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You're all so focused on "content drought," blah blah blah...


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And that's how mediocre content comes about. A company feels pressured, because you little A.D.D. children gotta have a shiny new thing to sink a week into before you find a newer shiny new thing.


I prefer my game companies to do something at their own pace, when they feel inspiration & passion for it.


You want forced content with no real meaning? Not to use the cliche, but go play League of Legends.

I come to Warframe because everything they've done has been done with a true vision. Just look at the story missions we've been getting, at a SLOW pace might I add. But they sure have been fantastic, have they not?


That's what I want.


But if you still wanna pressure for "content content content"... ... ... I can't stop you.

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I mean its not like we dont have a reason to not like content drought. For newcomers / mid-game players there's still stuff to do. For veterans who have every weapon maxed out, every quest completed and every syndicate maxed... Not so much. We have almost nothing to do, and what's left is just generic grind of credits / endo / focus / kuva (usually corelated to opportunistic nature of getting daily login booster).

Content drought causes the game to "fall asleep" because players just move on to play something else only logging in for that daily reward and maybe do a sortie.
Constant stream of content is what keeps warframe alive, that's just a fact. And even developers aknowledge the CD. 
Fortuna is simply a gigantic project that cant be released until its done 100% and it probably slows down any side-content like tenno reinforcements, etc.

So... There's that. That's just how things are.

Edited by Artek94
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6 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Meta complaints are against the Forum guidelines. Also, Steve himself mentioned the content drought. The quality of updates is up to DE, and they aren't going to push something that is not substantial in their eyes.

Awww, but I love meta complaints! Even guilty of some myself 😛

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5 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Nope. Makes the whole thread pretty meaningless doesn't it.

Not really. Or else every thread & reply would be meaningless.


Unless that's what you were getting at.


12 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Meta complaints are against the Forum guidelines. Also, Steve himself mentioned the content drought. The quality of updates is up to DE, and they aren't going to push something that is not substantial in their eyes.


7 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

I mean its not like we dont have a reason to not like content drought. For newcomers / mid-game players there's still stuff to do. For veterans who have every weapon maxed out, every quest completed and every syndicate maxed... Not so much. We have almost nothing to do, and what's left is just generic grind of credits / endo / focus / kuva (usually corelated to opportunistic nature of getting daily login booster).

Content drought causes the game to "fall asleep" because players just move on to play something else only logging in for that daily reward and maybe do a sortie.
Constant stream of content is what keeps warframe alive, that's just a fact. And even developers aknowledge the CD. 
Fortuna is simply a gigantic project that cant be released until its done 100% and it probably slows down any side-content like tenno reinforcements, etc.

So... There's that. That's just how things are.

My thread isn't about whether or not there IS a "drought". I'm not really sure how that's a conclusion multiple people came to.


Obviously, in a vacuum, "new content is good for a game and gives players more things to do and the company should want to do it and flndm,lgnd,snsnsnsnkjgndsfklgsd............."


I'm getting a feeling that my point in the OP whooshed like crazy.

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8 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

Not really. Or else every thread & reply would be meaningless.

No, because threads and replies generally have a purpose. Yes, even content drought threads have meaning.

Making a thread complaining about a community that you cannot hope (and fully acknowledge) to control is meaningless.

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Funnily enough, I always compare DE to an ADD kid because they always push forward, forget about old concepts or never update old systems. But honestly, that's just the model they have and need.

Without grind and an influx of new content their game would begin to atrophy and therefore their livelihoods would be at risk. You can't deny, when there's a new update you feel the urge to check it out and if it requires you to sink a lot of time into it it might translate into income on their part.

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