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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: General Feedback Megathread


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The game mode is okay (still have room for improvements). But honestly, the rewards are too many( relics especially ). And the idea of all Khora parts are drop in a single game mode is fine (although i wish there was a quest for her), but I wish it was easily to get her parts (because the drop chance of her parts is kinda low). Hope this can be improve in the future

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40 minutes ago, Reyer said:

I'm extremely disappointed in Lato Vandal "unvaulting". It was a nice "participation certificate" that made people who played from alpha, when there were only corpus ships with grineer on them and walls had no textures, feel like they're more connected to the game. We were told that they won't be ever given away but here we come...

Imagine, you've happened to be the first person on the Venus and you get medal that says "Only for the first person on Venus" on it. No matter if it was worth 2 sticks and one rock it was a very SPECIAL reward for you. 3 years later everyone gets the very same medal just for thinking "Ahhh... I wish I was the one who was first on Venus". Now your medal which had a big personal value for you isn't worth more than a forma and 130 of its blueprints that sits idly for ages in your inventory.

I can sort of agree.. i get why they unvault, so everyone can have a chance to have the same'ish experiences.  but on that note, instead of using alpha/beta trademark exclusives why not just make another vandal? its just a replica weapon with mildly tweaked stats :L seems kinda silly to have a new update bringing new things, but some of which are looking back, not forward.

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First and foremost, love the general feel of Sanctuary Onslaught (even though Khora's parts are hiding from me). 

But I think it's a general consensus among a lot of people that the enemy density and scaling Efficiency drain makes the game mode impossible to play after around wave 11-12. Efficiency drain gets to the point where you're killing ~20 enemies per second and still losing Efficiency as if we were just sitting there. It's not particularly conducive to the gamemode to have us have to kill more and more enemies to maintain a steady pace, but also preventing us from maintaining that steady pace with comparatively sparse enemy placements and faster timer drain without compensation.

Also, suggestion: when a Conduit starts to open, pause Efficiency drain for 5-15 seconds to allow people to get to the waypoint and to allow the conduit to actually OPEN. That way people aren't losing the game mode to a loading screen.

Haven't been able to touch Khora or the Veldt because of the grind/Tenno Lab wait times, but thus far all the new Zaw parts, the Hystrix, and the Dual Keres feel really powerful to use, with a nice sense of sharpness and heft, but without being OP in comparison to its peers. Good job on the update!

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Yeah, i'm a extremely dissapointed at this new gamemode and it's drop tables in it's current implementation.

1 - Litterally zero drops . No ressources, no mods, essentially no credits. Who thought it was a good idea to make a gamemode where you are litterally not rewarded for any of your kills ? Just because it's in the simulacrum ? Who cares, gives us the mods and ressources we would get if we were playing anywhere else in the starchart !

2 - The loot table - Seriously, a single drop / rotation every five minutes ? The good old, much hated rotation A-B-C system is back in full force here, where it takes 20 minutes to reach rotation C... Then you add totally minuscule drop chances like 2% chance on rotation C and expect player to have a good time with this gamemode ? Seriously, how is it admissible to expect player to play 20 minutes for a 2% chance of getting that gun part you need for another mastery fodder gun ? People are doing the math already and it can take upwards of 500 hours to get all parts if RNjesus is not kind. How is that okay ?

3 - But , it's a focus farm - Yeah, but who cares about a focus farm in a game where there's a hard daily focus cap, where there's other alternatives to focus farm that cap that will probably be nerfed just because you want people in this mode instead... But mostly , who cares about a focus farm when the bulk of the un-capped focus is gotten from fighting tri-eidolons anyway ? If there was no daily cap, I would see this as a cool way for focus intensive farmers to let's say spend the cetus day doing this mode and then going for tri eidolons every night, but as it's now, meh.

4 - It's kinda booring - Feels like a reskinned survival with less interesting mechanics (no life support, annoying meter that ends up dropping too fast if you get bad spawns). While it's cool that the Hard version starts at a higher level than most survival missions on the starchart, why not just give us proper high-level nodes for endgame content  in the first place. Also , maybe it's just me, but I feel like it burns out tileset and enemy type even faster than usual. Feels like a repetitive "kill stuff" ordeal where you shut your brain off and just kill stuff for no reason and purpose.

6 - It lacks music and flavour... Seriouslly, dead silence for an endless mode gets booring really fast.

7 - Glitchy and unstable - Numerous servers disconnects, issues with very little enemies spawning in some tilesets killing runs faster than you can say "that's fair".

8 - Lackluster rewards - Asides from Khora , which is a pain to get and will probably end up collecting dust in a couple of days since her kit is kinda meh, what do we get here. A couple mastery fodder old weapons which would have been great rewards if they were not gated behind ridiculous RNG and a mod that puts flowers on enemies. Sure , sign me up for 500 hours playing this gamemode.


So yeah , you can fix this by :

1 - Make enemies drop ressources , credits and mods like everywhere else in the game.

2 - Fix the drop percentages to something reasonable (At least 10% on rotation C, for example).

3 - Add rewards for every wave, not every two waves.

4 - Shave off a couple seconds per wave. 2m 30 seconds feels looooooong and booring. Maybe 2 minutes, heck 1m45.

5 - Fix stability and host migration issues.

6 - Put music, heck, use the liset's ship music if you have to... Just no dead silence.

7 - Improve the reward tables by adding more stuff like big kuva bundles, rivens, maybe removing stuff like Kora parts from the drop table once a player acquires them once, replacing them with something else that's desirable. Getting a single relic every two waves... Kinda sucks.

8 - Add a little flavor or something interesting in these modes, maybe remove the annoying decay thing and concentrate instead of spawning mini bosses, like one of the grustrag three every couple of rounds of a Rathuum contestant.... Make it something more than basically survival without the oxygen pods and with rotating tilesets.

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Are you aware that when Venari (Khora's Kavat) dies or expires, your equipped kubrow or kavat loses loyalty? This is really annoying and need to be fixed. My kubrow is very important to my missions and i really wanna play with Khora.

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2 hours ago, Omega-ZX said:

For Solo-Player like me is this the middlefinger directly in face.

Completely valid complaint.

Having efficiency drop as fast as it does the less players you have in a squad effectively and needlessly punishes you for wanting or needing to play solo and as a consequence you can't do as many waves and get rewards. The irony is that the only way at present to avoid the host migration issues and ensure you keep any and all rewards you get is...to play solo (or with a friend).


Edit: I realize that this game mode is not supposed to be "endless" and that there is supposed to be a point of diminishing returns that ultimately forces players out, but efficiency drops way too much in solo instances at present. You need to scale efficiency decay based on the number of players in a squad, not just scale the number of enemies. This is the same issue solo players have with Survival, but at least there you have LS Towers....

Edited by MirageKnight
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On top of everything, it's true that this mode lacks a real artistic and mechanical identity. There is no musique unique to it, no unique enemies, no unique effects or particles, no quest, no unique mechanics, no unique tileset - how cool would a unique sanctuary tileset be, seriously ? In the style of the entrance ? That image had sold me so much on the idea.

Modifiers and challenges would be very welcome, as well as an actual identity that would make onslaught a true new experience instead of just a rehash of the rest of the game, survival-style.

I can't help but feel this whole update was very very rushed, like Specters of the Rail was. Maybe because DE felt Khora had been delayed enough already. If an update ends up being this underwhelming, it cannot be delayed enough.

Edited by starMute
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It's my second post in this thread and before I start, let me be clear: what I'm writing are feedback and suggestions, not demands so don't take it the wrong way. I want this game to be succesful like anybody else. Also a wall of text and no tl:dr.

I played the mode more today and came into following conclusions: It NEEDS to be a mode that you'd want to do way more than just to farm Khora and Vandal weapons. Don't waste your precious resources and manpower to do something that you won't improve in the future. Please try to improve it into a valid endgame activity like Eidolons are. IMHO here's how I'd do that.

First, let me specify what mostly endgame for me, a MR24 player is:

  1. Trying to get daily Focus cap.
  2. Using Forma on equipment I have Riven for, that I'll surely regret later (5 formas on AkLato and considering the 6th...).
  3. Trying to lvl up said equipment.
  4. Trying to get more Rivens.
  5. Trying to get more Kuva for said Rivens.
  6. Trying to get more Ducats for Baro.
  7. Trying to get Arcanes/resources for Arcanes.
  8. Fashion Framing.
  9. Min/maxing Warframes.
  10. Not farming Endo.

Other people may disagree, but it's just my opinion.

How to improve rewards for Elite mode - the endgame activity based on what I wrote earlier:

  1. Higher focus gains during the Onslaught because right now it's not enough to consider it an alternate and efficient source of daily focus cap experience like was stated on Prime Time.
  2. Getting already prebuilt Formas from Elite mode wouldn't be half bad. Why? Because crafting 1 per day or trying to farm it from Octavia puzzle can be tiresome, additional sources of getting it wouldn't harm the experience.
  3. I don't have an issue with being forced to only use rank 30 Warframes in Onslaught, but we shouldn't be restricted with what abilities we are using and how often we are doing it.
  4. Because the Sortie RNG can be very unforgiving, being able to get a random Riven from reward table on rotation C in a mode designed for people that doesn't have much more to do in the game would be a nice and fair addition in my opinion. It doesn't have to be a high %, it could be one of the rare rewards. 
  5. There are already good ways to get kuva in the game, all we need is probably Kuva defense on Kuva fortress and "Flood" variants of said missions to have little bit more variety.
  6. Radiant relics are nice, altough not being able to get AXI Radiants is kinda unfair. There is a way to improve it however, instead of having ~83667 (obvious hyperbole) relics in the reward table why not just give people 100 Traces for them to choose which relic to Radiant?
  7. IMHO Arcanes from Eidolons are a perfect reward although i feel like the game needs at least one more way to get them. Sanctuary Onslaught could have at least some of them in the reward table. Not all, just a few, some, or maybe new ones? 
  8. All syndicates (Quills especially) have some fashion accessories as a reward. Having some new fashion accessories from Onslaught that are designed around Simaris would be grand. Maybe even his voicepack for the normal missions? Too much? Ok. It was worth a try I guess.
  9. Now's the big one. As an ultimate reward for example completing Elite Zone 16 (maybe 20?) with a selected frame would grant you 1 special slot where you can only put Warframe Augment mod. It fits perfectly with the update and lore - Simaris is collecting data and it's only logical that for a very good results he will find a way to further improve our Warframe. I think it's a decent endgame reward because with every major patch we have more and more mods, but the same amount of space to mod everything. Getting at least 1 more would sweeten the deal. Also you would only get this reward once per Warframe.
  10. Let's be clear - 400 Endo is a kick in the groin, a slap in the face. Nobody at MR20+ is in need of 400 Endo from ENDGAME ACTIVITY. I'd prefer Rathuum to be redesigned around getting more Endo instead of every other new form of endgame. Please. Also consider the fact that you can get 300 Endo from normal Onslaught. There is absolutely no need from Elite mode to give you any Endo at all. It's in no way a safe option for a reward here - it's a VERY LAZY option.

Why those examples? The enemies drop nothing but ammunition and experience for weapons. If you want this to be endgame, allow us to get appropriate rewards. If you think it's too easy for people to get the rewards I've mentioned maybe turn this around and allow us to get special Onslaught Standing (similar to Nakak operational standing) that we can spent for those rewards? It'd be easier for you to tweak it, change and add things around. People would also feel that they are building towards a specific direction instead of mindlessly grinding their time away.

How to improve the game mode itself:

  1. Aside from reworked rewards I mentioned earlier, the Elite mode requires some sort of random challenges for the zones/enemies, just like sorties have, because right now it's just a worse Survival. Examples: Eximus only zone, Primay weapons only zone, Energy Reduction Zone, Radiation Hazard zone, Capture 10 VIP targets zone, Melee Enemies only Zone, Ranged Enemies only Zone etc. You get the idea, spice it up. At the same time, because challenges would make the mode harder players should only be restricted by time it takes you to complete assigned challenge. You'd always have 2 minutes to complete a task. If you run out of time - you fail. If you can make it faster - good for you. Here's the kicker: After 8 zones you'd get 2 challenges instead of 1. After 16 - 3 challenges and so on and on. Enemies should still scale with lvl, but maybe not as fast as it is right now? Just an idea.
  2. It needs one additional mode for Operators only. Why? Because they are now a part of the endgame and you are very firm with not buffing casual gains of focus for the daily cap - how about operator only mode which is designed just to maximize daily focus cap in efficient way instead of a chore it is right now? The reward table for this mode could contain mostly bonuses that give you focus outside the daily cap - like the eidolon shards do + maybe some new operator fashion accessories? It would also be a good way to rank up amps.

That's it for now. I do hope that you will try to improve at least some aspects of it. 

Cheers and good luck [DE]!


Edit: turned out that it wasn't a second post in this thread, the first post was in very similar official thread though, my mistake :crylaugh:

Edited by przemo877
correcting mistake
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is impossible to get lato or braton vandall on elite mode,i try many diferent groups but losing 51%  Efficiency on zone 3?????how i gonna get far on this mode losing all this  Efficiency waiting for the portal??please reconsider how this gamemode works or change the drop table or we never get these weapons,even with chesse groups,i always get stuck on zone 6 without getting the reward,this looks like kuva again,one 'life time' playing,to get what we want.

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I really like the Hystrix, but there is definitely an issue with the damage.

I put on a cold elemental mod (Ice Storm), but switching between different elemental types doesn't seem to have the correct effect. I would expect, with a cold mod on the weapon, switching to fire would give the weapon blast damage. It does not. Even so, I've seen that with some other weapons that have innate elemental damage types. So not that big of a deal. 

More of a problem is how the cold mod gives more cold damage to the elemental types other than cold. You can see below the cold damage is 44.8 for electric and heat, but is only 40.3. Hopefully it's a display issue, but it's a bug of some kind.

Electric + Ice Storm = 44.8

dEFEYNx.jpgCold + Ice Quill = 40.3

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The decay is way too strong past wave 10, I kill 15 enemies in one second and get only 1,5% efficiency? How is that even fair? The efficiency stimulants are meaningless because 10% is too little and we can accidentaly get them. You could put a modified life support or control pannel that gives 20-30% efficiency instead of these orbs.

Also, you could put some special conditions in each wave just like sorties (without weapon restrictions, of course) this would make the mode harder but more interesting.  

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All in all, I love the new update, and I'm grateful for the hard work you're doing to fix the bugs. I had some thoughts on the Sanctuary Onslaught mode, and even though I wanted to wait with posting until the bad bugs were out of the way, I can't hold back anymore.

  • I'm unsure if this isn't the case already, but could you adjust the spawn rates of enemies to be the same regardless of how many players are in the session?
  • Related to that, do you have the ability to collect some data on how many enemies are killed on what tileset, depending on mode, round and number of players? Because some of the very open tilesets are pretty much a death sentence if you don't have at least 50% efficiency, and it's not easy communicating which ones those are. For example, the worst one I encountered so far was a corpus destroyed ice planet tileset with an outdoor and an indoor area.
  • I'm really liking the rewards for this, but I really wonder if the Khora parts have to be in the elite version. Most people will only farm her once, some might prefer doing that together with other stuff in elite mode, but sooner or later getting a khora part in elite, instead of anything else will be a big disappointment.
    • Remove Khora from the elite drops and spread the percentage points onto the other items. Possibly replace the C rotation parts with an Eidolon lens blueprint because these can at least be traded when you don't need them anymore.
    • Slightly increase the drop chance for Khora on regular onslaught and or move her blueprint to rotation A. Putting two parts into a single rotation that takes the longest to reach and also making it the smallest drop chance feels really bad when you're confronted with the idea of farming that stuff.
  • I assume you didn't want to make this a powerful farm for resources when you removed all the drops from enemies, but this is still a bit of a looter game, so maybe you could let eximus units drop their mods and possibly endo/cryotic/oxium or large amounts (I mean more than 50) of credits?
  • Give out rewards when the conduit appears because otherwise you'll have to stay another round, or risk losing your last reward if you leave after an even round.

Here are some nice to haves:

  • Can you display the efficiency counter with a .1 precision (85.2% for example) the indicator is fine to see how much efficiency is left, but it's hard gauging your performance with it. Sometimes I jump into a group of enemies and kill them, and the indicator doesn't move at all. Having a higher precision might help
  • Can you make a more noticeable indicator for the efficiency pickups? This might already be fixed with better enemy spawn rates, but sometimes these are so far out of the way that it's often a waste of efficiency to run into a corner without enemies while searching for one.


Thank you for reading so far. As promised, I'll release the hostages now. Just one more thing.

Only slightly related to this update, but with all this negative backlash, don't you think it's time for a test server of sorts?

I think I get it, you're releasing this so quickly because you think the players will run away if you take another week, and maybe you're right. There's also (kinda obviously) not the necessary amount of playtesting going on during the development, and let's be honest, if you spend an additional month of testing a large update, players will discover more bugs than you in a weekend. However, I think repeatedly releasing overly buggy updates, regardless of how much blood and sweat you put into fixing the bugs as quickly as possible, will also cause players to get fed up in the long run.

I'm thinking of test servers that have premade accounts or copies of ours. They are only accessible during testing phases. Everyone is free to join. We can test new content that you consider 99.9% ready for release for about a week, maybe even half of that. We get a dedicated forum for test server feedback, possibly with some stricter rules to posts and comments because that is honestly the wrong place for "this update sucks!" like comments. You have a chance to get rid of the most glaring bugs in slightly more time with a more streamlined feedback loop. You can improve overall player satisfaction and probably save yourselves a few heart attacks in the long run. Everyone wins.

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My biggest complaint so far, and yet again, are the zaws. They stats capability make them statistically some of the best weapons in their classes. Yet again, we're at a point where paid for content can't be used. We can't use tennogen or even the premium content on them that we paid good money for. The fact that I have three skins for Nikanas that I can't use because they're intent on forcing the use of the heavily stylized in a very counter way to the rest of the game and the content sold. It's very bitter. That being said, Zaws at this point are the counter argument to buying premium content like Ash's Premium Skin pack because you can't use the the Nikana skin on them.

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I actually do not like this mode because of two objective reeasons:
1. Persent of drop Khora parts
2. Efficency dropping to zero so fast like Volt Prime runing through all map on Venus.
So, let's see.
About first. It's very hard to get the part of Khora, no, srsly. You need to try at least 87 times from A rotation to have ONE PART?!  That's not good. Really. It's impossible to get a part, falls only on the similarity smth like Endo, or Captura scenes. 
And about second. Efficency REALLY DROPPING VERY FAST so you can't do smth, and on 10 wave you just like *sad*. 
So. What about to change percent of dropping Khora parts? (raise the percentage) And make efficency droppng slowly, (Not live Volt Prime running through all map on Venus) 
That's all. :corpus:

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possible immediate fixes to the gameplay elements:

1. Efficiency tasks, something i think everyone who watched the showcasing on Sanctuary Onlsaught thought was going to be the sole core element of the new endless type. 

1.1. using Simaris to deliver the set tasks with bonus efficiency rates on efficency pickup or when transitioning through node and have him update/remind us general terms, we do good? we do bad? we dont know except for a small bar, when was it last at 80%? did we spike up or down, i have no idea. it hard to keep track.

2. spawning/map size. having maps as small as a single tileset might be hard to manage spawn rates. as on normal starchart maps that consist of 10s of segements each and serve to be able to spawn more enemies. with that in mind would having more rooms attached to the small maps we harbour that are blocked off from us entering/ability effects or interacting be able to be used to spawn mobs more consistently?

3. combining efficency tasks with less spawning. mini-bosses. if certain tileset and nodes are harder to produce the required amount of mass spawning, would spawning more notable enemies to take down with higher efficiency gaining from them help? Ambulas, Capture Targets-types that are more elusive, other methods to keep players engaged in meaningful play without the problems of mass onslaught appear to have.

4. timer vs fill bar. time limit and fill bar? having to kill/task your bar to full instead of survivng the timer, so you might be able to achieve map transfer easier or harder depending on spawns/tasks. using both in Challange mode? using a different precedence per set rotation, be it per map/AABC rotation/daily/weekly to minimise the micromanagement it might require.

right now it feels like mass panic, like when you run low on air supplies and desperately prancing around trying to get one last supply. it doesnt feel good to always be in that state of panic/urgency, it deffenitely does defeat the notion you can bring any and all well-rounded builds to this mode. deffinately another press 4 to win 'challenge', all praise the mighty Atterax \o/

Edited by LongIron
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Been playing solo mostly elite mode for around 8 hours, just having fun testing different frames and weapons.

First thing I notice is that elite mode seems more reliable for amount of enemies.

The efficiency is very hard to keep up with, but thats partially skill level and I can work on that. But sometimes lack of enemies too. So far I can only get to zone 5 before efficiency runs out. So only rotation A rewards.

I got 2 chassis (but I bought Khora), got 3 capturas and dupes of (but I dont use captura), dupe relics and endo.

So I would say not very useful rewards, arcanes would be more suitable.

Had 2 crashes one before hotfix and one after. Both times the Hyeka master was doing his ignis thing, but maybe just coincidence.

Main battle is trying to counter the rate of efficiency. If it were not capped at 100% and could stack above that, I would certainly be able to see rotation B and C sooner.

Last note, great fun in the mode with acid shells sobek. Atlas is brilliant fun too :)

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I think gating any warframe behind a grind wall like this is just bad design. I'm not even a fan of Khora but I don't really understand why she is so hard to get compared to other frames. There isn't even a quest or lore to go along with it she just drops from this game mode for whatever reason. Theoretically all frames are supposed to be created equal with it being about player choice yet if you want the cat frame be prepared to grind for 100 hours compared to other frames you can get in a few missions or through a quest directly. 

Also losing the progress or potential drops from crashes and bugs is not fun. I assume there is a technical reason but why does the game not pause and allow for extraction every few rounds similar to survival or defense. Even if you crash or have an error in those modes you get to keep the rewards and they are sent to you via mail but no such system occurs in this game mode. The mode needs improvements to the overall systems and rebalancing of the rewards tables to make it worth while. Also score seems to be simply cosmetic with no influence on rewards, focus, or anything else. Maybe implement a system like survival where you get bonuses or additional rewards for going longer. Right now aside from just focus/xp there is no incentive to actually go past wave 8 if you are just trying to get khora. 

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Onslaught seems to be a melee-braindead-swing fest. I've made it to zone 14 (failed ofc cause eff drops stupidly fast) with Valkyr Prime and an Endless War build + Orthos Prime. Never fired a single bullet as killing quickly = as much memeing strike hits you can land in under 3 minutes or so.

The flaw with this gametype is that you think it's endgame when it's really not. I got my kicks for slaughtering worthless flesh by playing JV, an actually decent trial that you removed and left me with this sad excuse of no-lore for Khora. No quest, no lore, nothing but slaughtering endlessly and it's not even that difficult. In fact, the ENTIRE MODE is based around two things:

1) Map rng

2) Enemy faction rng


Of the top two, the map is ofc the more important due to smaller maps being more quick-kill and enemy-bunching friendly for melee as well as being fully in range of any teams abusing Trinity EV+warframe abilities. But if you really want to ramp up your efficiency in case the next zone is garbage for the game, you'd love to get infested or corrupted due to the higher density of enemies by nature of their factions. An endgame activity with horrible rng for not only the newest Warframe should not rely purely on rng to get massively high scores. Hell, I'd rather go farm for Atlas with a R0 archwing and archweapons than farm this for 50 hours and not get a single part of Lato/Braton Vandal or even farm relics to sell prime parts or rivens to other players in order to buy the weapons later.


If anything, thanks for NOT making this the dark sector rework. Hopefully you'll patch it up and make it worth playing for us since trials are gone and Eidolons are a waste of time and epilepsy.

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