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Nyx rework 1.5 (More to Psychic themed)


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It’s still gonna be an ‘oh sh*t’ ability nonetheless, it’s very hard to actually use it like it’s intended. It’s kinda disappointing they only came up with what they did for it but I don’t think they could’ve done anything to improve it, it’s a good concept but rarely if ever works, more to boost her theme than anything else 

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Nyx is already great. That has never changed. 

The proposed changes that DE has been floating past us look good. We won't know more until we actually have them to play around with. 

Keep in mind they're improvements to Nyx as she is now. They won't fundamentally change how she does business. Nevertheless, they look good and I'm looking forward to seeing how they pan out. The one thing that probably will change is modding strategies. I don't think we'll simply be modding Nyx for max range and calling it good anymore. 

As for Absorb itself, we still don't know exactly how they're going to change it. The damage type reflection is cool and all, but if DE reverts Absorb to how it functioned back around U11, then it's going to kill--and kill a lot. If not, then not so much and you'll still be using like you do presently. I doubt DE will let teammates charge up Absorb like they used to, but if it works like, say, Nova's Antimatter Absorb, then that would be enough for Nyx to use Absorb far more aggressively than she does now. 



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If all they did was make it "rainbow" damage than no, it won't be enough. It also needs... 

  • The damage falloff to be removed. 
  • A multiplier on the enemy damage taken in (like most other damage absorption abilities, most recently Dread Mirror). 
  • The extra energy drain per damage taken to be removed (in the age of Equinox, why is this a thing?). 
  • Probably an increase to the base range. 
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On 2018-12-08 at 4:53 AM, ArcKnight9202 said:

They could make it to where enemies hesitate upon engaging Nyx.

This is an interesting concept. Mechanically, it could be useful for her passive to provide a chance for targets to hesitate when engaging with her causing them to accidentally friendly fire on another target within a conal view (or melee range of her and the enemy for something like a Butcher).

It provide the same benefit of the accuracy debuff with a little extra benefit. 

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

What would be really cool was if you team could shoot at you to amp the damage even further

It only takes two Tigris Prime Shots to drop her energy to 0. The way she loses energy after a certain amount of damage absorb would have to be looked at if DE thought about having this as a feature.

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2 hours ago, Eisdschungel said:

Wait, used to be? Dang, we had some fun Clan survivals where we only used a pumped up nyx absorb as damage source

There was a brief moment in time when DE...changed...Absorb to prevent the use of self-damage pumped Absorb nukes. It didn't end well (at all) and was reverted. 


3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

With all the close to immortal/invincible frames out there I'm surprised Nyx's absorb will still have movement restrictions.

I know, right? The amount of 90%+ DR flying around these days is considerable--all with full mobility. 


4 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

 I just want her to be useful again.

She's useful now. Don't believe everything you see on the internet. New doesn't mean better. Old doesn't mean useless. 

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Should have it that Frame powers add energy to her pool such as Exalted Blade as well as the damage.

Should have it that fire from team members and those under her influence do not drain energy but add to her damage.

Should be that her minions have different things they do depending on how close they are to her. Any that are close to her will protect her. Any towards the edge of her power will fight each other or those not under her influence. 

Should be that her passive makes the enemies miss her much more depending on the light she is standing in. Darkness makes them swing with their melee towards the closest person not Nyx. Light makes them shoot at the closest person not Nyx. 

Should......but may not....

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2 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

There was a brief moment in time when DE...changed...Absorb to prevent the use of self-damage pumped Absorb nukes. It didn't end well (at all) and was reverted. 


I know, right? The amount of 90%+ DR flying around these days is considerable--all with full mobility. 


She's useful now. Don't believe everything you see on the internet. New doesn't mean better. Old doesn't mean useless. 

Nyx was once my 2nd most played frame.

Such a smooth gameplay experience.


The game has evolved beyond the effectiveness of her kit.

For starters...

Assimilate needs to be part of her standard absorb and the new Version of Assimilate needs to further increase her movement speed.

More kit Synergy is needed.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Assimilate needs to be part of her standard absorb and the new Version of Assimilate needs to further increase her movement speed.

More kit Synergy is needed.

This I would like to see. There's no reason for her to be hobbled as she is when more than a few warframes have 90%+ DR and full mobility.

Synergy is OK, but it's not necessary for each warframe to be a one man polka band. Rigid progressions of power application isn't always desirable and certainly isn't necessary. We have some warframes like that; we don't need all of them being like that. I'd prefer that Nyx not be like that. 

Again, what DE has come up with for Nyx looks positive. It will change her build strategies. I'd like to see how it shakes out before coming over all overwrought.

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1 hour ago, Sloan441 said:

This I would like to see. There's no reason for her to be hobbled as she is when more than a few warframes have 90%+ DR and full mobility.

Synergy is OK, but it's not necessary for each warframe to be a one man polka band. Rigid progressions of power application isn't always desirable and certainly isn't necessary. We have some warframes like that; we don't need all of them being like that. I'd prefer that Nyx not be like that. 

Again, what DE has come up with for Nyx looks positive. It will change her build strategies. I'd like to see how it shakes out before coming over all overwrought.

Give Nyx a speed boost with each of her enthralled adding a percentage. Going from floating in one spot to walking is a big thing and it should be tied to how many she has in her power. 

Look at Ivara....she had her mobility cut to give her total invisible to scanners. Nyx should get the increase more for her as she went from no move to some. 

Also make the 1 targets head explode when done and it does fear (drop weapons, run away, go into catatonic shock, etc) on those enemies in range...plus blast damage.

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from all i recall of the dev stream is damage type goes in damage type goes out Ex: blast fire and toxic go in blast fire toxic go out

 i dont think they explained any math changes unless you talking about the absolute unit butcher rebecca made on the devstream 

did i miss something? because that sounds pretty great and with assimilate for moblity sounds like a over all buff from the magnetic damage (i think) it does now

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8 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

  I just want her to be useful again.

She has always been useful, Just because people who only play whats "meta" don't use any particular frame or weapon doesn't mean the rest of the selection is not useful. Only time in recent memory that i have felt less than useful when using my Nyx has been in a Arbitration where a Boosted Octavia was buffing a Boosted Frost and Ember and for 40mins i don't think the Muppet we were defending even got a scratch on it.

The changes liseted will just make what she does better (and thankfully the passive is changing as well since having that star big hitter Under Mind control just lose their gun was stupid beyond words)

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Ehhh... It'll be better, but I still feel like absorb will be a pretty useless ability as far as hurting people goes, and will still mostly be a panic invincibility. The 1 and 2 changes sound fantastic, though, and I think people have always underestimated just how stupid Chaos is as an ability as long as you're not actually trying to kill things. I've sat there near AFK on things like mobile defense plenty of times because chaosed enemies will rarely even TRY to attack the target, or you if you're not firing noisy guns at them.

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13 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

I know, right? The amount of 90%+ DR flying around these days is considerable--all with full mobility. 

They could easily make her absorb work similar to hysteria or WoF, with an increasing cost to a max cap, or similar to Danse, with a low cost that gives you the option to channel it to absorb more effectivley for twice the cost. All versions should have full mobility. Her augment could be turned into something that works similar to the damage of Danse, where she converts the damage intake to an appropriate damage source vs the mob she hits when she unleashes in. Or if they dont want that, turn her augment into a full movement skill morph that removes the "bubble" of the absorb skill, making it so only direct hits on Nyx absorbs damage. That would turn it into a personal defensive skill.

With the changes planned I dont think I will play her much more than I do now, which is pretty much never.

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11 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

This I would like to see. There's no reason for her to be hobbled as she is when more than a few warframes have 90%+ DR and full mobility.

Synergy is OK, but it's not necessary for each warframe to be a one man polka band. Rigid progressions of power application isn't always desirable and certainly isn't necessary. We have some warframes like that; we don't need all of them being like that. I'd prefer that Nyx not be like that. 

Again, what DE has come up with for Nyx looks positive. It will change her build strategies. I'd like to see how it shakes out before coming over all overwrought.

I’m not Overwrought.  But Nyx needs to be relevant to the current build.

And she’s currently WAY down the list as opposed to Excaliber (EVERYTHING) with his Super-SWOOSH Archwing Ultimate Redo from forever ago.

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I probebly have to redo my build alot atm sitting with 40% str so both absorb and mind control will be useles for damage.

But I learned something the othere day that might work if the damage is good in the rework. You can do a bomb jump by absorbing damage then use "tenno" to jump into a group of enemies and switch back to drop absorb on them. As it don't break absorb when you do the switch so its the fastest way to travel with absorb on and gather damage.

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1 hour ago, Emolition said:

I probebly have to redo my build alot atm sitting with 40% str so both absorb and mind control will be useles for damage.


Maybe. Maybe not.

Back when everyone could charge up Nyx' Absorb, she could easily kill vast numbers of very tough enemies without too much trouble--you simply had to stay in Absorb longer to offset the 40% power strength. The base damage was low because of OE, but since you were absorbing and reflecting damage it ultimately didn't matter. We do have the new MC mechanics to take into consideration, but we'll see when the powers actually go live. 

2 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

And she’s currently WAY down the list as opposed to Excaliber (EVERYTHING) with his...whatever.

Says who? Some random YouTuber? I don't accept the premise since I see different every day I play her. However, I would like to see what she can do now improved. Who wouldn't? But not at the price of making her a clone of some other warframe and certainly not because some talking head no one has every heard of says so. 

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I will wait to see, but Absorb is the ability that most worries me. Between what feels like a low base range and the tendency for enemies to ignore you anyway (due to allies and even your own powers) Absorb tends to takes only a small amount of damage and then be left with no one in range to use it on. It could be remedied a number of ways, but personal favorite would be some combination of slightly more range, and a guarantee to hit any enemy that contributed damage to Absorb, regardless of their position.

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