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Sortie Spy leeching needs to get adressed...


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Just now, Archforge said:

Have you tried the Operation: Plague Star? Some of them just mine and fish until you completed the first 2 stages.

I have 50 sets of the hunter mod set because major grind time(I can include picture is you would like :smile:). I have never come across someone only mining or fishing while we were doing the Plague Star mission. I even had MR 3 noobs still try and help even though I knew they would contribute to like .00001% of what we did BUT they tried and they kept up with us. I have no reason to jump on them for being too low as long as they try. The WORST I have encountered during the Plague Star mission is everyone sitting at the enterance while 1 person gets the toxin canister, because only one person is needed and more than likely we will have to run to the other side of the map anyways, you know what I am talking about. I will say that I have come across that kind of person in regular bounties though. I just leave the mission because I am not gonna carry them. I even had a guy sit at the gate then we got the hostage mission and he literally came to the drop point and then went back to the gate.

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I'd rather someone leech than try a room and fail. Failing is the reason I solo, not leeching lol.

I don't understand why people don't just practice them a bit. I spent a day farming dual stat mods, now I can practically do them with my eyes closed and without a stealth frame... and I'm only MR12 lol. I just don't get why people struggle with them.

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Il y a 3 heures, Zybeer a dit :

It is getting (even more) ridiculous of late. 2-3 people with tankframes/squishy frames of a decently high MR just sitting at the entrance while 1-2 stealthframes do all the work. There should be some kind of participation check implemented or some kind of bonus/incitament for those who actually run the vaults. 

And yes, running solo is an option but if there is at least 1 other serious person in the sortie then you cut the completion time in almost half. 

Leeching surely exists in other game modes as well but spy bugs me the most. There must be a way to force more participation... 

If they have tank frames i prefer them to stay outside while i do the mission, making them do it for the bonus would only increase the amount of failed missions

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Stop the leeching in spy sorties, I wish I had that when I ran them in pub mode, I run them solo now because there was always trolls joining the game just to make people fail it and they got their laughs out of it.


If you do not like people leeching, learn how to run the spy sorties solo, it works out better. I would recommend Irava for it, shoot cloak arrows and stand it them in order to pop a energy pad, always stay cloaked and she will work out well for you.

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19 minutes ago, Akahito_San said:


Not gonna argue but he's too risky for me.

The invisibility without duration, the ability to walk through all beam sensors and rakta cernos keeping the energy pool topped up means even a chump like myself can breeze through spy. In fact it's borderline cheating. That's why I love it. And why I'm happy to carry. I'm just pretty lucky to have all that kit.

Edited by (PS4)drpunk-yo
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i don't know about anyone else but i stink at consoles without chipers mostly due to the fact i use a controller, i can get through the rooms but when it comes to sortie consoles i tend to step back and let more experienced people complete them, but i do bring a tank frame like rhino so i can support the hackers by clearing rooms, keeping them alive and keeping stocked on energy restores.

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3 minutes ago, CerberusJack said:

i don't know about anyone else but i stink at consoles without chipers mostly due to the fact i use a controller, i can get through the rooms but when it comes to sortie consoles i tend to step back and let more experienced people complete them, but i do bring a tank frame like rhino so i can support the hackers by clearing rooms, keeping them alive and keeping stocked on energy restores.

Intruder mod. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Intruder

Well worth equipping for spy sorties.

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and this is why you don't PUG. if you're worried Solo takes too long, use Loki instead of Ivara, but be prepared to jump through a few hoops to get in Vaults, while Ivara can waltz in like it's nothing. I usually solo a sortie Spy, and on the occasions my friends are there, i tell them they can stay back and goof off while I use Ivara to get the mission done. sometimes they bring Ivara, and I just goof off instead.

by "goofing off" I mean running around areas away from vaults killing everyone. it helps because that way when the Ivara emerges from the vault, there's less chance of immediately getting swarmed.


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I will, 99.9% of the time, do Spy missions solo. The mission fails if any data is lost by anyone, and in my experience only about 1 in 10 Public spy missions go smoothly (usually because there are one or two very practiced Tenno speedrunning the thing). The rest of the time it's an absolute circus. I see so many Tenno forget that Ciphers don't work in Sorties, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Just do it solo or matchmake with people are good at Spy if you can't stand the grab-bag of Public Sorties.

Edited by SenorClipClop
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I usually like to do spy missions myself. I feel no one can do it better than me. But, when I do...do spy I help people out who are trying. The best advise is to point them to your favorite youtuber who has video's on spy missions. I simply do not tolerate AFK'ers and expect DE to lay some strict vengeance down for people who do this. Sure, I can do it myself, but if you help maybe I can get it done faster. I mean the whole meta is contains speed and meta and letting people get a free ride is a big no no for me.

When I see people who afk, then I either leave or stay there with them until they move depending if more people are in my party. If I stay there eventually they will leave the match and I can continue my mission.


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If someone helps in spy i consider it bonus.

Why would a capable person skip out on spy anyway? Players usually try to rush through sorties.

What most likely happeed is that your group took someone that wasn't ready instead of disbanding.

Forcing participation is a bad idea

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When you want something done THE RIGHT WAY, you gotta do it yourself.
I'd rather do ALL objectives myself if I know it will accomplish the mission than let someone waste my time and fail it.

If you don't want them to leech, I invite you to meet the game selection bar where you can choose between SOLO, INVITED ONLY, FRIENDS and PUBLIC.
Make sure you choose solo.

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There is no problem. If you play sortie spys on pub, you're asking for trouble. To the point where its a running gag in region chat. If you don't want to deal with inept spy's, put it on solo. Why are you trying to be sneaky with three other people anyway? Its much easier to get in and out undetected quickly when you are the only person you have to worry about. 

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6 hours ago, EmilotMargus said:

I actually prefer doing all the work alone so I'm absolutely sure the mission won't fail and I get the most affinity out of it.

I see no problem with these, but it's just a personal opinion.

Yeah, me, too.  If it's a map I know like the back of my hand, I'll gladly do the spy rooms and absolutely prefer to work alone, but if it's not... do you really want me to screw up something and rob us all of rewards?  In this specific circumstance, I'm glad to have leachers over scrubs (which includes myself on some tilesets).

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