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Everything posted by -Krism-

  1. Holy S#&$, can't believe I didn't caught on that
  2. Damn, the amount of people just trashing things before even testing it themselves The Gotva is very good, the 300% Crit Chance with enemies is an interesting gimmick; I really, really want the alt fire from the Aeolak tho, I also like the Aeolak's look way more
  3. I don't get why you're getting aggressive all of a sudden, maybe you simply didn't like my wording, I'm sorry, that's just the way I talk ¯\_(:/)_/¯, tho I can assure you, I was just explaining calmly that you should test the weapon for yourself before judging it based on a youtube video Btw, the devs don't read this part of the forums
  4. My guess is that this is just an effect he has at all times, you know, just like how Eldritch entities make you go insane just by looking at their impossible biology & their mere physical presence can distort & contort their surroundings
  5. Le skin sera dispo quand Tennocon commencera, je te rappel qu'il y a un décalage horaire de 6h entre nous & DE
  6. Then play with it, I shouldn't have to tell you how it performs when you can test it for yourself Play with it, if you don't like it, whatever; I told you what it was capable of, the mode has infinite enemy punch through with very high damage & very wide projectiles
  7. Did you actually test it for yourself for more than 2 seconds, or do you take youtubers/streamers words as indisputable truth? The Incarnon form is very powerful, it was just trashed by people like Brozime who just want to get their videos out asap to get a maximum of views, it only takes me one or two shots to kill a corridor full of SP Grineers
  8. Well, you heard the lady, absolutely nothing suspicious here
  9. https://forums.warframe.com/forum/140-français/ Crossplay n'est pas fini, tu ne peut pas ajouter des personnes qui son sur une autre platforme que toi, c'est la même chose pour nous sur PC
  10. That's exactly what I was talking about, it has everything to do with us, but I already explained why in my first reply You don't need to have a deal to have an interaction, you completely missed the part of the story where Wally took Albrecht's from & "stole" his memories Why the #*!% would I say that? Seems like you just didn't understand anything of what I said
  11. Dude, you know not everyone is doing everything right? The bug-fixing team isn't the same one recording videos
  12. Really? Nothing at all? 1. The canonical Operator is a female named Mara (canonical as in that's the internal name they're using in the game's code) 2. The narrator is Albrecht, that's his lines from the Requiem's entries Since the same thing that happened to him happened to us, it's not far-fetched to say we will learn more about the Operator's role in Wally's plan when we learn about Albrecht himself That's like saying the next story quest won't have anything to do with Albrecht because it's not his name specifically in the quest's name 3. Again, that's just Wally taking Mara's appearance See point 2 Considering Deimos was supposed to come out after TNW, that's very much possible The Heart & the Void Gate still haven't been used much
  13. If I say "Wall of fire", do you think I'm referring to a creature/person called "fire"? Same principle
  14. I don't know if you've noticed, but we're still trying to figure that out, don't expect me to give you an answer, Wally is an Eldritch entity for a reason after all Again, I didn't say I agreed with OP, but they may not be entirely wrong, there may be more to the Operator's existence than just being an alternate choice from Eternalism *than
  15. There's many things that you're overlooking: First, Albrecht himself is considering who escaped, the actual him or Wally, which leads to my next point: Second, we can relate to this as Wally can control the Operator's body seemingly when he wants, even teleporting us & showing us events that happened when we weren't even there & third, the Drifter says "As far as I see it, you're the me who got rescued from this S#&$, & I am the one who did not", it is complete speculation on their part &, as far as I remember, nowhere was it every confirmed Not saying this is true, it's an interesting theory, but you're just shutting down the idea without even trying to think about it
  16. Tbh, I completely forgot Blast was a thing, & now that I think about it, Mag too, so scrap that one, I just forgot they both existed :/ What I meant to say was, as you probably guessed it, other elements than the basic viral+slash combo have their uses, like Toxin, Elec, Heat, Rad, Corr, Viral, & even Gas, & now Cold & Puncture So the only ones I still don't use being Impact, since only very few enemies can be Mercied & the stagger effect is useless, Mag, since Toxin is just better at dealing with shields, & Blast which is just bad
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