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My thoughts on Peculiar Mods


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6 minutes ago, rune_me said:

I doubt I would want to sacrifice 4 mod slots for cosmetics. But DE is not doing that, so luckily that is not something I have to even consider and it seems a pointless thing to waste my mental energy thinking about.

The peculiar mods are however happening, and they will take up a mod slot. 

Yes they aren't doing that. So it's confusing why are they proposing the sacrifice of a mod slot for an effect cosmetic.

There is so much potential for end game fashion frame if these weapon or aura effects take up a seperate slot.

This is good for them and the game mode as it will drive people to play and acquire them.

If the peculiars take up a mod slot. Me and I'm sure some others won't be interested. But you will be.

If the peculiars take up an effect slot, I would be interested. And I am quite sure you and others in this thread will be to. 

More interest = better for the community.

Edited by --Q--Ascended-Seraphim
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1 minute ago, --Q--Ascended-Seraphim said:

Yes they aren't doing that. So it's confusing why are they proposing the sacrifice of a mod slot for an effect cosmetic.

There is so much potential for end game fashion frame if these weapon or aura effects take up a seperate slot.

This is good for them and the game mode as it will drive people to play and acquire them.

If the peculiars take up a mod slot. Me and I'm sure some others won't be interested. But you will be.

If the peculiars take up an effect slot, I would be interested. And I am quite sure you and others in this thread will be to. 

Sure, I would have no problem with them taking up a separate slot. I never said I would. I just said I'm okay with them being a mod and taking up a mod slot. It really doesn't bother me. Of course if I have to bring my A-game I will remove it for a useful mod. But how often do we really have to bring our A-game? It is a rare day that you actually need Condition Overload or Hunter's Munition on your weapon. Even at the 3rd sortie, you can kill enemies fine without these.

So swap them out for one of these mods to have some fun. Fun is more important than always being 100% efficient. Of course some would say that being 100% efficient is what makes the game fun for them. Which I perfectly understand, but then these mods are not for you. That's really all there is to it.

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4 hours ago, --Q--Ascended-Seraphim said:

Well peculiar mods are meant to be fun or "ePeen" type mods. But I'm sure plenty of people won't find it very amusing to have a party member cluttering the screen with VFX and flowers , coupled with the fact that he could have been more effective with a properly modded loadout.

 Best scenarios I see is:

Gimped builds with a perculiar mods used to run through low level areas.

Troll frames with full perculiar mod loadout and very little effectiveness on the battlefield.

End game players who would sacrifice some power for a bit of lulz, and revert back to their original builds.

Either way, perculiar mods taking up a mod slot will most likely not see much constant  use among the community after the novelty wears off. 


It's up to the person playing if they want to equip the mod let them, you can't dictate over them saying you would be better of with a actual useful mod equipped.

And as for VFX clutter I don't see it being that bad imo I see it as a bit of harmless fun that warframe needs atm.

Edited by paul5473
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2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Sure, I would have no problem with them taking up a separate slot. I never said I would. I just said I'm okay with them being a mod and taking up a mod slot. It really doesn't bother me. Of course if I have to bring my A-game I will remove it for a useful mod. But how often do we really have to bring our A-game? It is a rare day that you actually need Condition Overload or Hunter's Munition on your weapon. Even at the 3rd sortie, you can kill enemies fine without these.

So swap them out for one of these mods to have some fun. Fun is more important than always being 100% efficient. Of course some would say that being 100% efficient is what makes the game fun for them. Which I perfectly understand, but then these mods are not for you. That's really all there is to it.

That's perfectly fine.

I'm coming from the angle of identifying the potential of these cosmetic mods that can bring a new layer of fashion to the masses.

Those who play for fun, and those who have fun min maxing. It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive.

Having them as a seperate slot allows both communities to be happy and co exist. As well as improving end game fashion frame, and increasing the chances of hopping into a public Sanctuary onslaught with a healthy pool of people to play with, because everyone is interested in the rewards.

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10 minutes ago, --Q--Ascended-Seraphim said:

That's perfectly fine.

I'm coming from the angle of identifying the potential of these cosmetic mods that can bring a new layer of fashion to the masses.

Those who play for fun, and those who have fun min maxing. It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive.

Having them as a seperate slot allows both communities to be happy and co exist. As well as improving end game fashion frame, and increasing the chances of hopping into a public Sanctuary onslaught with a healthy pool of people to play with, because everyone is interested in the rewards.

But that still isn't the point, it was quite literally stated to just be a bit of innocent fluff meant for those who can afford to sacrifice one mod to use one of these. And considering so little content actually requires one's absolute A-game.. it really shouldn't be an issue.

If the very idea of sacrificing a functional mod for one that has no min/maxing purpose makes you seethe with unrelenting fury, then clearly it's not for you.

It wasn't presented as some kind of massive new fashion frame addon.. in fact, it much more gave me the feeling it was just something that came from a bit of goofing around rather then any real concentrated effort to explore this new visual avenue. Who knows, in the future they may explore other avenues for such effects, but right now, they aren't. That is how it is.

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You do NOT want to allow players to slot silly mods like that without drawback, because at that point they'll end up becoming a status symbol instead of some goofy gimmick one can use when one feels like it. Without the nagging sense that you're not using your gear to its full potential, you'll end up having everyone running around with the most visible or obnoxious(=prestigious) peculiar all the time, and that's completely out of the question. That's why bunny ears and other silly seasonal cosmetics are and will stay time limited.

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Wow, this discussion still going on? That mods are not even released and caused a so big S#&$storm? Damn... i dont want to know what happens on release of them since most players seem to only visit the forum if something is wrong with the game or anything ingame.

Farming focus on the other side the way they showed it (if i understand it right now) is nice however and very welcomed at least by me (and sure not just me)

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oh I can't wait for new cosmetics, I love fashion frame because its fun and you're not sacrificing anything to look good.

This nonsense for so called "end-game" value, that's "for the veterans" is anything but what they want it to be.

You're telling me that now we have to sacrifice builds we already spent so much time on to make, for weapons we enjoy, just so we can have a little more fashion?

I understand the appeal of it, its harmless silly fun, who doesn't want their guns to create flowers or say sarcastic remarks, but who wants to throw away a mod from their weapons for a few hours of novelty fun? What part of this is for veterans? What part of this is lasting content? 

1 hour ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

This is a good study in to how the min/maxer mind words. You can just see the gears try to turn but everything lock up. "trade power for fashion? I don't......"

The main question no one is asking is WHY

Why should we have to choose between fashion and min maxing? Why does DE think that we must play exclusively one or the other, when for 5 years now we have been doing both without sacrificing the other.

Making people choose should have been a red flag, I'm all for dedicated slots for cosmetics, keep them out of our builds, not because I solely wish to min/max without fashion, but because sacrificing utility for good looks is like having a Ferrari without an engine.


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I dislike the idea, mainly because the effects will cause a significant fps drop. We also already have enough effects, especially in a team of four.
If they are visible only to the user though, I am fine with that.

Still, if they do not get a designated mod slot, I can see they are going to be a flavor of the month and then everyone will get back to their standard builds.

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Do we know HOW EXACTLY the reward system in Onslaught will work? I mean if it's rewards per "wave" then I don't see issues with reward pool dilution when you could breeze through the first few ones in minutes. And we also don't know about the reward pools, who's to say that in rotations A there won't only be Peculiars and B will have Relics with C containing Khora parts. With some other Endo and credit rewards thrown in to keep it just grindy enough. Or if the entire thing will even use the AABC reward system! 

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Since that some people like the peculiar mods, some don't, we suggest that the mods should be in alerts that only unlocks when they reached specific wave in the upcoming Sanctuary Onslaught just like alerts unlock when players unlocks a mission node. So that players have the choice for "having fun" gameplay or serious gameplay because of the peculiar mods seems to be like easter eggs of the game and it doesn't mess the Onslaught reward table where players may want to farm "hard-to-get" resources, mods or items. So it's a win-win situation for most.

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10 minutes ago, Zed1419 said:

Since that some people like the peculiar mods, some don't, we suggest that the mods should be in alerts that only unlocks when they reached specific wave in the upcoming Sanctuary Onslaught just like alerts unlock when players unlocks a mission node. So that players have the choice for "having fun" gameplay or serious gameplay because of the peculiar mods seems to be like easter eggs of the game and it doesn't mess the Onslaught reward table where players may want to farm "hard-to-get" resources, mods or items. So it's a win-win situation for most.


Alerts + Toggleable Menu Option, much like the Octavia Music.

Could even have varying degrees for the menu option: All Enabled / Disable Visual / Disable Audio / Fully Disabled

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On 4/15/2018 at 12:09 AM, Chipputer said:

They have. A lot.

He characterizes the Warframe community perfectly well and his point is that the mods are no longer peculiar if you give them stats as that makes them part of the META in some way, shape, or form. Leaving them stat-less puts them firmly outside of the META in all possible ways and gives no incentive to use them except in the case that you want to be silly and have some fun.

You've misunderstood his argument in its entirety.

Could you show me where people have been asking this? I haven't seen this on Reddit or the warframe forums feedback or federal discussion section, though of course I'm not on 24/7 so maybe I missed it. However the only commentary I've seen on her augment are people saying they like it or don't like it, no one asking to make it the regular ability. Most people tend to recognize how powerful Mesa is in general, or that's what I've seen at least. 

As for his argument that definitely wasn't all of it. He even explicitly said he wouldn't feel special if everyone was using it at one point, and I think that's a little lame. I recognize he had other arguments as well, but I don't think disagreeing with what he's saying means I'm misinterpreted it. He had his opinion and that's fine, but I just did hasten to disagree with how he framed the issue.

Tbh for me its not a big deal how the peculiar mods happen. I would think they where cooler if they had there own slot, but if they stay the same that's fine too, I will just think they are a little lame. Not everyone has to like every addition to the game and that's okay. I just don't think wanting that makes me power hungry like he said the community is.


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On 4/14/2018 at 3:25 AM, The364thOnion said:

1: Useless rewards: These are mods with no utility for our already cramped builds. In this game we already struggle to fit every mod we would like on our builds, there are very few builds that have a spare slot to add a gimmick even with the given example of rivens.

Obviously a mod with no upgrade benefit won't be used in all content, but it'll be a fun addition to lower-level alerts or just casual farming to add some spice. In these intensities of play, it's far from a struggle to mod a weapon to be effective. I was leveling the Astilla yesterday and was still one- and two-shotting everything 20 minutes into a mid-tier Survival, and I only had 3 mods on the gun.


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They should unlock on achievements:

X onslaughts completed, headshot only onslaughts completed, x waves completed in y seconds, etc.

This way they don't clutter loot-tables and are achievements you can literally wear on your sleeves and show off with.

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I don't like having them occupying Mod or even Gear slots. No one wants to gimp their build for the sake of cosmetic silliness. If you insist on this you may as well scrap it, as they'll be ignored after a matter of weeks. Add them as options to the Appearance tab, in their own new section. 

But as long as I'm here, I should also say that I'd love an item, say a Skull, that when found would -and this is just a suggestion, make every headshot result in a burst of confetti and a chorus of children cheering.


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20 minutes ago, jsnforce said:

No one wants to gimp their build for the sake of cosmetic silliness.

Second sentence in and you're already wrong. Are you in a echo chamber and you not reading any of the other side who are absolutely fine with this and except the cost of some extra visual flair because we already have too much power when doing anything anyway?

New end game. how much flair can you stick on yourself while still doing 10 hours of survival.

Edited by Firetempest
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