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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. Ha, thank you. I wish I could be more concise, but I have this natural tendency to want to provide context. So I'll think, "I wouldn't want others to misconstrue what I mean, so I better write a lot of additional information, especially if I plan on ross referencing it later", and sometimes its just more convenient for myself to go with intuition. Though its also a bit of laziness as well on my part. Great observation. Now DE just needs the next Warframe to use more of a "tumble" in their forward movement animation, to really complicate everything. Or maybe the next new Warframe can do a Roly Poly. Though arguably maybe Grendel in Ball form could be technically considered to be doing a Roly Poly. Prime Roly Poly when?
  2. Did you load in last, and were other players already ahead of you? Based on what you told me, its probably just that you loaded in last. For example, if all 4 players load in at the beginning, and run around together, everyone will likely get the same amount of Reactant, because its not like there are different drop rates or anything. However... its possible that they killed enemies while you were loading in, and by the time you did load in, latter enemies were being killed so fast, that by the time they got all theirs, you will still playing catch up. Makes sense? If you ever load in as host for example, it should be a different experience. Its also why, often, its good etiquette in Capture or Exterminate on lower level missions, with less enemies, if you are Host or first people to load in, to pause a bit for the other people to load in fully, before killing enemies, so they can have an easier time to get Reactant, so you don't end up with people being a bit search and having to try and hunt down lone enemies in corners somewhere (or also alternatively, DE to implement some sort of better system to avoid such issues as well). Also if you are still new, what I say next won't help much, but its why I personally like Steel Path mode, for Relics, since more enemies and better enemy density, you get Reactant way easier, even if you load in last. Take care.
  3. I sympathise and somewhat relate to your situation. Even if, I had a much different experience and take on some of your examples. I feel though as if this is touching on a lot of different issues, some which can be a bit complicated. To try and be more concise than I usually am, I'd like to generalise and lay on the idea of a player, the game, and other external circumstance. Then how they can overlap or influence each other. For example, with myself, there have been times, when the game was doing something, that if they were happening earlier or latter in my life, I might find more negative than positive. Not because of the game itself, but more my own situation. Or whether I might enjoy something, may involved factors that I can influence, so whether or not I enjoy it, can be a bit up to myself. I use to really be into comic books. I took like a decade long break, and am starting to try and get back in. It can sometimes be an exercise of frustration and annoyance, because obviously a lot will change, and the comics medium, especially Marvel and DC comics can have a variety of issues, old, new, developing... That being said, there's always going to be... There is what a game/hobby is, what an individual wishes it was ideally, what we experience, what we could experience, and what other people are okay/fine with. Some of your lines struck out to me, these ones. "I'm sure someone out there loves it, but why pay service to the outlier when the core content has been what has stuck and worked all this time?", "but the plains and eidolons, railjack, vallis, deimos were all great additions", "it's like they're constantly fixing what's not broken, breaking it, fixing that so it's not broken but then breaking it in a new way", how much of this is personal experience and then perception and projection, to more neutral and comprehensive and accurate to both the larger broader viewpoints as well as alternative views and experience, even if only representative of a smaller minority? Like how does one know and be aware that someone else is the outlier versus potentially existing in their own minority of sorts. Which also, to be clear, isn't invalidating or an attempt to undermine any individuals experiences and view points, but we are dealing with a lot of subjective elements here. I am someone who has played Warframe for a long time, and I know quite a few who have as well, I found most of your examples great too, but ehhh Railjack on launch (I like it a lot more since)... and I also thought Deimos was also quite weak on launch... I also think a lot of the most recent content/updates is Warframe's best. Again though, I can sympathise and understand why you might be frustrated too, because Warframe has been adding a lot of content since Deimos, and its tricky, because tp some, if its good, then the more, the better, for others, if its a neutral to negative experience, then more content can just mean more frustration. That being said, do you think you are critical or frustrated with the game necessarily, or the situation of your experience? For example, some of your examples, sound like you jumped in with a bunch of different randoms, and the game... is no longer what you expect? However, if you played with some friends who helping you catch up, or solo, would those same issues exist? If you are rushing to try and catch up, is that the same, as going slow, and potentially enjoying new systems and mechanics and the new gameplay options and versatility in choice? Is jumping into Warframe, end expecting it to just click, the same as approaching the game, with a battle plan to maximise your enjoyment? That latter question may seem a bit funny in concept, because usually, you know, a game, should intuitively be enjoyable, without any sort of planning or preparation. Personally, I find Warframe, is the kind of game, that benefits, some individuals, like myself, to actually put more thought into it, otherwise it can be overwhelming. Its the kind of game, where you need more consideration into what you want to get out of it. You need more of a game plan otherwise you might get burned out, frustrated or annoyed. So I personally often end up enjoying Warframe, because... I know myself, what I like, what I dislike, and I know my own pace. Half my play time is solo, then the rest is split between PUB and friends/premade. I play off and on, so take breaks regularly. I say all this, because it might beneficial for you to slow down a little, and to try and identify what you like about the game., what you dislike, and ways to maximise the former and avoid the latter. Also, and this can suck, but people can also grow apart from a game or hobby. Thats obviously up to you, to decide, but same with me. Maybe, I just grew apart from comics and won't get the same enjoyment out of them anymore (I mean, i probably will, comics is a big medium with a lot of variety, and styles and I also have a lot of old stories from writers and artists I know I like, to check out). Maybe something in the game that irritated or frustrated you, you might actually enjoy and like, in a different situation and scenario. Like you know Eidolons, for example, is different if its a premade team who knows what they are doing, versus PUBs having arguments with each other, versus PUBS being friendly and helpful to each other, versus friends having a chill experience, versus doing it solo. Sometimes you need to curate your gaming experience a little, to get the most enjoyment out of it, and that doesn't necessarily absolve a game of its flaws and negatives, nor invalidate criticisms, but it can make experiences more enjoyable for those that desire them or are trying to enjoy catching back up. Good luck either way!
  4. Its time for a pop quiz children! What is the Anti Void? A. An antagonistic character in a meta themed Crisis story by Grant Morrison. B. The Sentry. C. The Wall in the Man. The Anti Man in the Wall. D. Don't go asking for answers to questions you don't want answered Kiddo! (if you select this answer you get to hear ominous background laughter).
  5. Firstly you are not stupid. TLDR. There are reasons. Secondly its just a language and communication thing. There is probably something you enjoy, where your interest and attention to it, has meant, that over time, you have picked up on subtle or nuanced aspects of it, that for some other people may fall by the wayside. Now, you don't necessarily have to enjoy something to pick up on additional nuance or complexities, its just something that can be relatively different across individuals. Warframe, like many things, will often use certain language techniques. Usually context should help you understand what is meant or intended. Like there are multiple examples of a word in Warframe, meaning two very different things. Then examples of different words, effectively meaning the same thing. Why, when and how? Well context. See to some its helpful, to others it can be obfuscating and frustrating. Also some words can be synonymous, meaning they are used because they are similar, but not necessarily exactly the same. So they can be used interchangeably in some situations, but may imply certain differences depending on the conext. Though sometimes they can just be used for reasons, such as conveying intent better, or just the idea of better communication. Some terms can get too repetitive. So for some, arguably superficial reasons. In Warframe, not all Warframes have what would technically be referred to as a roll, in strict criteria. However for all gameplay intents and purposes, they function the same as a roll. So in that sense, a dodge would be more accurate. Dodge however is generally a lot more broad of a concept. Like a bullet jump, is technically a dodge, so is a jump. However they might not meet the same criteria for certain conditions or functions within Warframe, like certain effects, buffs, debuffs, so on. So this is why the words may be used interchangeably, or prioritised over another. Generally I would say that Roll/Rolling, is usually some combination of a direction in combination with the Jump button. On PSN the default jump is X. Not all Warframes technically "roll", like Qorvex just does a slide, but... for the purposes of damage reduction, and say Rolling Guard, its considered a "Roll". They are also technically dodges, but not all dodges will necessarily activate the same buffs or say Rolling Guard. I hope this isn't all too confusing... Several replies have already touched on some of this. Like roll to dodge just sounds better than dodge to dodge. Its a bit like the example of, and I forget the usual standard example, but "All Labrador Retrievers are dogs, not all dogs are Labrador Retrievers". All rolls are dodges, but not all dodges are rolls. Rolls can also have variations, side rolls for example. The aspect of the roll many focus on, or emphasis is the turning over an axis point. Most Warframes, by default, and the heavy majority of the earlier Warframes, all had forward rolls. Over time, more Warframes started to have unique animations instead of a roll. Dashes, slides, cartwheels, whatever it is that Xaku does, etc but they are fulfilling the "Roll" criteria and requirement, for say Rolling Guard. Contextually its just better to refer to them as rolls for in gameplay reasons. Though maybe at other times they may refer to them as dodges (which can also be narrowed down by qualifiers like "certain" dodges), which they all technically are anyway... but again, not all dodges may fit the requirements or criteria for certain buffs/conditions. Basically the game expects you to understand context, and if you don't... don't feel too bad, but also... asking such questions, and taking in new information wen you can, usually will improve your understanding. So even just thinking about it for a while, or even looking up the dictionary definition of such words, looking at the Wikipedia pages for rolls and cartwheels. Small things like that, will just just expand your knowledge. Which in turn makes your ability to discern and guess context around the usage better as well. Its more interest than anything else. If you can't tell.. I am really interested in language and communication. I find it fun! That being said, I used to hate maths. I blame my maths teachers. I now like and appreciate maths. I developed and fostered an interest in it. I'm not amazing at it, but I am happy with my own progress. Don't let a perceived lack of, stand in your way of potential interests yeah? Oh and ist also totally fine to not care either. Not everything will appeal to everyone.
  6. Hah. Look, I'll start to respect the updates, when they get around to adding Relic Fissures to Zariman tile sets, give me more Disruption, and give me a way to crack multiple different Relic types in the same mission. Maybe give me a Warframe with a wizard beard and book or something like that, I don't know... Until then... Alright?
  7. Usually for such bugger updates, I tend to guess the very last Thursday/Wednesday of the month. (Devs Wednesday is my Thursday). However this month and update, does have some interesting potential, in that DE/Warframe are going to be giving a live Devstream at Pax East Friday 22nd (IIRC). The last Devstream was already pretty focused on Dante Unbound... I don't imagine they have much more to cover. Its also always pretty hype when they announce live at an event that they next update is Dante Unbound and you can expect it... now. Its available now to play". Stealth drops are always fun, and I imagine effective when involving a potentially broader audience than usual. Then the rest of the Devstream is talking a bit about it, and the next big update, given the increased exposure. So the Wednesday of that week or latter in that week could be possible. Not a guarantee either though, to be clear. They could just talk about new stuff regardless. Focus more on the live audience aspect. Assuming thats what the Devstream will be.
  8. I believe so, but I don't know for certain. Its one of those things, we may have to wait for the actual release and patch notes. Though yes, I am very much looking forward to the addition of more Relic nodes. When I play Warframe, its often my preferred way of playing, because it can encourage longer endless missions, I can passively crack Relics at a more chill pace than spamming Capture/Exterminate, so I can also solo and get a longer gameplay session in, and some of my favourite tile sets don't have Relics yet so... All in all, will be one of my favourite updates/additions to Warframe, for myself personally. So very much looking forward to. (An Alchemy Relic Steel Path endless in the new Labs? Chefs kiss!).
  9. For exactly 17 days, the Nidus augment Parasitic Vitality enters the Meme Consciousness of Warframe players, after several unrelated incidents and coincidences. 00:00.00 of Update 26.01.00. A small subtle unintended error occurs in the Warframe spaghetti code, that would require a Cert fix. The error will now allow recipients of Nidus Parasitic Link, to have multiple links active. A different unrelated error also causes Warframe Spectres access and use of the Mods present when crafting the Spectre. 00:23.02 of Update 26.01.00. The first few missions of early arrival players to the new update have been completed, with Inaros play percentage significantly higher than usual, primarily due to his rework and many players testing it out and curious about the changes/rework. 00:29.43 of Update 26.01.00. Player BasedTurkeyBaster using Nidus matches with player xXShadowReaperXx using Nidus matches with Sandman69, using Inaros, matches with BigBootyGothChic, using Wisp. Both the Nidus players have the Augment, all four players are using Arcane Blessing. The Wisp has a Strength Invigoration and their build is Meme. They also happen to be a small time VTuber/Twitch streamer. Not very popular, but very niche. Mildly successful they can attract up to 23 viewers at any one moment. 00:45.49 of Update 26.01.00. The inevitable occurs. After maxing out their various Arcanes around mutation stacks, power strength and health, as well as various other buffs around Parazon kills, and Reactant buffs, as they are doing a Relic Survival... The two Nidus players both simultaneously attempt and success in Linking to Inaros. Inaros that is already being buffed, by a buffed and Invigorated Wisp. Inaros health total exceeds Graham's number. All the players hardware involved simultaneously combusts and ruptures, leaving all confused, and the Inaros player feeling accomplished and blissful, but not exactly sure why. The only scant evidence of what actually occurred is from a Twitch viewer, LeastHornyWFGG of the Wisp player who happened to be recording some porn in a different tab, but forget to turn it off, when watching Twitch. They have the only record, witness of Inaros health values skyrocketing past Graham's number. They upload the footage to Youtube. It gets 213 views in the first hour. 01:45.49 of Update 26.01.00 A well known Warframe content creator, with allegations of stealing Warframe content from smaller channels, has an AI that searches. out Warframe content, scraping them for ideas. They come across LeastHornyWFGG's meme video. An idea hatches. They create a team of players, emulating the meme video, but this time, they use Nidus Spectres, which shouldn't usually work but... they start Relic Survival, get all their buffs required, get their set up working well... and wait for the Spectres to use Parasitic Vitality, on the Inaros that is already on a Health Invigoration, maxed out by Health Shards, buffed by the Wisp using an Invigoration... the last two actual Nidus players, join their Spectre brethren, throwing out their Parasitic Vitality cords, so that the Inaros is now attached to 6 mutated, Health empowering cords... and the Inaros player... as the health values on their character start to rise rapidly... exponential growth... significant health increases, thats a lotta health... red number get big... No signs of slowing down... Is infinity actually the biggest number? Now the red numbers stretch of the screen, but they continue to rise. Its all too much for the Inaros player... who obviously also happens to be an Inaros main. Its too much, they straight up die. Dead. Gone. With a smile. They won. They got the highest health value of any Inaros player ever. Any fictional video game character ever. Not just a video game achievement, a literal math and science achievement. 05:00.00 of Update 26.01.00 Hours after the incident, mainstream media is reporting on a strange case of a layer dying during a live stream, but details are vague. A new Meme is born. 00:00.00 of Update 26.02.03. A bit over 2 weeks after the incident, DE urgently patches the exploit. The meme is dead. Not in our hearts though. Codpieces out for InarosMainGG.
  10. In 2029, after a few different additions to the game. When we get a new element "Refined Void" which is referred to as Dark, but its nickname amongst players is Hex, which the Developers then also start to use. When we also get Archgun Arcanes, including the Archgun Dexterity. Wukong also gets a buff to his clone, after it Warframe realises AFK players are more willing to spend real money to be AFK. Then we get it, and it comes with a new meta. The Double Double Dex Hex Dex Dual Dual Decurion Meta Meta. Some people try to introduce a new meta using Mirage, since more clones, but it fails, because in 2029 Mirage is a health tank, and has no hands to pull the trigger of weapons, after the great Mirage controversy of 2025.
  11. Good thinking. I like it, I like it. That being said, I don't think its doing enough to raise awareness to the plight of Rhino. In hindsight, my reference to Rhino aggressively eating enemies, doesn't really help their image... So in combination with your idea, how about we let Rhino create little mini baby Rhinos. That way he Devours but he also Feeds the young. Who wouldn't want additional little mini Rhinos accompanying their main Rhino. The fashion will carry over naturally. Robotic Hounds have a similar ability, so the coding is already there. Mini Rhinos Meta.
  12. How about letting Rhino have an Aggressive instead of a Passive? After all he has been known to eat enemies. Thats not very passive. Then his Aggressive can be Endangered. The less Rhino that are in a team, the more rare and endangered they are, so that get a broad stat boost as well as an aggro function. Minimum of one. The more Rhino in a team, the less buff and aggro required. Less rare, less endangered. Does get a buff to animal instinct and enemy and loot radar though with more Rhino. This will also scale with Rhino's fashion synchronisation as well.
  13. No worries, I am a non native English speaker as well. I think your communication is excellent. I wouldn't have guessed English wasn't your first language at all. Sometimes I get involved in small misunderstandings though too, with others, but like I said earlier, sometimes its easier for a third party to try intervene. Youself and Ghastly seem well intentioned, and I am glad that all worked out well. Cheers!
  14. Man, there was one year, I can't remember which, but we got a few "experience booster weekends" that actually went for a week and alternated with "credit booster weekends" that also went for a week. Then they repeated this for a while. I remember it fondly, and its when I chose to level all my Kuva weapons. Think it might have been the lead up to Tennocon 2020? Maybe? Don't quote me though. I do miss me some Resource Booster Weekends. I hope we get one more, at least before they nerf Smeeta. Something primal inside my brain, lights up when I get 64 (or more?!?) Steel Essence from one Acolyte. Its not even really about the resource at that point. I just like seeing big numba. Just like Patrick Swayze's character in 1991's action thriller Point Break... but instead of big wave, big number.
  15. I think its easier for a random person like myself to insert themselves into a conversation or situation like yours, that may have gotten tense. So don't sell yourself short, I am sure that you are an excellent person, as much as Legacy. Maybe you both didn't win the best Comprehender of the Decade like me, but I comprehend very good. Thanks all the same for deescalating the situation too. I think thats a good point you raise about the 10th Year Anniversary. I don't really disagree. That being said, if I were working at DE, I probably would have suggested the Accolade be worded a bit differently, just to save a lot of grief and criticism. Like even just be more specific about the wording. "Anniversary Supporter Accolade", and maybe... even suggested something be given to everyone, to anyone who had made an account prior to the 10th year anniversary. Like a "Loyal Supporter Accolade" for any that may have contributed to DE financially or with their time, in its first 10 years. Thanks for playing with us. That way people who brought the pack, can get two, and people who didn't buy the pack, can still feel recognised for their Support as well. Like mentioned earlier, its just a small thing, but avoids the notion or implication that only those that brought the bundles are supporters of the game. That also being said... DE tends to overlook such possibilities, but they also tend to take note of when fans point that kind of thing out, and seek to remedy or improve in the future. So I imagine the 20 Year Anniversary Accolade will be more universally positive, hope to see you all then as well, lol. Cheers.
  16. Sorry this is late, but you really don't have to apologise. Your feedback and input is just as valid and welcome as anyone else. I think you were articulate, fair and respectful with your posts. I imagine DE is fine with it too, even if just having a place for people late to the discussion to share their two cents, or even if people just vent a little. If they weren't, they could instruct someone to close the thread. However they also plan on making changes to Heirlooms in the future, so maybe they consider it okay to have one spot where people can air there take, positive, negative, critical, or neutral, and potentially valuable as far as future changes and modifications. Take care.
  17. Communication is a two way street. Its okay if we don't necessarily always infer correctly about others points, or that our points may not have been phrased in such a way to communicate what we mean clearly. Especially in settings where we can request clarity or politely inquire about a persons meaning if we legitimately believe they have poor reading comprehension. I use to work with individuals with poor reading comprehension, because of certain developmental issues. You know what was never really helpful? Accusing them of having poor reading comprehension. Wasn't really any point to it, other than potentially feeling smug. Its not often that its either relevant or beneficial to accuse someone that way, since there are usually better alternatives. Like if someone misunderstands you, or misinterprets, clarifying your points is a decent start. Or if someones point seems muddled, requesting clarification. For the record, I personally interpreted Legacy's post as implicitly suggesting that they think "everyone", or at least anyone who has played Warframe in the last ten years, at the time of the Accolade, Founders and Beta players as well, naturally, since they are included with everyone. Though specifically mentioning them, I assume because they did get types of Accolades respectively. That also being said, I did have to double check what they meant, and initially thought it was odd to emphasis Founders and Beta players after, because they would have been implicit if they had just talked about everyone. So I could also see where Ghastly was coming from with their interpretation. Either way, I don't really think accusations of poor reading comprehension or arguments about who implied what, is that important. We can just use our communication skills to have a nicer, chill conversation. Or at the least, sincerely trying to understand each other, because if we are sincere in our efforts, people can and will reciprocate, instead of getting defensive and countering passive insults with their own. Plus the actual crux of the situation is that some people think a "10 Year Supporter" accolade is a bit silly to be given to players who buy one bundle, and its possible for others to justify that to themselves in various means, but it doesn't necessarily mean others will agree. Any random thing can be justified to an individual without necessarily being accurate or valid or making sense to others. Plus both of your reading comprehension levels pale compared to mine. I actually won a competition once, it was for the Best Reading Comprehensor on Earth. Decade long title, I came in 1st, Second and #5!
  18. Its the Wandering Wyrm Everywhere System. Multiple or singular Wyrm can appear and wander around of its own accord, attacking various enemies at any point during gameplay, initiating a battle with their potential rivals with the intention of improving their mastery of the Wrym fighting style and battle system. As far as why you can't find any information of this... well the first rule of the Wandering Wyrm Everywhere System is that you don't talk about the Wandering Wyrm Everywhere System. The second rule of the Wandering Wyrm Everywhere System is that you can talk about the Wandering Wyrm Everywhere System, but only if you delete the record of you talking about it, in 33 hours after talking about it, so I will eventually delete this post. Or else...
  19. I agree and am appreciative as well. I was around for those packs, and I did actually buy them. Though when I brought them, it was because I wanted to support DE, and I thought it was cool. Like the Narmer Palette? Those darker dirty golden accents? The Zobov shotgun skin? The Capstan pistol skin? So cool, my only criticism, is that some of the skins are so good, I almost wished they were actual unique weapons. Everything I have ever gotten from Warframe for money, I would prefer always be available through alternative means, like Platinum, or at the least via some sort of rotation. When I started Warframe, they had the Unvault system. Sure, I couldn't grind for Mag Prime, Frost Prime or Ember Prime, directly... and I was shy, so I didn't want to trade with other players at the time... I could wait for them to be unvaulted though. Sure it was like, over a year of waiting... but I knew I was never permanently locked out of most/99% game items. It makes me very happy to think I will see more people having the opportunity to have great colour palettes, and Armour sets for their fashion, cool Domestik Drones for their Orbiters, cool shotgun and pistol skins (they are universal and the Zobev works on certain primary Kitgun's, the shotgun types, so if you think kitguns are a bit... aesthetically ugly... You might want the Zobev skin. Its really cool!). Not only that, personally, I would be more inclined to buy Supporter packs with money, if I know they will return later for Plat (or just be available for Plat, by default, since Supporter packs for money can just come with some extra currency like Platinum, and I'd probably get that bundle instead, because I can, but I know not everyone can). This is a welcome direction and good as far as consumer friendliness.
  20. Valley of Defilement/Blight Town as Miyazaki intended it to be played. Oh but since this is Warframe forum, Zariman hub. For err non creepy reasons, I swear. Won't be playing as Saryn, Grendel or Nidus for a while either. No offence to them. I just get the sense... they have particular scents.
  21. Subjectively, personally, as someone who has also spent money on some of those packs, I like this development. So much so I would be more inclined to spend actual money on Supporter packs in the future, if I knew this would be the case. I just want cool stuff, I don't want cool exclusive stuff not be available to other people, because they can't afford it, or weren't around at the time. I have sympathies for people who may feel differently, and again, just my subjective personal perspective, but yeah. Either way, there are certain terms that should be treated with suspicion as a consumer generally speaking. Like depending on which country or organisation and laws you are dealing with, addressing how accountable or liable certain organisations, or businesses are... People literally make careers out of learning how to navigate around such ideas. For myself personally, its one small frustration I encounter around the forums/Reddit. People conflate opinions, even decently reasoned opinions, with actual expertise and knowledge on certain topics in certain fields. Some people exaggerate what they think they know, some people undermine. I personally actually downplay and undermine how much I know, for reasons. Either way though you will often see people make claims involving legalities, and you can ask them for harder evidence, proof, or explanations, to give their claims more credibility or weight... and rarely can they actually do that. Its why I personally prefer downplaying what I know... because I am really incredibly lazy. I could source examples, cite references, and provide decent context and framing to try and give weight to viewpoints but since I am lazy, and I know some people legitimately do know much better, understand better, the relevant subjects... To be super clear and direct... I am not saying or implying that OP or anyone in this thread is necessarily doing that, but thats where threads like this often end up. This is where implications, sincerity, disingenuity, can get muddy. A lot of the power isn't with the consumers. You get questions like "How can we market this in a way, which will encourage and motivate people to buy? Especially people who might be undecided? Well, in our industry and experience, we generally know, that such people will often start leaning towards purchasing more, if they think its limited time deal". "Well, does that mean, if later its profitable to sell the item, we can't?", "Well, depends on some specific terminology and potentially fine print, legalese, and structuring, like around bundles. Also, our intent. Which is kind of flimsy. Since right now? We determine its not profitable to have this pack up permanently, so our intent is that it is actually limited to right now. That being said, who knows the future. In three years time, data may show its profitable to rerelease or specifically repackage certain items, and sell them a different way. With new data and information. If that happens, and stuff changes. Is that duplicitous? Well... is it duplicitous to be business minded? To prioritise profit? What if this is what the people want? More importantly our lawyers gave us the all clear, because these reasons, that no one would really challenge us over. So..." Obviously its more complicated than that too, but as a consumer that views FOMO style tactics, limited timed exclusive items as anti-consumer, are such actions shady and a bit deceptive/disingenuous? A little, legal? I don't have enough expertise to say, but to myself outside of that, such tactics are actually more consumer friendly than the alternative. The better solution would be, just avoiding such framing and limited time, exclusive, deals in the first place, but hey. I also imagine its something DE would be reactive over. As a business you know, they'll course correct where necessarily, and they have more internal data than us general fans, to weigh in with their various decisions, present and future.
  22. Shrugs. In Warframe, "playing the game like you normally do" can mean very different things to different people. Half of my playtime has probably been in endless missions, where getting a lot of Finisher kills happened naturally anyway, without the benefits of an Arcane. Some people may also enjoy the aspect of experimenting with builds, to lower crit chance for the benefits of what could then be a strong Arcane/increased DPS. Grace and Barrier can also be as niche, and whilst I like bows, there are many that do not. Meaning, how one creates a criteria for value will be subjective (I don't these benefit you for playing "as normal" versus this doesn't benefit me at all, because I don't use bows), which again, fair and valid as per criteria, established, just you know. Like to be clear, as per the criteria you established, I don't really disagree. What you say, makes sense. Though, to me, whether an Arcane is designated as Legendary, isn't really that objectively notable, and seems more based on certain metrics around acquirement, and value in that sense. Like if we get an Operation and a shop to buy them, they are usually more expensive. If we trade them at Loid, they will usually get more value. When we roll the mechanic to buy Arcane packs, their numbers/odds are lower. So to DE, that seems to be the criteria for designation of such terms, rather than necessarily their potency or even popularity. I also like a mix of broad and specialised Arcanes. Just because depending what the Arcane is for, well many weapons are different with different strengths and weaknesses. I like Arcanes that are for say certain bows and shotguns, because then you can increase the viability of certain weapons, without those buffs applying to weapons like the Zarr that do not need it. Bit like that Arcane thats a buff to heavy blades, and has to do with amount of swings. Naturally, I also like broader utility Arcanes, as well, that you can slap on to many different builds, and get value from more conveniently.
  23. I mean we get configs for a reason. So for all Warframes. I have a load out thats just their default abilities. For most, its actually their main load out. Yeah, many have abilities which aren't the best, or just aren't great, but I usually find a way to enjoy them, regardless. So for me, its actually easier to just name the Warframes I do have Helminth abilities on (well, mind you, I have done a lot of experimenting with other configs, to see what might be interesting, but thats usually more for testing than actually using a lot). On Frost I got rid of the Snow Globe for Ice Slide (Lavos ability). I like building Frost for range, so I can armour strip more enemies, and Snow Globes affect on team mates weapons can be annoying if its too large, as far as blocking shots etc. Plus I find if you just kill enemies fast, thats the best defence if you happen to be doing Defence so... having an ice themed mobility ability that you don't actually use energy for... Then on Mesa, I like using Xata's Whisper or Pillage. Everyone else (at least as far as main load out/usage is their standard set.
  24. I don't see why bows should be exempt. When you consider that Warframes have the technology to make clones/duplicates and shrink, they could make thousands of small mini bows, with the same impact and damage of normal bows, and then fire all of them, over and over without having to pull back let alone reload. Same with launchers. So they should just get rid of reload, since it serves no purpose, and without reload, well do ammo or magazines really have a purpose either? All weapons should be infinite ammo, and constantly firing at all times, even when we aren't playing. Actually when you think about it all enemies should already be dead by the time we load into the mission, since they should be flooded by constant fire, plasma, explosions, energy pulses, bullets, etc constantly. There is no reason this shouldn't be happening. So when you really think about it, we all already won the game, and can finally play a different game. I vote we rename the Forums to be a Tetris Forum. ... More sincerely though, reloading is complimentary to Warframe's identity, since a large amount of Warframe is variety and reloading can help create variety and diversity, in a number of different ways. It can be used as a balance of sorts, to assist or hinder certain weapons, which in turn, may get allowances they might not otherwise have gotten. Basically on some weapons it can be used as a limiter. Some weapons like the Tigris and Exergis, having a small magazine/constant reload can let them have higher damage than otherwise. Whilst the Tigris has faded from the meta, it did use to be near the top. Consider a weapon like the Trumna. Huge magazine, mini AOE, and if you kill with it, a devastating bouncy alt fire grenade. Its got a relatively long/slow reload though. Reload is one way of many, DE can look at a weapon, and over tune in, in some ways, and then balance it somewhat in other ways. Just as far as gameplay elements. Obviously then you have reload, animation, sound design aspects, which can do a lot for the sheer visceral enjoyment of a weapon.
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