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What are Mods, Really?


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Like, how do they work? Mods like Serration are straightforward I guess. If you think of a mod as an energy source, then you just dump energy into a weapon. I suppose you can make a bullet radioactive or something if you put the right kind of energy into it and stuff. But what about stuff like stances? How's that work? I stick this mod in and now I'm a  master of the backwards blade?  What about Body Count? How does the combo counter work anyway? What about multishot? Where do the other bullets come from? How does ammo mutation work? How do you turn rocket ammo and shotgun shells into bullets? How is rocket and bow ammo the same thing anyway? What exactly is endo? 



Inb4 space magic

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Mitochlorians, lel

I think mods are more like fuel or special coatings for ammunition, guns, etc

Perhaps technology is so advanced, there is special material that can take different forms of individial materials.

It's way too farfetched or dumb to explain, and I'm busy, so maybe later

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"In Warframe, the term Mod is short for Module. A module, by definition, is "each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure (e.g. a piece of furniture from IKEA, or a building)". Mods in game act the same way, being many units added to a Warframe to create a stronger, faster, better Tenno.  "

I found this in one of my old posts

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There is no great secret or explanation for mods if your'e expecting some sort of lore tie-in. They are the means by which our power grows and specializes over time. In other RPG games you might instead level up individual abilities and skills over time; if you asked how these abilities/skills were acquired or learned in the first place within the context of the game lore, would it really make much sense when it still boils down to "magic." 

Edited by Beartornado
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2 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Like, how do they work? Mods like Serration are straightforward I guess. If you think of a mod as an energy source, then you just dump energy into a weapon. I suppose you can make a bullet radioactive or something if you put the right kind of energy into it and stuff. But what about stuff like stances? How's that work? I stick this mod in and now I'm a  master of the backwards blade?  

My first thought was like Neo's 'I know Kung Fu' thing. Stances could be a set of Tenno memories on how a Tenno fought in the past and Ballas figured out a way to get the most effective styles out to the most troops as possible.


  • What about Body Count? How does the combo counter work anyway?

I really do not want a reason for this, I feel this is simply a gameplay 'bandaid' contrivance to force to make choices in builds.

  • What about multishot? Where do the other bullets come from?

I want it to be how we can have shotguns load bird shot to slugs, so multishot is adding more small projectiles in the same space, its just that implementation increases damage since it simply adds more projectiles that retain the same damage values.

  • How does ammo mutation work? How do you turn rocket ammo and shotgun shells into bullets? How is rocket and bow ammo the same thing anyway?

Maybe Orokin tech has micro fabricators, and we are adding in a mix of raw materials that get used by weapons to produce ammo on the fly. Otherwise, could think of them like another game and they're 'thermal clips' to keep everything from melting as we use them in missions?

  • What exactly is endo? 

A type of Orokin Energy for sure, so maybe even charged carbon nano-tube batteries?

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36 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Game mechanics.

true, but if we jump to real world, basicly mods is used of the term alterntived changes, to augment, to improved or to add for dictionary and man claim to be.  If the weapons doesn't extend or seem no changes, is because its orokin weapons design base on being created all thanks to the nanites, bio, tech, and final ingredents sentients tech which all science fiction can point it out to compress and add to the mixture that your gun hadn't change a bit, not even single one or size.  All it change its the firing power to make some sort, like you add riven mod that adds 400% muilitplier shots then you will get lots spazm or spam keep it short which you can have a shotgun with birdshot and the sci-fic take control thous bird shot to be giant ball bird shot that able muilitplied the lead balls or grow very large take down a grizzle bear, sort in mind to narrow down what I am speaking, your have muiliti-universal weapon tech that is compress down Nano'O'bites (sci-fic which I made name for it, no one steal it for its mine) which tiny memories size nanomachines that is size cells structor act funtion to the mods stalling chips that you add to it which convert energy in the magazine into the chamber which they are working in less then seconds working hard changing your bullets that is like riven mod of muilitpier shots of 400% which making it that amount once exit it the barrel for these Nano'O'bites are compact high contrated memories that is terrabites.

Pure science fiction I made and people is going say...



Edited by ChaoticEdge
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13 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Like, how do they work? Mods like Serration are straightforward I guess. If you think of a mod as an energy source, then you just dump energy into a weapon. I suppose you can make a bullet radioactive or something if you put the right kind of energy into it and stuff. But what about stuff like stances? How's that work? I stick this mod in and now I'm a  master of the backwards blade?  What about Body Count? How does the combo counter work anyway? What about multishot? Where do the other bullets come from? How does ammo mutation work? How do you turn rocket ammo and shotgun shells into bullets? How is rocket and bow ammo the same thing anyway? What exactly is endo? 



Inb4 space magic

Mods are the co-opted adaptive abilities of Sentients that are militarized and standardized and mass produced.

Of course you must understand that "Orokin" Catalysts and Reactors are adaptively grown weaponized versions of Sentient Embryos...conveniently modified by the Orokin and renamed "Orokin Cells."

So you see, our Warframes really ARE weapons built from the Sentient's bones as Hunhow states.

It further reinforces Hunhow's hate AND Lotus's love for us at the same time.

And that the Orokin are ruthless.




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14 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Like, how do they work? Mods like Serration are straightforward I guess. If you think of a mod as an energy source, then you just dump energy into a weapon. I suppose you can make a bullet radioactive or something if you put the right kind of energy into it and stuff. But what about stuff like stances? How's that work? I stick this mod in and now I'm a  master of the backwards blade?  What about Body Count? How does the combo counter work anyway? What about multishot? Where do the other bullets come from? How does ammo mutation work? How do you turn rocket ammo and shotgun shells into bullets? How is rocket and bow ammo the same thing anyway? What exactly is endo? 



Inb4 space magic

Trying to theorise a logical reason to way a game mechanic works is a pointless endeavour...

I guess you can think of most mod applications like the weapon being tuned like a guitar to work a specific way, but the stance is specifically an alteration beyond the 4th wall.

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Mods are initially "components" dropped from enemies and/or given as special rewards. The more advanced the enemy, the more special mod usually is. Now, this is where it gets murky because why is it that Tenno are able to "profit" from the death of our enemies? At least in a game like Doom, the logic is that the Doom Slayer is able to gain powers and energy from the death of his foes. But Warframe never "quite" explained this. I think it's just the shooter/looter logic that supports this, as there is no real "lore" behind mods and such, to my knowledge. 

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