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Everything posted by chaotea

  1. Not particularly. You will need some recourses to craft Incarnon adapters, but there's less demand for 3-hour long runs.
  2. Or as a short term fix, have the colours affected by energy moved to emissive. Id like that for the heirloom skins too tbh.
  3. They've removed old weapons before, but they don't tend to remove them from inventories.
  4. Kind of easy to explain. Excal umbra is male because Excal is male. Excal umbra was originally a version of prime excal for china, hence why it was the center of its own quest. Kahl, is a grineer foot soldier. All the foot soldiers are male. The female grineer models are either too elite (heavy gunner) or otherwise melee only (scorpion) and so wouldnt have been as suitable for what they wanted to portray. Veso, much the same as Kahl, they wanted a grunt, and all the corpus females are higher ranking. In the case of 1999, the character is a take on excaliber, and by the looks of things riffing on the hayden tenno character. That said, Its surprising that the male / female character thing would bother you considering the breadth of diversity if warframe genders. Unless you strictly only play female warframe in which case fair enough. (Edit: Just to make sure, nothing in here is a dig at you or your opinions. I dont necessarily disagree, though more that it doesn't bother me as i often play games as either male or female characters when given the choice, and most of my favorite frames in warframe are female.)
  5. Yes, I did find it to be a pain. Having unlocked the incarnon fully, i wont be going back to the weapon. If it takes 10 seconds to max the incarnon charge then it takes 3 seconds to unload it. You need way to many shots to charge based on the weapons slow fire rate, small mag and low reload speed. And in incarnon, theres way to much cickback to the shots, so only half a burst generally hits anyone, and you cant aim when its in incarnon so you cant try to compensate at a distance. I'd like to see incarnon charge time shortened, stability improved and allow aiming.
  6. Not good for a rework, as frost is more designed as a slow tank, but could be a concept for a second Cold themed warframe. Maybe a skill somewhere between hydriods tidal surge and Nezhas fire walker, where you surf on a frost wave which leaves a path that freezes enemies and reduces friction for allies letting them build up speed. Could be fun.
  7. Well, all Aura mods stack. Its not particully viable to make just one not stack. And if the solution is to make all aura mods not stack, then they just become regular mods. Not sure I agree with that one. I still use it alot. It might not be an amazing source of energy, but it is a useful mod for those warframes that realy need that little extra boost. Its also very valueable for newer players, who dont have as many options for energy regen. It might not be as valueable to late game players, but thats fine. Not every mod has to be for every player. I do think it could do with a small buff, but it doesnt need a major overhaul, and TBH in the later game energy regens to a big issue and way less important than say Corrosive projection.
  8. I didnt get it on the first pass, but did get it on the second. It is in fact on rotation this week. So you can just get it. It would take about an hour of running Circuit. Honestly its ok, but no better than most crit based melee weapons.
  9. Yes I agree compleatly. The point of forumns is to discuss this stuff, not simply to post a topic and leave it for devs. Leqesais original point was against the wording of 'shouldnt have to' and used the words 'not really entitled to anything' simply to emphisise that 'shouldnt have to' wasnt really much of an arguement or discussion. He even went on to agree with the idea of quitting. He was instead critiquing the presentation of the arguement. MaxTurnerX however took this out of context, saying that this was calling the op 'entitled' for asking for a change. I had aimed to correct the missunderstanding, not to deny discourse. You cetrainly can. However, I believe I said it would be 'much easier to accidentilly close down the game' and not 'make it possible as its impossible now'. Currently the only area you can accidentally close the game down is in the orbitor. If you increase the areas where its possible to close the game, you increase the chance of it happening. Thus making it 'easier'. Loss of inventory primaraly i would imagine. Not the button per se, but the process of closing the game at any time, as opposed to a specific time imposed by the developer and thus better safeguarded against. Absolutely. But if they (in theory) contrubuted to the same issues, introducing a new way to cause an issue doesnt help anything. Plus, if there was issues, Alt+F4 is a windows function, and not a game function. So DE doesnt hold responsibility for fixing problems that arrise from its use. But if they impimented the tools in the UI, they would.
  10. I know, I don't think we should be required to do that just to avoid loading screens in order to quit "properly". I admit i've never use Alt F4 to quit. But i have to say that while i was never against the inclusion of a quit button (i was only commenting against the 'they should do it it would be easy and only do good things' naritive, hence why you were never quoted in my post), I do think that now I know about the Alt + F4 method that by your own testimony doesnt have any issues attached to it, that its not worth even a miniscule amount of dev time to impliment a button just to avoid pressing a shortcut that would make the whole process quicker anyway. All i said your probably not the first person to think about the issue. I dont think thats overly insulting. And it can 'come across' any way you want if you interpret it however you want, but please do highlight the part where I indicated your lack of respect, excpet that I mentioned your name in the same paragraph as the fact that I have respect. I mean if I say "I think the moon is round. I dont think Draisiel lives in space." does this now sound like Im accusing you of not thinking the moon is round? Maybe I'll try to use better seperation in future, and in exchange you can try not to take every comment as a personal attack. I mean Im pretty sure thats a core facet of everything. The stuff that wasnt there before and didnt work isnt there now. I mean I think i get what your trying to say, but I dont get the implications. Not sure thats entirely true, if only because youve put all missions in one catagory, but split all the hub worlds and side worlds to be counted seperatly. In truth I think the original percentage was more like being able to quit form 5% of total locations, and now 1%. Then again, you can see it differently. Maybe the catagories are Obitor and Everything else. Everything exits to orbitor, orbitor exits the game. So a two step process. This hasnt changed with more content added. With the expection of: Railjack missions forcing back to dojo before you can got to obitor to then quit, and open world making you load back to the local hub before then going to obitor. And that is annoying. I dont have an issue going through 1 loading screen in order to quit the game. its a process that at worst take a few seconds. 2 loading screens is sometimes more annoying, and i wouldnt be against a smoother transition to orbitor. Not that Im against a quit button per se but at the end of the day it feels like a waste. Perhaps it would be better to look at a more universal method of quitting the game, like a dropdown included in hover over on the pause where the profile button is. Something that can be accessed anywhere at any time, but is effectivly the same thing? TLDR: I never disagreed with you over the issue, but simply pushed back of the comments from others about how easy it would be to impliment. Though your own input to the discussion now has me wondering if its even really worth the effort to impliment it, even if it truely took the least amount of time and effort.
  11. Na, its as good as it ever was. Aka: Not :D But yes it needs work.
  12. True that its from a time when energy restore sources were limited to energy vampire and orbs. Though 2 might be too much with 4 players (8 per second). Maybe 1per second = 4per second with full squad.
  13. Saying someone isnt entitled to something isnt the same as calling them entitled. Its laughable how wrong that statement is. I mean thats the percieved model, but in reality buisness works by convincing people that they want the thing your selling, or by selling convenience. All buisnesses will give people what they want, provided A) Its what the majority want, B) It wont refelct negitivly on them, C) Its worth more than it will cost to impliment. And C is the big one. So whats the cost / benifit analysis for adding a quit button on the UI? I mean its not going to be cheap, as it would need coding, UI changes, bug testing, ect. Also, whats the % of the playerbase that want this as a change, and do the risks effect more people? For example, how many people are going to acidentally close the game when they accidentally ment to leave a relay? Is this going to outway the benifit? (Spoiler alert: Yes. People are dumb. I should know, im people). While i do agree that this can be annoying, i would say the fact that its not super universal suggests that it isnt as easy as it might appear. Warframes by far not the worst example of this ive seen. Exoprimal was awful for it. I suspect its something to do with how the game syncs with the server for save data. I mean lets not hold up the Dev version for its roubust design :D Not sure thats it, its just that alot of people think the point is to dicuss the pros and cons in order to help develop a more robust idea. Quite often these QoL iseas you see dont appear to have any negitive affects only because they havnt properly been thought about. Like mentioned above, it would be much easier to acidentally close the game down. It might also cause issues in spaces like relays or dojos with interactions such as trading. The fact that you see this kind of closing interaction the most in live service games sugests it might be a work-around to a networking issue within the industry. I suppose people like myself tend to think about the developers with some respect. Im sure if it was an easy fix with absolutly no complications it would have been implimented already. I doubt Drasiel is the first person to ever think of it, or that the Devs would perposfully not impliment something so easy to do. So the only logical explanation is there is more to it than might first appear.
  14. I think that the zariman system was an experiment in shifting open world gameplay away from bounty grinding and more towards in-mission focused progression, hence the focus on plumes for standing for rewards.
  15. Melee already had 'galvanised mods' in everything but name. Mods like weaping wounds.
  16. Nightmare missions already provide an interesting dificulty bump at a certain level of play for an interesting reward. Revamping it just because its no longer a thing you find challanging or rewarding is just removing the experience from others. A simpler solution might be to just create nightmare nodes in steel path. maybe in exchange for galvanised versions of nightmare mods.
  17. From what I know, sunder is mostly right, except when the mission reward is specifically a Tau shard, then everyone gets a Tau. Basically: Mission reward is tau: Everyone gets tau and all tau % is reset. You get a tau from the %, it only effects you.
  18. It would still be quicker to do duviri, but it would just be nice to have an alternate way to farm them.
  19. Im a big advocate for them to put clamps as a reward for Cuircuit, like 10/15 for normal / SP if you get to round 10. Thats a good 40-60 min and wouldnt destroy the economy.
  20. Got an idea for this. The game Gunfire has a thing where when you bring up the scoreboard, you get your cursor back. If we could get a similar feature you could use it to hover over a buff to find out more.
  21. Not quite. Think of Duviri as an island in the sea that is the void. While much of duviri was created under the will of the Drifter / Thrax (thrax being the embodyment of the drifter as a child) the undercroft was not. The undercroft is a space where the unreality of the void and the stable construct of Duviri entwine. And within the void time isnt linier, as past present and future all coexist. Remember that the corpus, grineer and even the Trax didnt exist until after the orokin fell. As Teshin says these are 'armies that do not yet exist'. They are more shadows, or reflections of those that might in the future. Even Vor may not be the real vor, but the voids reflected version of Vor. Its also worth remembering that while Duviri may have been formed during the incidents of the 10-0 crash, time is different in duviri, the drifter and the oporator are effectivly immortal (we see our oporator in the flesh during an old war flashback). Most likely thier physical form is a construct affected by emotional growth or how they percive themselves. Either way, the drifter has been trying to escape Duviri for a long time, combined with the time he was the ruler, so that chronologically Duviri timeline is more or less equal to the timeline of the main story.
  22. Sure, but its on so few weapons that its not going to be worth the effort for putting it in. I mean sure, it would be nice to have, but its unlikely to happen.
  23. I think its probably too niche to add to the arsenal.
  24. Id say thats not true. Impact mery kills are invaluable in steel path for removing the otherwise overly tanky eximus. Especially in steel path circuit. In fact, with even a little impact procs, you can mercy an eximus almost imediatly after stripping its oversheild. Also, regardless of your opinion on mercy, its hardly a nerf. Even if you would consider mercy useless, it would make it functionally the same as it is now, not worse. The lack of a buff isnt a nerf. Aslo remember that impact already causes enemies to stagger, this just increases the viability of the mercy function on top of that.
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