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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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1 hour ago, LolenderVx2 said:

Its, literaly, one of the best scaling-aoe-damage powers, that deals insane numbers of damage. It cant be perfect, Warframes need to have a downside on their powers. You can still refilling you energy pool whit Rage, Energy Orbs or Arcane Energize.

DE dont want again another "Press(number of the ability)to win" (Like the old Mesa). The insane drain its pretty necesary, even considering how powerful it is.

That’s just it. Danse is nowhere near the level of old peacemaker. It’s not even on the level of current peacemaker.

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I've built, leveled, and Forma'd Revenant and have noticed an issue with their Enthralling ability. Whenever an enemy becomes Enthralled, they seem to lack the immediate aggression towards the more responsive enemy A.I., looking dumbed down as they prioritize either rubber banding towards the caster and getting shot along the way without retaliating or running to take cover and not do anything for a few seconds. The Enthralled becomes a moving bullet sponge at this point that rarely retaliate and is immediately shot by the nearest enemy while it aims but rarely fire, resulting in the lack of a proper domino effect the ability should be causing. 

The A.I. needs to be tweaked so that the Enthralled are equally or more responsive to their enemy counterparts.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)ultamite hero said:

I think most of these things that go through mesmer skin are just part of the bugs it has. But in a multiplayer session it seems to work fine for the most part strangely. It's pretty strange that this simple ability can be extremely buggy.Anyways here is my theory as to why it doesn't work properly.

theory 1: Anything that mesmer skin can't reflect its damage back at seems to ignore it and pierce right through. Environmental damage seems to prove this as its damage has nowhere to be reflected back at. But what about lancer grenades? Those bypass mesmer skin and yet they come directly from the lancer. Does this mean that these grenades in a sense count as environmental damage or is there something else amidst that I may have missed? For now I assume its because it counts as environmental damage.

Now onto second part of this theory involving the whole mesmer skin failing solo and working in multiplayer. Now everybody here who's played revenant is very well aware of the bug that makes insta-kill single shots bypass mesmer skin. But I'm sure most of you haven't heard of how it works almost perfectly fine in multiplayer sessions. Now for why this is the case I'm about to explain. Now keep in mind that may sound very strange, but this is the closest thing I can connect it without chalking it off as some weird network thing.

I think the reason why is because of the bleedout state. I believe the bleedout state is taken into account by mesmer skin and in a sense giving the ability an infinite ehp pool to work off of. My reason for this is because technically when you're bleeding out you're not dead, just on the verge of death. So this could mean that if this bug isn't fixed by the time elite alerts come out this can be proven or disproven. Elite alerts if I'm correct don't have bleedout states enabled. So in theory playing elite alerts with people will have the same insta-kill effect accur through mesmer skin as if being played solo.

Edit: I forgot that my theory can actually be tested now. The last person who is alive don't go into a downed state when everybody else is dead or downed.

Edit 2: I just tested it and I can safely confirm this theory of mine true. I will make a seperate thread about this with video proof if needed be.

An interesting theory, does sound very possible to be the case.

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37 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Definitely needs to be looked at again, no joke I've had thralls shooting AT me from time to time. No damage is dealt, but I know they aren't trying to shoot something behind me. Gotta wonder what the deal is since we clearly have other friendly AI like the Syndicate Specters.

I kid you not, an Enthralled somehow shot a Defense Objective once and Enthralled it, opening it to friendly fire. 

The ability itself should give the Enthralled buffs or something like enhanced aggression or something, as it is currently, I can only make use of it pacify high danger targets like Nox, Bombards, Ancients, can't even properly utilize their AoE to Enthrall multiple enemies.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Build health, Rage/Hunter and QT if you wish to (actual alternative to the mist eather way)

You'll not even run out of energy pressing the fire button like that....

I've had beef with a few things about him so far but the efficiency definitly wasn't among them. Plus there's no benefit to anything but balancing his duration... reave becomes uncontrollable with even 150% duration.

Nonono don’t use rage. There’s a perfect shield tank here. Run zenurik instead.


Also, just run 175% efficiency plus narrow minded if you want a pure danse macbre build. The energy cost drops to 5 per sec and 10 per sec on overdrive. It only steals 3 mod slots

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14 minutes ago, MrMrs said:

Nonono don’t use rage. There’s a perfect shield tank here. Run zenurik instead.


Also, just run 175% efficiency plus narrow minded if you want a pure danse macbre build. The energy cost drops to 5 per sec and 10 per sec on overdrive. It only steals 3 mod slots

Narrow minded adds nothing to that equation.

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23 hours ago, VPrime96 said:

Honestly, following his HUD is not as bad as Octavia’s. When playing a Survival with her, you would have Numbers all over the Screen. Top, bottom, left side, and right side while you try to pay attention where the enemies are so you don’t get killed and have colors in front of you. 

Octavias aesthetic never really did it for me so I've only played her lightly, if she  is worse than revenant then there needs to be a better solution there too.

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Narrow minded adds nothing to that equation.

Yeah I wasn’t exactly thinking straight. Although when you build for 175% efficiency to get 5 energy per sec drain it assumes you have 100% duration (positive duration means even less drain while negative duration is the oppopsite) which fleeting experience doesn’t allow (negative duration). The energy drain os vlose though. Narrow minded is just there to help keep his other abilities from losing their duration. So technically you don’t need narrow minded for a danse macabre build. You really only need 175% efficiency and strength. Too much negative duration is bad though so continuity and narrow are a good idea to have. 

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16 minutes ago, MrMrs said:

Yeah I wasn’t exactly thinking straight. Although when you build for 175% efficiency to get 5 energy per sec drain it assumes you have 100% duration (positive duration means even less drain while negative duration is the oppopsite) which fleeting experience doesn’t allow (negative duration). The energy drain os vlose though. Narrow minded is just there to help keep his other abilities from losing their duration. So technically you don’t need narrow minded for a danse macabre build. You really only need 175% efficiency and strength. Too much negative duration is bad though so continuity and narrow are a good idea to have. 

Or do what I did and remove fleeting and put in narrow minded. I have the drain down to just above 6 energy per second

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb MrMrs:

Nonono don’t use rage. There’s a perfect shield tank here. Run zenurik instead.

He's a perfect shield tank, health tank, energy tank, ability tank....literally everything except for an armor/reduction tank honestly. It's ridiculous. Rage makes the difference there just how much you can really use reave/overdrive without canceling the spin. It's recommendable, it really is.

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Yeah, they use theyr normal AI with a different ally setting. That's also why you see nekros shadows, spawns that even actively draw aggro hide behind obstacles to avoid LoS.

It's been that way ever since nekros release, years since that issue appeared and was requested for the first time so don't expect it to change anytime soon.

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I've also seen this, but the thing is that it is not consistent. Sometimes they immediately aggro on to nearby enemies and you have full thrall-set before you know it (usually by desperately mashing 1 against a heavy gunner in front of you, wondering why nothing happens before the situation registers 🙂 …).

My theory is that ping affects their behaviour (including if you are the host or not). That is, with higher ping/worse connection their reaction to what happens slows down a bit. Haven't tested it though (but it would be easy, just compare soloing a mission to teaming up).

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I don't agree that 20 is too much. You can get it down below 10/sec easy enough, or even lower. Considering the possible damage output and the ability to move (even quickly) there has to be some cap, or everyone would just disco through missions from start to end.

The "bad" thing is that the newer players don't necessarily have access to the mods necessary to mod accordingly, and thus don't get to experience the full power of the Revenant. However, that means there are still a need to loot, grind and something to fight for 😉

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10 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Or do what I did and remove fleeting and put in narrow minded. I have the drain down to just above 6 energy per second

Always take out Fleeting on Drain abilities, it's a net-neutral mod for those, what you gain in actual Efficiency, the negative Duration removes an equal amount of on the opposite side.

It's because energy cost isn't 'per second' it's 'per unit of time', and adding Duration extends the period of time it takes that energy for. I literally blew a Valkyr player's mind when I explained that to them ^^

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