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Revenant Themed Warframe "Vlad" Feedback and Discussion


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7 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Or the frame has been corrupted by the Eidolon's energy during its innert state in the plains. The prime would be uncorrupted.

Powers are the same. Looks are what changes.

In which case the frame would die on activation, due to either the sentient growths dying and corroding, leaving the warframe in no condition to move, much less fight, or the energies would react badly and cause a... violent reaction, such as with the Eidolon and our Void beams.

Your theory, unfortunately, does nothing to reconcile the two opposing forces here, instead you're throwing the volatile reactants at each other while saying your faith will keep them from exploding. Sorry, my suspension of disbelief is a bit more fragile than yours; If you're using two opposing forces, especially if you're planning on weaponizing their interaction, you have to keep them separate until the proper time.

I had an idea back here that outlined how an idea on how the frame should work to address the glaring lore issues of the frame, and tie his theme together better... but it seems to have been buried, so I'll quote it.

21 hours ago, WolvenEdge said:

I had an idea that could potentially 'fix' this frame, keeping in mind that the abilities we were shown are only placeholders, and are being completely reworked.
Unfortunately, I have to scrap the vampire aspect of the frame to keep the Sentient design ideal, and I really don't think it fits his current aesthetic at all, so I'm comfortable with losing it... besides, the other vampire design that's been mentioned is much better.

I was in a conversation with a fellow lore nerd when an idea occured to me that could solve the lore contradiction;

The Cetus Wisps;
"Strange stone lifeforms that call the Plains home. They are a rare find, clustering together, floating above a patch of ground they've taken inexplicable interest in. They are an enigma. "

Meanwhile, their aesthetic is Sentient, they can only spawn where Sentient energy can be, and more of them spawn at night.

Theory; Wisps are thus mud, stone, and Sentient fragments that have been charged with Sentient energy, and took on a pseudo-life of their own... not particularly smart, likely not having much purpose of their own, but they hover over areas full of Sentient energy like bugs over a puddle of sugar-water.

So... how about making Vlad/Revenant have a sort of advanced wisp as his 'pet'? It would fill the role of a Sentinel, firing a small magnetic beam weapon. Let's just give it its own special quirk that it can use mods for any Sentinel, with the exception of weapons; it has its own. This allows Vlad to have the benefits of two separate sentinels at once, while also as solving the mutual poison problem between the technocyte-based Warframe and the Sentient, as the two won't be interacting directly.

Have Vlad's warframe abilities be about the manipulation of damage through amplification and redirection fields. This way, he can use the Wisp's sentient abilities without causing either it, or himself, undue disruption due to the Flaw and/or the phylaxis.

In this vein;
One; a quick beam attack; Revenant holds up an amp field for his wisp to fire through, amplifying its laser into a deadly beam of energy that lasts x time, and can be aimed to either focus on one target, or spread the damage out by sweeping. Versatile, and relatively powerful.

Two; Defensive area blowback; Revenant forms an unstable field around himself and his Wisp, which detonates outward in a wave of force, dealing relatively little damage, but throwing all enemies within x range away from him. Not the most powerful move, but a great way to gain space and get some quick and dirty cc.

Three; Redirection Field; Revenant channels a stable field ahead of him, catching all incoming fire that strikes it, amplifying it and directing it to where you aim. Power scales with opponents' offense, and directed damage return allows for both a solid tactical defense and the focus of an incoming firing squad on their members one-by-one... also a callback to Hayden's shield in Dark Sector.

Four; Give 'em Hail; Revenant holds a field effect over his head, and his wisp focuses all of its stored energy (see proposed passive) into the field, which in turn launches projectiles that home in on nearby targets. Powerful, homing, but you have to be careful when and where you use it, as the damage depends on your passive, and you're not going to be moving very fast while casting.

Passive; Revenant's invulnerable Wisp follows him about, acting as a second Sentinel, and drawing fire from enemies. Damage inflicted to the Wisp is stored as a resource stack, that scales up its laser damage (also potentially Revenant's 1), and is consumed by Revenant's 4.
Split Passive; Revenant's pet Wisp can equip any Sentinel precept (even sentinel-specific targetting and utility precepts), allowing for greater versatility to make up for the Wisp's fixed weapon.

It's mostly an off-the-cuff brainstorm, and likely needs some refining, but I personally like it, and think it would make for a better 'sentient-frame' that's still lore friendly... also a Wisp pet would be adorable.

EDIT; Even solves the timeline problem, as you have a warframe with abilities that weren't best suited to combat, that when combined with an experimental Wisp-Sentinel thing actually became deadly, so the sentient-themed armor would have been added afterward to fit its newfound functions, though the original warframe inside remains relatively unchanged.


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3 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

Nidus comes from a different strain. One a lot more controllable. The same one the Mikonyans are infected.


1 hour ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

That's the tame part allright but his kit just breathes alads stolen data.


I'd actually argue that Nidus is a pre-experimentation state of the creature that was used as the base for all of the original warframes. Excalibur looks like a somewhat refined Nidus that's been sewn shut, Rhino looks like an armored Nidus that's put on a few kilos, etc. The anatomy has many key giveaways pointing toward high degrees of relation, most obviously in the feet, where there was less modification to the experimental and early modified varieties.

As a result, of course it reeks of stolen data; stolen from the original, which has now been recovered. One could argue that all of the frames stink of data theft, because they were all based on tech wwe've salvaged or outright five-fingered from the Orokin's files and vaults.

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i kinda like some of the ideas behind him, however, his 4th doesnt look like a fun skill to use. to me, a sentient frame is too important to be done "just for the lolz".

in the same way, i think they should separate him, make a vampire frame and a sentient frame.

have the vampire frame based on the infested and focused on traditional vampiric powers, maybe inspired by dracula's control of wild beasts like wolfs, bats, rats and leeching.

hell, why not make it like limbo and make him turn into that mist when he dashes? maybe add something like, causing status chance based on meelee weapon mods.

then have the sentient frame based on, well, the sentients, make him able to control his very own sentinel like drone. maybe something like a mix between khora and chroma, with him having his very own Battalyst that he can detach from his body to act on their own.


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4 minutes ago, Keyhound said:

i kinda like some of the ideas behind him, however, his 4th doesnt look like a fun skill to use. to me, a sentient frame is too important to be done "just for the lolz".


Thank you! While an AOE sleep ability is cool. Having it as an Ult ability just feels like a wasted opportunity.

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On 2018-06-01 at 9:22 PM, LogaMC1995 said:

Remember, there's no Warframe names starting with letter D, J, P, Q, U, X and Y. So I suggest Draculyst, Fills in a missing letter and fits the Sentient namings ending with -lyst.

With that in mind, and with the names of current Warframes being rather simplistic and short in nature (which I find good)....

Simple, ghost-like name.

or, my personal favourite:

From greek "stranger" or "foreigner", considering he is basicly a Warframe merged with an with Eidolon, thus not one to be considered an ordinary Warframe by any means. Moreso, considering Xenos can mean more than just stranger, but also stuff like "enemy" or "guest friend" and such) More quickread "lore" for that name here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenos_(Greek)

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Looking more at the screenshots of him and the description of the skills it realy doesnt scream vampire to me.

The best three name options I've found that are simple while also embracing both the look and idea behind the skills.

Draug, Draugr or Drauger. Undead norse beings, can either be ghosts or have a physical zombie like form. They are said to emerge from their graves as smoke (fits the skill), they can also influence your mind and drive you mad (kinda similar to one of the other skills), if that isnt their killing method of choice they can either eat you or drink your blood (life leech). They are like a mix of vampire, zombie and ghost. The look of the new frame really screams draugr to me, especially with the beard and all.

Strigoi. Eastern european version of the Draugr more or less. The myth that lead to Stoker's Dracula. Can also simply be spirits. Has connections to the poltergeist aswell.

Revenant. Simple and effective, a wide description of ghosts and the living dead of different shapes and forms.

I would by far prefer Draugr or Strigoi. We could really use some easern european and more scandinavian influences. Too many asian and greek/roman inspirations right now.

Is better for you 2 bee some random soldier or a King? Same here with some random vampire or famous dark lord... Vlad whose first vampire,and when you hear that name you know that he is someone that is very badass and not some random vampire that is not that powerful like him. Because he is not the first he is just random vampire and thats all....

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23 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

Is better for you 2 bee some random soldier or a King? Same here with some random vampire or famous dark lord... Vlad whose first vampire,and when you hear that name you know that he is someone that is very badass and not some random vampire that is not that powerful like him. Because he is not the first he is just random vampire and thats all....

Vlada it isnt going to be called Vlad let that dream die my friend :) TBH even though Im a huge fan of Vampires I really think they should let the vampire part of this frame go and then make a true Vampire frame later down the line, the Vampire link is super tenuous at best, (basically mist form, vampire passive and a base helmet that looks like Vlad Tepes *if you squint hard enough*) if you were to look at it without knowing its codename or powers would it scream Vampire?

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49 minutes ago, WolvenEdge said:

In which case the frame would die on activation, due to either the sentient growths dying and corroding, leaving the warframe in no condition to move, much less fight, or the energies would react badly and cause a... violent reaction, such as with the Eidolon and our Void beams.

Your theory, unfortunately, does nothing to reconcile the two opposing forces here, instead you're throwing the volatile reactants at each other while saying your faith will keep them from exploding. Sorry, my suspension of disbelief is a bit more fragile than yours; If you're using two opposing forces, especially if you're planning on weaponizing their interaction, you have to keep them separate until the proper time.

I had an idea back here that outlined how an idea on how the frame should work to address the glaring lore issues of the frame, and tie his theme together better... but it seems to have been buried, so I'll quote it.


I would love the Prime/Deluxe skin to be more Vampire-centric but thats a way down the line

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The first could be a sort of wave that goes out and traps enemies in a certain radius around him and the energy wraps around and trapping them in place while slightly using the life steal power regenerating your health.  the second could be a sort of stationary beam like the gauntalyst sky beams, that comes down on those enemies, it would target them and once it chooses the placement it would stay and shoot in that spot, the enemies trapped with the first ability would be stuck in place and be shot with the beam.  If the enemies aren't affected by the first ability they would be free to move around and through the beams because the beams are stationary.  (If they walk through the beams that are hurt of course)  the third ability could be like the eidolon's slam ability and go out, track, and attack enemies.  The fourth could be like a team or self boost that would increase damage somewhat, movement speed a bit, and increase armor a substantial amount.

what do you guys think, I think I did a good job with it.  I wanna know if you guys or de would want this for the powers, if de wants to use this concept I don't mind one bit.  It just means I helped make a warframe's power kit.

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1 hour ago, WolvenEdge said:

In which case the frame would die on activation, due to either the sentient growths dying and corroding, leaving the warframe in no condition to move, much less fight, or the energies would react badly and cause a... violent reaction, such as with the Eidolon and our Void beams.

Your theory, unfortunately, does nothing to reconcile the two opposing forces here, instead you're throwing the volatile reactants at each other while saying your faith will keep them from exploding. Sorry, my suspension of disbelief is a bit more fragile than yours; If you're using two opposing forces, especially if you're planning on weaponizing their interaction, you have to keep them separate until the proper time.

It does actually: War and Broken War. Sentient material that we can channel void energy when using Channeling. It doesnt explode or corrode.

Void is poison Sentients: sterilize them, resets their adaptation and likely kills their mind. Warframes with Sentient parts? They will never adapt and since the parts are already dead...

There is nothing saying that if the two combine they will have a chain reaction.

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6 hours ago, Urlan said:

The Sentient were originally designed to build Solar Rails all the way to Tau Ceti while flying there slowly of their own power. It wasn't until they returned to the Sol System that they now were prepared for war. A theme particularly of the Eidolon Sentient is vampirism or undeath even before it died and became the Eidolon and Vomalysts. The original organism shied from the sunlight and as it blinded it and caused it to hide similar to undead creatures in theme. This warframe is based on the Eidolons thoguh which didn't exist from getting shattered by Gara and the Unum until after all the Orokin Elite - including those that made the warframes most likely - were dead, killed by the Tenno directed by Natah and Hunhow who fell 'defeated to Uranus'. This suggests an implausibility timeline wise unless the warframe was changed afterward - after the Tenno mostly went into cryostasis - so it naturally wouldn't have such a powerset or look; but that would preclude it being able to have a Prime or other Orokin Variants without serious hoop jumping.

Ah yes, now I remember the lore fragments regarding Gara, the Unum the particular eidelon on the plains. I'm beginning to understand now why they associated it with vampirism and undeath since, as you pointed out, it appears to have it's 'weakness' regarding the light but other than that? Not much else as far as I noticed. I understand if he has their weakness, that makes sense as you pointed out, but the current power kit like sleep, afflictions and mind-controls don't seem to make much sense as far as I can see.

I'l also have to point out what you mentioned about Vlad being based on Eidelons that weren't shattered by Gara or the Unum, eidelons that just arrived from the Tau system at the beginning of the war, I suspect you are correct that he's most definitely based on those eidelons that just arrived from the Tau system and weren't damaged or shattered. It's the only thing that would make sense from a lore perspective, but I can see it very plausible for Vlad to have the same or similar powers to the current shattered eidelons mostly because we have no confirmation or negation that their powers have changed much, or at all, since getting shattered. So from a lore perspective and depending on what DE confirms, the powers of the eidelosn that just arrived from the Tau systems and the power of the current 'shattered' eidelons might be very similar or even the same. Or maybe not! It can go either ways until we have some confirmation, but the possibilities are there depending on what DE decides to choose for the lore.

I also want to point out that we also have 3 eidelon variants and as we noticed, most of their powers are similar as well so it's very likely that most eidelons had a similar set of powers with certain alterations. A bit of speculation, I know but it opens up the possibility from a lore perspective. Unless DE confirms it that the shattering altered not only their appearance (to some extent, like the missing arm) but their powers to such an extent that they are unrecognizable from their pre-shattering then Vlad can still have similar abilities as the current eidelon from a lore perspective. Which I'm honestly hoping will be the case since I really don't feel like his current powers fit him.



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2 hours ago, Keyhound said:

in the same way, i think they should separate him, make a vampire frame and a sentient frame.

I agree 100% with this, separate the eidelon from the vampire. Make 'Vlad' an actual eidelon/revenant frame and then make the 37th frame an actual vampire theme frame with vampiric powers that would make Dracula proud.

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With the 36th Warframe revealed, and the somewhat clashing nature of his abilities and theme, I felt like making up my own take on the idea.
While I think a Vampire frame would be cool to see, the design of "Vlad" is so undeniably Eidolon / Sentient, that I feel it would be better to push his abilities in that direction while also focusing on the suffering / torment aspect of his theme.

Thus, here is my concept for a complete redo of his abilities.

First and foremost, I feel that much like Nidus, with Vlad being an Eidolon themed frame, he should feel much more different and alien than most other frames.

With that in mind, Vlad would be the first shield only Warframe.

But before you start scoffing at the idea, I promise his abilities and kit will tie into the shield only idea in a way that keeps him viable.

His passive "Sentient Shielding" makes him immune to all environmental shield capacity reducing or mitigating effects (such as cold) while also making him completely immune to magnetic procs. Since the Eidolons have unique shield functions, I feel it appropriate to give similar distinction to Vlad's shields.

Additionally, any effects or abilities that would restore health are instead applied to his shields (with the typical additional overshield capacity intact as well). Mods that increase health capacity obviously do not function, but rage and other similar mods based on health damage DO function. This might be straying a bit too far into niche confusion scenario, but I feel that if Nidus and Inaros can receive altered interactions with shield mechanics, Vlad could receive a distinct touch with health.

Now this does come with a bit of a cost, as Vlad will have 0 base armor (this can still be increased with various warframe abilities) but I promise this will once again be addressed by his kit.

So here are his stats

Health: 0 - 0

Armor: 0 - 0

Shields: 500 - 1500

Energy: 100 - 150

Sprint Speed: 1.0


Now, I can already hear the eye rolling and disbelief could make such paltry stats work, but I hope to lay those thoughts to rest with his actual abilities.

First, Vlad functions on a similar system to Nidus, having an additional pool of resources called "Adaptation."  This pool would most certainly have a cap, but without seeing it in practice, I can't really give an estimate.

Adaptation's primary purpose will be to instantly restore Vlad's shields when he reaches zero at a rate of 3 Adaptation / shield point, but will also tie into how certain abilities function.

First ability: Sunder
Vlad casts out a volley of 3/3/4/4 energy orbs (identical to the Teralyst's homing attack) that fly straight in a horizontal line and will home into enemies within 6/6/8/10 meters.

Upon impact, they will stagger enemies, deal 100 damage to them, and emit an explosion that is 2/2/3/3 meters wide while also adding 100/150/200/250 Adaptation value to Vlad's pool for each enemy struck.


Second Ability: Veil of Suffering
Vlad envelops himself in a weave of energy, adding a flat 5% damage reduction to all incoming damage. Additionally, any procs dealt to Vlad, or dealt BY Vlad will make him immune to that proc for the remainder of the Veil's duration while also adding an additional 2.5% damage reduction to the Veil (capping at 75% damage reduction).

This ability costs 10/10/7.5/7.5 energy per second to maintain and 5 adaptation / sec to maintain for each status proc Vlad is immune to.

If the ability is disrupted or toggled off, Vlad maintains immunity to the procs for 10/11/13/15 seconds. Additionally, any procs that Vlad is currently immune to will randomly be selected and inflicted upon any enemy struck by Sunder.

All damage dealt to the Veil BEFORE mitigation is added to Vlad's Adaptation pool.


Third Ability: Summon Familiars
Vlad summons 1 Familiar (that are altered Vomvalysts) per ally that hover around them and follow their position. These familiars add a base 50/50/75/100 shields to all allies and constantly restore shields at a rate of 20/30/40/50 shields per second. Additionaly, any proc immunities imparted by Veil of Suffering are also applied to allies with Familiars active. Familiars will persist on an ally for 15/20/25/30 seconds.

Familiars will drain Adaptation at a rate of 100 / sec while active, but can be toggled off at any time.

Any damage dealt to allies while the Familiars are active on an ally is added to Vlad's Adaptation pool /2 (this ability stacks with Veil of Suffering).


Fourth Ability: Tormented Overdrive
Vlad pauses briefly, before releasing a powerful roar that creates a wave that expands outwards for 15/20/25/30 meters, dealing 1500 damage and stunning all enemies in its path and adding that damage to Vlad's Adaptation pool.

This ability costs 100 energy and 5000 adaptation to activate, but can be disabled at any time.

While this ability is active, Vlad's Adaptation pool is constantly draining, but imparts massive benefits upon him and augments his other abilities.
Vlad's movement speed is increased to 1.2 while Tormented Overdrive is active.

Sunder no longer has a casting animation, and projectile movement speed is doubled. Additionally, the blast radius is doubled and enemies struck will be ragdolled.

Veil of Suffering is unchanged.

Summoned Familiars that are active will now periodically fire single Sunder projectiles at enemies within a 10/15/20/25 meter radius at a rate of 1 per 4/3/2/2 seconds.

Lastly, if Vlad's shield capacity is drained while Tormented Overdrive is active, he will emit another roar and pulse.


The biggest problem with this suggested direction is the efficacy and integration of the Adaptation mechanic, as it might be too similar to Nidus but without the similar integration into Vlad's kit that makes it worthwhile to implement.

And finally, given his Sentient theme, I have a few suggestions for possible names: Vucub, Cizin / Kisin, Caquix, Xibalba

Essentially, another Mayan Death god deity similar to how Hunhow is likely based off of "Hum Hau" or "Hum-Came" given his relation to the Popol vuh.

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I LOVE the look of the new 36th warframe, and i'll be grabbing him purely for the fashion frame. But the problem I've run into, is his Kit is basically the perfect Nyx rework, and isn't VERY sentient themed. 

Now I know when Steve saw it for the first time, he decided to add more lasers and eidolon juice into it according to twitter, I would still like to give my two cents on a Sentient warframe.

Passive: 'Vlads' Health is Damage gated, as long as the warframe has overshields, his Health cannot be damaged. (by such things like slash, toxin, ect. Normally, this frame is HP only like Inaros and Nidus.)

1st: Sentient Pact: Spend energy to grant 'Vlad' Overshields. They do not recharge normally like a regular warframes shields. Is an instant cast ability, with a cooldown increased by duration.

2nd: Sentient Stomp: Stomp the ground to create a wave of knockback energy. Speed of the wave is affected by strength, however it is unaffected by range. Increased duration means consecutive waves. Cannot be recast until all waves have ceased.

3rd: Sentient Shell: Creates a bubble of energy around the player that can be shot through from the inside, but not from the outside. A more mobile Snow Globe. Has health affected by strength, but is also on a time limit affected by Duration. Casting your Stomp with Shell active will shove nearby enemies out of the bubble, and do bursts of damage to nearby enemies outside of the bubble.

4th: Sentient Surge: Creates towers of sentient energy beneath nearby enemies around the caster. Strength affects damage dealt, Range affects the spread and number of towers, Duration doesn't affect this ability however it can be charged while casting to increase its duration. If cast with Shell active, Lasers will instead form above the player, and spin clockwise, similar to a Mirage Discoball.


just some simple Gantulyst copy paste, but it would be a visually stunning warframe to play as.

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Hello, I am not sure that this is the proper place to post this to get attention from anyone at DE, but in the devstream the other day, it was mentioned that "Vlad" had no official name yet. I just wanted to post a suggestion for his name. I believe that Strigos or some variation thereof would be an excellent name for him. I am basing the name off of the old Strigoi legend. Strigoi being cursed individuals or spirits that have to feed off of the life-force of others in order to survive. They are the myth that evolved into modern vampires. I just figured it would be very fitting for his whole theme. Anyway, that's just my two cents. I hope someone at DE sees this and can pass along the message to whom it may concern.

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Vlad the vampire/sentient warframe.

I really d like the way he is so far and I hope they dont change him up too much from the original concept from what they showed on prime time. He really is an interesting concept for a warframe, being part sentient and like the eidolons him having minions to control is pretty cool.

I know they're going to change him in to some degree but I thought id just say some suggestions to think about for his 3 and 4 abilities.

His passive is pretty cool with the life steal but maybe add innate radiation damage or has radiation resistance as well since eidolons tend to produce radiation around them when fighting

so his 3 which is the smokey wave similar to hydroids wave, is pretty nifty as is but could do a bit more to add on to his utility such as whoever he passes through will get a percent amount of health taken from them and transferred into him and while said enemies are put into their final form of being a minion to revenant, they get a damage reduction buff scaled to enemy levels so they arent killed as easily and they gain an innate radiation proc, since he is part eidolon.

and as for his 4, it would be cool once its casted the targets that are asleep will have life siphoned into revenant so as he puts them all to sleep he is also draining theyre life away for the duration of time applied.


I really like the idea of a vampire-like warframe thats also part sentient and I am definitely wondering to see where this one goes in terms of abilities

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He is supposed to be a sentient themed warframe, they should have made him like a juggernaut. His abilities focus on him being up close and personal with the enemy, he has exalted fists ( or just normal ones) and he has a sentient like passive that makes him extraordinarily tanky under specific conditions. He has an ability that "absorbs" damage ( really it just negates it) and the damage that he would have taken gets put as a dmg buff for his exalted fists, for a specified time. his fists, while buffed, would gain access to a super AoE ( like a melee slam attack) that has a large range and knocks enemies on the ground, but groups them up. This theme makes him relevant to the game ( or at least gives a foundation to be relevant) AND it keeps with the sentient theme, as his playstyle would be similar to the first sentients we encountered in the game ( Lua). 


Feedback ??

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To be honest Vlad sounds too "memey" and too "vodkish" for me if you know what I mean. It also reminds me a character from PayDay 2.

I'd go for Mist as someone already posted before, or maybe Syelost, read as Sa - ye - lost (from Norwegian "Sjel", meaning "Soul", with -lost at the end, suggesting that he is a lost soul that seeks revenge / peace / whatever)

Edited by EmErDeiX
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Erebus: Primordial Greek god of darkness and shadows. Also the brother/wife (depending on who you ask) of Nyx, the primordial goddess of night, which seems fitting, since his powers seem somewhat similar to hers. The darkness element also fits with his vampire and sleep aspects.

Hypnos: Greek god of sleep, and his name is the origin of the word hypnosis. Seems fitting for a warframe that hypnotizes enemies into thralls, and can put them to sleep.

Morpheus: Greek god of dreams. same reason as above. Its a fairly commonly used name, and seems too friendly, though.

Phobetor: Greek god of nightmares. Name shares the same root as phobos, phobia, and fear. Nightmares seem more fitting for him than Morpheus' more peaceful dreams. Phobetor is also known as Ikelos, if that sounds better.

Or, to cover all Greek dream related things, he could be called Oneiros.

Otherwise, if you don't like Greek mythology, I think Shade would fit him nicely. Keeps the darkness theme, while also implying spirits/possession and withering.

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code name vlad
Vlad Health: 1,500 Shields: 0 Armor: 500 Energy: 350 Sprint Speed: 1.5 Passive: The Curse Effect: Gain health when damaging targets with abilities, and melee attacks mark targets. Targets can only be marked once and when they are marked, only units such as Nullifiers can undue it. 1st: Devil May Cry's Doppelganger Effect: For a duration of 25 seconds and at the cost of 15 energy, gain 2 energy per marked target. The Doppelganger will do double damage vs a marked target. The energy regeneration can be used in combination to Vlad's 4. Level 1 Trigger: The Doppelganger takes a new form that slashes around Vlad in a Blood Frenzy, no longer copying Vlad's actions. It also pulls heavy aggro from surrounding targets. Note: Doppelganger copies your loud out excluding sentinels/companions since it will copy your actions. During Blood Frenzy, the damage that it does is equal to your "now using" weapon and it doubles if against marked targets. It is a one to one copy so a "stat stick" is not needed. Nerf???: Add a system similar to [Berserker]. 2nd: Summon Shadow Vortexes to areas for marking multiple targets. Effect: During 30 seconds at the cost of 20 energy, teleport all marked targets at your location and unleash an AOE of Slash damage/proc for 5 energy per sec. Level 2 Trigger: All marked targets who survived that onslaught receive the Mark of Death. Upon death, their bodies explode leaving smaller versions of Shadow Vortexes for 12 seconds that ends with an AOE Slash damage/proc. Note: Summon 4 Shadow Vortexes max. Nerf???: For frame rate reasons, Vlad can only pull about 20 marked targets at his location and effect those 20 targets with his Trigger. 3rd: Mass Life Siphon. Effect: At the cost of 25 energy, unleash a support burst heal with health regeneration of 12 seconds and all marked targets take "true" damage from any and all health that is healed for, from all allies and Vlad. Level 3 Trigger: If Vlad were to take critical damage of 50% or more health from the total health up to death, then Mass Undeath is activated. Leaving all allies invulnerable for 12 seconds and instead of healing, reflect all damage back in an AOE that is boosted by 500%. Mass Undeath will leave the area scorched in The Curse for 12 seconds allowing allies to borrow the passive for 12 seconds. Note: "True" damage means to ignore all defensive systems/stats when damage is dealt. Nerf???: Fix statistical values. 4th: Exulted Form: Vampiric Trigger. Effect: At the cost of 10 energy and 5 energy per second, Take the form of a Vampire Lord that has bats fly around Vlad dealing slash damage, marking targets, and turning all marked targets with 50% or less health points against your enemies. In this form, all mobility speed is increased by 100%, and Vlad's 1, 2, and 3 abilites unlock the Trigger Effect. Level 4 Trigger: Sacrifice all remaining energy to create the Big Bang when Vlad is airborne or summon the Chains of Hell to drag all enemies into the Hell dimension as Vlad crushes that realm in its hand. Note: Trigger Effect is only usable when Blood Lust is filled at its level 1, 2, 3... meter. Fill/refill the meter during 4 to keep up the the charges for Trigger. Nerf???: Refine the trigger system. The level 4 trigger is similar to most AOE damage abilities with the option of style since the two options of standing on the ground or being in the air are the same, statistically. Inputs 1st: Tap 1 norm / During 4, tap 1 Trigger 2nd: Tap 2 for one Shadow Vortex / Hold 2 to activate secondary effect / During 4, hold 2 for Trigger 3rd: Tap 3 norm / During 4, Tap 3 Trigger 4th: Tap 4 norm / Hold 4 at a level 4 Blood Lust / Keep active to build up Blood lust.
Edited by UYScuti999
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