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The War Within: Update 19.4.2 +


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23 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

This is a known issue and a fix will be integrated tomorrow morning. In the meantime, turning on motion blur should work as a temporary solution.

Got it! But the thing is, i never disabled motion blur, it was on all the time since i started playing this game, but as you said, as it is only a temporary solution, it might not be the proper way to function, tomorrow things might be fixed then^-^

I got scared, last time i had this kind of error was on far cry 1 and mass effect 2 when my video cards died

Thank you for the help! =)

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You guys think you know pain? I paid 1500 plat for a Soma mod back when it was "gud". Then they nerfed it and it was okay. Now it's not even worth the slot. :(

Also, I like the new Sari, but I think the genie was out of the bottle already with full open all the time.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

The War Within: Update 19.4.2 is now live! 

As mentioned in the [PC Status Thread] Update 19.5: The Glast Gambit, update notes are pending as this was a rather sizable update and we want to assure we have everything accounted for. We also have our eyes peeled for any major bugs - please report them in this thread. 

We thank you for your patience. This OP will be edited when the notes have been completed. 

Edit: Tuesday, December 20th 10:15 PM ET - The War Within Hotfix

Hotfix notes will be coming with the Update 19.4.2 notes. We're still working away at it, thanks again for your patience!  

After i updated the game my ignis riven mod  disapear, has anyone had the same problem?

Edited by 22evan
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6 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:


You two are completely missing my whole point.

@SpookXIII I don't mind 10x 24mb hotfixes in a day, that downloads pretty fast in thru any potato internet. Take a break? Did I say I was bored or something? After 3 or so years playing I know not to burn myself over a legendary core.

@Shockwave- You and your pals have good internet? Good for you! Now Re read my post.

If you think i'm against updates or something go and re read my post. My feedback for the team is to take "the rest of the world" into consideration when managing their content releases.

I was adding to your point. Not criticizing against it.

As someone living in the rural mountains with the closest town being 30 minutes away and maintaining an average connection speed of 6-0kbps, updates can take me literally days to get through.

I'd suggested taking a break because I didn't know if you were the rash type that gets upset easily...well, y'know.

Free download sites use my connection as a threat. Don't think I'm the happiest about downloads either. I don't really care, they just forcibly inhibit me from grinding more hours away

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I'm not trying to be an &#!, but i think some people are forgetting that the entire point of Riven mods was to give unpopular/unused weapons new life and viability. DE made it VERY clear from the beginning that popular weapons like the Soma/Simulor/Tonkor for example wouldn't receive as much benefit from Rivens. I honestly expected the nerfs coming with this in mind after seeing Tonkor Rivens with 200+% modifiers to Damage, multishot and crit.

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22 minutes ago, Voidforged said:

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. My mistake, edited the OP.

No worries. I know the disposition thing can be a bit confusing sometimes. Just wanted to make sure riven mods for unpopular weapons weren't nerfed. Because, aside from the bugs, that would have been the only thing in your list of changes that I was strongly opposed to.

Btw, not sure if this would be worth adding to your list, but in the codex, Derim Zahn's weapon has changed. He used to have a Sonicor and a Serro, but now it looks like he's holding some sort of corpus version of the Javlok.

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13 minutes ago, 22evan said:

After i updated the game my ignis riven mod  disapear, has anyone had the same problem?

Yes, i lost a dera riven mod during the last patch update. It was real bad and for an awful weapon but still, it melted away into nothing. Raised a support ticket for that but nothing has happened so far.

Edited by DwayneDibbley
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6 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Glaive Prime Changes:

  • Buffed base damage from 35 to 45.
  • Increased Proc Chance from 10% to 20%.
  • Added forced knockdown and bleed Status Chance.

Sicarus Prime Changes:

  • Buffed base damage from 30 to 40
  • Increased Crit chance from 10% to 20% and Crit multiplier 1.5 to 2
  • Increased Clip Size from 21 to 24.

I want to full mouth kiss you all :P

love you all at DE and have a happy christmas.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Riven Changes:

  • Disposition has been increased for the following weapons:
    • Flux Rifle
    • Tetra
    • Panthera
    • Mitter
    • Vulkar
    • Harpak
    • Mutalist Quanta
    • Tiberon
    • Attica

Vulkar disposition was decreased, not increased. My Vulkar riven originally had +300% damage and +90% grineer bane, now it has +270% damage and +80% grineer bane. Unintended change or error in the patch notes?  

Also, Glaive Prime's stats haven't changed in-game.


Edited by Spacetimer
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6 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Added a new UI animation on abilities icons that are currently active

This is really nice.  Thank you!


" Disposition has been increased for the following weapons: "

If I already have a Harpak Riven Mod, does that mean rerolling it will have a chance at better stats, or just future drops of the mod?

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