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We need a platinum sink and we need it badly


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Two things come to mind that would be places where they could add a plat sink 

  1. An actual in game Market, leave direct player to player trading untouched and they could add a modest plat tax to every transaction handled by the more automated market. That would also serve to lower prices by fostering actual competition instead of dealing with the two people currently selling what you're looking for in Trade chat and the few hundred people who might actually have what you're looking for but never see your message because Trade chat is either flying by too fast or they are hyper focused on finding what they're looking for (EG: chat filters prevent them from seeing your buy request)
  2. Selling Dojo decorations for plat outright, still have the component cost (for people who don't have metric tons of plat) but also have the ability to totally skip that by spending plat. Cause there are probably a lot of people who would gladly burn several thousand plat making their dojo look epic, which has essentially zero bearing on the actual game.
Edited by Oreades
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8 minutes ago, stormy505 said:

Rivens are already a plat sink in this game. 50k will go by in a flash with how high some of the prices are on rivens.

Rivens aren't actually a plat sink tho, those just shift the plat around between a few "high rollers" it's still in the game. 

Unless DE has someone in the office manufacturing "godtier" Rivens, selling them in trade chat and then destroying the plat as they rake it in. Which I kinda highly doubt.

Edited by Oreades
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21 minutes ago, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

Consoles don't really have this problem cuz no login plat discount on top of tennogen costing plat for us. I can see why it might be a problem on pc though.

Thats exactly my message. Already and clearly stated in opening topic that my proposal was probably garbage.

and no, I don’t complain about prices since I can afford almost anything. I’m just saying some stuff is becoming too far from new players reach because of supply and demand and inflation.

i saw ember p set going for over 1k plats and half garbage rivens at 800.  

Still convinced we need to remove 75% discounts and having ANY kind of small, repeatable, non abusive plat sink.

yeh the riven thing I’m suggesting is like the kubrow stuff that was a thing for like 2 days. And I still think kubrow color scramble for 10p was not abusive, even more if you make it so people can’t do that more than once or twice a day. A very small, impossible to abuse plat sink that will interest only a small fraction of playerbase 

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21 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

Thats exactly my message. Already and clearly stated in opening topic that my proposal was probably garbage.

and no, I don’t complain about prices since I can afford almost anything. I’m just saying some stuff is becoming too far from new players reach because of supply and demand and inflation.

i saw ember p set going for over 1k plats and half garbage rivens at 800.  

Still convinced we need to remove 75% discounts and having ANY kind of small, repeatable, non abusive plat sink.

yeh the riven thing I’m suggesting is like the kubrow stuff that was a thing for like 2 days. And I still think kubrow color scramble for 10p was not abusive, even more if you make it so people can’t do that more than once or twice a day. A very small, impossible to abuse plat sink that will interest only a small fraction of playerbase  


Yet I'm seeing about 10 Ember Primes for about 235 plat each right now. Now I'm a pretty new player I've been playing for about 5 months now.  I've spend about 50$ in total on the game currently and I own every warframe in the game. So no, it's still pretty cheap for new players to get stuff if they really want it.

They won't be able to afford Rivens which aren't really necessary and honestly you can grind out yourself. The only thing I want and can't get are the arcanes which do have a material effect on the game and are far beyond my reach. But thpse two things are expensive because of RNG not because of a lot of plat in the game. Similar to how the price of a prime plummets every time DE gives it away for free the Rivens and Arcane prices would be way lower if they were easier to get. But I don't think anyone's asking for that.

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9 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

This is the worst idea I have read in a long time. I addition to making rivens actual lootboxes, there is no progression in riven recycling. You are very likely to spend 30plat on literally nothing. I don't know how this seems like a good idea to you.

Is this about not being able to afford a Gram or a Rubico riven?

First of all, you're right. Second, what op is suggesting wouldn't reduce the price of anything. If anything, it would make prices higher. But it probably wouldn't do anything.

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Plat prices will always go up as long as people are willing to spend the plat that is being asked for.

Want to see the prices go down? Don't buy things for high price, and sell things for under 'current market value'.

This will never happen because 1) The law of retail is buy cheap, sell dear, 2) There is always someone that has the plat, and doesn't want to spend the time getting the item(s) themselves, and 3) People are greedy.

Though in video games, if you really want to make a lot of whatever premium currency in trades, you sell -way- under market value. This allows you to constantly move inventory and gain a steady growth instead of in just huge jumps. Over time, this actually equals a greater sum.

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You OP need to play EA's games lately, you can have your loot boxes there. Keep that trash out of our Warframe. I can't speak for the community, but I can assure you that at least most do not want to see that kind of crud in their space ninja game. We already had a system like that before with transmutation and credits. It was horrid then, and a plat sink is worse. Just because you can afford things behind plat does not mean hiding content behind a paywall makes any sense at all. I am not sure where you even came up with this, before you were going to bed maybe?

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Your proposal is pretty bad, and so is your idea. Associating platinum with power in any shape, way, or form in that direct of a manner is going to wreck Warframe's ethos and reputation as a F2P game done right.

More cosmetics? Yes please.

More visual customisation like alternate power effects? Yes please.

More audio customisation like voice packs, alternate sounds for weapons, etc? Yes please.

Anything else: Fudge no.

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19 hours ago, JohnKable said:


Plese take this topic seriously but not my proposal. Dont waste your time explaining why my proposal is bad, but only if you agree or not we could use some minor and recurring platinum sink, and the form you would suggest for it

I'm going to tell you exactly why this is a bad idea and I'm going to absolutely to tell you why your proposal is bad - it can carry criminal repercussions and get DE fined and possibly imprisoned with other countries in other parts of the world unless this thing you proposed is restricted from the USA and the EU, for starters. There is nothing else to discuss when you bring an elephant this huge into the room. You seem to be privy as to the developments of lootboxes and EA, why have you even spoken of this here, knowing the repercussions this may take? A lootbox here or there is still considered gambling, no matter how many times you can do it.

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19 hours ago, JohnKable said:

True, and totally agree. But thats not taking into account the many many players that already have immense plat reserves.

Who cares? That doesn't justify removing plat discounts.

DE wants to encourage platinum sales. Removing plat discounts would discourage platinum sales.

Also, your suggestion would essentially make Rivens a slot machine (pay for random roll). DE is against that.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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19 hours ago, JohnKable said:

Nope, I can afford almost everything I want

So just because, you'r rich can afford almost anything. You came to the conclusion that there should be a plat sink to satisfy your needs? While making the whole game more P2W? And you refuse to heard why this idea is bad. Wow... 

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