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Next Open World: Does Lightning Strike Thrice?


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We don't know how far DE plans to carry open worlds, but we do know two things:

A. They're still focusing on other big features, an example being Railjack.

B. The open world module drastically slows down development on other mechanics (though this may be up for debate).

So, how well do you see the open world module faring from now on? Will we eventually get tired of open worlds? After all, beautiful as they may be, there is only so much interaction with the environment and the current two we have are practically copies of one another with gently varying differences by way of gameplay.

Would you rather DE stop now - or perhaps at a third world in order to focus on different features, or do you look forward to more and more of these? Do you see this module fly a third time? Are you tired of this? Please post your thoughts 😄

Edited by Tellakey
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How about we wait to GET Fortuna first?


We already know that several issues people had gripes with PoE are getting fixed for Fortuna, so again lets actually wait till we get them before considering if more open worlds are good or not.

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20 minutes ago, trst said:

How about we wait to GET Fortuna first?


We already know that several issues people had gripes with PoE are getting fixed for Fortuna, so again lets actually wait till we get them before considering if more open worlds are good or not.

Whether or not some issues have been fixed is irrelevant to the discussion. The question is not "Will future open worlds fix the issues of previous ones.", it is, "Will we get tired of this module, regardless of how well-implemented it is." Fortuna may be the most fair, well optimized, satisfying open world experience, but it could still wear on some people.

I am unsure yet how I feel about this, but I do think it is an interesting discussion. Plus, my timing is not irrational. I just sat there thinking "Will I ever find myself hyped up for an open world in Warframe again? I still haven't gotten my hands on Fortuna and the hype is moderate. I wonder then, how well could this hype be preserved for future iterations."

Edited by Tellakey
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4 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

Whether or not some issues have been fixed is irrelevant to the discussion. The question is not "Will future open worlds fix the issues of previous ones.", it is, "Will we get tired of this module, regardless of how well-implemented it is." Fortuna may be the most fair, well optimized, satisfying open world experience, but it could still wear on some people.

I am unsure yet how I feel about this, but I do think it is an interesting discussion. Plus, my timing is not irrational. I just sat there thinking "Will I ever find myself hyped up for an open world in Warframe again? I still haven't gotten my hands on Fortuna and the hype is moderate. I wonder then, how well could this hype be preserved for future iterations."

same can be said to just about every other game modes

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Well, they need to work on the tilesets as well. Ideally we get to a point where each planet's tile set is unique and I think working on these open worlds gives them a chance to redo that planet's tile set at the same time.

Ideally I'd like to see Mars and Mercury also get open worlds, before maybe giving us an open world in the void/tau.

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I don't think Open world is the best route unless they get extremely expensive tech that can handle actual Open world+32 to 100's of players on a single server instance. It just wouldn't work very well. Most of the time it's just a vaste world of nothing which you need to Crouch jump/archwing 10-40 seconds to get to a group of baddies.


I bet you Eris if it ever gets MMO'd its going to be get the Diablo dungeon levels treatment. I think that'd be very interesting to see going through floors of infested Corpus ships, the deeper you go the more difficult and loot you get, maybe even have to solve puzles to unlock special levels that sport rare mod/resource supply rooms. Maybe even find small Myconian sanctuary groups deep inside as rest stops that can teleport you back to the main Myconian sanctum.

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i suspect the next big thing is going to be either the new war, or an infested open world

When they were making PoE, they said they had also started on several other open worlds. I don't think it is the open world alone that is taking so much time, but all the new features they bring with it.

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I bet you Eris if it ever gets MMO'd its going to be get the Diablo dungeon levels treatment

But with more crashing into walls.

The enemy is *crash* down this *crash* hall right *crash* here. How many *crash* times can *crash* you get stuck *crash* in a straight *crash* passageway *gets stuck for real* Sigh... "/unstuck"

Edited by Dubey
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We have Grineer and Corpus themed open worlds now so the obvious next one should be a Infested themed one on Eris with the people from the Glast gambit quest as our allied faction. As long as they don't spend too many resources on it's production and take their time to get it right in terms of story and content then I'm sure everyone will be happy to see another open world map in the future

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Tired of open worlds?no.Even with the minimum interaction that there is atm anything new will be welcomed but tired of all the things that going on for it to release like droughts(lore, mechanics, content)?yeah.

What i would like after Fortuna?Quests and lore for past and present.There are so many things to explore that are left untouched.New star chart at Tau maybe.

Even if they're going to bring another open world i'd like for it to get the classic rpg treatment.Main story quests with progression, side quests and leave the bounties for what they already are, dailies.And npcs oh god i never thought i'd ask for more npcs in a game.Cause as it is so far there is only 1 main quest as introduction and then bounties in a dead world with a sprinkle of boss fights till you die of boredom waiting for the next one.

Hopefully some of the above have been implemented in Fortuna, guess we'll see.

Edited by DeathDweller
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As long as there is a focus on fishing, mining, and whatever non-combat activity DE thinks up, and as long as their open worlds lack immersive gameplay and immersive storytelling, then they'll continue to be hit and miss imo. Do I expect anything better from DE at this point? No. So I don't think it'll be "third time's the charm".

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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An infested locale seems proper, possibly an expansion on the Myconian settlements, which was the most interesting part of that Glast Gambit quest, was honestly hoping to seee more of these people in fact.  Only have a settlement that is also more terrestrial and on a part of the Eris planet that is overrun with infested landscape.

I would also urge DE to look at titles like the Yakuza games(And new Fist of the Northstar game from the same crew.) and how to prioritize even in modest sized open worlds, before starting on more, if they have not already. Being bigger will not be the thing to make an open section and residence more engaging.

Now, although I would like a third location with an infested theme, i am also struggling between also wanting a Jupiter based metro, somewhat inspired by this old vertical slice.



Without the immersion harming


quantum "twists"

of course.

Edited by UrielColtan
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i do wish for a day when all planets with unique themes have their own open world.

thinking about a gas city with skyscrapers on Jupiter, a deserted red wasteland on Mars, or a polluted world with acid rain on Ceres is all the reason i need to support more open worlds.

sure, it slows down development. however, the updates being developed are huge. so huge that their content will keep a majority of the player-base busy for months. plus its not like the DE hasn't given us any content or lore additions since PoE or since Fortuna was announced. chimera, new weapons, cosmetics, QoL changes, and events were still added despite the amount of focus there was on Fortuna. therefore, i dont think open worlds slow down development as much as some would say.

Edited by MysticDragonMage
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It obviously wasn't just the open roam map itself soaking up Dev time this year. It's all the extras within and around fortuna. Ground vehicles, k-boards, melee 3.0, Railjack, tile updates for gas city corpus ships and bases. Moa pet, kit guns, animal hunting. 

DE loves feature creep. Wait wait, one more thing.

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As far as I'm concerned they can add as many landscapes as they like, provided they're filled with the kind of lore, culture, and general attention to detail that Cetus and Fortuna have been. Not that I don't love when they do other things as well, but if Plains and Fortuna have proven anything, it's that DE's got some serious world-building chops.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

Realistically, Mars would be the next obvious choice for open world, I’m just worried that it would look too close to PoE 

I don't know about that, oh, for sure it would be a lot of wide open space(so is Vallis by the look of things) but while the plains were grasslands, Mars is pretty much guaranteed to be a desert, unless they do something stupid like putting the open world at the poles or something.

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2 hours ago, Firetempest said:

It obviously wasn't just the open roam map itself soaking up Dev time this year. It's all the extras within and around fortuna. Ground vehicles, k-boards, melee 3.0, Railjack, tile updates for gas city corpus ships and bases. Moa pet, kit guns, animal hunting. 

DE loves feature creep. Wait wait, one more thing.


Clearly, Free Roam areas are a massive drain of resources, time and effort. Not only are they developing something that a few years back would be considered worthy of being called a whole different game, but they have to also maintain the current base game. And this "drought" was the result of people needing to work on great many things. 

If nothing else, over these past months, I am sure the folks at DE have racked up a massive list of things that the community would want to see get fixed, tweaked or reworked simply from all the "OMG NO CONTENT!" "WF DYING!" and "Screw Fortuna! Gimme raids and fix these X things" threads that kept consistently popping up. DE knows, but just because they know doesn't mean they can work on it right this instant. 

Now, I will say that I think we're good for about two years without a new open world. There are tilesets to rework, game modes to fix and the list goes on. But the possibilities for Open World areas are dauntingly easy to find. Mars, Jupiter, Europa and Saturn. Eris has been called a few times but more on that later. Personally, my interest is on Lua, something about being able to traverse the vast, crumbling wasteland of the Lua superstructure, from one spire to the next, looking for relics and secrets, fighting Grineer and Corpus who have also come to loot the place and the infested that have escaped from some portal that malfunctioned. Every time I stand in an extraction node and see a spire, no more then a click away in the distance, I want to go there. Maybe I'll find a portal that leads to true born Orokin who are not complete a**holes. 

For Eris, I'm actually going to argue that the current tile system works better. In my head I imagine it as the infested ships and stations being constantly changing. Parts get moved around. So the tile based concept works better. Not saying that a Free Roam version wouldn't be viable. Those large capital ships are INSANELY massive in size and scope. But in the end, I imagine the end result would be far too similar to standard Eris missions and any interesting features like an occasional archwing sections could just as easily and maybe more effectively be implemented in the same manner as Uranus and it's Sharkwing segments. If a unique version were to be made I imagine it to be very similar to how Hellgate: London did it. As in there are small hubs (not one big one), between and around those are mission maps made of randomly generated tiles. The randomly generated branch areas could be explained by the mentioned "Infestation rearranging the ship parts" concept and the hubs themselves might not be THAT resource intensive to implement. As they are small, contain limited number of NPCs and are there basically for missions, atmosphere and for extraction. 

Edited by Lakais
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4 hours ago, Tellakey said:

Whether or not some issues have been fixed is irrelevant to the discussion. The question is not "Will future open worlds fix the issues of previous ones.", it is, "Will we get tired of this module, regardless of how well-implemented it is." Fortuna may be the most fair, well optimized, satisfying open world experience, but it could still wear on some people.

I am unsure yet how I feel about this, but I do think it is an interesting discussion. Plus, my timing is not irrational. I just sat there thinking "Will I ever find myself hyped up for an open world in Warframe again? I still haven't gotten my hands on Fortuna and the hype is moderate. I wonder then, how well could this hype be preserved for future iterations."

Well when you put it like that, EVERYTHING gets boring after a while. There is no game ever made that constantly excites you time after time, whenever you fire it up (unless you want to give me any examples to the contrary).

How are DE supposed to meet those sort of expectations...or ANY developer, come to that?


As for Fortuna...we've known about it for a good while now. We have a good idea what to expect and are just waiting for it to drop. We're well past "peak hype", so we shouldn't be feeling like kids waiting for Christmas Day or whatever.

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