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What constitues a good teammate in your opinion?


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What Warframes, Weapons, or Aura and Augment Mods do you appreciate people on your team using? Do you prefer someone who tries to make conversation or someone who keeps quiet?

Conversely, what sort of things do you dislike in a teammate?


I'm a supportive player by nature, Trinity being my most played Warframe, and I generally don't like Warframes without some sort of supportive capability. I often do things to benefit my team, even if it comes at a cost to my own success. Lately though, I've been more self-centered and irritable 😕 . I get annoyed and angry when people make mistakes or do things I consider taboo. I want to be a better teammate. I want to help people rather than get mad at my team for not keeping up.

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Well personally, I can handle any mission I go to, so I don't need any of their help when I actually play public. What would actually be nice, is when you ask them a question, you get...

8 minutes ago, (PS4)Galvantez said:


Instead of every single player being a complete wall of silence when you make them a direct question.

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For NAEGLAR for instance, they are capable of doing either Caches or Hives quickly, can do both. Do not mind me idling for a bit, do not quit after one game like leechs who usually contribute nothing get [Shell Shock] or [High Voltage] then quit immediately and we are stuck looking for a team over and over.

Edited by k4for
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my standards are simple Can you kill things reliably if you answered yes then your good in my book if what they have works for them im not gonna judge them  

what i dont like in a team mate varies im pretty silent unless im feeling abnormally chatty but if your spending more time talking then fighting ill get annoyed but just pick up my own pace to make up besides that going down 4+ times in a very short time period of time ill get annoyed

probably the biggest thing that will make me mad is using a build that is clearly not how the game intended it so your nuke trins for example and and when i tell you i dont like it get overly defensive to the point of hostile for muh build diversity or people overly using something blatantly op invest into it and then when it mile away seen gets nerfed and you feel the need to whine like DE personally came to your house and took your favorite thing from you forever 

another one is people complain the chroma "nerfs" for that one They said "hey his ability scaling is broken were going to fix it" you had time to prepare for the coming fixs even then he still holds his most powerful damage and armor buff in the game just lost i wanna say 10% over all openly complaining about it in the eidolon hunts wont make DE break him for you save it for the forums even then i feel like your wasting your breath or energy typing it in this case 

besides that i make my goal to not normally interact with people unless i need/choose to you kill your part ill kill mine keep it short sweet and simple

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23 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

Well personally, I can handle any mission I go to, so I don't need any of their help when I actually play public. What would actually be nice, is when you ask them a question, you get...

Instead of every single player being a complete wall of silence when you make them a direct question.

I can definitely relate. I've asked people direct questions a few times only to be ignored. I assumed I was the one being weird for asking a question.

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57 минут назад, (PS4)Galvantez сказал:

What Warframes, Weapons, or Aura and Augment Mods do you appreciate people on your team using?

Everything except Limbo.


Do you prefer someone who tries to make conversation or someone who keeps quiet?

In principle, there is not much difference, but if someone from the party has a good sense of humor - it's fine)


Conversely, what sort of things do you dislike in a teammate?

Elite grumblers.

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Don't be a selfcentric and is all good imo. No need to get salty over a game, ask if you don't know something, explain instead of being condescending if someone else doesn't know "basic knowledge", revive my dog, don't be stubborn (if someone asked you to turn cataclysm for a sec to loot, don't turn it into a useless argument).

At this day n age, i dunno if i have very low standards, or very high.

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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Someone who doesn't put 4 phylaxis in the mixer, and waste everyone's time by turning hemocytes into bullet sponges.  That may have worked for farming back when you could one-shot heads with some frame abilities, but now?  The best standing farm is by doing the missions fast.

[edit] if you do do this, make sure the whole group is bringing enough damage to make up for the extra levels, and the armor they bring.

Edited by polarity
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I am pretty new player here but a good team mate is communicative, helpful, answers the questions if can be answered and trying to finish the mission. The rest is just extra like, kind and grateful person or wise. 

Solo players can be good teammates aswell but they are more focused to do everything alone and sometimes they are not communicative and there are no real tactics sometimes.

I know it is hard to typing in the middle of a fight but before or after players can make conversation and make plans what to do next and who take A B C positions.

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Someone who pulls their weight or at least tries their hardest; there's nothing that I find more irritating than leeches who just sit around doing nothing. Even low MR newbies with crappy weapons are more preferred to leeches, as long as the newbie is trying his/her best to pull their own weight. Points for effort.

Of course, reviving and not being an annoying pr*ck to fellow Tenno is also something I appreciate.

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Good teammates mark rare drops and resources for their squad.

Good teammates wait in lifts for the rest of the squad.

Bad teammates drop energy pads when I'm playing Trinity. Seriously, I hate you guys! I can forgive you're zenurik dash, just. That's almost subconscious by now. But not your energy pads. I hear that bwom-bwom and I wonder if you have any idea about this game. Screw you guys.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Galvantez said:

What Warframes, Weapons, or Aura and Augment Mods do you appreciate people on your team using?

I don't mind, so long as they can use them well. I get a little nettled when they don't, of course. Even though I mostly use Limbo, I still get annoyed by people misusing him. It often undoes my work to keep Limbo's powers running as smoothly as possible with as little disturbance as possible. And of course, AFK Limbos. Which, I've made up my mind, next time I see one when I'm playing as Limbo, I'm throwing them out of the rift.

8 hours ago, (PS4)Galvantez said:

 Do you prefer someone who tries to make conversation or someone who keeps quiet?

Either way's fine with me. Conversation can be fun, but sometimes distracting. Quiet is pretty no-nonsense, but can get dull.

8 hours ago, (PS4)Galvantez said:

Conversely, what sort of things do you dislike in a teammate?

AFK, not bringing equipment that can do the job or generally being unconscientious of public play space. Nuking kind of falls under this, outside of Hydron and any other loot caves where it's dull but Hydron's not played for fun anyway. But for regular content, I don't get why people go into a pub for super-efficiency. It's a public area, imparting your will without considering what the three other people might want is just unfriendly. Again, although I play Limbo, I've got him built to not mess with other players. Lower range (about half the radius of a max-range cataclysm, letting enemies get within murdering distance before stopping) and avoiding other powers unless necessary. If I do use other powers, I'm responsible for cleaning up any enemies in the rift.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Galvantez said:

Conversely, what sort of things do you dislike in a teammate?

oof. there's not enough time in the day for me to go on this tangent, but a relatively obvious shortlist would be:

- AFKing

- low skill level (I can understand it it newer players, but to me, MR20+ getting downed all the time = most likley an old Draco baby.

- entitlement

- toxicity

- trolling

- not willing to learn if I'm trying to teach them to do something they are struggling with, like Spy Vaults.

as for what I WOULD like in a team-mate:

- an ounce of skill. you don't have to be insanely good, but someone I don't have to pick up every 10 seconds goes a long way.

- someone who revives and is a team player

- someone who pops a GG after a harder mission like Sorties. no t mandatory, but appreciated.

- someone with a brain cell to their name. that is, someone who knows things like "running headfirst down a corridor full of Gunners miles away from every other player as a squishy frame is probably a bad idea".

as someone who often PUGs only for the sake of having others to make things go faster, not holding the team up is enough for me to not be infuriated. but the important thing to note here is that I am mostly a solo player: nowadays I only pug T5 bounties occasionally if I don't feel like using a tanky frame and relic runs when a new Prime comes out in the hopes of landing another player using the same relic (yes, I know there's Radshares, and I use those too, but sometimes recruit chat is barren.)

which reminds me: with Chroma Prime coming out very soon, remember what you sign up for with public relic runs and radshare safely. also, good luck to everyone, we'll probably need it.



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