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1 minute ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

I suggest that if you make 6 Warframes, one for each Syndicate, half of them should be acquired some special way, and half of them be acquired in the quest.


Most likely they'd force you to build the parts before being able to complete the next part. While there's nothing wrong with that, i'd rather get the quest done while it's still fresh in my mind and not wait 12 hours in between a few short missions I could knock out in 45 minutes.

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I loved farming the octavia parts because each one was unique. It allows DE to really open up the world by having different parts availible in different ways. I would love if they went back and did that with the other non-boss warframes, like make a nidus part drop from the juggernaut, infested salvage, and dark sectors or something. It just allows for more variety in play, which I appreciate.

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

Most likely they'd force you to build the parts before being able to complete the next part. While there's nothing wrong with that, i'd rather get the quest done while it's still fresh in my mind and not wait 12 hours in between a few short missions I could knock out in 45 minutes.

they didn't do that with tiitania or inaros, pretty sure they've moved away from that now

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4 minutes ago, drakegt said:

I loved farming the octavia parts because each one was unique. It allows DE to really open up the world by having different parts availible in different ways.

I would've agreed with that IF the derelict survival part wasn't so RARE.

It was interesting to go fetch the parts at different places rather than farming the same lame boss (even though the parts' location didn't make sense unless for the musical one) but I would prefer farming the same boss for an hour rather than doing derelict survival 20 min over and over again.

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People complained because they could only get the parts from the quests and if they deleted the frame, couldn't get it back again. So now you farm for the parts out of the quest. It's literally what players asked them to do, and now you want them to change it back? lol

Edited by Ryme
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4 minutes ago, Ryme said:

People complained because they could only get the parts from the quests and if they deleted the frame, couldn't get it back again. So now you farm for the parts out of the quest. It's literally what players asked them to do, and now you want them to change it back? lol

People complain about waiting for them in general. Nobody wants to wait 12 hours for each part and nobody wants to complete a quest and then farm them out in missions. A perfect solution would be giving the parts in the missions but then not forcing anyone to wait like Titania or Inaros, but I doubt that DE earns a lot of money on new frames from that way.

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33 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

Most likely they'd force you to build the parts before being able to complete the next part. While there's nothing wrong with that, i'd rather get the quest done while it's still fresh in my mind and not wait 12 hours in between a few short missions I could knock out in 45 minutes.

Doing the quest in one go is also better for Streamers/Youtubers. :D

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)OneNiceSeagull said:

People complain about waiting for them in general. Nobody wants to wait 12 hours for each part and nobody wants to complete a quest and then farm them out in missions. A perfect solution would be giving the parts in the missions but then not forcing anyone to wait like Titania or Inaros, but I doubt that DE earns a lot of money on new frames from that way.

I guess the only Way people would be happy is if the quest worked like Inaros and Titania's, where you can do the quest, get the parts from the quest, and build them later, and be able to farm them again later.

Though there is another problem, Frame Blueprints. You only get one from those quests with no way of getting another.

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3 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Doing the quest in one go is also better for Streamers/Youtubers. :D

It's better for everyone, to be honest. Especially for those that decide to delete the frame after leveling it but later decide that they want it again. 


22 minutes ago, (PS4)OneNiceSeagull said:

 A perfect solution would be giving the parts in the missions but then not forcing anyone to wait like Titania or Inaros, but I doubt that DE earns a lot of money on new frames from that way.

Making the parts available from the quest only means you'll only be able to build just one. So that solution is hardly perfect.

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33 minutes ago, Ryme said:

now you want them to change it back?

This is a moot point considering the quest is the only way to get the blueprint for nidus and octavia.  Farming up extra parts of either one does absolutely nothing.  If you delete the frame it is still irreplaceable. 

Unless replaying the quest grants another frame blueprint?  In which case, they could simply do so for any frame quest and still have it provide parts as well.

Edited by Xekrin
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

Most likely they'd force you to build the parts before being able to complete the next part. While there's nothing wrong with that, i'd rather get the quest done while it's still fresh in my mind and not wait 12 hours in between a few short missions I could knock out in 45 minutes.

This. There is, after all, a reason that I spent so long putting off 'the new strange'... Farming walls might not be the funnest gameplay element, but they're much more fun than straight-up time-walls. 

Besides, the lore given by quests is much easier to understand and value if it's experienced in a steady flow, as opposed to small bursts every 12h(realistically, 24h, unless you time it right or have tons of spare time to spend on the game)...

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7 hours ago, Trichouette said:

I would've agreed with that IF the derelict survival part wasn't so RARE.

It was interesting to go fetch the parts at different places rather than farming the same lame boss (even though the parts' location didn't make sense unless for the musical one) but I would prefer farming the same boss for an hour rather than doing derelict survival 20 min over and over again.


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6 hours ago, (PS4)OneNiceSeagull said:

People complain about waiting for them in general. Nobody wants to wait 12 hours for each part and nobody wants to complete a quest and then farm them out in missions. A perfect solution would be giving the parts in the missions but then not forcing anyone to wait like Titania or Inaros, but I doubt that DE earns a lot of money on new frames from that way.

The money is made when people say screw that grind, or screw that wait... And I have to say; I find nothing wrong with it. If people can't 'handle' it, then they must pay. :satisfied:

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13 hours ago, (PS4)OneNiceSeagull said:

People complain about waiting for them in general. Nobody wants to wait 12 hours for each part and nobody wants to complete a quest and then farm them out in missions. A perfect solution would be giving the parts in the missions but then not forcing anyone to wait like Titania or Inaros, but I doubt that DE earns a lot of money on new frames from that way.

There is zero reason why 12 hours or 24 hours or even 1 week is "bad" for getting something free. People can't be "inconvenienced" or "punished" for something that obviously was not on the game a year ago, that they did not have in the first place, did not miss in the first place as no one else had it either, and were not aware of would even exist.

If someone said to me me "help me move some furniture into the garage, and I'll give you this couch next month when I move properly" my first response is not "what? I have to wait a month? I'll go complain on Facebook about how annoying you are!".

If people don't like to "wait" then they can INSTANTLY buy it in the market. They have no right to complain about waiting a handful of days for getting contents that took months to put together.

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On 25/4/2017 at 9:17 PM, drakegt said:

I loved farming the octavia parts because each one was unique. It allows DE to really open up the world by having different parts availible in different ways. I would love if they went back and did that with the other non-boss warframes, like make a nidus part drop from the juggernaut, infested salvage, and dark sectors or something. It just allows for more variety in play, which I appreciate.

Agreed. I really liked that Enigma for the Chassis.
But for the love of god, no ABC BS, pls.

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On the podcast with Rebecca and Pablo, they said something about some his powers giving him buffs or working better or something if you get headshots. 


I feel like Thurible could be a cc power of some kind, as thuribles create smoke. Condemn seems like a single target/possibly with a small aoe power meant to perhaps debuff enemies? 

Penance and War Pact both sound like they could have something to do with sacrificing yourself for your allies. But Penance sounds like it is solely sacrificial. I have  feeling War Pact might involve sacrificing yourself for allies and also involve getting something for headshots as well, perhaps for the entire time. 

Just some guesses on my part. 

As for a passive, who knows? But it could be almost anything. 

I did also get the idea from the stream that he is going to be a very high shield frame, and that shield gating is coming very, very soon, possibly with this frame. 

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