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Plains of Eidolon: Update 22.6.0 + Hotfix


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Just now, FunnyBunny3141 said:

Hmm. Would even the ability to spread splinterstorm on enemies using your spectorage be fake synergy when spectorage stuns enemies upon exploding? I don't really feel like that would be fake (tbh I don't really get what you mean by 'fake' synergy since synergy in games per definition is almost arbitrarily added, though often makes things more fun).

True synergy means good abilities that get better when they work together. 'Fake' synergy is when abilities HAVE to be used together to be good and are subpar when used individually.

Before changing anything else I'd like to see Gara's 4 fixed and her 3 fixed. No point in trying to make them do anything else or interact when they're broken at a fundamental level.

I'd love to see Splinterstorm be AoE and affect multiple enemies and maybe it could be something like hitting an enemy already affected by it with your 1 spreads it. etc, etc, however as I said, I don't trust DE to be able to make those changes in a way that is fun and keeps the abilities good without forcing this interaction on a player in order for either ability to be useful. i.e. if this was a thing, DE would then probably nerf her 1 so badly it was worthless unless it was being used in that exact interaction with her 2 and her two would be somehow made so weak that if it wasn't on 10+ enemies at a time it would be useless as well.

Also by nature, Spectorage would require you to be relatively static to use the interaction you described. Warframe is generally a fast paced movement game. I'd hate to see Gara end up like Hydroid, where all the focus is on his stupid puddle ability. Is it powerful? Yes. Is it fun, interesting and dynamic? LOL, no. I know Spectorage IS a static ability in general, but my point is it would hamper that interaction. However Gara ended up with two 'static' defensive abilities, one of which was useless (Spectorage, due to no scaling) and now her other ability is useless too.

I'd love change, reworks etc. if they were done well. Right now I've never been so put off playing WF because of poorly thought out and executed changes, I normally play 2-4 hours a day. Today I've played 20-40 minutes.

There needs to be less focus on silly mechanics like breaking the glass and more thought put into actually MAKING THE BASIC ABILITY WORK.

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Just putting in my 2 cents, I can get more mileage out of Rhino's 2 than Gara's 4 now. I expect to see more changes but this is a bad starting point that is making me put her on the shelf until she is revisited, And I was looking forward to a frost competitor too. Hope DE can find a good middle ground between bulletproof glass and a wine glass. It's a waste of energy right now when one enemy can break it within seconds of casting it. 

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Gara 4th: Wall with a 3800HP one shotted by most of enemies on sorties. Also, no projectiles are going through it, hence it is broken more than it was. RIP Gara for now.

One more thing:

Frame which 2nd skill get her 90% damage reduction, now forced to use Armor mods, because reasons. Great, let's force Nova users to run with Steel Fiber and Armored agility, just for the kicks.

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I have had this glitch ever since plains or eidolon where bait wont work.  it will almost never float or generally work and will instead just disappear as if I threw it into the air over land and not that that mechanic is present with luminous dye then it wont work without at least 20 being wasted so am I missing something or is my game bugged?

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So from what I can tell, the Warframe changes in this update... suck.


For whatever reason we don't get Volt's discharge changes because "It's too powerful" even though for years he's been marketed as a "potent alternative to gunplay." Well I guess that's not allowed to EVER be true, and instead we should just get used to being cornholed into whatever the current cheesiest gun is, because this game is actually about guns, not Warframes, go figure.

Now the shield changes are nice, but still leave Volt as a pretty crap frame for anything but CC or incredibly specific setups.  Definitely not the "potent alternative" we wanted.

As for Gara... Who thought this was a good idea?  When they said parts of the wall would break, I figured they meant a little hole in the wall that enemies could potentially shoot through, but it would still keep them at bay, not a massive chunk of your wall just being completely gone.  Like they realize that once the enemies break through the wall (which only takes a few seconds in its current iteration, so let's hope that's bugged.) that it COMPLETELY invalidates the point of the wall?  Once they get through, they're not shooting the wall anymore, they're just shooting you.  It's effectively the same situation as Star Wars where you're a Death Star and that random Corpus soldier is freaking Luke Skywalker, it doesn't matter that you have a massive powerful defense, because all he has to do is hit that one small section enough and your defense is made completely worthless.  The explosion damage when it gets shattered isn't even good.

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1 hour ago, Akimbo said:

True synergy means good abilities that get better when they work together. 'Fake' synergy is when abilities HAVE to be used together to be good and are subpar when used individually.

Before changing anything else I'd like to see Gara's 4 fixed and her 3 fixed. No point in trying to make them do anything else or interact when they're broken at a fundamental level.

I'd love to see Splinterstorm be AoE and affect multiple enemies and maybe it could be something like hitting an enemy already affected by it with your 1 spreads it. etc, etc, however as I said, I don't trust DE to be able to make those changes in a way that is fun and keeps the abilities good without forcing this interaction on a player in order for either ability to be useful. i.e. if this was a thing, DE would then probably nerf her 1 so badly it was worthless unless it was being used in that exact interaction with her 2 and her two would be somehow made so weak that if it wasn't on 10+ enemies at a time it would be useless as well.

Also by nature, Spectorage would require you to be relatively static to use the interaction you described. Warframe is generally a fast paced movement game. I'd hate to see Gara end up like Hydroid, where all the focus is on his stupid puddle ability. Is it powerful? Yes. Is it fun, interesting and dynamic? LOL, no. I know Spectorage IS a static ability in general, but my point is it would hamper that interaction. However Gara ended up with two 'static' defensive abilities, one of which was useless (Spectorage, due to no scaling) and now her other ability is useless too.

I'd love change, reworks etc. if they were done well. Right now I've never been so put off playing WF because of poorly thought out and executed changes, I normally play 2-4 hours a day. Today I've played 20-40 minutes.

There needs to be less focus on silly mechanics like breaking the glass and more thought put into actually MAKING THE BASIC ABILITY WORK.

Ah, I get what you mean now. And, yeah... This update kinda had the same effect on me. I guess all the bad design choices just finally got to me. And when I figured I might as well just farm for focus now that it wasn't impossible to buy things, I remembered I didn't have enough zenurik lenses to use the gear I wanted. And farming them's just awful... This update was one step forward, several bugs and and a few giant leaps back for me. :(

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19 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I understand the changes to Gara, and although I and many people disagree, I think this could remedy the situation by making changes to Frost. I realize changes take time and thought, but these Gara changes highlight the problems with Frost in terms of his Snow-globe and kit cohesion. His kit needs to revolve around duration based skills instead of requiring players to throw on Steel Fiber and strength mods to lose CC and increase his defensive skills. His globe also relies on abusing an invulnerability timer of 3 seconds in which you can spam to have an infinite health snow-globe. This thread outlines these changes perfectly: Reddit Link

Ummm, Sonicor nerf?

  Usually, I'll stay away from quoting on forums, as we are all entitled to our opinion.   This post simply smells like haterade towards Frost in general and less like any good reason to change the WF yet again.  Talking about "King this and that" from a subjective standpoint has less bearing on the fact that Gara was simply broken.  Players would easily subdue the entire map of lv100+ Enemies by running around.  How are you even saying such a mechanic relates to Frost in any way?  He's a fortress type WF that can hold a point-and hold it well.  They already nerfed the Globe, vicariously, with the advent of AOE dmg and Nullifiers.  Three seconds, as claimed in the reddit, is hardly spammable w/o Trinity present or some sort of EN battery passive/active.  Even then it removes Frost from using any offensive tactics. There are many more points relevant to this discussion which will remain undisclosed until further replies are added.  I played one match w/a Gara @lv100+ and knew immediately that the skill was broken.  She simply initiated her Ultimate and ran around the map eliminating every foe--similar to Ember yet incoming DMG was irrelevant.  And trust me, nerfing is the last thing we as gamers should request--adjusting is paramount to immersion factor and purpose of logging in.  Personally ALL WF should become extremely powerful after a certain amount of Forma and acquisition have been applied.  We are the Heroes of this story.   Maybe just admit that she was broken and needs adjusting to fit in w/other WF.  Frost is in no way as glorious as pre-DX11 WF; the time when Grineer and infested chargers could one shot any WF pitiful enough to lose footing in their sights.  The game has come a long way give them time to work on additions.  I mean Ash has been degraded from a stealth assassin to simply spamming Shurikens and Fatal TP's.   Rhino's Armor continues to dwindle.  Mag can only think of Herself.  The list persists beyond these tiny sentiments.  Gara had it coming it's really that simple <3   GL & HF!   Killem ALL and look awesome doing so!  We are the Tenno--the Space Ninja Clan.

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19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Gara is still relatively new as far as Warframes are concerned but since her release, we’ve found (and many players have found) that an invulnerable and almost impenetrable barrier doesn’t allow for a very engaging gameplay experience. We know that other Warframes also have Powers with similar issues, but adding a shattering component to Mass Vitrify is a change we could easily implement that is consistent with Gara’s glass theme while also making Mass Vitrify more interactive. 

I love how the reasoning behind the nerf was to make Mass Vitrify more interactive when all the change does is encourage her to camp on the objective and spam her wall in order to keep it up. If anything it's less interactive now. Before Gara was actually more interactive because she could put her wall down and do other stuff, without needing to babysit it constantly.

While the intentions may have been good, the reasoning and logic has resulted in something that is literally backwards.

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6 hours ago, Akimbo said:

So maybe 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.? would 2.5x vs level 150 enemies be too OP?

If you had my original function of 200+(N^1.8) and you multiplied that function by the scaling multiplier. Then at level 150, the final function would be 200+(N^4.5)

So at level 150, you're doing 6,200,271,111 damage per tick. To an armored target, this is still way too OP.

Even if you made the scaling multiplier simply add to the current multiplier, the damage is still ~2 million per tick. That's a lot less, but still very high. Volt would not one shot everything, but he would be the best scaling warframe ever. 


I also tried changing the function to be a multiple instead of a power function, so 200+(N*i) where I is a scaling multiplier. However, the scale still gets way too high and starts way too low. You have to remember that my original function scales really well already by using the level. N is the enemy level. 

So 200+(N^1.8) gives a really nice amount of scaling damage with a base of 200 damage per tick. 

Remember, this function means that at level 150, volt is doing 8,460 damage per tick. That's twice every single second. That's an a$$ load of damage every second. So maybe you could bump this up a tiny bit, but you don't want any other scaling added to this function. 

Say it was 200+(N^1.85) so just 0.05 more onto the multiplier, it would then, at level 150, do 10,811 damage per tick.... See how much a tiny increase does? A level 150 bombard with armor has an effective health pool of I think 3 or 4 million, so at a 1.85 multiplier of my function, that would kill the bombard in 184 seconds, or 3 mins... I mean, for a relatively weak frame, that would be a massive buff from what it currently sits at; taking 500 seconds, or 8 mins.... 

Maybe you could make the function 200+(N^1.9), that would do 13,832 per tick to a level 150. That would take down a bombard in 144 seconds, or 2 mins. So pretty good tbh

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