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Coming Soon: Devstream #75!


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Took 9 minutes for this thing to tell me you posted... anywho, in order of importance:

There is a problem with serial escalation in Warframe’s balance. Mid-level enemies one-shot players due to uneven scaling, so players develop ability-spamming builds to become immortal, so new enemies (like Nullifiers) are released with CC-immunity or anti-caster mechanics, and now Miter is gaining an augment to pop Nullifier bubbles. This escalation creates frustrating scenarios where players who don’t resort to “cheap” gameplay (and frames that don’t have “I Win” buttons) simply cannot keep up in high-level content like Sorties or Trials. Have you considered longer term solutions to this power creep, like a “stat squish” on enemies and reduced energy availability for players, over Nullifiers?

With Vauban Prime, nearly half of all existing Prime Warframes will be inaccessible. As one of its stated goals is to address Void access, will the Starchart 3.0 rework include a way to finally put vaulted gear back into the game?

In the Reddit AMA, you were asked if you'd considered adding an extra color tint option for metals on the PBR Prime items (including the frames post-Nova Prime)... and Sheldon missed the point when he answered. Would someone else care to revise?

We haven’t had a dojo update for… over a year now, I think. Are they due for a checkup? Perhaps some updates to editing features?

Edited by Archwizard
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Can't stop won't stop.

1. Will past prime warframes be getting a visual redesign? For example, Frost Prime's prime-ness is difficult to see unless the prime helmet is used.

2. Will we be getting Syndicate armors and melee weapons? If so, when?

3. When will the new tennogen stuff get added?

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Office opinion on Prism?

Also, seems like the initial trigger radius of Minelayer is rather tiny, and/or not being affected by power range. Intentional, or no? Currently, you have to land almost directly on the target to proc it.

Also, as per the multiple threads floating around, Chroma QoL tweaks/common sense buffs (Effigy getting the armor it takes, radiating Elemental Ward, etc), as well as a legit passive, instead of Arsenal element swapping?

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Can you elaborate on why Chroma was not considered for a passive? His energy color determining the elemental output doesn't really count as one, as it's a mechanic specifically meant for his abilities and their usage. 

Please consider giving Chroma a passive, he should not be denied one because of his versatility.


Can you confirm whether or not Excalibur Umbra will look the same as Warframe China's? I am sure answering this doesn't count as spoilers.

I wholeheartedly ask you for your best answer, definitive or not. There has been acknowledged silence for the past 10 months, so I request you please consider this when reading this question and please answer it, as it would be by far the most information the community has received on one aspect of Umbra's release condition (not to mention calming a lot of people apprehensive about his aesthetics being altered).


What can you tell us, if anything, about the lore of the War Within without spoiling?

Congrats on 75 Devstreams.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Honestly? Kinda hard to believe it's been 75 Devstreams already.

Well done and keep up the good work  :)


In no particular order:

1) Are Warframe Augments ever going to get a pass? Thinking specifically of Greedy Pull, but also e.g. Vexing Retaliation, all the 1->buff augments, all of Limbo's augments (and Limbo himself, but that's a different issue), Explosive Legerdemain, Well of Life/Pool of Life, and possibly others - but off the top of my head.

2) Did the somewhat-recent straw poll/thread on most-disliked Void mission prompt any discussion?

3) When considering any new Focus/Convergence changes, please keep Spy missions in mind? :'(

4) Anything being done to make stealth prompt-kills more fluid, less vulnerability/visibility-inducing? Particularly when sneaking up on multiple units, individual takedowns (not to mention the new alert-ing mechanics) tend to screw you up.

5) Any thoughts on disconnecting cosmetics from gameplay-affecting stuff? (Landing craft, PvE syndicate sigils, Raid Arcanes.)

5b) If not (since, sadly, I don't expect any), any UI improvements in the pipes for managing your synd sigils across your entire arsenal?

5c) Speaking of the arsenal and all Warframes now having passives: What about showing Passives in the ability screen? (Stole the link from Bibliothekar, thanks.)

6) On the topic of UI improvements and a player's arsenal - Any UI improvement/streamlining to bring your active Focus tree into the Arsenal?

7) Exilus slots have been around for a while now. Are they working as intended vis-a-vis modding flexibility?

7b) Similarly, what are your current thoughts on augments vis-a-vis mod slots? Are they working as intended? What are your thoughts about dedicated aug slots? If that's a possibility, at what point does that just become a 'tech tree' - and as such why not just implement it as one?

8) Excavation re-revisit? Please? ... Please? From its inception, it was my favorite game-mode. (And given its popularity in the CHT poll asking about previous events, I'm not alone in this.)

9) Any realistic chance that revisiting the combo counter bandaid mods Body Count/Harkonar Scope is on the radar? Consider Conclave and the knockdown/stagger defense mod. It used to be no shield, 8 sec with mod - which made the mods mandatory and if you don't have them you're SoL. The defense was made innate for 4 seconds, with the mods being merged into Anticipation and adding another +4s to that.

tl;dr - Increase the combo counter on melee and snipers, reduce the effects of those mods.

10) Have any changes been made to the announced next batch of weapon augments (these), based on the feedback given?

11) And on the topic of band-aid mods, has any thought been given to Covert Lethality, daggers, dual daggers, stealth-prompt attacks, etc?

12) Limbo? ;_;

13) Nitain was nominally added to give players a reason to run credit-only alerts... Except that it A) didn't address credit-only alerts at all, what with not being a credit-only alert and with B) credit-only alerts still existing.

Any followup - such as removing it as an alert reward and adding it to unit drop tables only in alerts -, or was that just PR to make the new resource addition more palatable?

14) Any news on the token system?

15) Can syndicate procs please not activate while you have the stealth multiplier buff up? (Seems both an easier and simpler solution than putting them under player control.)

16) Snipers: Scope-sway is irritating and possibly inapproriate (do 'frames need to breathe, have a cardiovascular system?), but I can live with it. That said: Any word on removing hipfire accuracy malus from snipers? Please? Or at least removing it faster so quickscoping is possible.

16b) Similarly, removing spread from bows in Conclave. (I'll see if I can dig up the thread.)

17) Is there a particular reason that synd missions/rep, sorties and Conclave dailies all reset at different times?

18) Will Thunderbolt, Concealed Explosives be getting a Vulcan Blitz/Acid Shells treatment, considering that the latter require a kill (from which to calculate the scaling damage) and the former do not?

19) I admit, I've not played Dark Sector, but the Glaive has been a favorite of mine for almost a year now. Any chance that the richochet mechanic will be looked at? I don't think I've ever seen a bounce hit something.

19b) On that note, do you consider thrown melee to be in a good place (what with bounces being, afaik, completely ineffectual - as above -, their attack-cycle length, the inherent 2-3 mod slot tax required to make them usable (Quick Return, Power Throw, Whirlwind(, Entropy Flight), their not being affected by melee combo... and all of which are mod slots you can't use to increase their damage)?

19c) What about having Altfire while in melee-mode immediately throw your thrown melee? Since it doesn't do anything atm.

20) How's 'Damage / Enemy Scaling 3.0' coming along?

20b) How will this affect status weapons' underpreformance in DE Approved Content enemy-levels compared with crit (or even decent straight-damage) weapons?

20ba) Will this finally redeem the Sure Shot et al. mods? (+% status, 15% at rank 5 - where the dualstats give 60% at rank 3)

21) Reticule customisation? Particularly in Archwing, the crosshairs dot can be very hard to see.

22) Speaking of Archwing - What about removing aura-inheritence and just giving them an aura slot? Are there any particular cons?

23) Speaking of Auras - Are you happy with their current state? (3-rank auras, all the V auras being additive straight damage (both lacking in variety and growing less beneficial as your base damage mods improve), D auras being: Situational (Infested Impedance), useless (Physique) and alright (Rejuvenation), - auras having Corrosive Projection, Energy Siphon, the Radars and every other beneficial aura excepting Rejuvenation.)

24) Options to disable/limit screen shake and auto-mantle?

25) As of U18.13, what parts of Warframe are you pleased with the state of? Especially displeased with?

26) Given that it's obvious that 'all weapon were not made equal', is there any concrete intention to officially tier gear? After all, Scott has said on at least a couple of previous Devstreams that he has some kind of tiering system when creating new weapons.

27) Is 'All Warframes should be overpowered' (or however DE_Steve phrased it) still the intention?

28) What is the intended minimum Conclave rating for a warframe for any frame to be 'Starchart viable' without restores?

Segue - Having the Small and Medium *10 Restores each cost 250k as a perk of being in a clan is fair.

Having the Small and Medium *10 Restores each cost 250k as a perk of being in a clan and not making that information available anywhere is rather less so.

I could have put those extra 1m credits to much better use, at the time. iirc I literally bought them on the same day.

28b) What is the intended minimum Conclave rating for a warframe for any frame to be 'Starchart viable' without 75% Power Efficiency?  (We'll ignore the fact that Conclave Rating as a whole needs a good once-over.)

29) How static vs. dynamic is Warframe intended to be? If primarily dynamic - and given the repeated statements (and a freaking anti-afk measure based solely on) that you don't want people sitting in a single spot for extended periods of time - what's the design logic behind low-range 'emanation'-type buffs? (such as Chroma's Vex Armor, Mirage's Total Eclipse Zephyr's Jet Stream and now Vauban's passive.)

Because those encourage players to huddle up (which generally means 'stand still in a common spot) to get any benefit from them. Which is something of a mixed message.

30) Where have engine limitations constricted implementation, and how would you do them differently if this weren't an issue?

Edited by Chroia
30 questions and going strong.
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Hello DE
 I first off want to say I really love this game you've made and how you've allowed us to have a hand in shaping it as it grows. I've logged in many hours and fed in more money for plat than I can honestly recall in the last few years. I've had moments where I was pissed at this game but I've never hated it. I have tried to make most of my forum posts be constructive even if I lack some of the elegance to my manner of speech that others have. Anyway enough of my rambling and to some questions and suggestions I have.

#1- Companion Commands - with Kavats coming soon much to my delight, I think it's about time a Companion Command system be put in place. All to often Shade cloaks me when I'm no longer around enemies or carrier will shot an enemy I'm sneaking up on, or kill an enemy I'm attempting to Devour... My kubrow will roar at one enemy rather than a group. I think a simple system of Toggling their auto attacks on and off , and commanding them to use their primary or secondary abilities with a cool down would be a great addition. I mean they are Trained right ?

#2- Unarmed Melee - During Pax someone asked about Rhino Punching and Rebecca talked about the Unarmed stance during the escape from the Zanuka Hunter. I really think that Unarmed Melee should be a permanent ability. Mesa has a Passive that gives her a buff when no melee weapon is equipped ... Well what if you run out of ammo or need to break a lot of crates?

#3- Daggers/Dual Daggers/Gun-blades - I think we could use some more single Daggers, More Dual daggers and more stances and more Gun-blades with more stances.
These are weapons that don't have much variety to them and could use some.

#4- Staff/Pole-arm - Honesty I can't even tell the difference , the weapons look the same the stances all look and feel the same. These weapons I think need a Rework. First off Staves should be given long sweeping and vaulting attacks, Pole-arms given attacks that more use chopping or spinning moves. I think a Spear type should be added with lunging and swiping moves. If it's blunt , it's a staff, if it's bladed on the sides or at both ends it's a pole-arm, and if it's bladed at one side it's a spear.

#5- Glaive - The Holding mechanic ... Well I think it's needed for it's use in quick melee But I think if you Equip the weapon in hand you should just use the alt fire button to throw it... Same for the Whip Swords like Mios

#6- Alt Fire - Like mentioned in the previous point Alt Fire doesn't get lots of use. What with the wide array of weapons each one could have an Alt Fire, even if it's as simple as firing a single shot on a burst weapon or switching it to a different element or shot type. ( Syndicate Blast Effects Should charge and then given a button that Allows us to set it off when we want/need to )

#7- Quick Fire - Can we get something Like quick melee but for your guns when Melee is equipped?
Like changing the Quick melee button to fire your secondary weapon from the hip while your melee weapon is in your hand?
This would help with Melee focused players with getting through Grineer Energy Sapping doors or taking out other distant or flying objects without having to switch

#8- Void & Derelict DropTables - They need to be changed. We don't have an ETA on the 'destruction' of the void yet, so in the mean time we need to have these drops fixed.
Namely the Keys and Cores. T1 and T2 Keys should ONLY come from Planet rewards and NOT void Rewards, T3 and T4 Should be the only Rewarded Keys from void missions and then only in T1,T2,and T3 AND again only in Rotation A or B. Cores Should be a Rotation A ONLY. Resources should be a rotation A drop ONLY.  Forma should be a Roation A or B drop ONLY, PreBuilt Forma Should be a Rotation B and C reward for T3s and T4s.
Derelict Tables need to have Everything but T3,T4Keys, M.Alad V Cords, and Prime parts Removed from the Drops. The Derelict tables would be a great place to give a rare chance at getting Vaulted Prime parts for getting to Rotation C.

#9- Replaying Quests - Yeah this should be as simple as walking over to the codex and turning the quest on again.

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When will we get auras for Shotguns, Pistols, Launchers, Bows, etc? The only ones we have are for Assault Rifles, Snipers and Melee Weapons.


What's the next frame to get a buff? I'd like to see Chroma, Hydroid, Banshee, or Loki.


When will Machetties, Scythes, and Whips be buffed?


Speed Holster is one of those mods I'd love to use, but can't on the count that auras are kinda uncompramising, Could it be converted to an exilus mod instead?


When will the multishot rework be coming?


When Will mods be overhuled?


Is there any chance of adding a tileset that is not closed in? Like an open field.


When will we get Typhus?






When will I be able to become my own host?


When will the other support frames be able to rise up to Trinities level?


Will you ever consider making tiles that loop around? Like the Dojo Tiles. I think it has great potental.


When will stealth finally get the in depth makeover it so desperately needs?

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I tend to help new players a lot. One of the big problems for them is quality gear and a very limited access to forma by comparison. Any chance that forma BP will finally be trade able so that I can help with that issue too?

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My question is this, will we be able to have a "adult" Kubrow's stay inside the Liset to walk around (like discussed for Kubrow pups)?  That way they don't deteriorate/die (also, like discussed with the pups).


If this needs further explanation I'll be happy to do so :)

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When will we see more combos for the melee stances that we already have? Some stances such as shimmering blight and bleeding willow for example are the only two stances for polearms and they have one combo per stance.

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There has been an increasingly big problem with abilities that benefit from weapon mods where players frequently must choose between a good weapon and a good ability. This problem became greatly compounded with the introduction of Ivara (who can only use Rifles to boost Artemis Bow) and mods like Body Count and Blood Rush (which cannot benefit abilities such as Exalted Blade). Will we be able to get a separate modding screen for these abilities?

Area effect abilities have long reigned supreme over single-target abilities, both because area effect is far more effective in a horde game such as Warframe and because they almost always have far more power. This leaves Warframes such as Ash with little to no reason to ever use their first abilities when their forth abilities are superior in every way. Could there be a rebalancing of ability damage values to give single-target abilities higher damage in order to prevent them from getting entirely eclipsed by area effect?

With reworks such as Oberon and Frost, subpar abilities were brought into relevance by adding a bunch of crowd control effects to them, further lowering the relevance of damage abilities and playing directly into the hands of the CC meta. Will there be an adjustment to damage-focused abilities in Damage 3.0 that will make these abilities relevant again without utility effects?

Edited by Gurpgork
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1) When will an option to turn off screen shake visuals be possible?

2) Have you had a chance to check out some of the various colorblindness issues (beyond the locked door issue previewed on the last stream)? (Eximus auras are just one example.)


3) It's been a while since I've heard it mentioned: any idea when the DC will see the support archwing poll?

4) Have you figured out a possible Limbo passive? Here are some ideas:


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Sounds like throwing question in here won't have much point. ... Ah i just throw some in anyway.

Q1. Have you considered adding locations to the new star chart which would only exist as lore texts (perhaps with some images), rather than mission tilsets, in order to make the Origin System feel more populated?

For example orbital colonies, major cities, trade hubs (for common goods), or nomad fleets?

Q2. Back in 2012 when you (re)started development on Warframe, how did you imagine the game to be played (in terms of gameplay and people using it)?

Q3. I liked the old Grineer Sawman back in 2013. Any chance they could make a comeback in some way?

Q4. Is there a reason against replacing the current Skana and Lato as starter weapons with MK-1 variants and buff the regular version to a more mid tier position? Doesn't the current starter weapon selection seem a bit odd with these two in such a position?

Q5.  How is the new Burston model progressing?


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2 minutes ago, DALOS said:

What's the next frame to get a buff? I'd like to see Chroma, Hydroid, Banshee, or Loki.

Loki is fine... almost perfect... It one of the few frames that just do his job well... I mean if you dont want the third global war please dont toouch that frame xD

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