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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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Zephyr kinda feel weaker than before.

Tailwind momentum at high duration is simply too high. Damage increase don't do anything, because you cant aim it properly. Also it lock you for quite a time if you hit a wall. Hovering is nice, but charge is too slow and you are locked in place just having advantage of free Tailwind. Hovering should be also kind of brake button during Tailwind, if it has to remain velocity it has now. Controls are cramped here, so I suggest jump button during Tailwind flight activate Hovering. Tailwind has its ground take-off back. Hitting a wall immediately ends it.

Divebomb has the same problem as Iron Vault, the aim is dunked.  We should have ability to call Divebomb at any angle. Even at cost of all Tailwinds damage. With tailwind and hovering change proposed above, it can be done by holding button while hovering or on air with marker indicating landing position. Eternal Crusade executed this quite nicely:

Air Burst projectile is too slow and ragdoll force is too small. It's damage potential is non-existant. I would change it:
-Air Burst projectile has punch-through when it goes through enemies, but explodes contacting environment. Force bleed proc.

Turbulence with new animation seem slower to cast. Speed it up or allow to recast.

Tornadoes change to physical was very good decision, but steering is clunky and not intuitive, especially when using scoped weapons. Apart from that they are just tornadoes. I would change it:
-Increase range of picking up enemies and pulling force, so they wont fly off.
-Enemy picked by tornado cant be pulled by other tornado
-Increase tornado movement speed
-casting airburst makes them bigger, deal more damage and increase pulling range and force.
-projectiles that go through Tornado increase its damage over time, either friendly or enemy.

and most importantly, their AI:
-Tornadoes constantly chase after closest not-picked up enemy.
-Holding 4 makes a point where all tornadoes are forced to go, like Guided Effigy.

This way tornadoes can be effective CC and damage, with ability to steer them all at once, without disrupting mobility by aiming.


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Bladestorm -> Currently, pressing 3 at ANY target (even unmarked ones) while Bladestorm is running causes him to join the Bladestorming.

Proposal: Tapping 3 on any target (marked or not) causes him to Teleport to it as normal. HOLDING 3, regardless of aiming at a wall or whatever, causes him to join the Bladestorm.



Rubble -> Vacuumable, please? Other than that, I like this mechanic a lot.

Landslide -> Still awesome

Tectonics -> Definitely not enough. Petrify could rather just heal the walls instead. Let the quicker rollingspeed be default, likewise for the rolling damage (which is STILL utterly pathetic). How about letting it (by DEFAULT) pick up enemies in a bigger radius too? The rolling boulder is just a useless gimmick otherwise.

Petrify -> Honestly, I don't like the new "camera" petrify. The range is far too short and the energycost is FAR too costly (35 seems appropriate, not its current insane 75!). The energycost just REALLY needs to be lowered, besides anything else.
You could also revert it back to the old version (but with much quicker Petrification), then tack the "camera" version on the augment instead (which was now made completely useless anyway), instead of just being a boring meta-loot-boosting augment. Then it'd TRULY feel like an augment, by giving you an alternative playstyle!
Petrified enemies taking more damage is nice though, no doubt. Would be nice to see the damage boost in the UI, please? :)

Rumblers -> Since you didn't give any synergy with their ACTIVE use, this ability's main use is now just AoE Petrify + Rubble spawning. How about letting the Rumbler buddies add to and benefit from the melee combo counter? That ALONE would make them superuseful to keep active, especially for a Landsliding Atlas!
Oh, and the augment is still a mod you install to DOWNGRADE your ability...



Resonating Quake - This seems more like a Sonic Boom augment, since it just turns your ability into a 360 degree Sonic Boom. Your first proposed idea (lingering CC AoE, allowing free movement) was much much nicer, and should honestly have been Soundquake's DEFAULT function (since the base ability is STILL superboring). What a complete waste of workhours you did on this...



Was never really a fan of Chroma before the update. Now? Now he's just plain pathetic! He can't take ANY damage right now. Sure, my build isn't optimal (180% strength, vitaility and steel fiber in regards to survivability mods), but it should let him feel quite tanky... but he struggles with level 50+ enemies already!

While I don't care all too much for the damagenerf (it was absolutely bonkers before, although now it's maybe a bit too low), I feel he needs a LOT more survivability. As for the general ability changes.

Spectral Scream -> While definitely far more fun to use now, it's still utterly pathetic in terms of damage and utility. If you gave it LIFESTEAL, it could actually be sort of useful.

Vex Armor -> It ought to give Chroma (and Chroma alone?) some plain damage reduction too, which shouldn't require buildup, even something unmoddable would be fine. Like at least 65% damage reduction (multiplicative) at max rank?

Overall, he went from a (boring) raging berserker, to a (slightly more fun) puny faerie. Really underwhelming rework...



Fireball -> Not as useless as I expected it to be, due to the Napalm's constant fire procs! The radius of the effect is a little meh though, would like it being a bit bigger. Charge-effect is REALLY slow though (not fitting Ember's style whatsoever, she needs to move FAST on higher levels). Scrap the charge and/or increase base radius and it's actually somewhat solid.

Fire Blast -> Neat idea, but the need to stay somewhat still (to get the Heat damagebonus) just does not work on Ember at all. If the ring HEAVILY reduced the damage of enemies' shots that pass through, she'd be able to create safezones, both expanding her viability and useability areas.
Also, UI to display the heatbonus would be nice.

World on Fire -> A tiny bit too heavily nerfed. Nerfing its damage at the edges would've been just as fine, without killing her auto-CC.
Just make the "growing percentage" alter the damage distribution of the ability; At 0% growth, you deal equal damage throughout the radius. At 100% growth, you deal 2x damage right next to Ember, but minimal damage at the edge.
Low level cheese is thus removed, but high level CC (her main survivability) would then be intact.



Good change, nothing else to say really.



Undertow -> The "dragalong" barely ever works.

Not to mention, his kit is STILL very stale and static, with lots of missed GOOD synergy. I'd love to be able to get out of the Undertow pool, WITHOUT disabling it, like, you have to press 3 to deactivate the ability, but if you jump/roll, it gets you out of there while leaving the pool still in place (Press X while on top of it to go back in there). Then you can Tidal Surge in new enemies into the pool or whatever.
Also, movementspeed inside the pool is still FAR, FAR, FAAAAR too slow and energydraining. Likewise, the manual tentacle-grab has far too short baseline range.
Its augment is now rather useless too, since the pool is so tiny. Its augment would be better as an augment for Tempest Barrage (Soothing Rain?), while granting TB its CURRENT augment baseline, as it is basicly 100% required in all builds anyway.

Tentacle Swarm -> Besides the loot augment, this ability feels somewhat pointless right now (or rather, like it has missed opportunities). If it grabbed an enemy and held them still (instead of slowly flailing around), wrapping around them like an anaconda, it'd be useful for easily aiming at enemies (like manually grabbing enemies into the Undertow pool). If "empty" tentacles moved around in their spawn radius, trying to grab new unheld enemies, then keep them in place once an enemy is grabbed (and even possibly move slowly towards your Undertow, if you have that ability active)... well, the synergies would then be really obvious.



Small buff, not much to say (while still having a highly "meh" kit, imo. Eclipse COULD be a more interesting ability, as could SoH, if it got a LOT more finetuning and streamlining with the crystals (i.e. always dealing damage and blinding/knocking enemies down, instead of varying effects depending on light))



Extra, extra! Polarize and Crush, now more similar than ever... -.-

Ok, smugness aside, Crush DOES feel a bit more useful now. But only a bit so.

Some ideas to truly polish her up already:

Polarize -> Let it also greatly aid with allied shields (empower your shield's damage resistance, for example). Let it proc Magnetic on all enemies too.
Let Mag pick up the shards (as a numerical stacking value, looking like a buff), which can be used in two ways;
1) Walk into a Polarize bubble to fuel its damage rapidly.
2) Cast Crush to use most/all of this value to fuel its nuking power!
The Shards should be (by default) abled to be pulled in directly to Mag with Pull.

Crush -> Let enemies remain crumbled up after cast (just 4 seconds or so). Make its damagetype split 50/50 between Magnetic and Puncture.
Could still provide shields (and overshields), as that part actually feels quite nice, better than I thought it would.

Pull -> Let it BASELINE grab in loot (Polarize shards included, as mentioned on Crush). Let it gather enemies more neatly in front of her, instead of this random flinging. Augment could pull away their weapons, so the weapon remains at the spot where the enemy was pulled away from (somewhat similar to Titania's Spellbind) (Note; If you use Polarize's augment as well and the Polarize wave hits their weapon at any time, when the enemy picks up that weapon, it will be jammed when they pick it up!).
Let enemies who have been Pulled who touch a Magnetize bubble be deposited in there, and only let them be knocked down if they are affected by a new Pull-cast while already inside the bubble (i.e easier to put enemies inside bubbles + you can't pull them OUT of the bubble either).

Magnetize -> If enemies are procced by the Magnetic status (Polarize synergy!), let it pull in those enemies with much stronger effect. Let augment be the ability to place the bubbles in the environment, along with X% stronger pull-in strength (New playstyle! The disarm, albeit slightly different, was moved to Pull). By default, let holdcasting while aiming at a bubble = Detonate that bubble. Fix damage contribution issues with shotguns and hitscan weapons, in general.
Let allied (and Mag's own) shots that are done WHILE AIMING ignore the Magnetize bubble.

So yeah... still needs a lot of polish (imo, MAINLY with Pull's random flinging, that is what I feel is the biggest issue right now, but all points mentioned are important).



Good, good. Excessive ragdoll, while fun at first, can be really detrimental in certain missions.



Still a weakling against Grineer, and still best played as a gunner (as his abilities are STILL more CC and utility, rather than damage). Electric damage just isn't any good against armor... But he is still workable *shrugs*



Tailwind -> Ok... what on earth happened here??
1) The momentum of Tailwind is just totally over the top! Great on the plain, unusable pretty much elsewhere.
2) The chargeup jump has SOOOOOO many issues. It takes FOREVER to use (for a full charge), it is not chargeable while moving and while you are in the hover mode, you can ONLY get out of it with another Tailwind. How about letting us doublejump/roll out of the hover whenever we want? How about letting her move while charging the jump? How about cutting the total chargeup time in half, AT LEAST?
3) Divebomb is still 100% useless.
4) That augment is, remarkably, even MORE useless than Divebomb.
You know what would've been cool? Tap TW to fly foward, continue holding TW to continue flying foward (steerable), with a minimal energydrain (note, still able to replenish energy from EV etc meanwhile), so we can control where we go. And then, give it a shockwave upon contacting anything (a la Divebomb, then ditch the Divebomb part of the ability instead). There, now it's workable in both the plains and general tilesets
And ditch the hover mode, just add greatly increased aimglide as part of her passives instead.
And that augment... could MAYBE work with that version of Tailwind. But it's pointless anyway, considering it has just flat damage to offer. Unless the shockwave was actually scalable? It's just a complete waste of an augment regardless...

Air Burst -> So... this was supposed to be special? It's faaaar too slow, and it ragdolls enemies OUTWARDS? And the projectiles also have a MAX LIFETIME??
Make them travel much faster, make it ragdoll enemies inwards towards the centre, and give them unlimited lifetime and you have a decent ability (And DON'T make that the augment!).

Turbulence -> Cool casting effect, even if it is a bit slower (a tiny bit). I don't mind it overall *shrug*

Tornado -> Definitely better. Not perfect, but definitely useable. Also, rather than RECASTABLE, I'd like it to be UNcastable (i.e remove all Tornadoes upon recast, rather than immediately summoning new ones).
Probably the only really improved ability in her kit.



Ash, Atlas, Gara, Mirage, Rhino are all better now and only needs tiny polish now.

Volt, Mag, Hydroid, Ember are all still functional, but they still need to be looked upon quite a lot.

Banshee's aug change was a waste of a rework, due to the 2nd change to it (the "all damage in one burst" change).

Chroma is disastrous (even if somewhat in the right direction).

Zephyr was partially good (Tornado & Turbulence), but mostly bad (TW is HORRIBLE now, AB lacks a real function).

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The change to Ember's 1st power feels pretty good. Charging a fireball is a classic and it fits that ability well. After playing around with it I thought maybe Volt's Speed and Ash's Bladestorm could benefit from charging:

-Speed could be tapped in order to apply it to just yourself and held for a second to give it to the whole squad.

-After marking enemies with Bladestorm tapping it again would make the afterimages attack as it is now, holding it would make the player's character engage right away and tapping 4 another time while attack is in progress would make the player join.

Edited by Goarza
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2 hours ago, Darnsig said:


While his buff is appreciated and makes him a better frame it also raises one question. Why would anyone use Shuriken over Blade Storm?

I do agree with this. Why should I use 25 energy for 2 500 damage Shurykens with bleeding when I can cast a 12 enery 2000 finisher damage with bleeding, or less if I`m invisible?

Not to mention Bladestorm is affected by Steel Charge and the combo counter. They both have the same range, and come out quickly, but Bladestorm can hit multiple targets and now, you don't even get stuck in the animation. And you can miss the shuriken, but not the Bladestorm.

Am I missing something? I mean, if I don't want to use the Shuriken Augment, there is no real reason to use your fist ability anymore. Bladestorm is better in every aspect.

Maybe if Shuriken could be aimed so you can hit headshots for bonus damage/bleeding. Or maybe it had a knock-back effect. Or even better, you could charge it so you could launch more shurikens, all seeking different targets if possible. That would make me feel more like a ninja and give us a reason to use it.

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So we've decided aoe abilities shouldn't be a thing.  Might as well just remove Octavia, Mesa, Rhino, Mag, Oberon, Volt, and Sayrn.  We'll still find a Draco and annoy noobs by killing everything tho.  So might as well remove meaningful progression while we're at it.  Ah hell.  We want aiming with our guns to be the focus.  That works much better in first person.  We're not really ninjas then though.  How about call us Guardians instead?

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3 hours ago, Hieracon said:


Either that or make it one huge Tornado that Zephyr can control easily.

Oh my god, if Zephyr could summon an F5 tornado with her at the center... No itty bitty tornado, more like a huge wall-ish cyclone of air that could be moved around by aiming someplace and pressing 4 again <3

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Banshee's Quake needs to be more consistent. Right now it doesn't scale well with enemies, doesn't ignore armor, like for ex. Ash and others, has problem with proccing ragdoll, requires totally awkward mod usage considering other skills. You already had an idea of soundquake skill with her first cone ability, now you just made it 360 with more range, ignoring obstacles. Never a good idea.

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il y a 3 minutes, TenGaugeBoson a dit :

Nice update :)

Holy guacamole though. Mag is always my goto dps frame.

I ALWAYS top the damage charts with her. I am afraid to see what she will do after this up date.

Maybe smash the whole solar system into a singularity?

I am a scared.

That's because as awesome as Magnetize can be, Polarize and Crush were severely underperforming. To be honest, I still think that those two need more buffs, or a rework.

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16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

-Ore Gaze Augment is now 25% effective at max rank. 
- Petrified enemies take increased damage from all sources.

testing it out  this is not  good enough, or it doesn't seem to work as intended it seems as if the  drop rate was  the same with or without  the mod not even energy and healt orbs drop more


16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Rubble (new mechanic)
 - Comes from killing petrified enemies. Atlas collects rubble to restore his health, or temporarily increase armor if already at max health. Rubble has a singular decay. Picking up more rubble delays the decay for a brief time.

Only seems to work with landslided enemies, also if allies  kill petrified enemies  you cant generate rubble, should be changed to any allied kill on petrified enemies.

also the cost of petrify even with full efficiency its too high

And the rubble degradation is too fast, since you have to pick up ruble and  it is not marked on the map nor is  vacuumable  somtimes is hard to know when the enemies drop rubble or not.


16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Vex Armor 
- Fixed a longstanding issue with number calculation being multiplicative. Boosts now apply before upgrades instead of after, making the ability consistent with all other damage boosting abilities. Overshields are now considered for Vex Armor. Chroma's Vex Armor remains one of the top performing damage-multipliers in the game - and it's now an aura! Instead of just being focused on Chroma, it can now benefit allies in range.

Now its bugged it doesn't seem to apply on weapons.

16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Fire Blast 
- Will now add heat damage to weapons that fire through it (for allies).

World On Fire 
- 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half. 

Should add more survivability with Fire Blast reducing damage at its center also since WoF practically you have to melee there  should be a new mechanic to improve the energy drain or at least that rewards going melee when needed , still believe that ember's passive should be reworked to encourage spell weaving in order to provide % dmg. current passive is almost useless without a harming heat source 

Edited by Huanthus
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Some Atlas feedback:

The changes in general are awesome, making his full kit usable and mostly fluid! Rubble mechanic is great because it frees up your weapon choice, so a bonus for diversity.
The only thing I'm disappointed about is the lack of integration for the Path of Statues augment. It would be great for gameplay fluidity if it would allow us to create rubble. Could maybe be limited to Landslide kills on those enemies as to not make Petrify itself useless.
Another thing I noticed is that casting Petrify on Tectonic Fracture walls doesn't do anything. It would be nice if it had *some* effect. Increase health of the walls, make them wider or something.

All in all great changes, I love the new mobility she gets with Tailwind and the new passive!
Things to take a look at imo:
Airburst is extremely slow making it inefficient as a CC-ability since enemies can get up before the next projectile hits, unless you are almost in melee-range.
As a damage ability it doesn't have any reason to be used over pretty much any mid-tier weapon.
Tornadoes don't seem to distribute damage of shots being fired into them at all, unlike what the workshop indicated. On top of that I seem to remember it being reasonably useful as a status spreader before the changes which it isn't now. Unintended change maybe?

I wasn't a fan of the "let's go get a coffee"-feeling of the old Resonating Quake, BUT:
1. The new function doesn't have anything to do with resonance behaviour, which triggers my scientist-self. Applying an impulse to a system at resonance frequency leads to an escalating vibration, increasing in amplitude over time unless dampened, so very fitting for the old function of the augment. Not really for an impulse that immediately ends after a single wave. It's the exact opposite in fact. If you insist keeping it the way it is now, please consider changing the name.

2. The new playstyle of the augment seems to be constantly spamming 4. This feels even worse than the old Saryn spam 4. I wouldn't call this a more interactive gameplay loop.

3. Even if it isn't used for perma-nuking rooms, the damage it deals is so low that it really isn't worth using over anything else in our arsenal.

I would personally consider removing the augment entirely from the game until a better function for it is found.

Love the changes overall, still think that Spectral Scream's base damage could use a slight buff OR a higher status chance to make it useful.

This change makes me outright sad. It was incredible fun blasting enemies through the room and msot of the time it didn't have any negative effect on missions or balancing. I hope this change is being reverted as soon as possible (what happened to Sonicor space program btw? :P).
It feels like it's just unnecessarily removing fun from the game.

I really don't know what to use her for at this point. Her CC build with high range and Firequake doesn't really work anymore because of the extremely reduced range combined with the old limitation of only affecting the 5 closest enemies to you. She's able to kill lvl 40 enemies now when WoF is charged up, but most likely you'll be dead when you are close enough to them.
I can see why the ability was changed and appreciate it myself, but at this point any melee weapon with semi-decent range outperforms her.

Just increasing her max charge range to 75% could be enough instead of the current 50%.

Another idea that came up during conversations within my clan:
Use an Overheat mechanic for her 4. Increase damage, range and energy cost (exact values would obviously need to be tested) of the ability over time up to a point where she herself starts taking damage, losing control over the flames so to speak. Since I know that some of the team are fans of the Avatar series: Think of the episode where Aang first learns firebending, getting to excited and hurting his friend.
Since she's a squishy frame as is this will encourage players to turn of the ability from time to time, allowing others to enjoy their powerfantasy. By using a decaying time like Atlas' rubble armour it would be possible to enforce a certain amount of downtime, slowly decreasing the Overheating while WoF isn't active.

Thank you for this update, it brought back live to some frames I had almost forgotten about!

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The update just removes Ember from the game, really.

World on Fire requires to be recast for each 6~8 seconds, and we need to drop it.

Fire Blast is always a trash, so out. It seems that the 'buff' is hard to archive, and its radius is remain unchanged.

Accelerant is actually good, but it is only meaningful if Ember is functions well.

Fireball is not that bad, but its horrible charging time means we can't do anything other than charge it and move and prevent it to catch the large area. I know I can use the weapons while charging, but its long time makes me too annoying to control it.

Only Fireball&Accelerant seems a solution, but at the same time we can use the launcher weapons and make the better result.

If you still stick with World on Fire, you can use a whip, make slide attacks and make the better result because its radius is longer than World on Fire.


Simply put, where is the advantage of using Ember, aside our personal taste? Is there even a niche place for her? I don't think so, or the place is too small to be overshadowed.

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Love the Atlas change but right now is hard to maintain bonus armor with the decay being that fast and petrify so expensive. Also path of statues petrified enemies not counting to generate rubble doesn't help. He's getting a nice direction tho, really hope you tune it up to make the new mechanic more enjoyable!

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16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:


Rubble mechanic as it stands now is frustrating and inconsistent because rubble decays too fast.


First, rubble decays only if no new rubble has been collected in 10 seconds.

Second, each chunk of rubble refreshes this duration.

Third, armor is added even when healing from rubble pickup, and refreshes duration.

Fourth, rubble pickup radius is greatly increased, and its physics is fixed so as to not float midair (de pls).

HIs 1 feels great, as always.

His 2 is niche and I do not find it useful. Tectonics should grant rubble from the boulder's explosion.

His 3 feels much better! However Petrify costs too much for how often it is required to be cast. Reduce it's energy cost please.

His 4 is alright, wish it could use his PvP augment and turn him into a Rumbler. Please increase the petrifying range when casting Rumblers, as it stands its too pitiful to be useful. Please give more rubble from exploding rumblers. Please reduce health decay when entering nullifier bubble.


Fixing his rubble mechanic would go a long way in making him feel great. Given that it is addressed, I feel Atlas can come to fulfill his role as a brawler warframe! 


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Petrify as of now, has to have one or other: increased range, increased angle, or plain and simple, faster cast speed + lower cost. Tectonics pretend to be useful, but they aren't - especially their fossilized state seems useless. Landslide should trigger small vacuum for rubble. Or, just allow vacuum to work on rubble, as with all other drops.

Rubble decay is way too steep - which leaves you open and making whole idea diminishing fast, considering you are not always in range of killing, and petrify range/cost makes it hard to tag enemies when playing in group.

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Thank you for these changes to various warframes. It's always nice to see old content get a little love.


Atlas was the frame that I was most excited to get my hands on after the changes. I always thought health regen was necessary for him, and this succeeds in that regard. Also, petrify finally feels like a useful ability

The one thing that I have found is that petrify takes up much more energy than before, meaning that I'm starting to have some big energy issues on him. I may have to toy around with mods like rage a bit more, but as it stands, I would feel better if atlas' 2 and 3 were switched. Therefore, petrify would cost 50 energy, and you could buff the bulwark a bit more to make up for moving it up to 75 energy. Still though, I am having a lot of fun with him thus far!

I haven't tried the other frames enough to comment on them, but I will be doing that soon.

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5 hours ago, Hieracon said:

Cant speak for duration scalling but they are pretty much the same in regards to control as you just go straight with little to ability to steer Tail Wind during its duration. Also not sure what you mean by us having lost the ability to instantly take off. You can still fly off in the direction you need just by activating Tail Wind. If your refering to how you have to charge Tail Wind now then thats just for the hover part. If you wanna go straight up just aim up and activate Tail Wind.

The way duration interacts with both flightspeed and distance falls off extremely hard at lower duration in the range of 100-130% duration. I barely move with my current build with a duration of 123% and stats focused else where, namely range. This build literally no longer works to any effect because the mobility that was offered by Tailwind with it is now entirely gone. In the regular dash, i move less than a regular bullet jump, but it costs energy. I used to get respectable distance and now I dont. Its basically forces building extra duration as not doing so makes tailwind entirely useless. The ability at base has virtually no effect and thats not reasonable, an ability should at least work to a somewhat usable extent with default duration/range/etc and new Tailwind just doesnt.

In regards to the takeoff, the point was I used to be able to take off vertically instantly and WITHOUT looking up, I could still be aiming and trigger the takeoff to get a better vantage point and not be locked in place at the end. Now the only takeoff is that horrible charge that always locks you in place at the top, there is no more option to just get height instantly and hover around with aimglide. That entire charge thing is a direct NERF to Tailwind as everything that the new charge to hover does, we could already do with better control using parkour 2.0 things and the original Tailwind. And even before, if it was necessary to use the directional dash, I could just do a quick jump and cast and it would enable extreme control over how you move both vertically and horizontally. Now im forced to constantly look elsewhere to move instead of being able to aim, shoot, and use Tailwinds different motions all at the same time. My downtime has been doubled or more if I want to be moving.

Edited by Kurayami_No_Yenshi
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What have you done to her?

In all seriousness, her 4 was a bit useless, so buffing it was a very good idea. However...shield restore? The fact is, it locks you in place while casting, and really interrupts the flow of the game. It feels very forced, uncomfortable, and STILL doesn't deal much damage. On top of that, although it is much faster than before, it is still slow enough that in the time it takes to cast it at low levels your teammates will have killed everyone before you get shields off of them, and at high levels you will have already lost any shields you are about to gain just by being a stationary, unprotected target.

Here's my suggestion: Put Polarize and its augment back to how they were, except have the augment grant overshields based off of armor removed as well as shields removed. Buff Crush in a different way. Some ideas for that:

-Cause shards to explode, dealing all of their damage at once, possibly splitting into more shards

-Destroy projectiles/placed enemy objects (bombard rockets, osprey mines/leeches/sappers, rattel portals, arc traps, sensor bars, etc)

-Make it scale with enemy health/number of enemies caught in it like Mass Vitrify

-Make it disarm/disable survivors like the new polarize augment currently does

Again, I am very happy that Mag is being given some attention, she is one of my favorites. However, while she was "pretty good" before, and although these changes might sound good on paper, they really make the game seem...slower. More forced. I'm likely to use her a lot less.


One more thing:

A really useful change for Titania would be to give her some way to regenerate razorfly drones without dropping out of and recasting razorwing. Maybe make it part of the augment, maybe not. It would just make her a lot more viable in higher level gameplay where the little buggies get wiped out pretty damn fast. One idea is to have one spawn whenever you make a kill with your razorwing weapons, if you don't already have 6. Having the augment reduce your initial swarm size to 3, but give you the ability to spawn more like this would be very useful.

Edited by The_1_FreeMan
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I can only comment on Zephyr since she is one of my most used warframes.

Ability 1: Charging takes way too long. Holding 1 should take no more than half a second to send her flying up into the air, like how it used to be. As it is right now, it really breaks up the flow of combat. Dive bomb needs to be usable from any angle. If you come in contact with a surface while using tail wind, it should automatically generate a blast and stop momentum. This will prevent getting stuck in corners for several seconds while using tail wind and make dive bomb easier to use.

Ability 2: Like the addition of a projectile attack (useful when using melee), but it feels a bit underwhelming. The wave seems to get broken by the environment too easy. Add punch through to the wave and maybe some extra damage in the form of bleed procs (wind slicing up its target).

Ability 3: New cast animation is weird and seems to take longer to cast. I like the previous version better. The wind visual needs an update, as sometimes its hard to see if its active.

Ability 4: Tornados don't seem any better at holding enemies. Like the addition of shooting a tornado damaging all enemies inside. Don't care for the aim/steer mechanic... I like letting them wander off. The ability to recast them anytime at a targeted area is very useful.

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great... so now ember is even useless as a damage dealer against low-lvl enemies AND have her range castrated to punching distance too? how about you give us back our lenses too we put into her (i have wasted a eidolon lens on her, thank you very much) also only 3 forma when i had 6 put into here in the first place is a double joke: one for only half the formas spend wher now no is needed (since it's not worth much playing her anymore when there others who can do a far better job now) and 2nd, since i have about 60 formas at hand anyway, so you could just stuff all 3 of them where the sun don't shine...

at the very least, create some inst-forma that don't need anymore senseless re-leveling timewaste (and no, i won't even consider playing a 20 minute survival with her to re-format her again - not now, where we also got the affinity booster, nor ever - so the booster can also go the same way the 3 formas went).

and btw, i already played her as a close range melee frame (fragile as she is, the cc-effect makes that possible) and the damge wasn't important at all to me - the range though was. and now the the "need" no toggle it every few sec, becoming a target while doing it, or deciding to run with even only half the range (and double damage, HAHA) is both useless since you shoot for much farther away than that - so anything bigger than a closet-room becommes a death trap to ember now (and that, even for much smaller enemy levels). so essentially, you changed ember to a "duck an cover" frame with the need of slow-paced movement... and that in a fast-paced game... again, great job!

and that was only ember i tested - i shudder by the though what else i will see with the rest of the "reworked" frames...

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1 минуту назад, Drazhar14 сказал:

Tornados don't seem any better at holding enemies

This. Zephyr is not my main so I didn't notice slower animation on her 3'd and I don't really care about problems with her 1'st, but I expected Tornados will control enemies much better than they do now. And because of weak CC it's difficult to damage enemies by shooting into Tornado. It happens like that: use Tornados -> Find one that catched enemy -> Shoot enemy... oh wait, enemy is already not in Tornado -> Shoot enemy as you usually do without benefits from abilities.

So the fact that Tornados didn't become noticeable better is the most significant issue with Zephyr's rework for me.

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On 2/10/2018 at 10:06 AM, Goarza said:




-After marking enemies with Bladestorm tapping it again would make the afterimages attack as it is now, holding it would make the player's character engage right away and tapping 4 another time while attack is in progress would make the player join.

I would like this. Hold to join bladestorm, tap to send clones. Much smoother and less clunky than teleporting on an enemy. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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After playing Atlas for awhile, I'm very impressed with his changes. However, he needs a change or two before he's perfect: 

1. Please increase the damage for Tectonics boulder/Add some synergy with landslide

I'm primarily asking this because even with a petrify buff and 145% Power strength, the damage still isn't enough to kill a level 40 enemy. I would also love for some synergy where we can detonate the Tectonic wall with Landslide to fire a spread of rock and debris across multiple enemies to deal damage. Either way however, this ability needs a damage buff and badly. For now I feel forced to use the augment for this ability to get considerable use. 

2. The passive needs more umph. 

This is kind of an abtract response I know, but the Passive feels like it can use some tuning. Is it possible to decrease the drain time and/or allow his resource to be gained on petrified kill instead of picking it up? I feel like that would give Atlas a much more statisfying role as a warframe that gets in the enemies face and stays there.


P.S: In regards to Ash, can we opt out of Bladestorm the same way we can opt in with Teleport? Just to add some flexability to his kit as a whole.

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