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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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Excalibur Umbra looks really cool and all, but I just don't get the intense, diehard hyping over him, both before and after the trailer at Tennocon. I've seen a decent number of people who are hyping harder over Umbra than PoE. I just don't get it. Was it the long tease time? The scarf? Having some halfway point to Excalibur Prime? I, personally, am much more excited about what it means for the lore than anything else, but I'm not having to change pants over it.

What's everyone's thoughts? Why the hype?

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I'd attribute it too the long wait for us to get him. Being told to wait for something no matter how benign it is will strum up anticipation in people, couple it with the mystery DE has built up around him about his silence and their refusal to talk about him for "spoiler" reasons results in giving us more vested interest in it.


There is also the fact that he is really nice looking

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Pretty much all of the reasons you stated. It's kinda like christmas for kids. the build up and anticipation are so mind numbing. Then christmas eve comes(tennocon) and that hype hits an apex. I do feel like the hype, like most things in warframe, will die hard(yippy ki-yay). I don't see this as a bad thing. Just like those christmas toys, we play with them, then move on to newer stuff at a certain time.

I'm very interested in where the lore is going. But I am so much more excited about PoE. As a player that has played for over 3 years now I welcome something completely out of the norm of the game. 

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The hype is simply because many people will be getting an upgraded excalibur which many longed for, since they cannot have the prime version. Not to mention it looks so much nicer and cooler than the prime version. You got that right! A china frame is looking better.

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10 minutes ago, Melos-mevim said:

I'd attribute it too the long wait for us to get him. Being told to wait for something no matter how benign it is will strum up anticipation in people, couple it with the mystery DE has built up around him about his silence and their refusal to talk about him for "spoiler" reasons results in giving us more vested interest in it.


There is also the fact that he is really nice looking

That does make sense, but it honestly seems extremely childish that people would get so hyped over something they know next to nothing about. Just look at what happened with No Man's Sky. And as far as Excal Umbra being his own frame goes, can't really even see that happening considering there isn't any other theme aside from "sword master ninja guy" I could see fitting him. If anything he looks even more ninja'd out Ninja Gaiden style as an Umbra. My guess is that it'll be a mostly visual upgrade.

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7 hours ago, Blakrana said:

It certainly fits his style of control, at least; make it seem like others have a choice, but manipulate things so they choose in his favour. See Perintol's case.

"Die now...forever...or swear fealty, and I'll grant you a body unmatched by any other" sort of deal.

Frames are certainly Orokin made. But the means...and what differences those means might cause, is another question entirely.

I mean...an act of benevolence can be considered an act of cruelty looked at or done for simple reasons. Just look at how sparing the Queen can be far more merciless than merciful.

Maybe...though I can't commit to Warframes and Feelings per those being very tied into the notion of Sapience, an ongoing question as of yet.

Sentience, I can argue to a degree. Sapience...too far a leap just yet. Need more information.

Though could prove an interesting dynamic to consider, especially with how they were talking about the idea of a kind of "combo tag team" during the stream. Certainly begs questions if half that Team is an inanimate automaton after all...

Rest assured, I'll concede the point if we get some further information to that end.

Possibly. Though the original deal for Ordan was to become an Orokin; to become Cephalon was his "Eternal Reward" in terms of punishment.

And people will do...many things if you can promise them one more moment, potentially. Can easily see the Orokin happily letting people swear fealty, if it means giving some select rewards. What's wrong with a little decision pressure of fingers on the life support, after all?

Make no mistake; if the Orokin want something, they sure as heck don't care for moral restraint from what we know.

Scenario 1:  I see a dying Tenno child realizing that their death results in the death of their beloved Warframe as well.  They sacrifice themselves and permanently merge.

Scenario 2:  As crazy as it sounds, your Warframe gives up it's very identity to save you and becomes your new host body...in the same way that the Queen tried to take your body but the inverse.


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16 minutes ago, kyori said:

Not to mention it looks so much nicer and cooler than the prime version.


As for the topic - I never cared about Umbra hype, neither seriously nor for memeing. It's a thing people blew out of proportions, and the backlash that you, the Umbra hypers, will feel when you finally get him, is your own fault.



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I'm far more interested in the lore. As far as the Umbras are concerned, it's the matter of HOW more so than anything that I want to know. It's finally getting more story meat on the bones of this game that I'm hyped for. Sure I want to add to my collection, but even if it wasn't Excal I'd be fine with it. I'm more interested in the prospect of this sacrifice they're leading into. Is the implication here that in the future we'll have to sacrifice one of our primes to build the umbra of it? Oh my... the collecting I'll have to do...

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I have a hard time believing that it's going to be a resource sacrifice. The cinematic quests have a tendency to pull you out of the strict "game world" and throw you more into the narrative world. No idea what it could be instead, though. We don't have much to give on a narrative level.

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Just now, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Scenario 1:  I see a dying Tenno child realizing that their death results in the death of their beloved Warframe as well.  They sacrifice themselves and permanently merge.

Scenario 2:  As crazy as it sounds, your Warframe gives up it's very identity to save you and becomes your new host body...in the same way that the Queen tried to take your body but the inverse.

Scenario 1 is essentially what Rell did, though for different motives.

Scenario 2 requires an identity in the first place in order to start. Then also runs into the 'if you're not going to have your body anymore, why add new things for it' issue.


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I will be surely proven to be wrong, but I don't think the content showed yesterday will be much delayed. 

The only reason I think that is because they messed up pretty badly with both Umbra first reveal and TWW. 

Last year they promised themselves and ourselves not to hype or talk about contents that are too far away or not yet structured; this leads me to think that while they surely pushed things a bit because of Tennocon, they are fairly confident to release those things in 2017 and they felt ready to show us and let us hype for them. 

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A) he's basically a public release version of his prime.

B) for some odd reason there's a vague rumor going about that states he'll either have GREATER stats over the prime(thus making him an upgrade of an upgrade, lol)

or an altered kit(IE, how excal prime had current excal's kit before the normal version did)

also that scarf is pretty slick.

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4 minutes ago, heckraizer said:

Yeah I believe we can have some hype since they promised not to hype stuff to early anymore but the people that have been posting threads thinking it will be within a week are bound to be disappointed.

Absolutely, but that's honestly their fault. 

I believe that was supposed to be U21, while Harrow was U20.8 I think? 

Harrow then became U21 which means that the actual update will be pushed slightly away, but I feel like they were almost ready. 

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