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Operators? Really?


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I've been playing warframe more than 2 years. I started play because warframes look cool and strong. After months i returned game and now our warframes are pokemons of kids?  Returned with my friend 2 weeks ago and purchased 8k platin in 2 week. Now i see it was waste because we don't want play teenage game. I hoped game doesn't force us to play as kid but seems like it does. You can't even kill eilodon without it. Good game dead now for me after " I lost my warframe".. Good luck everyone.

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The game's direction is the vision Digital Extremes possesses. If you think the entire game has become all about teenagers, then you are missing a plethora of things that are the opposite of your mindset.

Goodbye! I hope you find something fun to play.

Edited by Voltage
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Operators are an entirely different type of power fantasy than regular warframes. Rather than being given something already powerful and lording it over your hapless foes, you're given something incredibly weak and need to invest to bring it up to par. Its vary hit or miss, but generally they aren't needed except for some story crap.

Edited by Zavenosk
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Kinda sad that operators are enough to make you stop playing the game after paying a ton of money. It shouldn't need to be said, but you SHOULD have maybe researched what in the game had changed before spending money on it. Especially since operators were added over two years ago, so 'months' is a bit of an under statement.

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The game hasn't really changed after the introduction of Operators, perhaps it was just your viewpoint. They're not here to overshadow or complicate things, rather to offer supplemental abilities to the already powerful and still fully implemented Warframes.

If you feel like you have to go because you're feeling forced to play with your Operator, and I'll admit there are times it does feel that way, then more power to you. But just leave with the knowledge that if you can't change / adapt to a F2P ever-evolving sci-fi shooter in space, as it evolves and adapts, you're better off spending your time somewhere else.

It's completely okay to dislike Operators, but I feel like discounting this amazing game just because you feel like teenage angst is being pushed upon you is a bit much. Operators are completely optional in normal gameplay and sometimes required in quests. I personally love them as characters and I want nothing but to see them grow. Mainly because I've stuck with DE through much larger changes to the game (some not so good), and I've just enjoyed the ride.

As I said before. It's your right to dislike Operators, and even to outright hate them just because it turns out that you're not an awesome suit of cybernetic space armor that can completely destroy shiploads of enemies in the blink of an eye.

But again...
I just think it's shortsighted to throw the game away because of a relatively small change of view.
Nothing saying you can't always view yourself as the badass space mercenary rather than the frail, atrophied space kid piloting from afar. But alas.

Your choice.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Deadwood_Lane said:

Wait what? I thought operators was with the game since start?

Not since the start in early 2013, they were added December 2015 with U18: The Second Dream.
So it's been 3 years they've been around.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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45 minutes ago, Kenzul said:

I've been playing warframe more than 2 years. I started play because warframes look cool and strong. After months i returned game and now our warframes are pokemons of kids?  Returned with my friend 2 weeks ago and purchased 8k platin in 2 week. Now i see it was waste because we don't want play teenage game. I hoped game doesn't force us to play as kid but seems like it does. You can't even kill eilodon without it. Good game dead now for me after " I lost my warframe".. Good luck everyone.

Wow... you really don't get the point at all, do you?   Aside from some moments in the cinematic quests (maybe 5-6 hours of gameplay, total), you aren't forced to use the Operator at all.   (Yes, for Eidolons, at least one Operator is needed - group up and do heals/dmg instead if you don't want to go into that mode...)    If, despite that, the idea of them makes so much of a difference in your perception of the game, then perhaps you need to find a much simpler game which doesn't have any story or progression at all.

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