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Everything posted by Monolake

  1. Last I recall some mods simply dont work on it, thats why its its underwhelming "Galvanized Aptitude ignores the innate damage" 👎
  2. Small AOE and weaker weapons shouldnt have it- its a drawback they absolutely dont need, they are already under-performing and you cant spam them at a wall/floor to kill everything. Only large AOE strong weapons need selfstagger as a drawback and a (slightly) limiting balancing factor. Yep, Zarr and Akarius are large Aoe strong guns and they need selfstagger. Also very true that it was a lazy hackjob assigning self-CC to every possible AoE even to weak weapons that never had self-damage and even were designed for melee finishers - like Zakti, rendering them unusable and unused.
  3. Cant do that, other than being toggle-on buffs that you want to constantly have on, they are completely different abilities and Ele Ward is a helminth skill, so they cant be merged. Ele Ward is really the only interesting Chroma skill that can be played with for some creative builds - on other frames better than on Chroma. Other than that hes just a walking Serration and a PT credit booster. He desperately needs a buff/change, but DE wont bother with him cause he still sees consistent if below average use due to PT farming, there are plenty other frames that need help before him. (Its also worth noting that while other frames were getting buffs, Chroma only got colossal nerfs cause his power was 'unintended' result of DEs inept scripting multiplying all the elements with eachother and also working with some other buffs - all that got killed off)
  4. Yeah any other form of protective skill is limited in many ways to balance it out, and other invulnerability skills have massive drawbacks - ei Valk Hysteria is limited to melee, Nidus has to work long and hard for his stacks etc. But Revenant? - just press one button for god mode AND it can apply to whole team - what was DE smoking? Originally Revenant was balanced by the fact that some enemies just couldnt be stunned when they attacked mesmer skin so they shredded skin charges in few seconds, it was still great skill but not super reliable, it demanded player attention and then you could take Rev to lvlcap, it was fair. Pablo removed that drawback and made it into a legal cheat. For the whole team. ... Remember Trinity? the 'support' frame - she only gives pathetic 75% DR to the team. Why? - because she used to be like Revenant now - her Blessing used to give invulnerability to the whole team, then DE realized (with the help of player feedback here) it was like a cheat removing any danger and challenge crippling design and gameplay and nerfed it (twice). But some ~9 years later Pablo made the same mistake creating team-wide cheat from Revenant. Baffling. Meanwhile any other form of 'op' protection like Styanax stacking oveguard to no limit or topaz shards restoring shields from 0 instantly gets nerfed - while Revenant exists? where is any balance and common sense at all?
  5. Frame taking 4 days (total) is turning new players away thats true. When you craft a weapon and its ready the next day - it motivates you to play tomorrow to try it out, its a hook. But when its whole 72 hrs it does the opposite - feels like you might as well not play for 3 days, and by then a new player might already be enjoying another game and forgets about WF. A bit of 'profit' from plat spent on rushing frames doesnt offset the significant negative impact it has on player retention. Frame crafting should be changed to 24 hrs - thats already 2 days with parts, thats more than enough. . Prime frames can be kept as is, since those barely affect new players and also they need to remain special. And another suggestion is to give 1 free crafting rush to new players, maybe give it at achieving certain mastery ranks
  6. its a feature - you get 2500 focus from killing thraxes anywhere and it goes to your equipped focus school
  7. This also prevent from charging on weakpoints on targets tethered by the murmur wardens, while they only have overguard and the damage is dealt, see And then you wonder why everyone is using Torid now - its not affected by this bug on top of not needing weakpoints. This doesn't happen of other overguard units be it eximus or those getting overguard from ancient healers btw. Its the murmurs which are buggy in many ways.
  8. Overall 12+72 hrs - 4 days - wait for a frame is a big turn off for many, it needs to be changed to just 24 hrs - that's already 2 days with parts and its enough. Keep 72 hrs for a prime if you must, but for regular frames that all new people craft it should be reduced to keep them interested. Its like getting a new toy, yet you are not allowed to play with it for whole 4 days - I know people who dropped the game right there, it doesn't help retention like the 1-day crafting does - which makes you want to play the next day, but long wait makes people put the game away. Alternative idea - MR ranks give a 1-time crafting boost you can use on any item be it frame of weapon (this can be balanced, to give these boosts only at certain ranks)
  9. Make it a toggle for DR/Damage, cap it at floor/cel (still accounting for light level) 50-90 DR; damage something like +100-200% for Mirage and at +50-100% for helmut
  10. What you are saying essentially is that one player can ruin the game for everyone else and force everyone to play solo. In COOP game. Get it now? It kills coop, as you are proclaiming yourself. Its bad design. And Im a shameless aoe spammer myself, but I know there is no gameplay left when someone like me runs ahead and wipes out the map without any aiming even. And since DE filtered out all the brainless brama/zaarr spammers the game only became better with more variety.
  11. Armor scaling was already curbed into minimal. The whole Steelpath got added cause the basic enemies became utter pushovers and boring to fight. And on top of it you have insane powercreep with all the weapons and abilities - which you can put on any frame too and remove armor if you want. So now even SP enemies are pushovers and boring to fight. So what are you asking for really? How much 'fun' do you have running lvl10 missions where everything dies from a sneeze? The real bad part is that DE resorts to obtuse damage caps/attenuation that completely negates player dps suddenly turning your maxed out weapons into mk1 lato. Thats what you get after 10 years of poor balancing and uncontrolled powercreep.
  12. I can tell how to fix Ember in 2 easy steps with minimum dev work: her 4 is bad cause it has terrible line-of-sight restriction - remove that. Her 2 overheat at max meter kills your energy completely in a second, making her skills pain to use/manage - remove that nonsense energy loss too.
  13. Year of the Dragon? Time for the Chroma buffs! He is in a desperate need of some.
  14. Its also buggy if you are a client - you keep on getting force-dismounted all the time even when not near the objective, I just had to drop out cause of it, it was unplayable. Never encountered this in the previous year so it must be a fairly new problem.
  15. yeah easily. you dont need much to beat the standard lvl <40 starchart content, see grendel missions that are not just modless (almost) but also have plenty of other restrictions but you can easily solo them with certain frames
  16. Im all up for it, the post-NW open worlds look terrible aesthetically and for gameplay sake they have worse visibility, its a mess with poor lighting and no coherency. Please give up a choice to have old Plains and Orbvalis
  17. WTB magnetic Nukor 50% 200p +10p for every 1% on top, so 60% = 300p
  18. Its pretty funny how DE finally acknowledged this problem but did a half-arsed half-measure and didnt bother fixing anything. But it actually removed all those braindead brama/zaar/ogris spammers since they dont know you can use ammo mutation and carrier or just switch to tonkor/envoy, so it kinda had the result on the game. These days I see incarnon torids in every game and never see a single brama anymore lol
  19. Whats your actual suggestion for improving the system, other that downright removing the randomizer? - cause that wont happen and you know it.
  20. You are assuming DE knows of whats going on in their game and how all the spaghetti code and copy-pasted hacks interact with eachother lol. All this is unintended.
  21. Yeah its just another generic 'details for details sake' prime design, loosing distinct style and coherency of the original Gauss, and the helment is particularly bad, put another helmet on prime and it starts to look better.
  22. Endo is not rare and flawed mods cost almost nothing to max (~100 endo). And again, if thats the concern - give some more endo rewards for the low level/new player missions, that would help way more. Removing flawed mods only reduces progress and hurts build flexibility for new player
  23. Sure they are tough for new players because Fortuna mobs hit like lvl~50 despite being lvl~10. AND thats why noobs shouldn't be lured into it early on. But if you have more than ~50hrs in the game you should have no issue doing the low tier ones even solo, I can easily do them on my noob account with crappy barely moded gear just casting few abilities here and there. If you play Octavia you just go invis and throw your ball to distract mobs and afk, you must be not using any abilities at all if you struggle.
  24. its a noob stepping stone equipment, just like your lvl1 sword in any rpg and game with progression, or do you also call it 'bait'? its like you've never played any games with progression
  25. Everyone is using Revenant cheatskin invul for high level so all the talk about balancing shields and 'omg how to survive lvl1k+' is moot anyway. Why even tryhard and gimp yourself with this new corrupted mod when you can switch on god mode with a single button press. Also invis exists. Shieldgating remains for masochists. DE balancing remains absent.
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