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Baruuk Feedback/Ideas


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I would like the Option to be a full support frame for the team and have good passives for someone who would forgo full combat. Maybe something that amps up his support abilities if he doesn't do any damage while the others are fighting.

When i play trinity i focus on keeping everyone alive over fighting things. I only need to kill when i have to give everyone energy but i'd like to see something interesting. We have so many killy frames. It's starting to make the tenno look very fight hungry. Like out of there way fight hungry.

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On 2018-11-17 at 1:36 PM, Elyndr said:

ummmm.... no. No weapons would be boring...

In what way? (sry for the huge delay)

On 2018-11-19 at 5:29 PM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

Baruuk [hopes & feedback]

given the artist did not know his it, i really liked some of the designs of what they showed.

with this in mind i have some possible concepts of powers to suggest that based on the art given could be fun

  • an absorbing/reflecting shield would be a interesting to his kit as per devs he mitigates and reflects damage, maybe have him generate a barrier around his body that stacks damage to a counter for later use (this stored damage could be redirected via his other powers to spread damage reduction or unleash his own powerful attack that the damage magnifies)
  • pacifism : this is tricky as we already have a few frames that put enemies to sleep, so possibly just make it so they wont fight, this could be done on say a lunging strike were he hits them and makes them calm and applies a mark over head as shown in art (see spoiler) this could stack toward his debufs on how many enemies have the mark
  • hes supposed to be like john wick , when pushed into a corner he will "slaughter everything" given that weve seen him as an unarmed warframe i think having a 4 similar to blade storm  in that he moves between enemies kicking and punching like a kungfu master taking them down and maybe using stored damage as a buf to his hits. only issue is i dont want think it should be a 4 and strike lll enemies power, maybe working with a marking system like ash on this could benefit it greatly or maybe just give him a kungfu [bare hand] mode ultimate attack 

overall even if none of these suggestions are incorporated or useful, i feel keeping at least two offensive abilities and 2 other defensive/supportive powers that promoted harmony/synergy within the kit is most desired 

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This sounds great but Mako, what do you think of him being true to his "Pacifism" and not having him be able to weld weapons? (so always using his powers)

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On 2018-11-19 at 7:12 PM, Lancars said:

I would like the Option to be a full support frame for the team and have good passives for someone who would forgo full combat. Maybe something that amps up his support abilities if he doesn't do any damage while the others are fighting.

When i play trinity i focus on keeping everyone alive over fighting things. I only need to kill when i have to give everyone energy but i'd like to see something interesting. We have so many killy frames. It's starting to make the tenno look very fight hungry. Like out of there way fight hungry.

Same, why I made the idea that he has no weapons or combat stuff, a frame that runs around like a Templar like in XCOM 2 (Without the pistol ofc)

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1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

In what way? (sry for the huge delay)

This sounds great but Mako, what do you think of him being true to his "Pacifism" and not having him be able to weld weapons? (so always using his powers)

it might be fun, but then id think of it as something like garuda if no melee he gets that bonus effect?

it also looks like he has a custom sword in some of the arts , maybe an exalted weapon?

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On 2018-12-01 at 9:33 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:

Same, why I made the idea that he has no weapons or combat stuff, a frame that runs around like a Templar like in XCOM 2 (Without the pistol ofc)

I also should add to that the whole no damage thing if it was some kinda buff would probably reset a lot due to when you jump around you do a little bit of damage if you bullet jump off an enemy for some reason.

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You know, there's that old Latin saying that speaks "If you want peace, prepare for war".

The new frame could have a pacifism theme, but the question is, how is he going to "create and maintain" the peace.

Sure, there could be taking hits and not hitting back. Or he could kill everyone. A world with no people is a peaceful one indeed.

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I don't like his 4th ability, the rest seems cool...Never been a fan of melee fist weapons, let alone exalted fist's in the first place so to me it's already an ultimate that's a no no....beside it's just a copy cat of Atlas's 1st for the most part...( and yeah i don't like Atlas 1st either no matter how powerful it can be )

On a side note, to me the skin is utterly ugly i really don't like the look of Baruuk

I'm more excited for Nyx rework to be honest , 'nuff said

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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After looking at his abilities in Devstream 120 Overview, There are stuff i wonder why it's in his Kit. Like why disarm the enemy when i can put it to sleep? Why i have Damage Reduction with his 3 when the Edge Meters gives him DR. I know his 4 use his Edge Meter but the DR from his three flies out like with Nova's Null Star so he can lose DR while using his 4th. But besides that, his abilities do look good.

Edited by GPrime96
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Sleep looks awesome, Elude looks perfect and I'm drooling over exalted melee.

Only skill that doesn't get me excited is the Disarm - not sure about the visuals with the orbiting symbols and the sound effect with them firing off. Maybe this skill could be looked at. Never been a fan of these orbiting things like Null Star, Splinter Storm, etc. Not sure what alternative there could be, but this skill seems superfluous.

I'm questioning between Elude and Sedative, what's the need for disarm and damage reduction apart from protecting from attacks from the rear/sides (given they said Elude is only in a cone in front).

Anyway 3/4 amazing looking skills is fine. 🙂

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On 2018-11-17 at 8:33 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:

Passive: Pacifism: Baruuk stays true to his pacifism, forfeiting his weapons for his powers.

Umm pls no. I reach this part of your post then immediately just smh in "WTF". Why would you remove one of the main game mechanics in warframe? I just can't.

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1 hour ago, GPrime96 said:

After looking at his abilities in Devstream 120 Overview, There are stuff i wonder why it's in his Kit. Like why disarm the enemy when i can put it to sleep? Why i have Damage Reduction with his 3 when the Edge Meters gives him DR. I know his 4 use his Edge Meter but the DR from his three flies out like with Nova's Null Star so he can lose DR while using his 4th. But besides that, his abilities do look good.

The disarm is instant and continues to limit the damage output of enemies even after they wake up. Some heavy units like Bombards aren't going to be killed by one sleep and finisher. The disarm can also be prepared in advance for both you and your allies to give everybody in the server a last line of defense against enemies who get too close. Sedation needs you to be smack dab in the middle of the action to hit everybody. 

Also, we don't know the final values for either the damage resist from his passive or the damage resist from Subdue. Most likely, they will both be low to moderate when at max strength, meaning you will want to stack them to get the maximum amount of survivability. Having damage resist on-demand is also useful for when you are low on Edge. You can get a damage resist now, and the Subdue darts will fly out, disarm enemies, and stack Edge to replace that damage resist you're losing. 

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12 hours ago, ShadowExodus said:

Umm pls no. I reach this part of your post then immediately just smh in "WTF". Why would you remove one of the main game mechanics in warframe? I just can't.

I see your point, but I don't mean he legit can't use weapons at all as he runs around with a scanner ofc not, just some sort of weapon that doesn't "Kill" or works like Guauruda's passive, no weapons, you get his exalted firsts.


I'm not crazy XD

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Barukk looks  really  cool. I'm glad  they stopped cutting exalted weapons out of warframe kits like they did with garuda and korah. I think all of his abilities are cool and interesting, but I think they could use a little tweaking. I would change the following:

-Switch his 1(Elude) with his 3(subdue).

-Make Elude 360 degrees rather than a cone. As we have seen with Garuda and volt, one direction defense is not very good in this game and Visually makes sense that it would work in 360 IMO.

-Make subdue more useful. Base on the clip we were shown, subdue works just like Nova 1 in how it targets(which is bad). A good change would be to proc subdue on dmg/enemy targeting(so when and enemy shoots or hits baruuk and they are instantly targeted by subdue and disarmed) and allow baruuk to activate again to fire the daggers manual and disarm enemies pre-preemptively.

Great kit design, but these 2 abilities looked a little underwhelming power wise.

Edited by Betsill
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4 minutes ago, ConsumerJTC said:

Wouldn't a 360 Elude just be a Mesmer Skin? 

And with the way that it drains I think you just want another Defy-like ability akin to the one from Wukong, which is utterly boring.

Making it in a cone rather than 360 doesn't make it more interesting, just less useful.

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42 минуты назад, Betsill сказал:

Making it in a cone rather than 360 doesn't make it more interesting, just less useful.

Well, it does forces you to actually look at the enemy in order for the ability to work, so there's that. A little bit of imput from the player.

I think it should be like 180 degress maximum, just in case.

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7 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

Well, it does forces you to actually look at the enemy in order for the ability to work, so there's that. A little bit of imput from the player.

I think it should be like 180 degress maximum, just in case.

In theory yeah, but in this game turning to face one enemy means putting your back to others unless you are farming hallways. play Garuda or volt with only one shield and you will see what I mean. If this game had less, more powerful and engaging enemies that didn't constantly spawn  from all directions, then a directional defense ability would be more practical.

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When I first heard of baruuk I thought "hey! this is an interesting take on a warframe. A non aggresive warframe. Nice!". I imagined he'd be like if you'd play Skyrim as a pacifist using pacify spells & stealth to finish quests.

But then I saw the preview. He is no pacifist. 😞 He sounds like the more common "warframe aggressor shoot first and then forget to ask questions later." type.

So this gave me an idea. Why not take the pacifism idea further? Well maybe not full on pacifist, but something close to it. I propose a type of "retaliation" system. Baruuk 'only' attacks those who have attacked him, (which would have indicators above them showing if they have attacked or not) which probably sounds more Monk-ish than just attacking everything preemptively. So for the so called "edge meter", baruuk should get his edge meter filled only if he attacks enemies that have attacked him first. Attacking enemies that haven't attacked him would then either not give him edge. I propose as well that the higher the edge meter is filled, the lower baruuk's target priority is, as well any first shots taken by a target that hasn't attacked him yet has a high % damage reduction. 

This way, players are incentivised to play tactically and pick their targets, and the longer they could maintain that the better the bonuses.

But please DE, definitely try to make the passive frame actually kinda passive. Thanks.

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20 hours ago, Artek94 said:

Well, it does forces you to actually look at the enemy in order for the ability to work, so there's that. A little bit of imput from the player.

Garuda’s Shield makes you do a similar thing to make it absorb damage to the Blood Orb and there were issues with it like being Vulernable if not careful. The difference is Baruuk avoids damage to reduce damage so i think that’s why DE made it like a one sided turbulence.

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