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What to spend tons of platinum on? I am a fairly old player.


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Like already mentioned, get some slots for warframes and weapons. You are never going to regret them.

Other than those, if you see an item you don't feel like farming for, you can spend some plat on trading. But always make sure to check warframe market prices first. Prime parts/frames/components and Rivens for certain weapons fall into this category.

Then of course there's the pinnacle of many players' efforts, fashionframe. You can get whatever cosmetic item you like, especially some nice deluxe skins for your favorite frames, syandanas, colors etc.

I would keep a lot of plat at the "bank" too, there are always new things to be released around the corner.

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Deluxe skins, warframe and weapon slots, orokin reactors and catalyst, forma, Liset decorations, rivens, arcanes (energize costs over 2.5k platinum)...

You might want to think about spending some money on tennogen skins if you don't like the deluxe skins.

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Honestly, most people will say not to. But do you have a favourite weapon? Put 1-2k aside for a riven for it and make it even more fun. 
I have 90 rivens, all for guns that are non-meta or just ones I enjoy. I do not regret one. I love wiping 155 bombards with a Tysis.

Edited by -Shikari-
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Look through people's Wishlist that you know and give them an item off of it.

I did this when I used to do TradeFrame and had much plat. Go into a Pub mission, see how the mission is being played/level of other random, and if I had a good experience in it, gift them something off their Wish list. 

You may just rekindle someone's loss faith in the player base. 


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Buy whatever u want...As for myself if i got alot of Plat i will get stuff step by step... I go for Mods/Color/Slots that able to collect every single weapon/forma/Skins include Pet,Operator,Spaceship/Tennogen Skins/Glyph every single glyph and finally Arcane... for me i already achieved the peak having 95% of the Stuff in warframe include Tennogen..

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