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Steve tweeted...almost there.


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Brace for Red Text I guess? Wednesday release gives them lots of time to hotfix for the rest of the week, if they plan on taking time off the weekend. But probably not everybody at DE will, since the player influx is going to be enormously stressful to the servers from the looks of this hyping.

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15 minutes ago, Gravitus123 said:

Great its close.Now i just hope that all my unspent focus xp doesnt disappear when the update hits

Mmmm, delicious progress-destroying glitch which we can all see coming, but which will seemingly take DE completely by surprise.


Everyone go screencap your Focus Schools and verify that shīt right now if you have not already done so, basic.



For anyone who doubts, remember that something very similar happened to people’s stocks of Void Keys when they were converted to Relics, and DE only partly made it right after. Their script glitched.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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