmetic

Nekomimi, by Rengakun – Nova Helmet
Ogris, by BigSeaFort – Rework



Ability Variants, by DeadScream - Collection

Ammo Types, by DarknightK – Ammunition

Autopsy Mod, by EarlLemongrab – Codex

bra1ndead's Mods, by bra1ndead101 - Collection

Collection of Mods, by YourBusDriver – Collection

Combined and Alternate Powers, by Keylan118 - Abilities

Corrupted Casting Speed, by lightini - Mods

Evolutionary Abilities, by Ether_SolRac - Abilities

Hacker’s Instinct, by Wemic – Aura

Lightning Orbit, by MrPigman - Stance
Mod Emporium, by pdxdubin – Collection

More Augment Mods, by Kaiczar - Augments
More Precepts, by DarknightK – Sentinels (Archived)

Reserved Mod Spaces, by Joenorthrup - Mechanic
Ridiculous Collection, by Freelancer27 – Collection
Sasoka’s Generics, by Sasoka – Collection

Shaped Charge, by noblekent - Explosives

Shield Mods, by Elestor - Collection
Super Forma, by Freelancer27 – Reconfiguration

Syndicate Auras, by nubnubbud - Auras
Unique Passive Abilities, by CP6Pac – Abilities

Utility Mod Slots, by Ix3FLCL - Mechanic

Wallgrip, by BorN_SiNner - Mod

Weapon-type Mods, by nubnubbud - Mod Type




Cernos Prime Concept, by blazingcobalt - 2D Weapon

Concept Collection, by arch111 – 3D Collection
Grineer Weapons, by V101 – 2D Collection (Archived)
Infested Concepts, by Slaskia – 3D Collection
Lanka Redesign, by Zackpeterson – 2D Lanka
Warframe Models, by LordMidnightX – 3D Collection


Art Extravaganza, by EVAtemplar117 – Sketch Collection

Art Extravaganza Part II, by EVAtemplar117 – Sketch Collection

Valkyr Fan Art, by MaddsAndBarry – Acrylic Painting


Warframe Origins, by ErudiusNacht – Fanfiction

Warframe Zero, by ErudiusNacht – Fanfiction



Art-Inspired Warframes, by Mofojokers - Frames/2D Art

atle's Ideas, by atle95 - Themeless

dapo's Concepts, by dapo290793 - Themeless

iscofield's f-series Frames, by iscofield - Genderbends

K_Shiro’s Concepts, by K_Shiro – Themeless

Mech’s Concepts, by MeChaNiZ3D – Themeless

Panda's Concepts, by oPANDAFRAMEo - Themeless

robertgk's Concepts, by robertgk2017 - Themeless

Shining's Ideas, by ShiningArmor - Themeless

V101's Book of Ideas, by V101 - Themeless

Xelory's French Concepts, by Xelory - Themeless (French)



Mod Template, by nubnubbud - Template

Mod Template 2.0, by nubnubbud - Template


Keep up the good ideas, everybody! - Siub

Edited by Siubijeni
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@Polymelodic: Added Seth.

@Morec0: All of it has been added. Interesting take on a Phobos dual boss... I liked the Starcraft map mock-up.

@KidMemphis: Added the Shadow warframe as Shadow, with theme darkness.

@oPANDAFRAMEo: Added. That oxygen one is a little strange... I have no idea what to put as its theme because oxygen is not exactly a... fully-accurately-concise description of its abilities. I put "Puffball?" for now... but when you think of a good descriptor I can replace it.

@Vrika: Added.

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EDIT: I got through page 28 tonight... some very nice ideas in there, and congrats to nubnubbud for prompting the creation of a new section to the index: resources. Very nice templates, thanks for your contributions!

WOAH I was noticed!

I feel important and successful, because someone I don't really know personally mentioned me~.

But I have an updated mod template, now. it changed right after I made that one.

On the same subject, I realize that because of the size limitation, some ideas won't be seen as often, hidden behind a link. Resources might be misinterpreted as in-game resources. Perhaps a (concept building resources/help), or some similar tag would be better. I hope the reorganization goes well, though. Whether each major section gets a proxy thread or you have some ingenious way of sorting them, I'm watching intently


I guess I'll post a bunch of things I did between then and now, to be a pain, in chronological order, so as to be a chronic pain.


(gun kata pvp mode) {extensively thought out}



(NEW mod design template (gimp and photoshop)) you should keep the old one too, just in case



(syndicate auras)



(looting/parkour mission type)



(Chroma Wing Syandana)



if anyone checks this thread and reads through the ideas, enjoy~ I put a lot of work into them for people like you.

Edited by nubnubbud
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