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Riven Changes Part 2


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Hail Tenno!

It’s been awhile since we revisited Riven dispositions along with the Fortuna update:

Some questions were left unanswered since the holiday break, so I’m back to fill you in on our current plans!

First things first: as stated previously, we will be revisiting Riven balance periodically. Riven Disposition changes will be implemented every 3 months, along with Prime Access. This allows for tweaks that are relatively “in sync” across platforms. These changes will follow the same protocols as before: 

-No changing dispositions by more than one “pip” at a time
-Only changes of a high enough magnitude are implemented (if numbers are “close enough” to desired power level, we will leave them be)
-Inbox message from Cephalon Samodeus warning players who own Rivens that changes have occurred
-Melee Rivens are still excluded for the time being; expect changes once Melee 3.0 is complete!

We are also making one slight change based on feedback from our last Workshop: past Disposition changes have been primarily based on weapon usage stats, where more popular weapons received lower Dispositions, and vice versa. These numbers were adjusted by hand where we deemed appropriate, but players have suggested we should take it one step further - going forward, we have compiled our own internal ranking of weapon power levels, which will be referenced in addition to usage stats to reach our final numbers. As further tweaks bring us closer to “ideal” Disposition numbers, changes should become less drastic, reinforced by our internal rankings providing a solid baseline.

Next up, Archgun Rivens! These will be made available for purchase through the Arbitrations offering store for Vitus Essence in a future update. These Rivens will not be available in the base pool of Sortie rewards, existing as an entirely separate and optional pursuit. The time has come to show those Orb Mothers the true potential of Tenno firepower (for those so inclined!)

Finally, a quick note on Companion Weapons Rivens, since these Rivens were taken out of their general circulation pools with the Fortuna update. We have plans to make these available through other means - expect further detailing of plans in a future Dev Workshop.

Thanks for reading Tenno!

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Sweet! Anything on whether Artax is coming back as a Riven from the Sentinel Weapon pool? The disposition changes are welcome, but since the "Kuva buddy" fix, there is no reliable way to farm enough Kuva to do a good amount of rolls in a given time. Kuva scaling in the Fortress would be a nice addition.

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Will there be a change with how Riven share disposition among variations? Between Vanila and Prime there can be huge differences between their stats. Vanila can be the weakest while the prime can be one of the strongest yet they can share same disposition which can lead the Prime being very OP 

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We are also making one slight change based on feedback from our last Workshop: past Disposition changes have been primarily based on weapon usage stats, where more popular weapons received lower Dispositions, and vice versa. These numbers were adjusted by hand where we deemed appropriate, but players have suggested we should take it one step further - going forward, we have compiled our own internal ranking of weapon power levels, which will be referenced in addition to usage stats to reach our final numbers. As further tweaks bring us closer to “ideal” Disposition numbers, changes should become less drastic, reinforced by our internal rankings providing a solid baseline.

Just tie them to the weapon mastery rank already, aka internal ranking of power level, or were the primary and secondary changes of last year purely random?

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30 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

-Inbox message from Cephalon Samodeus warning players who own Rivens that changes have occurred

Idea: When you receive said message, it lists weapons that had dispositions changed. Either all that had it changed or only disposition for rivens you own (I guess it'd be more work for that)

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Last time, a small touch in dispo on my vectis riven made me lose - 1 bullet from magazine. This made me lose 40% bonus damage or use a slot for depleted reload. Your fixes are half arsed sometimes as you didn't even realize you nerfed all snipers in the game that behaved as snipers. Your record should show I stopped using vectis 100% after it broke. Fix dispo or fix the magazine size instead of implementing a patch mod that uses up an extra slot

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33 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Finally, a quick note on Companion Weapons Rivens, since these Rivens were taken out of their general circulation pools with the Fortuna update. We have plans to make these available through other means - expect further detailing of plans in a future Dev Workshop.

Rip Artax riven sellers

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Looks good! My personal design approach is to start with a base formula for the lowest tier of standard weapon, then build up incrementally with the intent that new weapons are sidegrades with slight upgrades, but the weaker weapons have a larger threshold for upgrade modification be brought in line with end-game weapons. It sounds like something similar is going on here, and I love it. 🙂

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4 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

You just HAVE TO NERF everything in this game don't you DE?

Changes =/= nerfs. If you looked at the thread Connor posted, you would notice the Hek, and many other weapons got disposition buffs. Disposition changes normalize the system. Outliers on either side are not interesting.

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1 minute ago, Voltage said:

Changes =/= nerfs. If you looked at the thread Connor posted, you would notice the Hek, and many other weapons got disposition buffs. Disposition changes normalize the system. Outliers on either side are not interesting.

Yes i saw that... one gets buff, other gets nerf... brilliant idea... I already see rage on trading chat 😄

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I would like to see the riven cap increase by mastery rank as well.

At Mr 25 I have way more weapons that I USE on a regular basis (and have worked on with forma etc) than I would at MR 10. I'm now also over my limit, since I received a further 3 rivens from a login reward and I'm left with having to get rid of rivens I want to make room for rivens I've not yet completed the challenges of, or that I'm trying to sell.

With more specificity of rivens being added, 90 is no longer enough. There's absolutely no wiggle room at the moment, unless DE's plan is to force us to use only a couple of the weapons we spent the time on to make strong?

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