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Devstream #97 Overview


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• Acquiring Glass-frame will be done through Plains of Eidolon somehow
• A first draft for her powers has been done, but Scott wasn't happy with them; back to the drawing table


Plains of Eidolon Updates
• There may be 'checkpoints' (perhaps after each smaller objective) in The Plains of Eidolon that will save the loot and progress you've made
• The Plains of Eidolon presents many new challenges in terms of mission flow and many things are still WIP, will become a more streamlined process as more landscapes are made
• The concept art team has already started work on the next 'Plains' landscape -- currently thinking it will be placed on Venus
• The current release timeline for Plains of Eidolon is still aiming at mid-September, but it's becoming a crunch
• There will be a prospecting mini-game in Plains of Eidolon in addition to fishing that will allow you to mine for the gems 
• The new gems are part of a revamp for the Arcane system -- the Arcanes from Trials will remain exclusive to those Trials, but there will be a new set in Plains of Eidolon
• The way Arcanes are created and used will be expanded with Plains of Eidolon, including Arcane use for Operators and the new modular melee weapons


Deluxe Skin Updates
• Ember Deluxe skin will be an entirely new concept -- unclear how much of the original concept if any will remain
• Sculpting progress shown on Mag Deluxe skin, will likely release before Halloween
• Zephyr Deluxe skin is a side project for one of the members working on Plains of Eidolon -- not any progress to share 
• Ghost-themed Nekros Deluxe skin by Kaz (Syncrasis) shown


Other Stuff
• The most recent round of PC Tennogen will be included in the next console update
• The next round of Tennogen will be coming out sooner than usual because it will be halloween themed
• The developers are currently mostly satisfied with Hydroid's revamp, but open to further feedback
• Hydroid Prime will be released immediately following the end of Oberon's Prime Access
• The Nemesis System that was shown before has been delayed by Plains of Eidolon, will probably not be included in The Plains update
• No plans currently to add any kind of 'catch up' system for missed logins
• The devs aren't opposed to adding a fourth tab to mod/appearance configuration, but it sounds as though as it's too much of a strain on the database 
• Tintable Vandal weapons shown
• Proto-skins for Lato and Bronco shown (2 of 5 skins) as part of an upcoming Event


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Thanks but


The developers are currently mostly satisfied with Hydroid's revamp,

Well, his passive still somewhat questionable, and the Kraken things that need some works on it.

Also RIP Old Ember Deluxe skin.

Edited by Shafilp
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6 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

• Ember Deluxe skin will be an entirely new concept -- unclear how much of the original concept if any will remain

Why ... Like seriously could someone from DE Tell us WHY they are scrapping the skin ... is it because the Drama surrounding it?
Did they realize the changes they wanted to make to it were dumb and it's too late to apologize to the creator of the skin?

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2 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

Why ... Like seriously could someone from DE Tell us WHY they are scrapping the skin ... is it because the Drama surrounding it?
Did they realize the changes they wanted to make to it were dumb and it's too late to apologize to the creator of the skin?

I also suspect it's because of the clashing viewpoints of IgnusDei and the DE art team. Obviously it would be highly unprofessional to divulge the exact details of the conflict they underwent, but I would assume that the skin is being abandoned to respect IgnusDei's refusal to accept the proposed alterations.

Certainly sad news, I thought it looked great even with DE's changes.

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1 minute ago, AM-Bunny said:

I also suspect it's because of the clashing viewpoints of IgnusDei and the DE art team. Obviously it would be highly unprofessional to divulge the exact details of the conflict they underwent, but I would assume that the skin is being abandoned to respect IgnusDei's refusal to accept the proposed alterations.

Certainly sad news, I thought it looked great even with DE's changes.

Oh I don't want them to give details on the conflict ... But I think if the conflict was the reason they should have at least said , We're Scrapping the skin Idea out of respect for the creator and going in a new direction... instead of just glossing over the reason.

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9 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

Why ... Like seriously could someone from DE Tell us WHY they are scrapping the skin ... is it because the Drama surrounding it?
Did they realize the changes they wanted to make to it were dumb and it's too late to apologize to the creator of the skin?

To be fair, they were in their full rights to do so. But really, it's the respectful thing to do to simply scrap it and do it themselves. So let's hope for a good skin.

19 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

The way Arcanes are created and used will be expanded with Plains of Eidolon, including Arcane use for Operators and the new modular melee weapons

Interesting. I would assume that this is how we will be able to make elemental custom weapons.

The concept art team has already started work on the next 'Plains' landscape -- currently thinking it will be placed on Venus

Hell yes. I've always wanted to go skiing on the mountains of Venus.

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24 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

Why ... Like seriously could someone from DE Tell us WHY they are scrapping the skin ... is it because the Drama surrounding it?
Did they realize the changes they wanted to make to it were dumb and it's too late to apologize to the creator of the skin?

My guess is there could be legal implications, and they would rather just make a clean break after everything that happened. 

To be honest, I have to say while it is disappointing, it is probably for the best. 

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Im not sure how I feel about those proto skins. They look SOOO out of place for a game such as Warframe where they're trying so hard to make weapons NOT look like IRL. 

On one side, I like stuff from Dark Sector. On the other side, it doesn't fit Warframe. 

Edited by Stoner74
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10 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

Im not sure how I feel about thoses proto skins. They look SOOO out of place for a game such as Warframe where they're trying so hard to make weapons NOT look like IRL. 

On one side, I like stuff from Dark Sector. On the other side, it doesn't fit Warframe. 

There's enough silly looking things in the game already though, I don't think it really hurts it any further. I think it's great to offer an option for players who want a full Dark Sector cosplay (or it might also be useful for non-Warframe related cosplay looks).

Personally hoping for Nemesis arm-scythe somehow... maybe as part of the Sentient-arm-weapon concept that was shown ages ago...?

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rip ember deluxe skin... like...


EmberDeluxeFinal02_Revised.jpg <--- look how beautiful artwork how marvelous! how fabulous really is! 

just... rip... might as well...


*fliptable* *walks away with biggest disappointed ever in 2017* ... *sigh*

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