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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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10 hours ago, malekas said:

Pull: wildly inconsistent with worthless mechanics. Energy orb on death from an ability that deals negligible damage. Extra damage to the target of Magnetize (a pellet gun could deal more damage and without using energy) 

Works just fine for me and my high Power Strength build.

10 hours ago, malekas said:

Magnetize: still forces players to use only certain weapons for it to be effective. 

Works just fine with all my projectile weapons that happen to be my favorites.  Not as big of an issue as you are making it seem.  

10 hours ago, malekas said:

Polarize: still has no scaling, meaning it's nothing but an overscosted shield restore at higher levels

You left out that it removes armor also.  

10 hours ago, malekas said:

Crush: now it restores shields? You're not even addressing that fact that it immobilizes Mag, deal pitiful damage for an Ult, and the CC doesn't "pick up" enemies some times. 

That it immobilizes Mag is really a none issue because everything in the area is effected (meaning not attacking you).  Again this ability works just fine for me and my high power strength build.  I would be happy if it did more damage overall also.  

Thank you all for your time.  :smile:

Edited by DatDarkOne
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14 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Why should it be recastable?
Both skills are really strong. Making them recastable would make them even stronger?
And why buffs to duration and stuff? Chromas skills are acutally balanced. If you want them to last really long, you use Narrow Minded, sacrificing range. If you want more range, you don't use Narrow Minded.
That's some fine balance. We need that for even more skills.

i agree, my chroma is 41 seconds of 565% damage and 1030% armor, which costs me no time to do so i dont get.


36 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Make Vex Armor weaker but at least make it last reasonably longer. It takes a lot of resources to get his full buff. Just to loose it seconds later is kinda heartbreaking.

as it takes me a second to cast and hit myself with a glaive fulling charging the damage buff and half charging the armor buff.

i think chroma shouldnt be the one being revised on how his ability calculates instead it should be mirage, the complains arent about chroma there about mirage so dont nerf the only guy who can do damage to the teralyst at a not slow as all hell rate, even if its shared 656% increase on the weapons base stats is gonna slow down teralyst capture massively and make teaching new players harder. right now i can play chroma break shields one shot the limbs and explain what is going on and what each role should be doing respectively. de are literally going to make it harder to teach people how to fight the teralyst. not only that there nerfing ember in a way that to get the same stats i have now i have to cost 2 more energy and lose half of my status chance. its a poling.  

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speaking on slash dash, where the f is that mechanic where it'll cost less energy and deal more dmg when you cast it in succession? just like with rhino's charge 

you said you'll add something like that in a very old devstream but that was like 2 years ago, when rhino's rework released 

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This is not a buff at all. This will force people to stack range mods, resulting in lower strength. The increase in damage over time and energy cost is honestly not worth it if you lose 50% max range. 

WoF sits at 37.5m at max range. Even with the best builds and foregoing survival mods, you are only going to squeeze out 1100 damage after 10 secs(not including growing power and energy conversion). But now you are sitting at 3.4 energy/sec with a 18.75m radius. While that is a respectable range for a kill ability like that, it's seriously a massive nerf to how she works now. Her CC ability that let her survive past 40 with WoF is now gone, as being able to burn enemies at long range before they get close to you is essential. 

I think they need to leave her alone as she works perfectly fine for running through annoying low missions for resource farming and she can be built to do respectable damage at sortie 3 level.

And! This is going to force people to feel as if they NEED to have Arcane Energize in order to keep WoF going with the new 2x energy cost.

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53 minutes ago, Cryoguard said:

The only concern I have with a toggle is how powerful his buff is, and being able to maintain said buff indefinitely might not be what they want... But also if for some reason it magically became a toggle I won't complain lol

This is the title for tat.

Considering the strength of him pre nerf, I think it is justified to combine the abilities.

Having it as a switch ability like equinox's 3 would work perfectly and allow for a use of range and other mods rather than an absolute focus on duration.

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6 minutes ago, Grimm said:

i agree, my chroma is 41 seconds of 565% damage and 1030% armor, which costs me no time to do so i dont get.


as it takes me a second to cast and hit myself with a glaive fulling charging the damage buff and half charging the armor buff.

i think chroma shouldnt be the one being revised on how his ability calculates instead it should be mirage, the complains arent about chroma there about mirage so dont nerf the only guy who can do damage to the teralyst at a not slow as all hell rate, even if its shared 656% increase on the weapons base stats is gonna slow down teralyst capture massively and make teaching new players harder. right now i can play chroma break shields one shot the limbs and explain what is going on and what each role should be doing respectively. de are literally going to make it harder to teach people how to fight the teralyst. not only that there nerfing ember in a way that to get the same stats i have now i have to cost 2 more energy and lose half of my status chance. its a poling.  

Well, that was the point of the nerf. To slow down Teralysts hunting. It’s still gonna 2-3 shot the Teralysts though.

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13 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted.

if you dont like one shooting each limb, i have and issues with my weapon and riven in combo with chroma the teralyst can out right die if im not host. no capture happens just die, with the lures charged and everything.

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Interesting changes. I'd like to add some thoughts: (I didn't see the stream, sorry if I say dumb stuff)

  • Ash: awesome change. I have a question though: since you need to cast Teleport to join in the killing, can it be made so that it triggers Fatal Teleport's damage buffs? This way you can opt in with the clear purpose of hitting harder on a specific enemy.


  • Chroma:
    • Spectral Scream: make it like you want to make World On Fire, each X seconds, damage and energy costs rise. Having to cast another ability (Vex Armor, for higher damage) to give enough aid to justify using this ability is not cool... unless you make Rhino's Roar affect his own Iron Skin, then we're good. Just don't lower range, lol.
    • Vex Armor: well, the nerf is understandable. However, like many have said, a build for damage may sacrifice range. I don't know if being an aura is handy enough to make up for it, but we'll see. Can Effigy also be an aura emitter of Vex Armor?


  • Ember:
    • World On Fire: Hmm, didn't like it. It would be nice if it acted similar to an Exalted Ability. Something like after reaching 100%, you enter Boiling mode. In this mode, other abilities cost much less energy and have upgraded usability:

- Fireballs emit a WoF explosion on contact, and lowers Boiling percentage by 20%.

- Accelerant lowers Boiling percentage by 40%. I'm not sure about buffs due to Boiling mode, maybe more damage as usual.

- Fire Blast can also be cast where aimed when charged, similar to Hydroid's Tempest Barrage. Launched like a big Fireball, loses height with distance. Lowers Boiling percentage by 50%.

- World On Fire: more armor, because you are melting bullets, therefore taking less damage. Armor added is tied to Boiling percentage, the higher the percentage the higher the armor added. Rises Boiling percentage by, like, 5% per second. If the percentage reaches 0%, you exit Boiling mode and WoF returns to its normal shape. After 15 seconds, the percentage will start rising up again and you can enter Boiling again.

This way, players can choose to maintain WoF on to trade the usual CC from Firequake for precise, high bursts of damage which still carry a CC element. Since Boiling mode requires WoF to be on, energy is still being consumed, so you can't stay in Boiling mode forever, even if only for the armor buff.


  • Gara: Curious that the gif showed Infested... because Techs don't come close so you can glass them... unless of course if you're trying to cast an unnecessarily
    giant Mass Vitrify, which can be more easily shot and destroyed. So... it doesn't look that much helpful.


  • Mag: The thing about shards from Polarize is that they're likely not in the most optimal place for you to cast a Magnetize, in order to benefit from them. Unless you cast Magnetize all over the place, quickly draining your energy, most of the time shards stay untouched where they were generated. And Crush doesn't need shield healing, it needs damage ( because Magnetic is not very useful at high levels). Solution: make Crush blow up shards in range.
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Lets talk about ember. from the what im reading it seems you didnt consider those who use wof for higher level missions on cc and statrs spreading fro condition overload when using melee weapons. the cc from her augment was the thing that made survivabiloty worthwhile. coupled with her melee it was simply exceptional because it provided extra damage on finisher attacks.  because embers stun is short lasting and doesnt exactly blind enemies. also because of armor scaling the damage makes things remarkably terrible for long runs. so no matter what damage increase you are giving unless its nidus 60600 its not gonna help. coupled with the decreased range with survivability it really hurts the ability. hopefully the numbers arent going to be too critical. which highlights another issue.

ember has two abilities. world on fire and the world on fire buff. hopefully this video can explain. please watch this


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Fracturing Crush is a Warframe Augment Mod for Mag that gives Crush the ability to reduce enemy armor as well as temporarily immobilize survivors.

Can we get this to be fully CC ability? not only immobilize but also make enemies stop shooting.


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Title's not as hyperbolic as some would think as World on Fire is going straight to a trash tier ability with the proposed changes... and with Ember's other abilities being either dependent upon World on Fire (like Accelerant) or outright bad (Fireball and Fire Blast) combined with a passive that is next to impossible to safely trigger so it may as well not exist, and DE will break the one thing that's making Ember work leaving us all with a warframe that's the new Mag.

Personally, I'd rather DE take time to reevaluate the Ember changes and ship the rest of the warframe changes so that way Ember can get the rework she so desperately needs, we're not getting a warframe nerfed into oblivion, and everyone else gets the changes that they're salivating over.  That's probably the way to proceed that's going to make everyone the happiest because Ember does need work, and what DE has presented is a good starting point....  but it's a horrible destination.

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Why not just switch world on fire back to duration based instead?  Clearly you feel you were wrong about making it an energy over time ability yet you nerf it TWICE and only compensate by giving her what you will be doing with a shotgun anyway.  Completely destroying something useful and giving back something useless is not a good way to nerf things.  At least buff her energy capacity or something so this makes more sense.

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Really loving this ,

Ash: no complaints,

Atlas,  For a long time i wanted Atlas to be good , especially considering boss fight needed to get it. other than the rework mentioned which i like, I also have a passive suggestion.

     Embedded Shrapnel:

     Shooting the Bulwark or the Golems (within first few seconds of casting it) will add elemental damage to them depending on your weapon.

     When the Tectonic bulwark is recast it will create a linear area which will have sustained damage similar to fire walker depending on element it absorbed.

     the Golems will do bonus elemental damage it absorbed most in addition to its base impact, but when it expires it will also explode with additional elemental AoE damage.

     This will add scaling to a fixed damage ability for higher levels.

     I like the rubble mechanic , but is it exclusive to Atlas or can team mates take advantage of it (with reduced effectiveness)?

Banshee: seems to have gotten a nerf and a buff at the same time - call it a side shifting? no major complaints but the duration and power balance will need to be properly calculated.

Chroma Nerf was a long time coming - will miss the overpowered dragon but i understand why this is necessary.


     Not sure about the 15 second thing to reach max power , can we have a held option like the gara vitrify / harrow thurible to decide range and power instead? like if held and   immediately released the range and power will be as default , if held longer it will have lower range but have more power - then it will start costing more energy with time but power and range will be unaffected only the efficiency. pure time based scaling i disagree with.

Mag: i am not getting this , did you make polarize less scalable ? are you sure you want to make it dependent on damage done and not a percentage of max shield or armor??

Volt: No complaints ,

Zephyr seems to be viable,but will need to know the new second ability better, is it an impact damage? blast type?

   also not entirely convinced about the 4th ability, will it be able to crit? can it do status independent of the tornado element when we shoot? what about beam or AoE weapons? will it work similar to magnetize?

   I do have a suggestion for a passive for zephyr , i like to call it wind pressure,

   Wind pressure: any melee zephyr uses has bonus 50% range (too much? hows about 30%?) - could make it part of turbulence which scales with strength too.

   i think it fits well into the wind element and would make sense too.

Also completely separate it would be fun if the frames each have a unique channeling passive -

eg: Ash has a small chance for all channeled attacks to be finishers , Atlas has a chance to petrify enemies (or increases petrification with each strike), Gara could encase the enemy in glass ,  trinity could heal (similar to the sancti magistar) , loki could disarm , harrow could chain , mag could strip armor / shield , Nyx could confuse , equinox could replenish shields or cause a small AOE slash depending on which form is active , chroma could add damage boost of specific element he is aligned to (boost not necessarily additive elemental damage) , saryn already does something with channeling this with her spores , ember would do bonus fire damage, frost would do bonus ice damage, limbo could strike through rift, inaros could have innate lifestrike , ivara could apply poison, Mesa would do nothing cause she doesn't like melee :P , mirage could do double damage , nekros could create single shadow on channel kill, nezha would have increased attack speed while channeling , nidus could cause channel kills to burst into maggots (ew but effective) , Nova could cause explosion cause nova make things go boom, oberon could create a single orb smite on channel kill , octavia would get additional ability duration with every channel kill, rhino would get bonus damage (i cant think much else for our in your face head butting frame) with channeling , titannia would create random buff on channel kill , valkyr would cause armor reduction with every strike , Vauban would gain armor with every channel kill , volt would create electric arc on every strike , wukomg stagger , zephyr would have chance to create mini tornadoes , hydroid  would create an elemental puddle on kill , excalibur would have boosted speed , range and damage cause excalibur.

Basically every channel a passive would be tied to the frames abilities , could even scale with the level.




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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DevilishSix said:

No we can't agree on that because the range CC is all that keeps her squishy hindside alive, so no we don't agree.

To each their own i guess, i'm just glad something is being done, as it's not like she was perfect to begin with, she would wipe out early game content far too easily and can barely survive late or even mid game, This really does look like a step in the right direction to me at the very least, And i hope DE continue to balance her along this track as it's looking good to me atleast.

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As far i see it kinda will work like Mesa, higher damage over time, with more energy, and range goes lower.

I see it as good change becasue in lwo level you won't leave teh ability onb all day, and in high levle she actually will do damage.

Also coulld we first try it out maybe before dooming it all.

First people complian she is to OP in low level and stuff now they change it and people still complain, for god sake.

If people cna do it better then enlighten us, give your rework t your best, because them simply have not the time but try to use the time they have atleast.

Mag turned out very good in my eyes, jsut because playstlye changes not means its bad, sick of such threads, game will and always will change now and in the future, if you not like changes, leave. I on my part not like Eidolon at all and ingore it or the Nidus frame beeing overpowered with lame not exisitng lore to him and copy and paste abilitys of other frames, only with slight changes. But i not open severla threads how the game or certain frames are dead do that.

Edited by Marine027
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What, another ember thread?



As has been mentioned before, ember severely needs a rework. Here are some of my ideas.

1. Fireball.

- Needs to be homing. What is the point of using the damage buff skill mod if you can't even hit your allies who are just running & jumping around like ninjas do?

- Needs to ragdoll enemies in the AoE. Would serve as a good CC, since every skill needs some form of utility.

2. Accelerant.

[I've never seen the point of a skill that only serves to add damage to your other base damage skills with only a minor utility. Not to mention once the damage in a weapon is modified to other damage types, the damage boost is gone. Why not just buff the damages of your weapons?]

- Instead, I recommend accelerant to be replaced as a passive instead. Heat damage done by ember is multiplied by 2x.  Blast, Gas, & Radiation damage multiplied by x1.5 [since these three damage types are fire based]

- The original accelerant would instead work like what you would expect an liquid accelerant would do [ie. napalm]: Leaves a patch of accelerant on the ground. Casting accelerant as per usual would do a minor stun. Any enemies caught in the accelerant patch will have a minor slow effect.

- Fire damage done to the patch of accelerant on the ground would burn it up, causing an AoE burn effect similar to Napalm Bombard's AoE fire effect.

- On enemies with the accelerant debuff effect:  Fire procs last 100% longer. Radiation proc lasts 50% longer. Gas proc has 25% increased poison cloud size. Targets with blast proc are slowed 50% for 5 seconds. Accelerant debuff also reduces fire resistance (instead of just boosting fire damage) by 100% [basically any health type that has fire resistences would now do full damage by fire] and reduces Blast, Gas, & Radiation resistance by 50%.

3. Fire Blast

[Nowdays it pretty much does nothing. The rings are too small, the voided area in the middle precludes using it as an AoE damager. The ring is too short that on unlevel terrain, enemies just walk through easily. Useless.]

- The ring needs to be a wall of fire, akin to Gara's vitrify, so it would still be able to hit flying enemies or be cast on unlevel ground.

- The ring needs to be shrinking, akin to Limbo's Cataclysm. This would give The ring better functionality in static missions where each layer would have an effect, instead of just casting overlapping rings.

- Enemies passing the ring will be struck with a fire proc, as well as a 90% chance of being hit with a fear debuff [like nekros' fear]. Yea I know it's an augment mod, but it should be a basic built in ability. Ember already needs a lot of mods in the first place. This will also actually enable the ring to be used defensively.

- The exploding expanding orb when casting ring of fire should now have a 90% chance to do a blast proc.

4. World on Fire.

- On cast, enemies within 3 meters of Ember will be hit with a flat blast damage and have them ragdoll away [makes sense since casting on has a base cost, it should do something beneficial as well]

- Instead of just doing what it does right now, WoF would do a sort of two layer fire aura. Any enemies who enter the fire aura will have a variable chance to be hit by a fire proc every tick. The chance depends on how far into the circle the enemy is. between 100% to 50% range of the circle, enemies have a 65% chance to be hit with a fire proc. Between 50% to 25% range of the circle, enemies have a 75% chance to be hit with a fire proc. Between 25% to 0% range of the circle, enemies have a 100% chance to be hit with a fire proc.

- The second layer of the fire aura would be: any enemies that enter melee distance of ember [say approximately 3 meters] would be hit with a fire DoT, scale-able with power strength. The secondary fire aura layer would be of fixed range.

5. Passive

- Current passive is too situational. As mentioned before, Accelerant should be used as the passive instead.





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