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Do you run Corrosive Projection?


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19 minutes ago, uAir said:

What are you all using instead of CP?
And what is your reasoning for using something else in place of CP?

If everyone was using CP instead we could stop using Corrosive procs and instead start using Viral procs which would greatly increase our clear speeds.
You're all claiming we have great status weapons now. Well, if you were using CP you could use Viral. Your slash procs that cut through armor and hit their HP directly? If they have Viral proc on your slash procs would kill them that much more quickly. Your normal damage would kill them in half the time, more in fact because you don't have to waste your first attacks or waste your time using abilities to strip armor. They'd already have no armor and all of your attacks would be 100% effective. And they'd be at 50% hp all of the time.

Collectively we could make the game so much easier for us. Why are so many of you choosing to actively make things more difficult for everyone, including yourselves?

Also, for the users of Growing Power over all other mods. Please show me your setup and explain why Growing Power is so much better for your build than something else.

Killing stuff is usually not an issue. Survivability and utility is. Personally I like Rejuvenation to top me off after usually running into a few too many poison damage sources (No time to wait for those clouds to disappear). Against lvl 100+ I tend to go melee anyway so the damage tends to be a lot higher and finisher damage is added on top of that.

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38 minutes ago, uAir said:

What are you all using instead of CP?
And what is your reasoning for using something else in place of CP?

If everyone was using CP instead we could stop using Corrosive procs and instead start using Viral procs which would greatly increase our clear speeds.
You're all claiming we have great status weapons now. Well, if you were using CP you could use Viral. Your slash procs that cut through armor and hit their HP directly? If they have Viral proc on your slash procs would kill them that much more quickly. Your normal damage would kill them in half the time, more in fact because you don't have to waste your first attacks or waste your time using abilities to strip armor. They'd already have no armor and all of your attacks would be 100% effective. And they'd be at 50% hp all of the time.

Collectively we could make the game so much easier for us. Why are so many of you choosing to actively make things more difficult for everyone, including yourselves?

Also, for the users of Growing Power over all other mods. Please show me your setup and explain why Growing Power is so much better for your build than something else.

So you aren't here to discuss or learn things, you are here to preach. 

Nice try mate, but not playing your game. It's clear to me from this post there is no discussion to be had from you. You have made up your mind long ago, and aren't interested in being convinced that it isn't always the best choice. 

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42 minutes ago, uAir said:

What are you all using instead of CP?

Depends on the frame

Trinity, Zephyr - Rejuvenation

Titania, Oberon, Volt - Growing Power

Ivara, Nyx - Energy Siphon.


42 minutes ago, uAir said:

And what is your reasoning for using something else in place of CP?

Mostly because it suits the Aura polarity better. And I can't be bothered enough to forma the Aura slot just for Corrosive Projection when other Auras are much more fun.


42 minutes ago, uAir said:

If everyone was using CP instead we could stop using Corrosive procs and instead start using Viral procs which would greatly increase our clear speeds.
You're all claiming we have great status weapons now. Well, if you were using CP you could use Viral. Your slash procs that cut through armor and hit their HP directly? If they have Viral proc on your slash procs would kill them that much more quickly. Your normal damage would kill them in half the time, more in fact because you don't have to waste your first attacks or waste your time using abilities to strip armor. They'd already have no armor and all of your attacks would be 100% effective. And they'd be at 50% hp all of the time.

Collectively we could make the game so much easier for us. Why are so many of you choosing to actively make things more difficult for everyone, including yourselves?

Also, for the users of Growing Power over all other mods. Please show me your setup and explain why Growing Power is so much better for your build than something else.

For my Frames, Growing Power has more benefit.

Oberon: Hallowed Ground can tick Radiation Proc more often, Armor strip much faster, more heal and armor.

Titania: More damage on Dex Pixia, which is effective on more targets instead of Corrosive Projection which only affected Grineer.

Volt: Higher boost from Speed when killing no longer an issue, more killing potential against, again, more target instead of just Grineer.

And again, like I said, I just can't be bothered to Forma the Aura slot. Call it laziness, but with Growing Power I see little reason.


And as I said, Corrosive Projection has very limited uses against Corpus and Infested. My two Frame who has matching Aura slot, Nyx and Ivara, don't need it. Nyx can just CC or Mind Control the map without bothering to kill, and Ivara can use the Sleep arrow + Covert Lethality combo to just not care about Armor. This set up does need Energy, which is why I run Energy Siphon.

Edited by Gamma745
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I like to roleplay classes more than I do to min max the game. Granted sometimes I do and especially in Sorties I am more likely to swap temporarily but most of the game does not require Corrosive Projection to begin with so it is much more interesting to have some variation with what you do. Granted Corrosive Projection is the strongest aura without a doubt, and some other aura's are underpowered.

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For those who are willing to be convinced (not the OP) that some frames or builds really are basically wasting a slot using CP, here is a not necessarily comprehnsive list of frames that can either strip armor or ignore it: 

Ash with Seeking Shuriken, Bladestorm, Teleport, Fatal Teleport, Shuriken, etc. 

Banshee with her augment

Equinox Sleep build

Excalibur with Radial Blind

Avalanche Frost built for armor stripping

Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm does finisher damage and ignores armor

Inaros ignores armor with his finishers

Ivara + sleep arrow

Oberon strips armor now

And even Vauban can strip armor with his shred grenade within the minelayer ability

Edit: Forgot Mag can strip armor too now with Polarize


And then on top of that, LOTS of people run kavats now, which strip armor from multiple enemies at a time, making the need for CP redundant, wasting the slot when we could be using a different aura. 


So those are a lot of reasons, besides status weapons, why even against armored enemies, many frames are not making optimal use of their aura slot by using CP. 


Another thing to note here: If you are up against corpus, they only have a few enemies that have armor, wasted slot, so why run it there? Against infested? Unless you are getting up to the higher levels where you really see a lot of the mutualist spam that buffs their allies with armor, again, why? 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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there's only 2 situations in which I'll bring CP, mostly because I just don't need it anywhere else, as either enemies are lower-levelled or I can counter them with more powerful armour-stripping weapons + my Kavat.

- enhanced armour/Physical resistance Sorties, because it does make things go a lot quicker.

- Jordas Golem Assassinate, his Armour level is completely, ridiculously OP. without CP it can take nearly an hour of shooting and flying back and forth to kill him. CP is essential if you want to speed run him. 2nd most annoying boss fight, beaten only by Vay Hek.

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Energy Siphon / Growing Power are my preferred choices.
I can already strip armour with my weapons and I can kill enemies without stripping their armour past level 100 in seconds. Worst case scenario, I have abilities that strip armour.
And if somehow I didn't bring anything that ignores or removes armour I feel like 99% of the players I meet all wear Corrosive Projection and mod even their crit weapons for corrosive so it won't be a problem in any case.

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5 hours ago, Navarchus said:

Energy Siphon / Growing Power are my preferred choices.
I can already strip armour with my weapons and I can kill enemies without stripping their armour past level 100 in seconds. Worst case scenario, I have abilities that strip armour.
And if somehow I didn't bring anything that ignores or removes armour I feel like 99% of the players I meet all wear Corrosive Projection and mod even their crit weapons for corrosive so it won't be a problem in any case.

99% of players DO NOT run CP.
And the reason why they have to mod even their weapons for Corrosive is because not enough people are running CP. Because their exists a mentality that CP is not needed and you can throw whatever you want in there it forces ALL of us to use Corrosive procs which is much more inefficient than if everyone just ran CP in the first place and we could run different weapons and/or mod our weapons to be more effective than with Corrosive procs.



1 hour ago, Sarcasm4Free said:

No, because using Corrosive Projection against lvl 10-40 aka daily grind (fissure missions, farming relics) is pointless!

Understandable, but if you ever join anything higher or anything with decent armor on them then it becomes noticeable.
Not only that, we go back to the statements I've made above. If you're running low level/map content, aura doesn't matter.
But if you ever run anything higher, CP is the best aura to have.
And even on map content some units have enough armor to make it easily noticeable. Go to a high level Corpus mission and try to kill Oxium Ospreys without CP or Corrosive procs on your weapon. Now try it with a random aura and with Corrosive procs. Now try it with x4 CP and Viral procs. It's very easy to see which one is the most efficient. Especially when you now scale it to multiple enemies with armor.


7 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

For those who are willing to be convinced (not the OP) that some frames or builds really are basically wasting a slot using CP, here is a not necessarily comprehnsive list of frames that can either strip armor or ignore it:

And then on top of that, LOTS of people run kavats now, which strip armor from multiple enemies at a time, making the need for CP redundant, wasting the slot when we could be using a different aura. 

So those are a lot of reasons, besides status weapons, why even against armored enemies, many frames are not making optimal use of their aura slot by using CP. 

Another thing to note here: If you are up against corpus, they only have a few enemies that have armor, wasted slot, so why run it there? Against infested? Unless you are getting up to the higher levels where you really see a lot of the mutualist spam that buffs their allies with armor, again, why? 

Of the frames you listed, NONE of what you said is even remotely good to be doing. The difference in kill and clear speed between what you have said and running x4 CP and having ALL of your allies do optimal damage with Viral procs from everyone cannot even be compared to one another. You might as well go in with unmodded weapons against modded ones.

Lots of people run Kavats? Join into a party with me and we'll run some pubs for a whole week. If we can find even 10 people in the time we play that are not running sentinels with vacuum I'll gift you 500 plat. IGN: uAir, add me. And yes, I will screenshot every one and post it on here.

A lot of frames could do better "theoretical" damage by using an aura other than CP, of course. But when you play a frame you do not exist in a microcosm. You will generally be playing with 4 other frames. When that happens what do you think is better? Some guy running his wholly horrible Growing Power. An Excalibur going Steel Charge. An Ivara with Rifle Amp, and some other one with Energy Siphon and all of them being forced to run Corrosive procs. OR, 4 coordinated players all running Corrosive Projection with Viral procs? If you players would stop thinking about "oh, me me me I need this for my frame" and really thought about what progression is in this game you would see that if everyone ran CP instead things would be so much easier and so much faster.

And I already commented on Corpus and Infested and it goes back to the argument made before. At low enough levels they die all the same. Once their levels get high enough even the few armored Corpus units and the few armored Infested units will be huge stalls with inordinate kill times if you do not remove their armor.
For the reason of armor alone almost all of us are forced to use Corrosive procs on our weapons. Look at every high level build where people play in pubs and they are forced to use Corrosive Procs. You all think and you all say Corrosive Projection isn't needed but for the reason of armor alone you are all forced (and I am forced to as well because of you all) to use Corrosive procs on all of your weapons to guarantee kill speed. Why do you think the majority of players that use Tigris Prime run it with Corrosive/Blast procs? For the reason of armor existing in the game because people don't use Corrosive Projection.
If everyone ran Corrosive Projection, everyone could then run crowd control procs instead, slash procs would be more than double their effectiveness, and we could spec for Viral which would more than half our kill time because we wouldn't waste shots stripping their armor first and we'd be able to cut their hp right away and kill them outright from there.

I don't know where you're coming from that I'm not here discussing this. This is a discussion. If I were preaching you would all not be able to say a single thing and/or I wouldn't be reading what you all said.

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Honestly, the only time 4xCP is needed is if your fighting lvl 150+ enemies(pointless to even be on this lvl), just like everyone else who has replied to this thread. It's mostly personal preference. CP is a nice aura, yes but with all the alternative ways to deal with armor CP is not needed. Not once have I ever done a high lvl grineer mission wishing I was in a 4xcp group. Besides if high lvl armor ever become a problem then I could use frames that don't even know what armor is like Ash's finisher/slash damage.


Edited by (XB1)CFE Angry
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Every one of my frames has a - polarity aura. The only time I don't use Corrosive Projection is when Sorties have enhanced shields on corpus (I switch to Shield Disruption).

In trials I change to Enemy Radar if I am EV, or Sprint Boost in other occasions. Not having a - aura really doesn't do much when you are in a group and most of the good auras are -. The only decent aura that is something else is Growing Power.

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I got Naramon in all auras, it has more potential in endless missions and I find CP, shield disruptor and enemy radar to be the most useful auras in the game (since they never become useless with scaling, unlike every other aura).

Edited by SeaUrchins
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No. Never had a problem running Sorties or hour long MOT without Corrosive Projection. As stated by several others in this thread it's situational in that it's only useful in higher level Grineer and that's only if all 4 players have it. I use Auras on my frames that match their theme usually. Sprint Boost on Volt, Steel Charge on Excalibur, Dead Eye on Ash, Loot Detector on Loki, so on etc.

6 hours ago, (Xbox One)CFE Angry said:


Quoted for truth.

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18 hours ago, (PS4)iBoiz said:

Never had problems killing enemies. Even in LOR you can just bring Pox to remove Hek's armor in seconds.

I personally always use Enemy Radar, speeds up the flow of missions.

No one cares about Hek's armor, since he can't stand up to 8 players gang**ing him no matter what anyway.

It's normal units that can be a pain if you need to kill them suhc as drones, G3 or enemies around you in stage 2 and 3. Less armor they have more chances that anyone will be able to kil them and kill them fast. As you can't possibly deal with every single one of them and can't know what kind of weapons others use. As well as there's no real reason or use for other aura mods as in, they're all pretty useles anyway. So might as well get those.


99% of players DO NOT run CP.

99% of players don't run missions harder than sorties that's why.

Also most scrubs just can't take 15-30 minutes of their time to forma for - polarity, that's why they say "they don't need it".

Edited by -Temp0-
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Not that it matters much, but in response to the original question:  No, I barely use Corrosive Projection at all.  I think I have it on Equinox, because she had a compatible aura polarity (I don't think I've ever polarized that slot on any Warframe, even the ones that don't naturally *have* a polarity for auras.)  And because I sometimes use Equinox if I actually do a Sortie.  The problem is, to get the most effect from it you need a full squad to run it.  (I might be wrong, but I think you need it on all four Warframes to get to 100% armor stripping.)  On just one player, it might help, but only if it's a mission mode where anyone else is bothering to attack stuff in the first place.  Exterminate, Mobile Defense, or Defense / Defend the Derp.  It's kind of irrelevant in a Spy mission, and the way most people sprint through other mission types it doesn't really seem to matter much there.


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Corrosive Projection is generally the most useful aura to be running at higher levels when armor becomes an issue. And any armor stripping abilities will be much less effective, because they have a very limited area of effect, they consume energy, they take time to cast and have to be recast for every new enemy you want to shoot.

However, on some frames I still use other auras:

Steel Charge - Valkyr melee only play for more base damage on a bleed based Venka build (ignores armor) and Ash because Covert Lethality oneshots and Bladestorm ignores armor. 

Energy Siphon - only frame use this one on is Loki with invisibility build that I use for spy missions, so that I could minimize the use of energy pads (on Radial Disarm build I use CP naturally). This aura was made pretty much redundant with the introduction of Focus, because it doesn't add much to Zenurik.

Growing Power  - Only use it on Ember (for her 4th and mind you I mostly use her for excavations and against low level stuff or infested, if you run her against high level armored units I'd still go with CP) and on Oberon - with him I run a facetank build with Vitality, Steel Fiber, QT, Phoenix Renewal, it depends on high armor buff and healing numbers with only 45% efficiency since the energy comes through Rage because of taking constant damage (with primary and melee being bleed based).

Pistol Amp - only Mesa, because I was a bit lazy to reforma her aura polarity for CP and the very high damage that she deals. Besides, I run 2x60/60 mods on her pistols with the only damage type being corrosive. Although the base status of her ult is pretty low, given the high rate of fire she will still proc corrosive on really heavily armored high level targets. However, I still find that CP would be the better choice, but I don't use her that often and I find her damage enough for me.

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I don't farm endless missions for long hours, surpassing level 100+; I've run enough of the 3rd sortie to know that I do not need cp. I can kill bombards, heavy gunners, etc in 1-2 shots with my pyrana and its riven mod if I shoot at them point-blank (with all pellets hitting the target); they're dead. That's with no cp.

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