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How is this not Archwing 2.0? and Why wouldn't it suffer the same fate?


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4 minutes ago, IntheCoconut said:

I'm intrigued, but my concern is actually with what "roles" people will want to play. Just personal preference here, but I'd rather be the one that jumps out to sabotage the enemy ship and I'm wondering what happens if the whole team wants to do that? Is that viable? If we all jump out and leave our ship unattended, I'm assuming it's going to blow up lol.

So yes, I'm both curious and concerned about how integral these "roles" will be, and if it will force people to play roles they aren't interested in or suffer failing the mission.

We'll probably have a race for mission roles then: whoever first to jump out of the ship, and the rest are locked inside. But i'm just guessing here. There's no way predicting how a team of actual people would behave in a rigidly scripted scenario.

Edited by AperoBeltaTwo
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11 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

We'll probably have a race for mission roles then: whoever first to jump out of the ship, and the rest are locked inside. But i'm just guessing here. There's no way predicting how a team of actual people would behave in a rigidly scripted situation.

I love co-op experiences that require coordination and teamwork, but being forced into a role I don't enjoy, and likewise forcing others on my team into a role they don't enjoy, isn't something I look forward to. I understand its likely a very difficult formula to nail down, I just hope it will require coordination while remaining flexible enough as to not pigeonholing people into specific tasks/roles. I kinda feel like I'm in one of those classic "can't eat my cake and have it too" scenarios. 😆

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I like this thread because it make me think on a subject on wich i was overhyped, so thank you.

If the devs consider this thread there might be improvement on the mission type and maybe they'll avoid the mistake they've done with archwing.

Archwing mission are fun, their flaws lies in the pacing of the gameplay who can't compete with the rest of the game.

The game overall is "better" than 3 years ago but i admit there were some painfull mistake, shutting down raids and dark sectors conflict are a good example.

Dark sectors conflict were never brough back so we can't affirm if raids won't be definitively canceled.

Enough rant and nostalgia, the new mission type seems promising but we should stay critical so DE don't repeat the same mistake or make new one.

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11 minutes ago, angias said:

I like this thread because it make me think on a subject on wich i was overhyped, so thank you.

The initial subtitle for this thread was "Hype management thread". Have a good time of the day.

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57 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

It should have been improved, not scrapped. 

That's the thing. I'm all for improving stuff but by the same token, you really shouldn't have something that broken ingame. The simple fact that almost every time DE released an update Raids would be broken to the point of being unplayable is just...well...embarrassing.

I think DE did the right thing pulling Raids for the time being until they can figure out how to properly fix them. I'm sure they will be reintroduced eventually, but continuing to keep them ingame with the state they're in does the game and its fans a tremendous disservice.


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5 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Dude, It's Jordas Verdict. What "unique"-ness are you talking about? All the elements shown in the demo are familiar gameplay mechanics combined in a flashy-looking script. You've seen it all.

erm ... by "uniqueness" i mean the railjack ship if that wasn't clear, as in if there are a big different between the ship and AW combat mechanic, and the way they support the player using standard combat in enemy ship, (for example, the hacking in the demo, ... i really hope they iterate more on that cuz it still really bare bone right now) then it would look nothing like Jordas Verdict.

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2 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

Providing a link would be appropriate. You did make a claim after all, so it's only fair you should back said claim up with verifiable facts..

My comment DID indicate that I was well aware that they would be showing off new stuff, no?

Found it. Third Paragraph.

The point is it doesn't really make sense to spend time on something in the big reveal that isn't relevant to what they're showing on-screen. We'll likely get clarification in the next Devstream.

2 hours ago, SirWolfen said:

You play lunaro?

I don't find PvP fun in general, so I don't see how that would be relevant. Look at my steam library and you'll mostly find singleplayer/coop games there (Rather appropriately for the subject, one of the exceptions to this is Angels Fall First, which is basically a larger-scale competitive version of Railjack. Even then, I play it exclusively for the botmatches).

The issue that caused Lunaro to not take off wasn't that it's not fun, but that it's not fun for the type of player who picks up Warframe (most of whom are players like myself who prefer PvE, I'd wager). I could see it having a bit more success if it launched as a standalone thing as well as an update for the main game.

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5 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

I'm addicted, and I used to love the game. You're wasting your breath. If I could leave, I would have done it long ago. What you're basically saying is "leave if you don't like *insert whatever*". But that's like saying "KYS if you're not satisfied with your life". GJ, btw.

I was going to lodge my wooden nickel in on the matter, but, after hearing this?. . . I. . . there is really not much else to say beyond. . . I'm sorry.

I wish you luck that you might find treatment and that it's a smooth and steady recovery.

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I feel OP the same way. 

The Railjack gamemode will be abandoned quickly after DE realizes that players don't get  enough fun and reward for doing those kind of missions. 


It looks spectacular but It doesn't seem to bring much... This is essentially Archwing 2.0.


The mission will be scripted from start to finish.

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2 hours ago, Corvid said:


2 hours ago, Corvid said:

We'll likely get clarification in the next Devstream.

I hope so.

AW is a bit of a big deal for some people, so NOT mentioning it might lead a few players to think its been yanked. Which, surprise surprise, happened.


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11 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

 Railjack looks cool. Ok, I've said it. Archwing sounded cool on paper as well. But when you really think about it, there's no way this is gonna be anything but one-two extremely scripted missions on specified nodes; that without an adequate reward loop will, like most every other feature in the game, be completely abandoned past the few initial grinding sessions. This is nothing different from what we've seen so far, except more promise, more flashy visuals, more future dissapointment. There's no way railjack will be seamless and on demand, like an actual transport in an actual open world would be. Meaning the whole shabang will be locked on some empty local cube map, like 'that archwing interception on Uranus'; and nothing else. We've seen all this happen before, why would this time be any different? 

I see it being a very much something that falls on its face right after launch.  then they pick them selves up dust them selves off say ok that idea wasnt best so why dont we back it up a step or two and go down this road instead with this idea and it transforms from something kinda meh it was flashy but boring into OMG that was awsome where did this come from and where did that other ship system go from 5-6 months ago.


so ill reserve my judgement on it for almost a year after launch as it will evolve as with most everything else here has

Edited by (PS4)Cargan2016
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11 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

What different problem did archwing suffer? It was just as removed from the main gameplay content as Raijack is gonna be.

Archwing was not alienated from the core loop; it was clunky and awkward. Railjack does well to incorporate the existing loop into new systems. At least, judging by the shown demo.

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RailJack is giving me a JV 2.0 vibe in some way, stage 1 flying the ship towards Anyo's, stage 2 defending your team from interceptors as they board Anyo's ship, stage 3 reactor sabotage, complete. 

I don't think it fits very well with WF's gameplay though, turret sections, Archwing, highly scripted missions. I dunno, doesn't seem very interesting to me at all. And we all know how raids turned out.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

I still play Super Mario Brothers to this day with no reward. Exactly. 

And how often do you do that?

Even the Arsewing is enjoyable once in a blue Lua for a change of pace. But it doesn't make it any more fun to play somewhat regularly.

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4 hours ago, iuki. said:

While I think Railjack looks very interesting, it does look like it's heavily scripted. I hope not.

Of course it was scripted.

The ship and Megan too enough damage to have died several times over. They had the Dev-Invincibility on.

I'm sure the Sigma will NOT be able to handle Capital ships on the get go, we saw the guns level up in the demo.

The ship was, for the lack of better term, unmoded.

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3 hours ago, Coverop said:

I feel OP the same way. 

The Railjack gamemode will be abandoned quickly after DE realizes that players don't get  enough fun and reward for doing those kind of missions. 


It looks spectacular but It doesn't seem to bring much... This is essentially Archwing 2.0.


The mission will be scripted from start to finish.

The problem is that this is another case of DE leaning on childhood nostalgia for game design inspiration. They did the same thing with Conclave (UT-style gameplay) and Archwing (Zone of the Enders), and look how those modes turned out. If this mode was more like the OG Battlefront 2, it would be more exciting and would probably promise more long-lasting appeal. It's a good first step, but DE needs to break with their pattern and develop it a whole lot more. But experience says that they won't and that it'll be another disappointment.

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One thing I can say if they put in the archwing a mission that is just to hunt and kill a monster and having as a reward arcanes, I'm sure that it would not be a laid-back way, players play PoE not because it's fun, but because it's the only endgame that we have.

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5 hours ago, Coverop said:

I feel OP the same way. 

The Railjack gamemode will be abandoned quickly after DE realizes that players don't get  enough fun and reward for doing those kind of missions. 


It looks spectacular but It doesn't seem to bring much... This is essentially Archwing 2.0.


The mission will be scripted from start to finish.

I think it definitely has the potential for that, but it all depends on how DE is able to support it.  They're likely going to have to spend some serious time fixing it after release, but then they need to support it with new content and a proper reward structure (despite what people might think, f2p games do need to provide an incentive for people to invest time in new systems, otherwise there isn't much point in putting time and money into them).  When they also have Venus, another quest, deluxe skins and warframes getting ready for release, the potential for this to end up on the back burner and turn into another archwing is not so small imo.  People shouldn't downplay the risk here since DE has had to let game systems fall to the way side before. 

But who knows?  Maybe they've learned their lesson and will pull it off.  I hope they do.

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